Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3419: Sky Blood Thunder [2 in 1


Ling Yefeng's place is a secret place in the Sumi Mountains.

And this secret place is the former Sky Mountain, which appeared after being merged with Xizun Mountain.

It should be brought by Xu Zun that mountain!

And Shi Feng's thoughts have swept through this secret place. Except for the vast space, no other abnormalities have been found.

Soon, a white light flashed, and Shi Feng's incarnation in mind also appeared in this vast secret place. With his hands behind him, watching the four Ye Lingfeng began to spur their extraordinary control at this moment. Tool.

"Drink!" Ling Yefeng sighed coldly, and the night deity in his hand suddenly rose into an extraordinary momentum. With the wave, the power of darkness was constantly shrouded from the night deity. The power was strong!

"Yefeng uses the monstrous cultivation of the current **** king to urge this night deity. Although it cannot reach the power of the Buddha on that day to urge the power to purify the floating slaughter, it is also possible to reach the summit to make a great effort!

You know, on the same day, in the underground of the King City of Mang Continent, they encountered the fearless Assassin who climbed the peak and created extreme conditions in Hell, and they suppressed it by purifying the floating slaughter and bombarded it!

The fearlessness of that day was not at all the different opponents who controlled the purification and floating slaughter. Under the circumstances, Ziyi urged the purification and floating slaughter to be stronger than the ordinary ascendant and extremely powerful!

However, the reason why he can do it in the realm of the true gods is related to the practice of Buddhist meditations and the purification of the floating Buddha, an extraordinary Buddha instrument!


Ling Yefeng was able to control the night deity, and the power of climbing to the peak broke out. Shi Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Today's battlefields can only be their own help if they reach their peak strength.

Below the peak, there are ants.

Once in the Yinling Temple in Wanzhou, West India, the shadow demon who suppressed the High Buddha's treasure escaped.

The cultivation of the shadow demon is a supreme state.

However, Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue, and Buddhism monks, together with the five great powers, used five extraordinary devices to suppress the shadow demon back to the ancient Buddha's palace.

Although it is said that Leng Aoyue and the three monks of Buddhism are also super strong in the state of climbing to the extreme!


Following this, Shi Feng looked at Yun Yimeng, who controlled Jiubi God's furnace.

The blue sky was suspended by the blue **** furnace, and under the urging of Yun Yimeng, the blue flames rushed out from it, but in an instant, a blue sea of ​​fire was formed above the sky.

Feeling the blue sea of ​​fire, Shi Feng shook her head secretly.

After all, Yunyi Mengxiu is too low, and the Jiubi Shenluo is slightly different from Yunyi Meng's night gods. This piece of blue flame of fire has only reached the true **** Nine Heavens, and the **** king power has not reached.

At this moment, Yun Yimeng turned his head, and just looked forward to Shi Feng.

At this moment, he looked a little down.

Once the owner of Wanjian Mountain Villa, once known as the first person of the Tianheng mainland sword way, but now ...

Over the years, he has indeed been repeatedly frustrated!

"Master, don't be discouraged!"

"Yeah!" As Yun Yimeng said those words, Gu Ao's Excalibur behind him already felt his emotions, resonated with them, and once again trembled.

"Yi Meng, what's the matter.

This is not like you once! Where was the young swordsman who once stood by the heroes? "Shi Feng said.

"Master ... Fu!" Listening to Shi Feng's words, Yun Yimeng suddenly moved his eyes and opened his eyes!

Gradually, gradually, the opened eyelids slowly retracted and gradually became normal.

And Yun Yimeng's face also appeared a touch of sorrow.

At this moment, he seemed to realize something because of Shi Feng's words.

It used to be that I wanted to grab it, but I couldn't feel it, but now it's the feeling that I can grab it in my hand.

His face slowly became more and more determined, and he immediately sang to Shi Feng: "Thank you for your guidance!"

Looking at such a dream of Yun Yi, Shi Feng grinned indifferently, revealing a happy face.

Followed by, Yun Yimeng sat cross-legged, and sat in the secret place where the clouds rolled.

The violent flames of the blue sky above the sky began a mad surge, and all rushed back to the Jiubi God furnace.

Immediately afterwards, the furnace moved suddenly, falling from the void and falling to Yun Yimeng.

