Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3400: The seal of the demon old man!

Chapter 3400: Seal of the Demon Elder!

Xu Mishan stormed down again, just like that, hit the demon old man severely.

"Boom!" It sounded like a thunderstorm!

This voice, mainly the head of the demon old man, violently occurred when it collided with Xumi Mountain!

At this time, Shi Feng suddenly saw that old skinny face, suddenly grinning, he was laughing!

This old man was directly hit by such a fierce blow from Sumiyama, but ... nothing happened.

Shi Feng's fists are still raging at him!

His hands still fluttered casually.

Every attack of Shi Feng will be easily resolved by him.

"My husband has said so clearly, do you still not understand?"

The demon old man said to Shi Feng disdainfully.

"This is the old man's field. No matter how strong you were before, entering the old man's field, you are no different from an ant in the eyes of the old man!"

"Ah!" Listening to him, a roar of incomparable madness roared from his mouth.

At this moment, Shi Feng seems to have entered a state of incomparable madness and insanity.

And at this moment, the light of the nine stars in the heart is extremely bright, and the power of the nine stars is extremely fierce!

"Oh! Boy!" At this moment, the demon old man suddenly sensed something, saying, "It turns out that the source of your star power at this moment comes from here!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Roar!" Shi Feng roared continuously.

His hands did not attack the demon old man any more, but he held his own head tightly.

At this moment, he seemed to be in pain, his face, and he was very embarrassed.

And the old demon did not attack Shi Feng!

Above his hands, an evil gray mist was lit, and his hands moved together as if to conclude some secret method!


What are you doing? Such a powerful force, you really want to give up? "Shi Feng growled angrily.

Immediately after, he shouted again, "Ah!"

Then he drank, "Damn!"


"Stop yelling!" Looking at the crazy stone maple, the old demon said again.

At this moment, his hands clasped together, and the gray mist was still burning like a flame, exuding a stranger breath than before.

"Old is not dead!" The more Shi Feng stopped shouting, Shi Feng shouted louder at the old thing in front of her.

"Yeah!" However, in the face of Shi Feng's roar, the old demons were not angry, but the smile on the old face was even worse.

"Thanks to the power of this star, the King of Gods Triple Sky has urged such a terrifying power!

With this power, you could have been so crazy before the old man!

Now, the old man will seal the power of your star magic, take you back, and break down your baby's body well!

Huh! Huh! "

In the end, the demon old man laughed extremely evil.

The wicked power on both hands condensed on the right hand, the right hand was palmed, and slaps out towards Shi Feng.

"Roar! Roar!"

"Roar roar roar!"

Facing the palm of the demon old man, Shi Feng roared like a beast.

The hands clenching his head were trembling, and his body was not trembling.

"Ah! Undead! Undead! Ah! Ah! Ah! Old things, this seat must tear you to pieces, ah!"

Roaring at such words, Shi Feng's hand clenching his head suddenly turned into a claw.

"Roar!" After another roar, I just became a claw, and soon became a fist, but soon, changed back!

The light of the stars flashed up again from above the two claws, and the two claws moved together, grabbing violently towards the palm of the demon old man.

The next moment, the claws violently collided!


However, the palm of the demon old man seemed to have little power, but the star's claws that Shi Feng grabbed violently were immediately shaken away by a strong shock.

It was a force he could not resist!

"Oh!" There was a sound, a slap of evil, and it bombarded Shi Feng's heart!

"Ah! No! No! No!"



Shi Feng, the mad monster, had already felt something, and uttered a roar of incomparable anguish.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the flashing stars and the power of the surging stars have begun a riot, all rushing back towards Shi Feng's heart.

Even the **** light shining on Shi Feng's eyes followed.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

"The old man said, here, the old man can do whatever he wants, the old man can do whatever he wants!

Don't think that you are in the magic, you can drag in front of the old man! In the field of the old man, the old man wants to seal you! "Looking at Shi Feng in front of him, the old demon said again.

That puppet's old face was even more proud.

Only in this moment, the **** light in Shi Feng's eyes had completely receded.

The nine-star ancient demon body was sealed again, all the power of the stars disappeared, and Shi Feng finally returned to reason.

"I, finally, come back!"

"at last!"

He lowered his head slightly, stared at his heart, and said the words gently.

The mind is slowly sensing the evil seal at the heart.

"Eh! Hey! Hey!" The old smile of the old demon came again.

At this time, Shi Feng slowly raised his head, looking at the old man in front of him who gave him an extremely dangerous and evil feeling.

This is an existence that surpasses the peak and creates the extreme state!

"Well, boy, let's go with the old man!" The demon old man said with a smile, his right hand had been found out, and he grabbed at Shi Feng.

"Girl, show your magical power, let's go!" At this moment, Shi Feng immediately made a sound toward Xumi Mountain.

"Oh!" The hand of the old demon was getting closer and closer to Shi Feng.

As soon as I thought about the boy's previous strength, when I remembered that I could study it well, the old demon laughed again involuntarily.

However, just as his old veteran was about to grab Shi Feng's neck ...

The Sumiyama above his head flashed with white light, and then, with this person, instantly ... disappeared!

That's how it happened ... disappeared directly into his realm.

The demon's hand grabbed an empty hand!

"What's the matter?" His eyes flickered open. At this moment, the old man was still a little unresponsive.

It wasn't until he had two breaths that he burst into a rage and said, "How could it be! Damn it! Damn it!"

The old hoarse roar resounded for a long time in this gray vortex world!

He was furious, but he still didn't see and figure it out, how did that guy leave?

You know, this field of yours has spent countless years of hard work, and once had space defects. With the ultimate effort, you will make up for the defects completely, that is, even the space has been completely blocked!

Even the powerful space warrior, never dream of escaping through his space power and space tools ...

(End of this chapter)

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