Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3335: Girl's sound

Chapter 3335: Voice of a Girl

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"


The violent battlefield, or the more fierce the battle!

The battle between Shenhuo Temple and the Heavenly Haram has been going on for 18 days!

Peerless warriors are fighting fiercely in this space, and the warriors under the peak are extremely fierce.

Life is flowing away!

This is true for both forces!

In this war, life is like grass.


"It's been eighteen days! This battle is still going on! I don't know, what is going on now?"

"I don't know, so far, has there been any peak-strength man who has reached the summit?"

"Isn't anyone said that as long as the Nine Stars burst, the God Fire Palace will soon be destroyed?

Judging by the current amount of such violent violence, this battle is becoming increasingly difficult to see through. "

"So, in this war, it's better not to jump to conclusions, lest you be beaten.

Still, look at it and watch it! "


The violent battlefield is in all directions. Although the warriors still cannot see the battle in the violent battlefield, they have not retreated.

Not only have they not dispersed, there are even more and more warriors coming to watch the war in this area.

"I don't know, this battle is over."

From an island on that battlefield, dozens of figures were floating,

These people, all young men and women, are all extraordinary and have a long history.

"Is the heavenly desert sacred a place to be defeated?" A plain-dressed, cool-looking woman also looked at the side quietly, whispering in her mouth.

She is one of the top ten aunts of Yin and Yang teaching, Ye Zifei.

With these words softly in his mouth, Ye Zifei's mind once again involuntarily emerged that young and proud figure!

For Ye Zifei, he was the only one who was the most sacred place in the heavens, which impressed her most.

"Brother Li Zui, you said, who will win and who will lose in this battle?" Then, a young voice came from not far from Ye Zifei.

When the voice sounded, these young people looked involuntarily.

The speaker is a genius in the Holy Flame Holy Land, Li Ya!

I once went to the magic fall city of Minzhou in Tianshui. Among the geniuses in the Holy Flame Holy Land, the one with the most talent.

Once had some intersection with Shi Feng.

And he asked, Li Zui!

Son of the Holy Flame Holy Land, Li Zui!

Among these extraordinary geniuses, Li is also one of the most powerful!

For that violent battlefield, none of these young people could see the battle in the violent energy.

They want to hear the analysis of this war by the Holy Son.

Immediately afterwards, they heard Li Zui, saying such an extremely firm word: "This battle, the Palace of God and Fire will win!"

"Shenhuo Palace will win? God Flame Son, can you talk about it?" At this time, a woman with long ice-blue hair began to ask Li Zuidao.

She is a genius named Bing Yin from Bingfeng Mountain.

It is rumored that the maiden of the Frozen Mountains has violated the door regulations and has been sealed by the Lord of the Frozen Mountains.

And Bing Yin, is likely to be selected as the new generation of the Frozen Mountain Virgin.

"Some things, now, I can't speak well." Li most replied.

Followed by, he said firmly: "Anyway, you will wait and see, even if the sacred land is strong, but this battle, God of Fire Palace will win!"

"As long as the sacrifice of God Fire Palace sacrifice that thing, there will be no opportunity for reversal in the heavenly wasteland!" Li Zui said this secretly in his heart and did not let anyone hear it.

Ta Li Zui, from a person's mouth, has learned a secret of the Emperor of Fire, Tianyao!

It was even clear what was suppressed in the key!

It was also because of the repression that he was not good at telling them.


Followed by, Li Zui sighed in his heart, and then murmured: "After this war, God will fight the mainland, I am afraid that will experience one of the greatest calamities of this era ..."

Hearing Li Zui's words, Ye Zifei's cold face gently twisted her eyebrows, and said gently, "Is the heavenly wilderness sacred, will you lose?"

"Is the heavenly sacred place really going to be defeated?" At this time, even the genius Li Ya, the **** of holy flames, was worried about it.

He was born in Minzhou, Tianshui, and was born and died with that Jiuyou Shengzu.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

The power of Divine Forbidden and Divine Fire is still bombarding Shi Feng.

By this moment, they had been bombarding that one day and night!

However, there are still strange laughter from the road.

"With this horrible power, we have bombarded this guy for so long without even killing him!

This is really the human body? "

God complained that the Holy Lord hatred incredibly, and said.

He imagined that if he was replaced by him, or any of them, I am afraid that it would have been destroyed by this amount of violent violence.

It's been a long time ago!

"This man is extraordinary in body, and the old man has already appreciated it. Don't give up, you must kill this evil animal!"

Xu Zun spoke out in anger and said to everyone.

Following this, he secretly startled in his heart: "This sinful beast has not been seen for only a few months. Not only has the strength and horror reached such a point, but even this perverted physical body has become stronger!

What secret is there on him?

I must get the secret of this person! "


"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"


The blast continues.

Even the protoss, the strong and divine face, was shocked.

He was divinely restrained, and once thought that this colorful body was powerful and peerless.

But it was unexpected, compared with that pervert.

It turned out that it had not been destroyed.

"Extinction!" God forbid and drank again, Wandao colorful magic sword reappeared!

"It's two wastes!" Suddenly, just listening to this world, a girl's clear voice sounded.

Although the words are not good, this sound sounds very nice and feels empty, as if from a mysterious fairyland.

As if it were not the voice of a mortal woman.

After hearing this voice, the Protoss was forbidden, and his face moved immediately.

Not only him, but even the dark giant who fought fiercely in the wild, has evolved into a state of madness as if he had lost his mind.

But after hearing that voice, I saw one of the eyes on the dark face opened.

That one heard the unusually beautiful sound in the ears of others, and at this moment looking at the appearance of the dark giant, it seemed that he had feared this fierce creature.

Who is this ...?

"She ... is she? It's her!" Then, the Emperor of Fire also understood who made the voice of the girl, and his face had begun to change.

"She, finally willing to shoot?" Fire Emperor said again.

Then, he suddenly saw that on this battlefield of bombardment and bombardment, under the huge blue vortex, there was a white mist, like the formation of a fairyland ...

(End of this chapter)

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