Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3269: Pass the gods


Zi Yi fell beside Shi Feng, and she opened her mouth and asked him:

"Which one did you say you used to break the seal of the Solo space channel? I want to know, how did the seal break?"

"The bitter old bald donkey is one of them, and there are three old bald donkeys. They didn't come out." Ziyi pointed his finger to the top of the ancient Buddha's treasure hall, pointed to the way to cultivate the soul.

"Your Lingling Temple has been hit by such catastrophes. The bells of the Yinling Buddha have been rattled, but no one can come out?" Shi Feng said in amazement.

"Well ... these old guys have strange temperaments, don't judge by common theory." Ziyi said.

He then said, "Although the old guys are proficient in frontiers, enchantments, and seals, but Xiu Wei has not stepped into the top.

In this calamity, if you do n’t help the Lord of Heaven, then the three old guys will not change much if they come out. "

"Oh." Upon hearing Ziyi's words, Shi Feng lightly "Oh" and nodded.

This time, the battle of the Shadow Devil has not been extraordinary, and has not reached the peak of power, and can only help.

This battle was able to suppress the Shadow Devil, indeed thanks to the five of them.

"Congratulations to the master, Lida climbed to the top of the peak." At this moment, Leng Aoyue turned her head and congratulated Shi Feng.

Just at the moment of the war, at that moment, Shi Feng really broke out to reach the peak of extreme power.

"For the teacher, I got the God of Fire from the Palace of Fire, but I didn't expect that the God of Fire from the Palace of Fire contains real mystery, so that power can burst out." Shi Feng told him.

"Oh, that's it!" Leng Aoyue frowned slightly and nodded secretly.

Although he didn't understand what the master was saying, it was bound to be extraordinary to make his **** Wang Yizhong break out of that power.

Followed, Shi Feng moved his right hand, a red rune appeared, his hand appeared.

He then passed it to Leng Aoyue.

Leng Aoyue's eyes narrowed and he said, "This is the magic trick of the fiery battle left by Huo Neishang."

At that time, when Shenhuo Palace surrendered Shifeng to Tianfeng after the fire, it was he who used the power to suppress the woman. He was beside Shifeng.


Shi Feng nodded gently, Leng Aoyue stretched out her hand, and took the red rune from Shi Feng.

A forest of white jade, Shi Feng's hand also appeared, and then put it on the eyebrows, a thought, he was imprinted in it.

Leng Aoyue's idea has gathered the fiery rune. At this time, Shi Feng handed him the Sen Baiyu Jane and said:

"In this jade slip, it is the Thunder God of War that was controlled by the division in the early years. The true meaning of Shenhuo Tiantian and Thunder God of War is to move together."

At this moment, Leng Aoyue, who received the God of Fire Fighting Heavenly Tricks, frowned slowly, saying, "To cultivate this God of Fire Fighting Heavens Trick and operate it, you must cultivate the power of flames!

Only by possessing the power of powerful fire can its true power erupt.

And in my life, I ’m mainly a master of training your Jiuyou martial arts. I ’m afraid it ’s hard to cultivate!

Even if the cultivation is successful, without the power of powerful fire, it will not improve the combat power for me, but will exhaust my entire strength. "

In the end, Leng Aoyue shook her head slowly.

Shi Feng Thunder God of War and God of Fire Battle Tian Jue can burst out of powerful power, because each time after the encounter, after being baptized after encountering the extermination black thunder, the extermination black thunder in his body also evolved, and the thunder Stronger.

And the power of the flame is mainly derived from the holy fire, the holy fire merges with his dantian, and the sacred fire is his dantian.

As long as he becomes stronger, the flame will become stronger.

Only when the forces of Destroyer Heilei and the Holy Fire spurred him, could he spur two anti-sky gods, erupting the power that allowed him to reach the peak.

After Sen Bai Yujian was taken over by Leng Aoyue, Leng Aoyue's thoughts swept away, and she soon discovered the key to the Thunder God of War.

"The same is true of this battle!" He said.

"I know for the teacher!" Shi Feng nodded to him and said:

"Two magic tricks, successful mobilization can definitely increase your combat power.

As a teacher, I remember that in the Phoenix ruins, I killed that ancestor of the Phoenix and got an extraordinary fire of God at you! "

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Leng Aoyue changed his color immediately, and said, "Shi Feng is talking about wildness."

When it comes to the wild and wild, Leng Aoyue remembered the brother who had been worshipped by his own hands and was filled with emotion.

"Exactly!" Shi Feng said: "You can control the supernatural flame and fuse with your body!

Stimulated by that flame, it should be able to erupt the power of the magical battle of heaven!

As for the Thunder God of War formula, maybe you can find a powerful source of thunder in the future, and the power of thunder will erupt at the same time, which will inevitably be a cold and proud moon that makes the world tremble. "

"The deserted wild fire, Tuer has been reserved for the master!

When I left the Heavenly Sacred Land, I feared that the gods would split the battlefield and that the protoss would change again, so I put the fire under the control of the evil cause for the time being. "Leng Aoyue said.

"You and I, as long as you need it, whoever controls it is the same!

There is a powerful source of fire for the division to spur God to fight the sky. That fire is what you need. "Shi Feng said again.

"The master said so, when the disciples returned to the sacred place of heaven, they tried it with wild fire." When speaking to Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue had the red rune in his hand, and the Dawson. Bai Yujian put away.

Later, Leng Aoyue said to Shi Feng again: "To the master, what a terrible place, what happened? What kind of existence did we encounter?

Why is the student suddenly unconscious? Moreover, the disciples had a memory that was forcibly erased. "

"The same is true of the Lord of Heaven and Famine, and so is me!" After hearing Leng Aoyue's words, Zi Yi aside again said.

"We entered that cemetery and encountered the strongest existence in that fierce land, heaven ghost!" Shi Feng told them.


Hearing the word "Ghost", even Leng Aoyue looked fierce.

Immediately afterwards, he said: "That is to say, the memory of the children is erased by the ghost that day?

The ghost could forcibly erase the memory of the disciples that day. How terrible a soul is it? "

With that said, Leng Aoyue's brow grew deeper and deeper.

Among them, he didn't want to understand a lot.

"Master, do you know why the sky ghost erases the memory of the disciples?

Master, how did you escape in the hands of that horrible god? Leng Aoyue asked again.

Even Ziyi looked at Shi Feng, waiting for his answer.

He also wanted to know about that inexplicable memory.

However, at this time, Shi Feng shook her head at them and said:

"These are related to some secrets. As a teacher, I can't tell you yet, maybe I will let you know in the future."

From the ghost's mouth, he learned that because of his life experience, if a powerful force knew it, he would kill him.

Since there is such a force, he Shi Feng, his Nine You Emperor Nether, have secretly sworn that one day, it will disappear!

(End of this chapter)

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