Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3268: One foot high, one foot high

Chapter 3268: A Devil Is A Feet High, A Buddha Is A Feet High

With the palm of one's words, a large Buddha's handprint appeared immediately, followed by the golden seal of the word, and was forced into the shadows.

The thin-faced monk didn't see any action from him, but Shi Feng felt that the power of a terrible soul had been released by him.

"Jiuyou, quadrupole print!"

At the same time they shot, Leng Aoyue had already shot, a huge, boxy Senbai seal, appearing on the big Buddha's fingerprint.

And Shi Feng, after such a long time, still maintained a state of double-judgment.

Although the power of the thunderfire was burning rapidly, it was almost exhausted at this moment.

But compared to the Thunder God of War tactics that take the time to directly exhaust his body, it is really much better.

"While the state of the God of Heaven is still there, launch the final blow!"

Shi Feng's hands also moved, and the seal of the knot was also the nine-pole quadrupole seal!

The quadrupole seal he urged at this moment is the nine-pole quadruple seal strengthened by Leng Aoyue, which has reached the rank of God King!

Under the mysterious state of Guiyin Sunflower Seeds, all comprehension is allowed to flow naturally, naturally, and unobstructed!

On the quadruple seal of Leng Aoyue, another nine quiet quadruple seal emerged.

"Nine You Quadruple Seal! It turned out that he is really a man in the heavenly sacred place!" Said the monk secretly looking at Shi Feng's Nine You Quadruple Seal in vain.

Gradually, he seemed to realize something suddenly, and his old face moved suddenly: "Leng Aoyue just said, if it wasn't his teacher ... this is the master of Leng Aoyue, the Lord of Heaven and Famine?"


In the next moment, the four-dimensional gold seal, the horrible Buddha's soul seal, the Buddha's big handprint, and two nine quiet quadruple seals struck down successively.






Five Peerless Shocks That Shook the World!

This void seemed to be about to collapse.

The countless disciples of Yinling Temple are once again shocked.

This is also too powerful and too fierce!

"Yes, it's over!"

At this time, the power of Shuangjue had completely disappeared, and Shi Feng only felt as if he had lost all his strength and looked at the huge black curtain above his head, secretly speaking.

"I am compassionate and the five strongests have shot. This shadow devil has been suppressed!" Said an old Buddhist monk.

"My Buddha is merciful! Help me to escape this catastrophe! Amitabha!"

A Buddhist disciple said with a pious look on his face, and finally pronounced the Buddha.

"I am merciful!"

"I am merciful!"



Then, tens of thousands of Buddhist disciples chanted.

"I did not expect that this time when I returned, I actually let the Yinling Temple carry this catastrophe!

Is it true that there is destiny in the midst? "

Among the disciples of the Buddhist monks, the child looked down and said secretly.

This time, it was really because he brought Shi Feng to Yinling Temple, and thanks to Shi Feng meeting with Leng Aoyue.

And trace back to the source, thanks to him in the evil abyss of the wild continent, met Shi Feng.

Thinking of this, Zi Zixin was really filled with emotion.


"It's not even dead!" And at this moment, Leng Aoyue, who had been feeling in the shadows, suddenly said aloud.

The five supernatural artifacts were killed together, together with the strength of the disciples of Buddha, and the supernatural powers broke out in the source of darkness. Finally, they combined with their five powerfuls.

Ordinary creatures, I'm afraid they have died under their power, but this shadow devil ...

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​However, when he heard the words of Leng Aoyue, the abbot of Yinling Temple called the Buddha again and said to him:

"This shadow demon has a weird shape. It is the shadow of a monk who is about to become a Buddha in Yinling Temple. This is an immortal existence!

Before the endless years, the ancestor of my Buddha also suppressed it on the first floor of the eighteen **** because he could not kill it. "

Hearing the silent words, Leng Aoyue looked up at him and said, "So, the eighteen fierce creatures you suppressed in the eighteenth **** are all immortal?"

"Not all of them!" Yanji replied.

"My Buddha has the virtue of being alive, and there are some. My Buddha hopes that he can change, but he can abandon his bad faith and think in the eighteen hells.

Although it is a demon, it can also be a Buddha! "

"Oh." Leng Aoyue laughed when he heard this.

No more talking with this bald donkey.

The so-called thought is a Buddha, but it is to trust in him.

"The cold donor, born for the world, also hopes to work together to fight the shadow demon back to the ancient Buddha's palace." Yan Ji also said.

"Next, just the three of you old bald donkeys.

With the power of three of you, you can already. "Leng Aoyue said.

"Amitabha!" Hearing Leng Aoyue's words, Yan Ji said nothing, but only called the Buddha.



Then, the arrogant and the thin-faced monk shouted.

Then, three powerful momentums rose from the three monks.

I saw the huge shady scene, and then it floated down and floated down to the ancient Buddha's treasure hall.

At this moment, Shi Feng thought, and Su Mishan suddenly flew out of the dark curtain.

There is also the dark source of earth that is under the black curtain, which is also shrinking under his thoughts, flying down towards him with Xumi Mountain.

Leng Aoyue's heaven and waste land also broke out of the shady and landed back to him.

The huge shady scene is still drifting slowly, and it is getting closer and closer to the ancient Buddha's treasure hall.

"Everything is finally over!"

"Yeah, it's over!"

"I wait to suppress this demon, I don't know how many lives have been saved in the world, it is really merit!"

"The Buddha is in my heart, suppress the world demons!"



The disciples of Yinling Temple spoke again and again.

"The bald donkeys at Yinling Temple are waiting for us!"

"I can be born today, and one day, I will certainly be born again! At that time, all bald donkeys will be slaughtered by my own hands!"


At this time, another vicious voice came.

With this ferocious sound falling, the shady curtain falling down has already fallen on the ancient Buddha's treasure hall.

All the shady scenes exploded, and all of them were sucked into the ancient Buddha's palace in an instant.

The next moment, the three monks of Buddhism fell in shape, and they fell back to the top of the ancient Buddha's treasure hall.

Words of Brahma sounded from their mouths.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The entire ancient Buddha hall shook violently.

Tens of thousands of Buddhist disciples in the sky immediately clasped their hands together and chanted in their mouths.

The light of the Buddha came to life again, and the power of the Buddha fell to the ancient Buddha treasure hall.

All the dust settled, Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue looked at it again like this quietly.

"Little Fengzi!" At this moment, Shi Feng heard a shout from above, and Ziyi flew down towards him ...

(End of this chapter)

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