Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3249: Ghost Land!

Chapter 3249 Heaven and Ghost Land!

Shi Feng, after all, is the master of billions of ghosts, and he knows the emotions of ghosts very well.

Along the way, they and their group flew carefully, flying silently while moving forward.

On the way, Shi Feng took out the ancient mirror that Xiao Tianyi gave him to see if he could hide his body in this area.

However, it is very strange that since the last use of this ancient mirror helped him to rush into the mountain forest from under the eyelids of the four forces, it can no longer be used.

"I'm afraid this baby is broken." Shi Feng shook his head secretly and said.

They will also put away the ancient mirror.

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"


The sound of ghosts echoing in this extremely overcast place.

As they went deeper and deeper, the heaviness of the heavens and earth became more and more disturbing.

Even Shi Feng was panicking.

This is definitely an ominous land.

"Ghost Yin sunflower seeds!"

"Ghost Yin sunflower seeds! Where is it!"

Shi Feng said in his mouth, the power of the soul was still sweeping wildly.

As a result, this area is still in addition to these small soil slopes, and other things are sensed.

The cold breath has become extremely heavy.

"So extremely overcast to the ground, it is very likely that it will be extremely overcast.

Ghost Yin sunflower seeds may be here. "

At this time, the three guardian Fa Yuan Xiao said to the people.

The people nodded silently.

"Cold! Pride! Month!"

However, at this moment, they suddenly heard an extremely cold sound, which immediately sounded behind them.

At the same time, Shi Feng immediately sensed that a powerful force surged towards them.

They turned around and saw the distant mid-air, with seven extraordinary figures standing proudly.


"Xumishan Xusun!"

"Yuanluo Holy Land, Wuji!"

Leng Aoyue looked at the three people in front and spit out coldly.

"Oops!" At this point, Shi Feng shouted.

Unexpectedly, the people of these three forces gathered together again.

Most importantly, they attacked them in this dangerous and ominous land.

Mount Xumi was immediately sacrificed by Shi Feng.

Dingtianding was also sacrifice by Leng Aoyue.

The Tianxiao God Fan in the hands of Yuan Xiao also raised a powerful force.

Later, Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue and Yuan Xiao met together.

The two forces were bombarded together in an instant.

This gloomy land immediately became extremely chaotic, the space was boiling, and the sky was shaking.




Immediately, just listening to the extremely fierce and screaming cries, sounded from all directions.

Previously, they were careful not to alarm these ghosts.

At this moment, don't want to be alarmed.

And the martial arts soldiers of the three major forces, after launching this wave of attacks on them, their bodies continued to retreat.

The Emperor Xuanxuan of the Emperor Xuanxuan urged his Emperor Xuanxian Cup, and in an instant, he saw the seven people in the distance flashing and disappearing.

"These guys are really cheap!" At this moment, Yuan Xiao sneered coldly.

At this moment, fierce souls had appeared in all directions, and all their retreats were blocked instantly.

Then, madly rushing towards them.

These fierce souls are in the shape of fierce beasts, each of them has its teeth and claws fierce, exuding a terrible and fierce atmosphere.

The rank of each fierce soul is above the **** king.

Among them, there are two gods, two kings, three kings ...

"Damn!" Leng Aoyue said coldly, looking at the dense soul that came over.

At this moment, they really couldn't wait to grab those seven things, then peel their skins and cramps, and then extract their souls and torture them severely.

Now, since these fierce souls have been alarmed, "Dang!" A roaring sound rang out in Leng Aoyue's heavenly wasteland.

A horrible force echoed in all directions.






There were screams of screams, this time utterly screaming.

The next moment, I saw that the large space where the Shi Feng people were located had become empty.

Those vicious souls who came near were shocked into nothingness under the cold and arrogant moon.

Seeing Xiao Tian also had a pain in his body.

If these fierce souls are swallowed up by themselves, the power of the soul can really impact the divine realm.

However, these three brothers are too direct and rude.

"Rush!" At this moment, Leng Aoyue drank again.

His body rushed forward, at this moment, Shi Feng immediately opened his mouth and said to him:

"Aoyue, take control of your power and don't shake these evil spirits directly.

I and your five brothers and sisters still need the power of these souls. "

"The child understands." Leng Aoyue replied.

Shi Feng, Xiao Tianyi, Yun Yimeng, Yuan Xiao followed closely behind Leng Aoyue.

Soon, they were crowded with vicious souls in all directions.

"Dang!" Another blast.

Leng Aoyue continued to open his way to the sky.

In the wild, a fierce soul was seen breaking up again.

Heavenly Desolate Lord Liao Aoyue, coupled with his Heavenly Desolate Tribe, it was really terrifying!

"Tianyi!" Shi Feng immediately drank in a deep voice to Xiao Tianyi.

"Disciple understand!" Xiao Tian immediately answered.

This time, Leng Aoyue did not shake these fierce souls directly into nothingness.

Every powerful soul was swallowed up by Xiao Tian and Shi Feng.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Tian also saw a sudden change in his face, and said to Shi Feng:

"Master, the power of these souls is really too strong. I feel that my soul is going to be exploded ... The power of my soul can hit the realm.

"Relax yourself, and I must feel the mountain," Shi Feng said to Xiao Tian.

Soon, Xiao Tianyi was relieved, his body shone with a white light and disappeared.

And Shi Feng, is still running Jiuyou Ning Gong, devouring the power of the soul.






Leng Aoyue is constantly urging his Tianhuangding to open the way.


Extremely overcast to the ground of green poisonous light, the seven warriors of the three major forces have retreated here.

With his eyes fixed, he stared at the far-distant chaos in the distance ahead.

Where they came in, fierce souls danced wildly.

"As far as I know, the legendary ghost is here!"

At this time, Xu Zun said.

At this moment, Xu Zun is indifferent to his face.

Seeing such indifference, it seems that the loss of Xumishan has been put down.

"If the sky ghost appears, hum, even his cold and proud moon will have to be buried in death!"

Emperor Xuan Xuan said coldly.

This time, all the martial arts soldiers in the Hollow Sacred Land that followed him fell, leaving him alone.

For their empty and holy place, it is a great loss.

And all this is caused by that cold and proud moon!

(End of this chapter)

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