Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3375: Jian Tong becomes stronger!

Chapter 3375 Jian Tong becomes stronger!

"Well!" There was a sound of sword groaning inside Qianyuan Cave.

The body of Jian Tong was transformed directly into that silver serpent-shaped sword, filled with an extremely wicked atmosphere.

The sword body moved slightly, and the whole sword looked as if it had become very soft, as if it had really become a silver snake!

"This girl has become more and more compatible with this extraordinary sword. It should be completely united!"

Looking at the silver snake next to the suspension, Shi Feng said with relief.

And he, like the black iron chain, the magic fog and magic thunder that has covered his entire body, has also become larger, thicker, and even darker, without flashing a dark luster!

The power has become stronger!

There is also the flame in the body, which also trembles even more violently!

Shi Feng has sensed that the flame has become fiercer.

However, up to now, these changes have not stopped and have been strengthened.


Time passes slowly and slowly.

Shi Feng and Jian Tong, who turned into a silver snake, were still going deep.

This mysterious Qianyuan Cave seems to have no end.

And Shi Feng still felt that the more he walked in, the denser the colorful fog was, and the stronger the abnormal shape of the body was.

Along the way, he also saw a vampire.

Some corpses stood still and had strange faces, but there were strange waves on their bodies.

Some corpses sat on the ground, eyes narrowed.

Some lie on their backs, their fronts clinging to the ground, generating a lot of power on the ground ...



Suddenly at this moment, the sword of Xie Mo sent another crisp sound.

Shi Feng suddenly felt that there was no surpassing sword power, suddenly rising from the sword, the sword moved, thousands of silver sword shadows, immediately rioted in this space, confused his eyes.

Shi Feng grinned and said, "Climb to the extreme sword power! It seems that this girl has successfully integrated with the sword!"

"Ha!" A coquettish laughter sounded suddenly.

Between the million silver sword shadows, Jian Tong manifested.

The right hand fluttered lightly, and all the places that passed were silver sword shadows exuding the power of terror.

At this moment, she will be the sword of evil ink, which is her!

"Is this the power to reach the highest peak? Sure enough, it is so strong!"

Jian Tong felt the power of her urge at this moment, even she was shocked.

If you haven't reached the peak, you will never understand how terrible the power of the peak is.

For Jian Tong, this was a force she could never imagine.

And now, this terror power belongs to himself!

Think of the existence of the true God Triple Realm a few years ago when she was desolate in the inner realm, and she was looking forward to the existence.

But now, it's just a few years, let alone the triple **** of the true God, the triple king of the gods, all of her existence.

Once and now, it is really one day at a time!

"My dear, my benefits have been completed. This Qianyuan Cave is indeed extremely mysterious.

How about you now? "

Jian Tong asked Shi Feng.

Taking control of such a powerful force, Jian Tong at the moment is naturally very happy.

The man was getting closer and closer.

Jian Tong's heart is naturally very clear, in order to finally be with this man, it is necessary to keep up with his pace!

This is the world of martial arts!

"I can continue!" Shi Feng replied to Jian Tong.

The energy that has changed has continued to strengthen.

Doesn't seem to stop!

However, Shi Feng naturally didn't want it, it would stop.

He wants strength, more and more strength!

Only powerful forces can survive in this world, and can survive in front of powerful enemies!

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Jian Tong said softly to him: "Then I will stay with you."

It is really full of charm and tenderness. I am afraid that few men can resist it!

"Huh!" Shi Feng answered.

Suddenly, just listening to the sound of "Boom", the violent flame was unable to be suppressed, and it was directly burnt out.

Shi Feng's whole person instantly turned into a scarlet fireman!

However, in the blood and fire, we can still see the energy like black iron chains!

"Uh!" Immediately, a painful cry, suddenly from Shi Feng's mouth.

At the sound of this pain, Jian Tong Qiao's face changed, and he quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

"Um ... uh ... no ... nothing!" Shi Feng replied, but the sound still seemed a little laborious, tired, and painful.

Jian Tong was worried, and he quickly said, "My physical body has also begun to change under these energies. The blood, flesh, and veins of my body have become extremely active, especially the blood in my body is constantly boiling!

This ... is a good thing. "

"That's good." Hearing Shi Feng said, Jian Tong nodded secretly.

That's why I was relieved.

His eyes stared at Shi Feng, who turned into fire, but couldn't see it.

"It seems ... the front convenience is the end." At this moment, Jian Tong said suddenly.

His eyes penetrated the colorful fog, and he saw that there was no way to do it, about three meters away from them.

It was a multicolored rock wall that looked extremely hard and felt extremely mysterious.

Daodao colorful glow is from this colorful rock wall.

It also seems that, while vomiting the colorful mist, one in and one out, it is breathing very rhythmically, like a living creature.

"Well, it's the end." Shi Feng responded.

However, their footsteps continued to move forward, and he stopped before standing on the colorful rock wall.

Shi Feng's right hand, which was also burning with **** flames, slowly protruded, and went to the colorful rock wall.

Seeing Shi Feng doing this, Jian Tong immediately exclaimed: "Beware of danger! Be careful!"

In this mysterious place, who knows what exactly exists, everything, must pay attention.

"I know!" Shi Feng replied to Jian Tong.

And just then, his fireman was already clinging to the colorful rock wall.

"Boom!" Just listening to the sound of an extremely violent roar, and then suddenly the violent tremble.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

This space suddenly became extremely violent.

"Not good!" Jian Tong exclaimed immediately.

"He Fang's devil has mixed me into Qianyuan Cave! Destruction!"

For a while, it was extremely cold, listening to the sound of extremely unreal and utterly screaming, blasted from Shi Feng's mind.

At the same time, an extremely horrific force broke out from this colorful rock wall and shook towards Shi Feng!

"Ah!" A painful, screaming sound rang out.

Under the force of terror, the **** flames of Shi Feng's body were all destroyed, and the dark energy surrounding the entire body had disappeared.

The whole person of Shi Feng was so shocked that he flew out.

"Dear!" The three words that Jian Tong shouted were full of panic, and his body disappeared instantly ...

(End of this chapter)

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