Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3374: Did you fall in love with me?

Chapter 3374: Are You In Love With Me?

"They, Langcai, look ... so good!"

Hua Luo looked at the two black and red figures in front of him, and murmured secretly.

"But he said earlier that neither of the women was his wife.

If he likes them, at that time, he should not answer directly, no ... "

"But I see the relationship between the two of them, and they look at each other's eyes ..."

"Do you want something?" Just as Hualuo was stunned, a man's voice sounded beside her.

The person who speaks is the literary genius, Wen Rong.

Hearing Wen Rong's words, Hualuo slowly returned to God, and looked back at Wen Rong, "No thought."

"Oh!" Wen Rong nodded very seriously when he heard Hua Luo say so.

Followed him very seriously and said, "But Hualuo, I can see that you are interested in that one.

However, you still have to think about it carefully. He killed Lu Han and the Golden Dragon God of War, and the Lu Family will certainly not let him live in this world.

You'd better restrain your feelings for him. "

"I ..." Hualuo didn't expect that Wen Rong could even see his mind.

The little face suddenly became even more blushed, and quickly said, "Wen Rong, what are you talking about!"

After this sentence, Hua Luodun's footsteps quickly moved forward, and his pace accelerated!

It seems that they are catching up with the two figures in front of them, and it seems that they are avoiding Wen Rong who sees through his mind.

"Ah!" Wenrong was deeply sighed again when he saw Hualuo going away.

"Tell him so much, hope ... she can listen in.

Otherwise, she will be the only one injured! Wen Rong added.

As he said this, he walked over.


Shi Feng and Jian Tong went deep into the Qianyuan Cave together.

As she went further, Jian Tong was shaking with the evil ink in her hands and became more and more violent.

One soul, one sword, looking closer and closer, before the face of Jian Tong, like a soul and a sword, are about to merge together!

And Shi Feng, also felt that the flame of Dantian began to tremble.

By this time, it was not only the torch, but the power of the thunder also began to rush.

That Demon Black Thunder also began to have a change.

"Devil!" Shi Feng exclaimed again!

The magic eyes, the ears, the fingers, and the hands were manifested without his urging!

Suddenly, the billowing magic mist surged wildly.

And that magic eye, in addition to the magic mist, also has a corrosive atmosphere, which is the power of that evil eye!

"Boom!" Suddenly, a sound of thunder blasted from Shi Feng's body.

In the rolling mist of magic, the extermination black thunder burst out, and the dark thunder light flashed. This space has suddenly become extremely violent and abnormal.

At this moment it looks as if entering a dark realm!

For the situation of Shi Feng beside him, Jian Tong had completely ignored.

At this moment all her attention was concentrated in the evil ink in her hands.

Not long after, Hualuo followed.

Looking at the violent place, her footsteps stopped suddenly, her face was jealous, and she did not dare to approach that side, or dare to approach Shi Feng again.

She could feel that the surging terror, the breath of terror, even if she got a trace of it,

Only as Shi Feng and Jian Tong slowly penetrated deeper, she still kept that distance slowly moving.

"I ... too weak!"

"Is this ... is there no qualification to be near him?"

Hua Luo murmured softly.

Looking at the red glamorous shadow, she even had envy.

Only she, who is equally strong, can walk with him.

This is the case in this cruel world.

Whether two people are lovers or friends, naturally they must have considerable strength and background.

"I ... need to be stronger too!" Hua Luo murmured again.

Suddenly, I saw her all around, and suddenly fluttered pink petals!

A strange breath suddenly rose from Hualuo's body.

"Hualuo she ..." Wenrong, who was behind Hualuo, suddenly changed her face.

Immediately a flicker of the figure flashed behind Hualuo.

Then she said in a deep voice: "Hua Luo is about to break through!

So sudden breakthrough? As far as I know, according to her original martial arts progress, it will take at least three years to enter the triple king of the gods!

Now even ... Is this the benefit of entering Qianyuan Cave?

Today Qianyuan Cave has a complicated form! Let me be her messenger! "

The form he said is complicated, naturally the corpses released by Shi Feng and his disciples.

A martial arts breakthrough is an extremely tense moment and must not be interfered by external forces.

Just like Ling Yefeng, that day in a fierce land, he was steadily repaired to be disturbed by the wise son of that day.


Slowly, there are more and more petals floating in this space, and Hualuo is wrapped in dense petals.

Like a cocoon!

"When she breaks the flowers, it's time for her to enter the King of Gods!"

Looking at the "flower cocoon", Wen Rong added.


Shi Feng and Jian Tong still did not stop them from walking.

But just then, "Oh!"

There was an extremely crisp and loud Jianming.

The evil ink that violently oscillated in Yu Jiantong's hands, rushed directly into Jian Tong's forehead, even ... directly rushed in!

"Ah!" Suddenly, a painful cooing rang from Jiantong's mouth.

Hearing this voice, Shi Feng's eyes opened immediately, and he quickly turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

At this critical moment, Shi Feng is also worried about what will happen to her.

And at this moment, the rolling magic fog and Mo Lei condensed together, wrapping around his body, like a thick black iron chain!

Makes him look so amazing!

Hearing Shi Feng's voice, Jian Tong also slowly turned his head to look at him, the pain on his face had faded, and then smiled at Shi Feng Yan Yan, saying:

"Relax, I'm fine!"

"Oh, that's good." Shi Feng nodded.

"It seems that you still care about me." Jian Tong was still laughing and said.

"Of course!" Shi Feng answered with a serious face.

She has paid for herself many times and helped herself many times in extreme danger. She has long been a very important person in her life.

"Then, have you fallen in love with me?" Jian Tong asked with a smile.

But hearing this sentence, Shi Feng's expression suddenly freezes.

Fall in love with ...

"Haha!" Jian Tong suddenly laughed when Shi Feng suddenly became a little awkward.

He said, "Actually, I like to see how you look like me when you are so cute."

"Well, don't make a mess! With this great opportunity, you will fully integrate the Excalibur and step into the peak!" Shi Feng said to her.

"Yes, obey!"

(End of this chapter)

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