Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3362: Verdict Excalibur!

Chapter 3362: Verdict Excalibur!

"Skyscale evil tiger!"

Reaching over the King's Forest, Yu Yan not only shrouded his extraordinary momentum, but also shouted at the King's Forest.

"Roar!" Suddenly, only a moment when the tiger howl sounded.

Along with this tiger howling, there was a sudden gale in the sky and the space was boiling!

The evil tiger has not appeared, but it is enough to hear that this is an extremely scary creature!

"It knows that fierce tiger?" Shi Feng, who chased Yu Yu's back, suddenly frowned, Shen said.

If this person doesn't know the fierce tiger, he will be the first to rush into the king's forest and be shrouded with his powerful momentum, and he will be the first to be attacked by the white tiger.

Therefore, Shi Feng determined that this person could control that white tiger!

"Roar!" Another extremely fierce tiger howl sounded.

The heavens and earth suddenly became more violent, the King's Forest, the Beastmaster roared, and the beasts rushed!

"Roar! Roar!" The roar of other beasts kept roaring.

Suddenly, Shi Feng saw that in the King's Forest, a white giant tiger took the lead in rushing out, and then a fierce beast followed closely behind.

Densely, they are all screaming!

"Taking advantage of the beasts of all beasts, the power of the founder is supreme!"

The shocking scene on the King's Forest naturally fell into the ears of the uncle Yu Yu, the strongest in the family.

He immediately followed a secret cry!

His hands have concluded an ancient mystery!

And at this moment, the trick suddenly shook!


Shi Feng was chased all the way, Yu Yu thought of entering the depths of the Yunhai Mountains, leading the beast to try it.

At the same time, he secretly called out many times to inform himself where he was and he was in danger.

And not long ago, Yu Yan received a reply, and this reply was from the strongest man in Wuzhong Shenyu, the master of the family.

He informed Yu Xun that he was now in an extremely dangerous moment and could not escape. However, the King of the Forest of the Clouds and Mountains, he had countless years ago, and the Lord of the King of the Forest was not as secretly as he was today. !!

This hidden array can be motivated by the momentum of the beasts of the beasts. Once the hidden array is urged, the man's incomparable power can erupt.

Because of knowing this, just now, when Yu Yan was approaching the King's Forest, his face showed excitement.

Promoting the supreme power of the homeowner is bound to ... kill it!

"Boom! Boom Boom! Rumble Rumble!"

At this moment, all the creatures in this world suddenly heard the sound of roar, and it exploded in the King's Forest!

The entire forest of kings is trembling violently, as if a large earthquake came.

At the same time, a supreme power rose suddenly in the king's forest.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Feeling that supreme power, Wan Beasts began to growl.

"Roar!" Even the white tiger with scales opened his mouth again and again.

Hearing from his roar, it, the King of Ten Thousand Beasts, was also afraid!

This is a force that can destroy it all!

Yu Xun, who had been urging to escape desperately, had stopped flying at this moment.

Slowly turned back and looked sneer, looking at the person who was approaching quickly!

"Stupid!" A cold voice came out of his mouth.

His right index finger and **** were closed tightly, and the sword fingers were condensed, pointing to the sky!

The supreme force rising from the King's Forest turned into a tens of thousands of ice-colored air currents, and gathered together in the fingers of Yu Jian.

Suddenly, an ice-colored giant sword appeared in Yu Yu's finger, which is the Sumida Mountain above Shi Feng's head. Compared with it, it looks extremely small, exuding supreme power, if it can destroy everything, if The sword of verdict that God lowered!

"This ... the power of this sword ..." At this moment, even Shi Feng's face changed wildly.

Suddenly flying out of shape!

This is a force beyond the peak!

Immediately afterwards, Shi Fengdun's figure began to recede!

When I saw Shi Feng's retreat, on Yu's face, he couldn't see the slightest bit of panic. With a smirk, he appeared on his face, and said to Shi Feng: "Run! Continue!

Even if you run thousands of miles away, this sword has locked your breath!

I forgive you that your body will be perverted again, and you will eventually die under this force!

You stupid, chasing me all the way, but I do not know that I deliberately led you here, just to help this supreme power, annihilation! you! "

Yu Yan's cold drink sounded continuously in this world.

Seeing Shi Feng in retreat, he has flew to an extremely distant place.

At this time, I saw Yu Yan's sword finger suddenly slashed down.

Carrying his anger, carrying him all the way to submission!

Seeing that man ’s desperate flight escaped in the end, it would eventually be fruitless. At this moment, Yu Yan was really happy!

Point at the great sword, move with his sword, violently cut!

Actually cut directly into the void, disappeared instantly.


In the distant void, the retreated Shi Feng suddenly saw that the ice-colored giant sword suddenly appeared in front of him, containing the supreme cold sword power, and slashed violently towards himself.

Shi Feng's eyes widened, revealing incomparable horror. However, when he saw the ice-colored giant sword hit him directly, Shi Feng grinned suddenly and smiled coldly.

In the distant void, Yu Yan naturally kept an eye on the movement in that direction.

Although far apart, all the expressions on Shi Feng's face fell into his eyes very clearly.

"How does he ... laugh?"

Seeing the smile that suddenly appeared on Shi Feng's face, Yu Xuan was suddenly shocked in his heart, an extremely bad feeling, showing his heart.

Seeing that the ice-colored giant sword was about to devour him and Xu Mishan above his head, Yu Xuan immediately saw that person disappeared at the same time as his extraordinary device!

At this moment, Shi Feng had already communicated with Jian Tong in Xu Mi Mountain, and with the magical power of Jian Tong, he moved away instantly!

"Oh!" There was a sudden violent sound!

The ice-colored great sword suddenly cut off!

However, this piece of void was immediately cut into two pieces by him, divided into two!

An extremely huge and horrible dark rift appeared, producing an extremely violent devouring power!


"Why ... what is going on?" Yu Min murmured in his heart, realizing that it was extremely bad.

The next moment, he turned abruptly, trying to escape and escape.

But just then, "Oh! Stupid?"

A loud laughter sounded immediately from his front.

With a flickering figure, Yu Min suddenly saw that this person appeared in front of his eyes.

"Why is he here? Why is he here?" Yu Min was shocked.

At this time, Shi Feng had clenched her fists, and at the same time, the white light above her head flashed.

The moment Jiantong displayed his magical power, Xu Mishan, who had been taken up by Shi Feng, was sacrificed again by him.

The punches, the mountains, the violent force, blasted Yu Yu again!

Who will eventually be destroyed?

(End of this chapter)

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