
"Ah!" The old demon roared, this gray space suddenly began to tremble.

The next moment, the so-called realm has disappeared.

The demon old man returned to the gloomy jungle!

Soul induction swept across immediately, and a fierce tinge of light appeared on his face.

"Little! Livestock! Livestock!" These three words were spit out word by word, uttered coldly and fiercely from his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the old man's body moved violently and rushed out!

"I did not expect that the Jiuxing Ancient Demon Body, with the help of that old thing, sealed it!"

Shi Feng's figure was still on the gloomy jungle at the moment, urging all forces to storm.

In the face of the ten strong men of the weightless **** realm, he was helpless before he unlocked the power of the nine stars.

At that time, it could be said that it was desperate to turn itself into a demon in order to survive.

But it was unexpected ...

In fact, facing the demon old man in that realm at that time, Shi Feng had only the remaining sensible, and deliberately exposed the heart and mind to the old man's eyes.

At that time, I just wanted to try it, but the result was unexpected. The old man really did what he wanted!


"God battled the mainland, and my martial arts practice was a resurrection in the **** king. Now, as my practice advances, this time the Jiuxing ancient demon body seems to be stronger than that time!"

Shi Feng secretly again.

"The power of the star demon is indeed strong! However ... the best in the future, don't use him anymore!"

Shi Feng really didn't want to, her own reason was occupied by that demon, and he became a demon.

Not long ago, at that time, he felt very clearly that he had become a madman himself, and really, desperately wanted to kill.


"Not good!" At this moment, Shi Feng's face suddenly moved, and a burst of surprise in his mouth exclaimed.

He already sensed the breath of the demon old man far behind him.

That old guy is getting closer and closer to himself.

"Small animal, stop for the old man!" The old husky groaned.

"Girl, continue to use your magical powers to get out of this forest first!" Shi Feng immediately heard the sound of Jian Tong in Xu Mishan.

Recalling the previous scene of hunting down the old man in a state of madness, it is clear that the old man deliberately introduced himself into this jungle.

This jungle is weird and weird, so as to avoid another accident, Shi Feng wants to leave.

"Ming ... Bai ..." A sound of extremely weak and struggling voice came from Sumiyama.

It seems that the use of magical powers to help Shi Feng leave from the so-called field, Jian Tong, took a lot of effort.

Immediately afterwards, the stone maple flying wildly disappeared.

The next moment, the demon old man chased from a distance appeared, and saw that old skinny face suddenly changed.

He said coldly, "That boy! It disappeared again! Unlike the way of space, what is going on?"

"The ants in the triple heaven of King Jinjie have these means!"

"Um! There!" But soon, the disappearing Shi Feng was in the sense of this demon old man.

That mad flying figure moved again suddenly, chasing again.

"Boy, no matter what you do today, you can't escape the old man's palm!" The sound of old drinking echoed.


"That old thing, it seems difficult to get rid of him! Damn it!"

With the help of Jiantong magical power out of the gloomy jungle area, Shi Feng's figure began to fly upward.

And he soon sensed that the demon old man was chasing after him quickly.

The distance between the two was still drawing closer.

If this goes on, even with the help of Jiantong magical power, I am afraid that sooner or later will be caught up with that old thing.

Today's self, if only by its own power, is not the opponent of the old thing.

Although it is said that with the help of Thunder Warfare and Shenhuo Tianjue, it should be possible to fight with him for a period of time.

However, it's only a while!

If the state of Thunder and Fire double tactics disappears, it will be the time when the old thing hits itself!

Daodao thoughts kept flashing in Shi Feng's mind.

Immediately afterwards, his expression became extremely tenacious, and he nodded: "It seems that can only be the case!"

Thinking of this, the swift figure immediately took a break, and then slowly turned around.

Shi Feng looks as if she no longer flees, as if she has begun waiting for the old demon to arrive.

"Boy, that's good!" Below, there was a gloomy drink from the demon old man.

Shi Feng lowered her head, and in the sight, the old figure appeared soon, grinning chillyly.

White light flashed above his head, and Xu Mishan was sacrificed again.

"Old thing, it seems that you still want to see the power of the star devil with less! If so, with less, let you do as you wish!"

But when Shi Feng's voice just came down, "Oh! Hey!" A disgruntled, weird grin immediately came.

"Your star magic power has been sealed by the power of the old man, and only by the cultivation of your God King Triple Sky, you want to break it?

Oh, it's crazy dreaming! "

"Oh, right?" Shi Feng said.

Suddenly, he saw the momentum on his body, and suddenly a great change took place.

"Huh? How is that possible?"

"Isuke the King of the Three Heavens, why ... maybe, so imposing!"

"This power!"

Shi Feng's right hand turned into a sword and pointed at Mount Xumi, a force of terror that suddenly rose to Xumi Mountain.

Sensing the force, the demonic old man who rose up suddenly slammed his body.

The old man's face widened his eyes, and Shi Feng stared up at him, and said in shock: "You, how can you have such power?

How did you do it! "

As he said these words, a look of jealousy appeared on the face of the demon old man.

The power coming to himself at this moment, indeed, could break the seal that he had left on his heart.

This person can indeed become the madman again.

"Huh!" Shi Feng didn't answer the old demon. He wouldn't tell him how he did it.

Just asked coldly, "How?"

After speaking these two words, his momentum gradually converged.

The Thunder God of War and the God of Fire and War God stopped operation.

Today, the power of thunder and magical fire has become his life-saving energy and cannot be used easily.

Thanks to the control of Shuangjue now, the two energies are consumed with the state of Shuangjue. Unlike before, under the Thunder God of War, they swallowed the whole body directly, and then broke out!


"You!" The old demon spit out a "you" at the top.

The old face looked extremely gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking at the moment.

"What am I?" Shi Feng responded coldly.

Then he said, "If you don't retreat, Ben Shao will let you see the power of Ben Shao's star magic again! When that time, don't regret it!"

With that said, he was arrogant and rose again ...

(End of this chapter)

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