Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3364: Qianyuan Cave!

Chapter 3364 Qianyuan Cave!

Now when I see Lian Ye well, the stone in my heart of hatred is finally put down, and I breathe a sigh of relief!

At this time, seven people in the forest also found the resentment of the suspended void, "Second Uncle!"

Seeing pity, pity Ye called out.

Then, shouted into the void:


With a movement of pity, she fell wildly, and in an instant, fell in front of seven young men and seven.

Glancing at the three women and four men, she opened her hate and asked, "Are you not with your young master?"

"Second Uncle." Lian Ye said, "We previously entered the Yunhai Mountains with the Master Family Master, but ... Master Family Master Him, already ..."

Lian Ye told the ins and outs of things and told pity.

Seven of them, originally at the call of the young master Xiao Han, entered the Qianyuan Cave of the Yunhai Mountains!

It is said that entering the depths of Qianyuan Cave is a place with extremely strong energy and riots, and martial arts can devour energy into it for cultivation.

It is rumored that those who first entered Qianyuandong will feel great benefits and benefit a lot, and then they will gradually dilute.

All eight of them entered Qianyuan Cave for the first time. The young master of the family, Zhi Han, was very confident that after entering Qianyuan Cave, he would martial arts into the Four Heavens of God!

However, as we all know, at the entrance of Qianyuan Cave, there is a terrifying cyan snake.

So Han Han planned to seduce and capture a few fierce creatures and rushed into Qianyuan Cave as a bait to seduce the green snake.

As a result, he encountered a man who was in the martial arts realm and seemed to be in the heavens.

I didn't expect it after that ...


Hearing these words from Lian Ye, he nodded secretly and said, "That is to say, you also fell into that person's hands, but that one did not take your life, and only killed Han Han and the Golden Dragon God of War. ! "

"Muff!" Speaking of these two words, pity frowned, and then said, "Is this man hostile to his uncle?"

"Second uncle!" After hearing the words of pity, pity Ye shouted again, saying:

"In my observation, according to the conversation between that person and the Han God and the Golden Dragon War God, that person should not be aimed at his family, but whoever wants to deal with him, he will kill anyone!

That is, if a person does not commit him, he does not commit a person. If a person commits a crime, he will want that person and die! "

Lian Ye's remarks ended, and a few of the young men remembered the meaning of the remarks, and then thought about the previous events, and nodded secretly.

That person seems to be the case.

The seven of them, although they were all the way, but from the beginning, it was just that Han that offended him and said a few words to him. Later, he was also killed by the Golden Dragon God of War, to suppress him and to break into their family prison……

Hearing their words, pity moved.

Not long ago, he was teaming up with 泧 家 玉 蔫, gu (夃 殇) 夃 殇 (shang) to fight against that man!

Critically attacked the man.

Pitying family, already hatred with that horrible evildoer!

That's one, but they will subvert their entire home!


"Now we have pity on our family, or we will join hands with our uncle to completely eradicate that evil!

The feud between his grandmother and him could not be resolved.

Or ... "

With pity, he didn't know how to decide for a while.

Then he opened his mouth again and said to Lian Ye: "Since you are all safe, you will go home immediately, so that the family members will not worry!

With such a big event, nowadays, there will be no turbulence and unrest! "

Hearing this resentment, Lian Ye said, "But uncle, we were planning to go to Qianyuandong just now."

"Going to Qianyuan Cave?" Lian Ye murmured, but showed a touch of worry, saying, "That person is still in this mountain of clouds and seas, so it's better for you to escape from danger, or go home early."

"It's okay, pity the second elder." At this time, Wen Wenbin, the literary genius Wen Rong, said:

"That man, to die for us, do it early. Even if we meet again, we should be fine as long as we don't offend him."

"Well, yes. Lord Er, I would like to ask you to leave my Yunhai Mountains, if you see my father and mother, please tell me peace for them!"

Zhe Jia Zhe Jin also said, that is, the person who had previously said respectfully to Shi Feng.

"Yeah, Lord Er ..."

These young people spoke to hatred one after another.


At this moment, Shi Feng lost her breath, and quickly moved between the mountains and forests.

At this moment, in addition to the scales and evil tigers previously encountered in the King's Forest, Shi Feng also sensed the two fierce things that reached the summit in this sea of ​​clouds.

A purple lizard!

A black-haired wild boar!

However, Shi Feng has successfully avoided these two fierce creatures, and no fighting has taken place!

The reason why he entered the Yunhai Mountains was to avoid the uncle's strong man for the time being, he didn't want to leave any trace here.

The Yunhai Mountains are full of clouds and mist, like raging seas.

The mountains are also named!

Shi Feng found that as he entered this mountain of clouds and seas, the rolling clouds increased in intensity and intensity.

At this moment, with his eyesight, he could only see within one meter of his eyes.

Fortunately, the power of the soul is not affected, and it is still sweeping in madness, covering all sides.

"According to the message left by the man, I went further and saw a mountain with a hole in the mountain called Qianyuan Cave!

The Qianyuan Cave is extraordinary and mysterious. As long as it is the first time a warrior enters it, he will definitely get great benefits. "

Shi Feng murmured while moving quickly.

"Outside the Qianyuan Cave, there is a green snake guarding it, and the green snake is at the top of the quadruple heaven of the King!

Although the green snake is not terrifying, there is a mysterious formation in Qianyuan Cave. The martial arts who enter it are often wandering in the mysterious formation and cannot really enter the Qianyuan Cave. "

"Then look into this Qianyuan Cave!" Shi Feng had decided in his heart, and kept flying forward, rushing towards ten o'clock at this moment.

According to the message left by Luolong, Qianyuan Cave is in this direction!

The warrior successfully entered for the first time and gained great benefits.

Shi Feng would like to see what benefits she can get in that hole.

"Maybe let me advance again?" Thinking of this, Shi Feng smiled slightly.

I think it should be impossible!

Swallowing the Divine Fire of the Sun by myself, has been Jin Jin's second heaven, there, but it's just a hole!

However, Shi Feng was thinking that way: "If I can successfully step into the quadruple heaven of the King of God, in this domain of no gravity, I should not be afraid of anyone!"

"The King of Gods is fourfold! Khan, this is bound to be a long journey!"

Feeling the horror of the energy he needed in Dantian, Shi Feng sighed deeply.

With the energy required by Dantian, today, I am afraid that it is difficult to satisfy hundreds of powerful men who have reached the peak and created extreme conditions!

"However, this time I ascended twice into the sky, and God didn't lower the Devil and Black Thunder again, to destroy me! It was also quite unexpected ..."

(End of this chapter)

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