Chapter 3363 Who Warns Who?

Facing the extraordinary punch and the extraordinary mountain, Yu Yan urged his hands to fight against it!

However, with all his power, he was constantly destroyed under the power of Shi Feng.

The fist struck his heart, and Xu Mishan crashed on top of his head.

"Ah!" The pain was violent, and spread throughout Yu's body.

At this moment, Yu Yu is already distorted and looks extremely painful.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"


Shi Feng's fists fluttered and he continued to bombard him.

Xu Mishan also continued to riot, banging at Yu Yan.

Suffering such powerful violent forces, he continued to be violently attacked. Soon, Yu Yan was beaten to pieces and his blood was raging.

"Dead!" Shi Feng spit out the two words coldly, carrying her unparalleled power in the final punch, and violently struck Yu Yu again.

This punch was also a bombardment of Yu Yan's heart, directly into his body, piercing through his back!

"Ah!" Yu Yan yelled frantically. At this moment, he just felt that all the blood in his body was boiling uncontrollably and surging!

All rushed to the arm that penetrated his body.

At the same time, I saw that Yu's body was drying up.

Yu Yan opened his eyes wide, and looked at Shi Feng in front of his face with horror.

Frightened, filled with incomparable unwillingness!

Efforts to escape to the King's Forest, and got that power.

As a result ... it turned out ... this ... ending!

"Eh!" The last sound, Yu Yan finally breathed out, as his blood was sucked, his face became extremely thin at this moment!

But soon, Yu Yan's body became dry, like thousands of years.

The whole body's blood was completely drained and there was no drop left!

Become an extremely dry corpse!

No weight of God Realm, the strongest clan family, another peak to create extreme powers fell!

Two consecutive deaths in a day reached the peak, even the uncle's family had to be injured in the end!

After Jiuyou Gong worked, devouring the power of death and Yu Xun's soul, the arm that penetrated into the dead body trembled.

This dried-up corpse was immediately shaken out by him and fell to the piece of King's Forest below him!

"Yeah!" After killing Yu Yu, Shi Feng's eyebrows were twisted again, and a light noise was emitted.

Then slowly turned around and looked at the void that was far away at this moment.

There, the boundless beast figure, headed by it, is the supreme beast, the scales evil tiger!

Just now Shi Feng fought Yu Yu, those fierce creatures avoided it so far!

Seeing that fierce man looked at, at this moment, even the evil tiger that day was shocked in his heart.

Immediately opened his mouth and uttered a word: "Human race, the king has no intention to be your enemy. Just now you and the two were fighting, and the king has not intervened, just watching the war."

"Oh!" Shi Feng responded softly.

This white tiger is indeed the same.

"That's it," Shi Feng said softly.

After saying this, he folded up Xu Mishan, flew up and rushed forward, and then continued to fly forward.

Nowadays, although he has entered the triple king of God, his combat power has greatly increased.

But this is the realm of the gods, and even if it is such a practice, it is still extremely dangerous.

He killed two uncles of this uncle's family and reached the peak, and there is a young master. There will surely be more strong men in this uncle's family, perhaps the stronger ones will come.

During this time, continue to go deep into this sea of ​​clouds and avoid it!

Seeing Shi Feng rising wildly, and then rushing forward, "Roar!"

A roar roared from the evil tiger's mouth.

He was worried that this man suddenly caught off guard and blasted himself to take his own life.

The strength that erupted just now, as well as his extraordinary mountain, Tianlin evil tiger knows that he is not his rival.

And he had previously performed an extremely mysterious figure, suddenly appeared behind that person, and then bombed that person to death.

In the face of such a brutal and ruthless person, Tianlin Evil Tiger has to guard against it!

One more important thing is that this human race cultivates evil powers and **** out that person's blood, which is enough to show that he can devour the blood of souls for his use!

"Human race, the monster race and the human race have an agreement for a long time and do not violate each other. If you really attack me, the monsters in the Yunhai Mountains will definitely not agree!

And those horrible old guys in the deepest sea of ​​clouds ...

Your race will usher in a great catastrophe! "

At this time, the evil scale tiger once again spat words and warned Shi Feng.

Wuzhong Shenyu is strong, and indeed many years ago, they entered into an agreement with this sea of ​​clouds!

After the agreement was made, in fact, the human race and the demon race continued to invade each other.

For example, the Golden Dragon God of War that was previously killed by Shi Feng, his mission is to guard this mountain of clouds and mountains, to prevent monsters from invading the human race!

However, after the agreement, there was no such earth-shattering world war between the demon and the human race.

"No need to say nonsense, Ben Shao is just passing by, let's talk nonsense, Ben Shao really ends you!"

Hearing the evil tiger's words that day, Shi Feng responded coldly to him.

Originally, this white tiger was quite a lover, Shi Feng didn't want to treat him.

He didn't expect it, but he was endless!

"You!" A word of "You", angrily like a roar, spit out from Bai Hu's mouth.

It is the king of the forest, the king of the beasts, and this person actually let the beasts speak such words to himself.

This almost made it lose its face before the people.

However, even so, after the evil tiger spit out the word "you" on this day, he did not dare to continue the attack.

It's really scared, this fierce man!

In this way, it looked up at the tiger's head, along with the beasts behind it, and watched that person quickly fly past the overhead.

In an instant, he passed by the beasts, his body was still flying, and he flew towards the deeper sea of ​​Yunhai Mountains.

He did not attack him fiercely.

At this moment, the evil scale tiger has turned away, until the flying figure disappears completely into his sight.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!"

On this day, the scales of tigers suddenly burst into fierce tiger howls.

Suddenly, there was a violent wind between the heavens and the earth, and the space trembled.

The king is powerful, the forest is shaking violently!



The Yunhai Mountains were empty, and the resentment in the wild flying suddenly saw seven young figures in the mountains, and stared at a beautiful figure, and suddenly burst out a shout of surprise, showing surprise.

When I heard that the young master of the family, Han Han, and Luolong died, pity thought that pity leaves were also fierce!

However, she did not expect that she now looks good.

"Isn't it Yeer, they haven't been with Lu Han and haven't encountered that evil!"

Pity thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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