Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3376: Awkward Jian Tong!

Chapter 3376: Awkward Jian Tong!

You can hear Shi Feng's scream just now, his condition is not good.

A splash of bright red blood flew in midair, and Shi Feng just spewed out of his mouth.

And the body that flew out suddenly fell like a sandbag.

But at this moment, a red shadow appeared quietly from his side, opened his hands, and hugged him as he was about to land!

"Eh! This!" The moment Jiantong hugged Shi Feng, Shi Feng immediately sensed something, and his face suddenly changed.

"What are you? What happened to you?" Jian Tong's face was still full of worries and concerns, and he quickly asked Shi Feng.

"I ... I'm fine? I can't die, it's just, your hand ..." Shi Feng said, and said, looking over his eyes.

The force of terror just now destroyed even the scorching flame of Shi Feng's body, as well as the power condensed by Black Thunder and the Mist, let alone his clothes.

At this moment, Shi Feng, who was embraced by Jian Tong in his arms, was naked, but inadvertently, Jian Tong's right hand was in the most unsuitable place.

Suddenly, Jian Tong suddenly felt a huge force coming from his right hand, and that hand was suddenly shocked by the huge force.

"Ah!" A loud cry came out of her mouth, and she turned her head subconsciously.

Suddenly, the pretty face suddenly changed suddenly, his eyes widened extremely, and his face was extremely shocked.

"Have you seen enough!"

Immediately after, she heard Shi Feng's voice coming.

"Ah!" Another shouted in surprise, and the double-opening holding Shi Feng was immediately loosened. As soon as his figure moved, Jian Tong turned around.

She was hugged by Jian Tong just now, and Shi Feng was already steady.

At this moment, even if Jian Tong was released, his body was still suspended in the air and never dropped.

The black magic armor suddenly appeared on him, blocking the spring light.

"Are you ... okay?" At this moment, Jian Tong turned around and asked Shi Feng.

At this moment, her cheeky face had become ashamed.

Although she often took the initiative to go to Shi Feng, like a demon girl, but in fact, she was a big girl of yellow flowers. When she encountered such a thing, she was at a loss for a while, and was sorry to face Shi Feng again.

"Okay," Shi Feng said.

Hearing his words, Jian Tong slowly turned around.

However, she still lowered her head slightly, and that blushing face did not dare to look directly at Shi Feng.

He asked softly, "How is your injury?"

Jian Tong naturally will not forget, Shi Feng's earlier painful screams.

But seeing that his body is still floating, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Especially that place, so powerful!

"I have suffered severe internal wounds, but in my physical body, I should be able to recover within a few days." Shi Feng replied to Jian Tong.

With this remark, his head was slowly raised, his gaze penetrated the colorful fog again, and he looked at the colorful rock wall.

Unexpectedly, this colorful rock wall was so shocking.

Shi Feng felt that if it were not for his own physical strength, if he climbed to the peak to create a polar realm, he would have been destroyed by that terror.

And there was indeed a sound in his mind at that time, called the devil!

"What kind of creatures exist in this colorful rock wall? It is so powerful!"

"And after that force shook me, I did not attack me again!

In other words, are the creatures in the colorful rock wall restricted?

Only when I get closer can I launch his terrorist power? "

Shi Feng murmured.

The thoughts flashed in his mind.

The thing that called him a monster must be because of the magic thunder and mist of his body.


After the injury recovered slightly, Shi Feng lay in the mid-air body slowly standing, her feet slowly falling back to the ground.

At this time, Dao Dao Mist began to gush from his magic eyes, ears, hands, and fingers.

There are Dao Mo Lei, but also Pentium!

After entering Qianyuan Cave, the magic mist and thunder that are pouring out today are obviously different from what they used to be!

Get thicker!

And the **** red demon fire also reappeared and began to burn!

Here, it is the deepest part of Qianyuan Cave. Going forward, you are too close to the unknown creature, and Shi Feng doesn't want to approach any more.

Therefore, he has been standing still, receiving these benefits brought to him by this Qianyuan Cave.

Jian Tong, standing quietly, began to guard him, but her attention kept gazing at the colorful rock wall.

She was worried that the murderer who attacked Shi Feng would suddenly rush out from that direction. She was ready, and if that was the case, she would immediately perform magical powers and retreat with him.


Soon, Shi Feng's place became a sea of ​​blood.

As the sea of ​​fire expanded, Jian Tong's figure slowly avoided it.

Even if she now controls the power of climbing the peak, she dare not touch the fire of Shi Feng easily.

"Flip-flops ..."

Suddenly, Jian Tong suddenly heard the sound of footsteps from behind.

Turning his head and looking over, it was that Wenrong and Hualuo.

And Hualuo, who moved the flower of the Valley of Gods, seems to have successfully broken through, and martial arts cultivation has stepped from the King of Heaven to the Second Heaven.

And that Wen Rong didn't see much change in his body, and he didn't know whether he had gained any benefit from entering this Qianyuan Cave.

Seeing the sea of ​​blood, the two men's footsteps stopped immediately.

They already understood that it was an inaccessible strength that he and his two had cultivated.

And soon, they saw the red gloomy shadow standing in the scarlet fire overseas.

"She's here, what about him?" Hua Luo murmured.

Then he said, "Since she is here, this sea of ​​fire should be related to him."


Then they stood here, looking at the fire.

"He has been so bad that he has benefited from Qianyuan Cave this time. He will grow again, I am afraid, he will become stronger."

Wen Rong spoke, as if talking to himself, and as if speaking to Hua Luo beside him.

"Yeah." Hua Luo nodded when he heard Wen Rong said.

Followed her and said, "He is so young now, and he has achieved so much. The owner of our unreliable God Realm family, at this age, I'm afraid, isn't it?"

"It's better!" Wen Rong said earnestly.

This is true!

"However, then?" Wen Rong said to Hualuo again:

"In the end, he will still die in the hands of the man in the uncle's house. The more he shows his extraordinaryness, the less likely it is for the uncle to keep him alive."

He said the same thing to Hualuo.

It is to remind Hualuo again that this person's tragic fate has been destined. I hope that Hualuo will not make mistakes!

"Wen Rong, you said, if he wants to escape from the weightless **** realm, is there any way?" However, Hua Luo asked Wen Rong such a question ...

(End of this chapter)

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