Seeing that he was about to fall on him, he suddenly disappeared into the invisible. He had been quietly put away by Yun Yimeng.

Shi Feng looked at Yun Yimeng for a while, followed, retracting his gaze, then turned his head again, looking at Xiao Tianyi.

Xiao Tianyi, at this moment did not urge the mirror of destruction, but all the induction force is sensing the mirror of destruction in his hand.

Shi Feng's figure flickered to his body.

"Master!" Xiao Tian did not respond until Shi Feng approached, and then called out.

"How?" Shi Feng asked him.

"This divine mirror, with the power of my soul today, can also evoke part of his power.

However, it has only reached the God King, I am afraid it can not help the master at all. "Xiao Tian also said.

While speaking these words, Shi Feng can sense that this guy's soul sense has never left this extraordinary device in his hand.

"God King, really can't help as a teacher." Shi Feng said.

Followed, Xiao Tianyi who looked at him and became extremely focused did not bother him any more.

Suddenly, Shi Feng felt something like that, and immediately raised her head, looking at a giant flying to the sky!

Heaven and Earth Disc!

Under Ning Cheng's control, the disc has become extremely huge.

Known as the heaven and earth disc, this disc seems to be a world of its own, which also contains the heavens and the earth.

"This boy's disc, under his impulse, reached its peak!" Shi Feng said.

Ning Cheng's strength is reached, that is, he now has two more helpers who have the ability to climb the peak!

Plus Jian Tong's words, it's three!

The three of them, plus their own words, with their current means, even if they are in a supreme situation, they should be able to fight!

It's okay!

"Ye Feng, Tian Yi, and Ning Cheng, take a step as a teacher. You are here to master the new mystery, especially Ye Feng and Ning Cheng. Your two will be summoned at any time to fight with me! "

Shi Feng told them.

"Ye Feng is waiting for the master to dispatch at any time!" Ling Yefeng immediately responded to Shi Feng's Shen.

"So is Ning Cheng!" Ning Cheng also said.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded, his body gradually faded away from the clouds, and soon disappeared into the secret place of the clouds.

However, Shi Feng's soul thought did not return to the subject. Shi Feng was suspended in Xumi Mountain. For a moment, I saw a storage ring rushing towards him from the front.

At a glance, there are hundreds of storage rings, as if converging into a river ...


These storage rings were the last battle of Qianyuandong, and Shi Feng, who was transformed into a demon, captured and killed those who were hundreds of strong.

At this moment, he was summoned by him.

But look, this warrior of the gods, and the warriors of the gods who reach the peak and create the extreme state, what treasures will be in their storage rings!

There are a total of two hundred and fifty-eight rings of storage, but Shi Feng's idea is relatively weak.

In the sky outside Xumi Mountain, the stone maple that is still breaking through quickly, the thoughts violently moved again, and the power of the powerful soul suddenly burst out, all involved in the world of Xumi Mountain.

Soon, hundreds of storage rings were all shrouded in the power of Shi Feng's soul.

Everything in the storage ring suddenly flashed in his mind.

God King Dan! Gongfa! Combat skills! Pieces of natural treasures ...


"Hmm! This is!" Suddenly, Shi Feng's face moved suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, a flash of red thunder with a big slap appeared in the palm of his mind, exuding a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere.

"If I'm not mistaken, this thunder is one of the nine main materials required by the Sky Demon Array, Tianxue Thunder!

Unexpectedly, here, I found another master material! It seems that the magical demon formation is really related to me this day! "

The last time in the Divine War Continent, after a great war, Shi Feng found one of the nine main materials of geocentric inflammation!

But now, I did not expect to get the blood thunder this day!

In this case, plus the original soldiers of the iron soldiers and amethyst Shenbing, the nine main materials, have gathered four!

Already, almost half!

After getting the blood thunder that day, Shi Feng searched more carefully, and a lot of wonderful things flashed into his mind.

However, in the end, not only did not find the main materials required for the Tian Yao 诛 魔 阵, even the scarce materials of 981 pieces were not found.

Shi Feng, again with such a sentence: "It's really difficult to lay down the magic demon array this day!"

With another heart in mind, these hundreds of storage rings flew wildly in the Sumi Mountains.

And the place where they fly at the moment is exactly the secret place where Xiao Tianyi and the four are located.

