Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3319: Ziyi and Buddha!

Chapter 3319 Ziyi and Buddha!

Two extraordinary Buddha powers, plus two extraordinary Buddha wares, all the powers of Ziyi were instantly suppressed.

All purple flames have been annihilated.

Zi Yi, who was in the purple flames, also appeared.

Demon pestle and purification floating slaughter, next to the suspended body, under the two supreme Buddha powers, Ziyi felt that his body could not move.


Below, there was a terrible roar of Shi Feng's painful scream, Zi Yi looked up, and then roared angrily at the sky:

"Two old bald donkeys! Let go of me!"

"You boy, calm down." At this time, Ziyi suddenly heard an old voice.

The sound comes from the old monk's delusion.

Then, the vain voice came again: "It wasn't that my brother and I didn't save him, it's the situation today, and we can't shoot.

Today, the two hells are allied with the forces of the Shenhuo Palace to attack the heavenly wasteland!

To touch the two of them is to be against them.

In this battle, if the Shenhuo Palace wins, my brother and I are also worried about these forces, and in turn attack our Yinling Temple. At that time, our Yinling Temple catastrophe is imminent.

Do n’t you have the heart to see tens of thousands of disciples in our Yinling Temple?

Hey! Amitabha! "

In the end, the delusion uttered a deep sigh, and in this transmission to Ziyi, there seemed to be a lot of helplessness.

"Old bald donkey! I didn't force you to take a shot, I just let you let me go!

You are afraid of death, Lao Tzu is not afraid, that is the life and death brother who saved Lao Tzu's life! "Ziyi continued to rise up.

"On that side, it seems to be noisy?"

Although it is said that Ziyi and the two old monks at Yinling Temple were separated by people from all directions.

However, those who came here were all martial arts practitioners, who had awesome eyes, and Ziyi's angry voice also roared.

Therefore, this roar fell in the ears of many people.

"Hmm ... seems to be two old monks in this hidden temple, what did they do to this young man."

"These two old monks, from the beginning, I felt like they were planning something.

I wonder, who is that young man? "

"Is this ... this young man is Leng Aoyue, the Lord of Heaven, or the Emperor of the Fire Palace, or the illegitimate child of a great man.

The two old monks arrested him as a threat? "



Below, Shi Feng's screams became more and more fierce.

Wu Yan and Fearless, stabbing and stabbing Shi Feng fiercely!

Daodao Jianguang, Jianying, Jianqi, bombarded and blasted at Shi Feng!

A fierce destruction of Shi Feng.

Ziyi looked in his eyes, and then uttered coldly against the sky, "Old! Bald! Donkey!"

Word by word!

However, the next moment, under the power of the falling magic pestle and purifying the floating slaughter, the zodiac shape soared, and the words silence and words flew back.




At this time, Ziyi also roared.

He was struggling violently and resisting, but it was not fruitful at all.

The two old monks no longer responded to him.

Hands clasped, eyes closed slowly, no longer looking at him.

"Old bald donkey!"

"Old bald donkey!"

"Old bald donkey!"

Ziyi is still yelling.

His heart was getting more and more panicky. At this moment, his face looked like a mad beast.

"Brother, this kid is so stubborn!" At this moment, the rumored voice said to the silence.

"Well." Yan Ji answered softly, then said, "It's because we have been too indulgent.

Although saying his identity ...

But now, his soul has been filled with the earth, and we should help him to purify the heart. "



Ziyi is still yelling, but at this moment, the roar suddenly stopped abruptly!

"Huh?" Suddenly the old-fashioned face suddenly changed, and his slightly closed eyes opened.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his eyes widen, his face widened, and he shouted to the silence: "Brother!"

At this moment, Yan Ji also opened his eyes and looked at Zi Yi below.

Contrary to what he said, his brow frowned.

"This buddha power, isn't it!" With that said, Yan Ji seemed to think of something, and his eyes opened sharply.

Underneath the void, the original ascendant under the power of two extraordinary Buddha wares stopped his ascension, standing proudly and motionless.

That frantic face, at this moment, became extremely peaceful, looking very peaceful.

His hands were as tenuous as words and silence. His mouth was not moved, but beside him, there were Taoist Brahma sounds echoing.

Although the other half figures are not seen, it seems that there are countless monks chanting scriptures at the same time.

Then, Ziyi slowly opened his mouth and said to the two hells below hell: "Stop it!"

The sound sounded as if it were a bit empty, as if it originated from another ancient and mysterious space.

Although the tone was calm, it could not be rejected.

Hearing this sound, I sensed a mysterious power over the sky, both fearless and fearless, raising their heads at the same time.

"This kid at Yinling Temple is a little weird!" Fearlessly solemnly said to Wudi.

The child at this moment fell in his eyes. Although it was still this skin, it seemed that he was not the person at all.

"This feeling! It should be this kid, who has performed some kind of mystical secrets, similar to illusion, which makes you and me have this weird feeling." Wuyi said.

"Well." Hearing Wuyi's words, Fearless nodded secretly.

At this time, he looked to the two old monks of silence and arrogance and yelled, "Just now, for your part, I spared this kid in Yinling Temple.

You two also said just now that they will not get involved in this battle.

how? I regret it so soon? "

Silence and delusion did not respond, and at this moment all the attention of the two of them was focused on Ziyi.

Seeing that they did not respond, at this moment, the sword of sky punishment in Wu Mei's hands was another chop.

This time, he did not chop to Shi Feng, but slashed to the son in the void.

A white peerless sword force was cut out by him, flying up.

Wherever I go, the void is constantly annihilating, and an incomparable rift in the dark space appears instantly, like a dark dragon, devouring Xiangzi.

"Amitabha!" At this time, Ziyi exhaled a Buddhist chant gently.

Although the sound was very light, it reverberated for a long time and passed into the ears of everyone in this world.

Even those watching from a distance, even the decisive crowds in the violent battlefield below, heard it very clearly.

Later, I saw Zi Yi's body suddenly rising up an extremely bright sacred Buddha light.



As the light of the Buddha appeared, even the falling magic pestle and purification floating slaughter floating next to him trembled violently.

There were trembling sounds.

And different, the whole person looks like a golden body.

The next moment, that peerless sword power had been cut.

But ... not yet cut on Zi Yi, as soon as he touched the light beside him, he disappeared ...

(End of this chapter)

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