Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3365: Underground road, dead seven!

Chapter 3365: Underground Road, Seven Dead!

As for this advancement, why the **** Devil Black Thunder did not appear, and Shi Feng couldn't figure it out.

He didn't know what the thief was thinking.

Now that he wasn't sure, Shi Feng quickly stopped thinking.

The body moved violently and violently, and it seemed that it would flash instantly in this misty mountain forest!


"This passage is the mysterious underground road?"

Under the Yunhai Mountains, there are seven figures in a long underground road, walking slowly here.

These seven were the seven who had entered the Yunhai Mountains with the master of the family.

At this moment, they were moving slowly.

Seven of them can appear here, it seems that they have also convinced the second grandfather of Pity Family, pity!

"Everyone be careful!" Zhe Jia Zhe Jin looked dignified, and said to everyone, she said:

"Although this underground road is mysterious, it is said that there were some people who walked on this road. I don't know what happened. All of them died here!

Every one of them is terribly dead, even with his eyes wide open. It is already before he died that he saw extremely terrifying things! "


This road was dark and gloomy. When this fold Jin said it, he immediately felt here and became more gloomy.

Faintly, as if there was a mysterious atmosphere, flowing between the poles.

"This ... why have I never heard of it?" Said the girl, who was wearing a pink outfit, and moved to the Valley of Flowers and Gods.

When she spoke, her voice seemed to tremble slightly.

It seems that she was affected by the words of Zhe Jin.

Then, she said again, "Zhen Jin, you are writing a story, have you intentionally scared us?"

"Hua Luo, don't say it, I have heard it." At this time, the genius Wen Rong of the literary man suddenly spoke, and said to the woman who was walking beside Hua Shengu.

When speaking these words, Wen Rong's voice suddenly became abnormally dignified.

If that was the case, people would probably not believe it.

But Wen Rong has always been calm and never joked.

After Wen Rong's words came out, his face moved together.

Several people suddenly felt that this gloomy place suddenly became more gloomy.

"Wen Rong said so, you should always believe that I'm not kidding." Zhe Jin said.

He then said, "If I remember correctly, those people at that time, martial arts were similar to us ...

And the number of them ... "Speaking of this, Zhe Jin's eyes suddenly opened, and his heart fluttered slightly:" It's just ... seven people! "


"Seven people……"

"Ah! Zhe Jin, you don't need to say any more ..." Hua Luo exclaimed, and immediately stopped Zhe Jin from continuing.

It seems that she was really scared!

"Zhe Jin, stop talking, it's boring, not auspicious." Another young man said to Zhe Jin.

"Well, stop talking." Wen Rong also said.

"Okay." Zhe Jin nodded.

In fact, just now, he was suddenly scared by the thought that flashed in his mind.

The same martial arts practice, the same family, seven people.

How similar it is!


"Don't think about it! Don't think about it again!" Zhe Jin said desperately to herself.

However, the more he told himself not to think about it, the more he couldn't help thinking about it ...

"Seven people died tragically ..."

"Eyes wide open ..."

"Even at the moment when the soul stone they placed in their home was destroyed, no one in the family could see the scene before their death ..."

"I saw nothing but darkness, just screaming ... only ..."


After Zhe Jin did not speak, no one spoke for a while.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely silent, and even, the silence was somewhat depressed.

Seven people, still walking slowly forward.

"Patter ... patter ... patch ..." The sound of their footsteps kept echoing in the silent and gloomy cave.

"Let's ... talk about ... let's talk ..." At this time, Hualuo of Yihua Shengu said suddenly.

Just now, although Zhe Jin didn't speak anymore, she kept thinking about the sentence Zhe Jin said.

She is the same, the more she wants to stop thinking, the more she thinks.

Even faintly, I always felt that there was something behind me.

On the way, she looked back many times ...

"Well." Lian Ye Lian Ye nodded slightly and said softly.

"This ..." However, just after her word fell, "Woo! Woo! Woo!"

"Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!"

Suddenly, the seven of them heard the strange sounds, and the underground road sounded immediately.

Can't tell what direction it came from.

It seems like something is crying.

Listen and listen, not like crying, like, laughing!

With seven faces, all of them were suddenly shocked.

Walking together, all together.

That strange sound kept ringing.

"What, pretend to be a ghost here, get out of me!" Wen Rong yelled suddenly, yelling loudly.

The power of Dao Wenwen suddenly spilled out of him.

"Ah! Should ... Shouldn't ... Just ..." The pink-clad woman said in surprise.

"Don't scare yourself!" Li Ye comforted her.

Although they are all women, Lian Ye is calm, and then he says, "Everyone must keep their minds at bay. All these evil things start with our minds and must not be confused!"

"Hmm ... OK!" Hua Luo nodded.

"We continue to move forward!" Wen Rong said out loud.

Among the seven people today, only the martial arts realm of Wen Rong has stepped into the triple king of God, and his martial arts is the highest.

At this moment invisible, everyone is already headed by him.

Hearing Wen Rong's words, everyone nodded silently, and stopped walking forward.

The sound of cries and laughter echoed in their ears.

The seven people who had been scattered scattered closer and closer.

Daodao Yuanli has begun to secretly urge, ready to face the unknown terror and danger at any time.

"Don't be afraid ... don't be afraid ... nothing will happen ... nothing will happen ... it will be all right ..."

Between walking, Zhe Jin kept muttering in his mouth.

However, muttering these words, I saw his body trembling constantly.

"Zhe Jin, it seems that something is not right!" A young man walking behind Zhe Jin, seeing Zhe Jin's strange shape, and then went out of his voice.

After hearing what he said, he turned his head one by one and looked at him.

Suddenly they saw that Zhe Jin was lowering her head deeply at this moment, with scattered long hair covering her face.

"Oh, huh, huh, huh!"

"Oh, huh, huh, huh!"

A lot of grinning laughter continued to emanate from him, echoing in the darkness.

The next moment, I saw Zhe Jin was aiming at them, slowly, slowly, and very slowly raised his head. This action looked extremely stiff and unnatural ...

(End of this chapter)

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