Chapter 3248: Extreme Yin Graveyard

After the arrival of Leng Aoyue, Shi Feng and his team naturally increased their strength.

Next, in this place of poisonous light, they encountered a towering poisonous column, which contained extremely venomous poison.

That poison, even Shi Feng felt, was extremely palpitated.

In the face of this poisonous, Leng Aoyue sacrificed his heavenly deities, but under the extraordinary power of the heavenly deities and the cold and proud moons, they safely escaped the pillars of poison.

Soon after, they encountered another Thunderbird Poisonous Beast, with a huge body. The wings fluttered, not only the poisonous mist rolling, but also the thunderous roar.

Therefore, Leng Aoyue broke out with the Thunderbird Poisonous Beast.

The rank of this beast first entered the peak.

Leng Aoyue showed great power. With his strength, he didn't spend much time and power, so he resolved this mine.

All the while, Shi Feng secretly rejoiced that she had not encountered the big toad in this poisonous place.

If the big toad reappears, I am afraid that there is Leng Aoyue, and if he joins forces with him, he may not be able to solve it.

"If it were to take back my source of darkness, Ziyi's purification floating slaughter and the magic lamp of Solo would be just fine." Shi Feng murmured secretly.

However, in today's circumstances, it is not suitable to step back.

And the monster tree that exists in the sky is also beyond the peak level, and there is really a cold and proud moon, and Shi Feng is not sure if he can get back the three extraordinary treasures.

Shi Feng asked Leng Aoyue not long ago, and when he came here, he had not encountered anything extraordinary beyond the peak of the summit.

Leng Aoyue nodded to him very seriously, he really met, and met two.

Hearing that he was extremely fortunate both times to save the day.

He's very likely to lose his life.

Into this terrible place, go all the way, the road ahead, at any time with the adventurous danger coming.

At that time, they will withdraw from this terrible land, and I am afraid they will have to work hard again.


"There is an anomaly in the area ahead! We should be out of this place of poisonous light."

At this moment, Shi Feng, who felt in all directions, suddenly spoke and told them.

Soon after, all of them saw that they looked at the extremely low peaks and fell into their eyes.

The mountains are dense and dense, as if there are thousands of seats, and each mountain looks extremely low. It is weird looking at the size of a child.

"That area is extremely gloomy, but it is a very dark place." At this time, Leng Aoyue also felt something, and said.

As he said these words, the five figures flying forward flew together.

They all stopped at the edge of the green light poisonous ground.

"Well, this place is extraordinary. These strange mountains are even more weird. We better not touch them, so as not to fall into a dangerous situation." Shi Feng also said.

At this time, the three guardian fate Xiao Xiao seemed to find something, and said,

"These look like mountains, but they are so raised that they look a lot like the cemetery."

"In any case, we must be careful. Especially Tianyi and Yunyi, if anything is sensed, immediately send a voice as a teacher."

Shi Feng said again.

"Master, we understand!" Xiao Tian also nodded.

"Understand, master." Yun Yimeng also responded.

Not long ago, Shi Feng proposed to let them enter Xumi Mountain.

For the two of them, being outside is too fragile.

However, they were rejected by the two.

Yun Yimeng said that martial arts has never taught him how to withdraw.

He was even more blunt. Now that he really desires strength, such a fierce land is rare.

And Xiao Tianyi said that in this fierce land, the power of the soul constantly sensed the sense of transcendence.

He said that if he continued this way, his soul power would be able to step into the realm of God.

Although the power of Shi Feng's soul swept through this extremely fierce land and did not sense any abnormality, he just left the two of them here.

They have chosen the way forward, and Shi Feng will only give them advice and will not decide for them.

"Well, let's get in! I'm at the front and you follow me behind."

Leng Aoyue said again.

When they heard him, everyone nodded.

The next moment, Leng Aoyue was a figure, drifting away from the land of poisonous light, into the gloomy, weird world.

"Go!" Then Shi Feng drank in a deep voice, and he entered into it for the second time.

Following this, Xiao Tianyi and Yun Yimeng also followed the master and drifted in behind him.

Once inside, the power of Shi Feng's soul felt again towards the small hillside.

Then he looked up and said to the people:

"There are souls hidden in this hill, and here may be a cemetery!

A strange graveyard!

However, these souls seem to fall into a deep sleep. We move less and don't make sounds, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. "




Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, everyone responded to him.

Shi Feng's eyes glanced in all directions, he said secretly in his heart:

"This place is an extremely overcast place with many ghosts, and will the ghost and sunflower seeds grow here?"

"Master, since this place is an area of ​​ghosts, we must be extremely careful. The legendary sky ghost is said to be extremely scary and may be here."

Leng Aoyue conveyed Shi Feng with solemn tone.

A terrible place, there are many rumored aloof creatures, but the most terrifying one is the ghost that day.

Leng Aoyue once heard that, in countless years ago, some extraordinary powerful people encountered the sky ghost in this extremely fierce place. In the extremely fierce situation, they fortunately survived.

Someone asked him what the sky ghost looked like and how it existed.

He told indescribable that it was the most powerful and terrifying being he had ever seen in the world.

People say that since he came out of the fierce land, he started to get a shock, a little bit of wind and grass, and then he stretched out.

In this way, this extraordinary powerful man who reached the peak and created the extreme conditions could have lived endless years.

But he died suddenly after three months.

"Ghost!" Shi Feng murmured these words again.

His face immediately became abnormally dignified.

"woo woo woo woo!"

Suddenly, the Shi Feng people flying in this extremely gloomy land heard a strange sound echoing.

As if someone was crying.

"It's the cry of a ghost!" Yuan Xiao immediately spoke to them again.

"It's okay." But Shi Feng said to them:

"These ghost sounds are slight and soft, just ordinary screams.

They should not have discovered us yet. "

"Oh, that's good." Yuan Xiao nodded.

The Jiuyou ancestor said these things, and even the Heavenly Falcon Lord acquiesced in his statement, and Yuan Xiao naturally chose to believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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