Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3336: Talk, young master!

Chapter 3336: Mouth, Young Master!

In addition to the gods and fires, the eyes of the heavens and wild powers have already gazed into that vast fairy mist.

Wu Xianling's breath fluttered, and then a white shadow appeared, looming among them.

I haven't seen her appearance, I just saw her posture, and she looks like a fairy from the fairy lands, coming down to the earth.

"This is the third fiend?" Leng Aoyue's eyebrows tightened tightly, looking at the space to say.

Although Ruo Ruoxian, for them, the devil had already crawled out of **** and came to ask for their lives.

"What is this thing in the end?" Even Tian Guazi, who is known as one of the destinies of warfare, is now baffled.

It was a way of transcending his destiny.

At the moment when this statue appeared, he already sensed that the fate of the sky and the sea had become extremely chaotic.

He can't capture it at all!

"It looks like it's time to leave," Tian Guazi said sadly in her heart.

He was afraid that if he didn't leave again, he might really be too late.

"The third fiend is out, what are we going to do?" The old demon who has been following the strong battles from now on, but hasn't said a word, said.

On that old wrinkled face, there was a panic.

"There is no chance of success! Maybe, there is really no chance of success." Tianyuan Shengzhuyuan murmured quietly.

Although he said this, his face was full of unwillingness.

If this battle is defeated, then the Tianyuan Holy Land is really over!

Before the endless years, he himself founded the Tianyuan Holy Land, which has been passed down to this day.

Is it really like this?

Hundreds of thousands of disciples in Tianyuan Holy Land will be enslaved by those people from now on?

Flashing these in my mind, Yuan Quan's fists were clenched tightly!

At the moment when the third fierce creature appeared, in the sacred land of heaven, all the strong felt that they could not see the hope of victory.

But by this time, no one had flinched.

"Well, there is no need to wait for the waste to stop fighting. Stop it." At this time, just listening to the beautiful girl's voice again.

Although the tone was flat, it was irresistible.

At this moment, the dark giant who fought fiercely in the semi-finals stopped the violent punches.

And the other side, forbidden to cast Shi Feng's colorful magic sword, stopped attacking.

With the one who had been suppressed in the key of the sky for so long, he and the other knew very well the horrible consequences if they could not stop.

Just that understatement, the powerful men in this space fierce battle stopped their attacks.

Even the great powers of the wild and the powerful firepower!

Daodao's violent power is rapidly dissipating.

"Huh? Scum, why did you stop? But it was a woman who let Er wait, stop, wait? Hey, hey ...

It ’s a waste, it ’s really a bunch of waste ... ”The cruel, weird, sharp, infiltrating voice is still ringing.


At this moment, the Emperor of Fire opened his mouth respectfully at the upper Yinxian Ying and said, "This is the key seal that is broken!"

"Oh, is it?" The girl in the mist answered.

Later, she only listened to her and said, "Thank you for releasing me from the key of heaven. Originally, I wanted to keep the agreement between you and me ..."

The sound of lingering and lingering.

Hearing this, the pious and respectful face of the Emperor of the Fire suddenly moved and frowned.

She is talking about the original ...

"Now?" Fire Emperor asked these three words.

At this moment, there was a feeling of badness in his heart.

Not only him, but even the gods and powerful people, heard the bad words from that person's words.

"Huh?" Tian Guazi who planned to escape with the secrets of space at this moment, all at this moment were three-eyed slightly.

Stopped secretly.

"Now, you all have to die." The girl in the mist responded to Huo Guiyuan's words.

When this word came out, the gods were all strong, and their faces suddenly changed suddenly.

Great change!

This third fierce creature, the supreme fierce creature that both the Dark Giant and the Protoss of the Protoss feared, was sentenced to death.


"Why? Why is this? It's me, letting you out of the key, not only will you not obey the previous agreement, you will also show revenge!"

The Fire Emperor shouted at it.

"Your dirty power has touched the most noble existence in the world."

The girl replied with a wonderful voice.

"The most noble existence in the world?"

"The most noble existence in the world?"

"Even her, it is called a noble existence? Is that it?"


Soon, all eyes gathered, and then gathered on the top, gathered in front of the Protoss God.

The person they touched, that is, the person blasted by their power, was the nine sacred ancestors and the heavenly powers.

They are all very familiar with the other powerful men who helped to fight the Heavenly Harmony Holy Land. Only the nine ancestral ancestors, even Leng Aoyue, called it the existence of a division.

he is the one……

"Oh, oh! Hahahaha! Ants, you have missed the best time to kill this seat. Next, you must all die!

You and other residues are simply not worth living in this world, oh! "

As the sacred fire and the banned power ceased, the madness continued to dissipate, and the dark figure drowned by the multitude of forces finally reappeared in the eyes of the strong.

Today's stone maple, with a shabby face, blurred flesh and blood, is extremely infiltrating, revealing smirk.

There was still blood in his eyes, and he stared fiercely at the Protoss in front of him, forbidden.

God was banned at the moment, and he was staring at him.

At this moment, many eyes saw together, the white shadow in the vast mist seemed to move slightly.

That outline looks like ...

"See Young Master!" 缥缈 wonderful voice sounded again, making an extremely incredible sound.

"See Young Master?"

"See ... Young Master?"

"she is at……"

"What's going on? This ..."

"this is?"

At this instant, everyone was shocked.

God forbidden and the dark giant, his eyes widened suddenly, both faces showed incredible looks.

The two of them really wondered if they heard it wrong.

This feeling really feels like dreaming.

No one knows better than the two of them, and the horror above exists.

Actually ... Knelt down, cry, young master?

Is it for that ethnic group?

He, He Dehe can!

"what happened?"

"Is she calling Jiuyou Shengzu as the young master?"

"She, this is more terrifying than the Protoss and the Dark Giant?"

"Brother Aoyue, what the **** is going on?" At this moment, the Lord of the Heavenly God of Desolation spoke out and asked Leng Aoyue.

After all, that Jiuyou Shengzu is his master.

"I don't know." Leng Aoyue replied.

After saying this, Leng Aoyue turned her head and looked at Tian Guazi ...

(End of this chapter)

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