Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3318: Ziyi is angry!

Chapter 3318 Ziyi is angry!

Xu Mishan reappeared, and immediately smashed down towards Shi Feng and the **** leader Wuxi behind him.

However, in the face of Sumiyama, that would be too lazy to look at.

The sword of heaven punishment removed Shi Feng's head and greeted him upward.

"Boom!" A mountain and a sword, once again collided fiercely.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that extraordinary mountain, which was stabbed directly by Wujian.

"Negative stubborn resistance! But the waste residue is always a waste residue! Even if you control an extraordinary combat skill, you can instantly improve your waste residue's extraordinary combat power.

But in the end, you are still a waste! Wu Wu said coldly to Shi Feng again.

At this time, the sword of heaven punishment was cut again, and cut into the surging rolling black magic mist again.

It was chopped in the back of Shi Feng again, and it struck exactly on the two-centimeter sword edge just now.

"Ah!" Shi Feng shouted again.

However, Wu Yan twisted his eyebrows, and his sword was only cut off in the slightest.

Equal to negligible.

"This man's black armor is fluctuating, resisting the Sword of Heaven!

However, the main thing is that his physical body is really hard! This forging is absolutely extraordinary! "

No murmur in pout.

At this moment, a black figure appeared next to Wu Yan's side.

Heavenly Assassin arrives fearlessly.

"Boss!" Fearlessly shouted at Wu Yan Shen.

Before fearlessly seeing that he could not win, he rushed into the violent battlefield.

After entering the battlefield and returning to their original small battlefield, they saw that Wudi and Shifeng had disappeared.

Come looking for it!

"Well!" Wu Ying answered, and said to Fearless:

"This boy has an extraordinary armor and a metamorphosis of his physical body, and once the King of God is reborn, he can procure the secret method to reach the state of peaks and peaks. It seems that there are indeed many secrets in him.

You and I join forces to kill it, and take out the soul to talk about. "

"Understand!" Fearlessly answered.

At this time, his body moved slightly, and he moved to Shi Feng.

Subsequently, the evil ink in his hand stabbed suddenly, with the power of evil and strange coldness, and also stabbed into the billowing black magic mist.

The evil ink once again pierced the evil night demon armor, and extremely stabbed into Shi Feng's heart.

"Ah!" A more painful roar echoed, and Shi Feng's face looked extremely trembling and extremely distorted.

Tianpin Assassin's fearless complexion is unusually dignified, guarding against everything, and dare not care.

Da Hu Fa did not die, because of the intention, the sword of the evil ink pierced into the body of the boy, but was killed by the boy with a sneak attack.

Although Shi Feng was yelling, in fact, these two pieces of Hell did not hurt his perverted body.

Just suffering from this sword is indeed extremely painful.

Looking at the fearlessness in front of me, and then feeling the fearlessness behind.

Originally, he was going to launch a flame nail on these two things.

However, in the state of the two of them at the moment, the flame **** is nailed and cannot succeed!



At this time, the sword of heaven punishment in Wuyi's hands did not chop Shi Feng's head, but stabbed him on the back.

Immediately, the sword of heaven punishment also pierced the night evil magic armor, and stabbed into Shi Feng's body cruelly.

Compared with the head, the body of this undead monster is a little harder.

After the two extraordinary swords were pierced, they continued to launch the supreme sword force to violently destroy this flesh and attack!

In this void, the roar continued, echoing for a long time.


"Who are the three people over that battlefield? In World War One, that man, who has taken several swords, is still dead?"

In the distance, the two strong men, Shi Feng and Hell, have long been noticed, and someone said.

"I don't know, I have never seen these three people, and I don't know how to cultivate, I can't see through anyway!"

Hell has different identities. On the continent of God, I have seen this second best hell, very few!


"Two patriarchs, aren't you saying to stop this war from coming? Hurry up and stop the other side from killing!"

In the sky, Zi looked at Shi Feng below assassinated by the two men in hell, and he was panicked, and said silently and arrogantly.

This time, they both changed their names to ancestors.

"Amitabha!" The arrogant chanted the Buddha, and Duiyi replied:

"I waited to stop the war, but if I helped him, I came to help."

"What about assisting? Don't forget that our Yinling Temple was hit by a catastrophe that day, and the Shadow Demon was born. It was the little lunatic and his apprentice Leng Aoyue that let us avoid a catastrophe!

Ziyi said.



Hearing Ziyi's remarks, the words of silence and delusion spoke at the same time.

However, after they said the Buddha's name, they lost their silence and remained silent.

"Two old bald donkeys, people have helped us, shouldn't we be thankful? Besides, these two are notorious **** assassins!

How many souls died under their swords!

You are not always pregnant with the world, kill these two **** leaders, and save the world, that is the real merit! Ziyi said to them again.

As a result, the two old monks still said nothing.

Even the old eyes slowly closed, as if for a while, entered into the set.

"Old bald donkey!" Seeing them so, Ziyi's voice became colder.

"The Buddha said that saving one's life is better than building a seven-level floating slaughter! Not to mention, that person still has great gratitude to us.

You two old bald donkeys, the conscience really let the dog eat!

It ’s nothing, you do n’t have enough Buddhism, you ca n’t save yourself from death, I ca n’t do that!

I Buddha, compassion!

I will not go to **** who will go to hell! "

Speaking of the last sentence, Zi Yi groaned.

The next moment, he saw his body move, as if to rush to Shi Feng and Hell.

"Don't!" However, as soon as Ziyi moved, he yelled.

Ziyi's entire body was motionless, and was stopped by a secret law.

But soon, Solomon's flames burned out of him.

All power was instantly broken by him, Ziyi was also free, and he could move again.

The blazing purple flames kept rushing out of him, the less and the more fierce, Zi Yi again carried the power of this magic lamp to the battlefield.

Although he knew that he was not the opponent of the two assassins in hell, and knew that at this moment, he was just going to die.

But he couldn't watch the two men and killed his good brother!

A good brother who passed through life and death together.

Seeing the dissatisfaction, the old eyes of silence and delusion have opened.

The two turned their heads at the same time, looked at each other, followed, and nodded slightly at the same time.

Two supreme Buddhas immediately rose from them simultaneously.

Immediately afterwards, the magic demon pestle and the purification floating slaughter that had been suspended above the heads of the two of them, once again flew out at the same time, and flew towards the child.

Carrying fierce flames, the violent and violent sub-foreign, immediately felt the two familiar waves coming from above.

Then he looked up, and then saw that his face was even more angry, and shouted angrily:

"Old bald donkey! Two old bald donkeys! You are false compassion, hypocrisy!"

Ziyi's roar suddenly attracted a distant sight.

The two Buddhist treasures that fell down also flew into the burning sea of ​​purple flames.

(End of this chapter)

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