Shi Feng opened his mouth, his voice echoed immediately in the mysterious place:

"Tianyi! This batch is also a booty for the division!

As a teacher just now, I have seen that there are a lot of gods, gods, and treasures of heaven and earth, and you have to allocate them appropriately. You must be strong at the fastest speed. "


In that secret misty cloud rushing secret place, Xiao Tianyi, who destroyed the mirror of the **** with his whole heart, suddenly looked up after hearing the voice of the master.

Suddenly, all the rings were looming among the rolling clouds.

"God King Dan! Heaven and earth treasure!" Xiao Tian also murmured, and immediately the power of his soul shrouded up, covering all those storage rings!

Hundreds of storage rings suddenly rushed towards him.

At this moment, Ning Cheng was standing proudly above the heaven and earth disc, and his body flickered to the edge of the heaven and earth disc. Looking down at Xiao Tianyi below, he said:

"Uncle Wu, I feel quite vacant recently. Help me to pick up some God King Dan to supplement my body!"

"You boy, don't worry, don't make a noise, wait for your five uncles to take a good look!" Xiao Tianyi also looked up and said Ningcheng.


The power of Shi Feng's soul has returned, and Shi Feng stares forward, still urging his body to fly forward violently all the way through the vast clouds.


An extremely dark world of death, in the sky, the dark mist of death shrouded and billowed.

Below, on an inconspicuous black low hill, there are dense and dense figures flying, exuding an extremely thick breath of death!

In addition, the killing spirit pervaded.

The people in front of the figures were all black, but their body size was almost the size of a human.

This is how Shi Feng entered the mysterious world of death through the mysterious caves of Mount Xumi.

Because of the mysterious black lotus, the body of the black lotus transformed!

The apprentice was wicked, standing behind Shi Feng, holding a soldier in his hand, and the white bone spur.

The faces of the two men had become extremely dignified at this moment. The gloomy gust of wind was blowing, and the long hair of the master and apprentice continued to flutter with the gust.

These days, the two of them still led His Majesty's corpse, and continued to fight in this small area called Sen Luoyu.

After the last war with the army of infernals led by the infernal god, the Lord of the Forgotten Dust did not send his Majesty to the battle.

However, not long ago, when Shi Feng slaughtered a race known as the Youyin, from the mouth of the leader of the Youyin, it was known that the Lord of the Forgotten Realm, known as the Lord of the Sunworld, now, He has led his Majesty's strongest generals and soldiers to seek himself!


Shi Feng, quietly looking at the dark void in front of him, as if waiting for something.

"Come back!" And just then, the Yin Sha behind him suddenly said these three words.

Soon they saw that at the end of the void, five figures were flying towards them.

These are the five corpses, but the corpses of Yinsha sent to investigate the main army of the Forgotten Dust.

The realm of the five corpses is in the demigod state, and the speed of the flight is okay. Soon, they flew to Shi Feng, kneeling on one knee.

Then he heard one of the corpses sing and yelled, his voice was sharp: "Upon the Lord, his subordinates found out, the Lord of the Forgotten Realm and his army arrived about five hours later!"

"Five, hour!" Shi Feng whispered these four words, and nodded secretly, "Return to the corpse, ready to fight!"






When Shi Feng's words fell, the voices of drinking and fighting rang out in the mouths of the corpses flying behind him.

Fighting with each other, they suddenly rushed out from the corpses, and this already gloomy world suddenly became colder and colder!

After this period of fighting, they have seen the power and horror of this person, and each time they fight, they become more powerful.

And the battle situation is almost directly overwhelming!

It is really invincible!

"Battle!" Even Yin Sha pointed the white bone spur in his hand sharply into the sky and drank in his mouth.

"Forget the Lord of the Dust, climb to the top, dare to ask me, hum!" A cold hum hummed from Shi Feng's mouth, and there was a quiet appearance on the dark face. Ochre!


The gods have no heavy **** realm.

Shi Feng is still flying wildly. At this moment, almost two months have passed.

"It should take another two days before I can fly out of this weightless **** realm and come to that vicious swamp!" Shi Feng murmured secretly.

[This chapter is usually two chapters together, so the number of words is actually as many as the two chapters, um, that's it, today it is even more here]

(End of this chapter)

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