Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3420: Day Lock Seal [2 in 1


Night and day alternated, and two days passed quickly.

"When it arrives, you will soon be out of this weightless **** realm, you will be in that vicious swamp!" Shi Feng murmured secretly.

At this moment, his swift flight slowed down.

However, his frown suddenly wrinkled at this moment, and his heart suddenly appeared a sense of extreme uneasiness.

"What's going on? Why is this so?"

"Is that vicious swamp?"

According to the description of the Golden Dragon War God on the vicious swamp, the vicious swamp is a land of poisonous poison, and its poison is pervasive.

When entering the vicious swamp, you must be careful everywhere. If you don't pay attention, you may be very poisonous and die here!

Thinking of this in his mind, Shi Feng's brows grew deeper and deeper.

"I haven't entered this poisonous swamp yet. Why is there such a strong sense of uneasiness?

Wrong! Not quite right!

The vicious swamp for me, even if it is dangerous, is the central area after it is deep! "

"Back!" At this time, Shi Feng suddenly made this decision, and the shape of the mad flying forward suddenly changed suddenly and turned back!

"Since it's here, why go!" However, at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly heard a sound of old and gloomy sound.

Even Shi Feng couldn't hear for a while, which direction the sound came from.

"Seal!" The old voice rang out immediately.

Shi Feng suddenly saw the red runes, which suddenly appeared in the space where he was located, densely packed, like thousands of small red fish, swimming wildly!

Shi Feng even sensed that this space suddenly seemed to be frozen by the ice, but it felt different from the frozen ice. This is a mysterious and ancient seal!



Suddenly, a loud drink came out of Shi Feng's mouth, and the white light flashed. Xu Mishan was immediately sacrificed by him, and violently bombarded this red rune.

"嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭!"

The violent roar continued to blast, and a series of red runes were continuously destroyed by the power of Mount Xumi, turning into red smoke!

But soon, the red smoke condensed into a rune, which sealed the world again.

Then, just listening to that old voice sounded again: "Oh, no matter how strong you are, but to break the old locks of the old man's seal, it will take you at least half an hour!

But half an hour, the kid should be able to rush back. "

"Boy!" Hearing the words "Boy!" Shi Feng's face moved suddenly.

For the first time, he thought of the uncle's family, and the uncle of the uncle's family was shocked!

In other words, these people have been here waiting for themselves?

Obviously, this seal line has been laid out before it arrives, and it will wait for you to hook up!

How do they know that they will come here?

"How come?" Shi Feng exclaimed in his heart again.

Immediately after, he could not bear to think so much, and when he thought, he immediately conveyed Jiantong in the mountain of Xu Mi with thought:

"Cast your magical powers and help me get out of here!"


Fairy misty land, at this moment Jian Tong has abandoned all thoughts and cultivated with concentration.

But soon, the anxious voice sounded in her ears: "Cast your magical powers and help me get out of here!"

"Huh?" After hearing this voice, Jian Tong immediately opened her eyes, and the outside picture immediately appeared in her sight.

"I see!" Jian Tong uttered, responding to Shi Feng.

Amidst the sky of red runes, that old laughter sounded again:

"Boy, why don't you use your strongest power? Tell you, even today's grandfather, it takes half an hour to break the seal of my heavenly locks. With this power today, I am afraid In three days, I ca n’t get out of my lockup for that day! "

When the old voice spoke these words, the words were filled with pride.

It seems that he has obtained quite a lot from his formation.

However, just as his voice had just fallen, a terrified old cry suddenly sounded:

"This! What's up? This boy! Where's this boy!"

Just at that moment, he suddenly saw that the person trapped in the seal of Tiansuo Seal suddenly disappeared under his eyelid!

An old figure appeared in the dense red runes, and I saw the old face, eyes wide open, with great surprise and shock.

In this life, he has never encountered such a thing!

As the controlling array, just now, he had not sensed space fluctuations in the seal seal array.

Even if he is a strong spaceman who reaches the peak and creates the extremes, he is confident to trap him!

But according to the information he got from his uncle's family, that boy, the force he used, wasn't ... the force of space!

"Here! Chase!" And at this moment, just listening to the old man's voice and drinking, his body suddenly rioted.

As he moved, I saw the red rune in the sky, and as his body was flying wildly, it really looked like a dense red fish swimming up and down in this sky.

"Boy, the situation has changed! That kid has escaped from my seal of Heaven's Seal, and now I'm following his breath, and following him, you come quickly!


And you guys, all come in this direction! Facing that fierce and weird evil, the old man was also afraid that he would not be able to carry it! "

On the occasion of flying wildly, a white rune appeared in front of the old man, and as his voice fell, the rune was burning.

It seems that he has used his means to contact the one in the family and the strong men.


Once again escaped with the help of Jiantong magical power, Shi Feng really had to be sighed. This girl's magical power was magical, and once again, helped herself to avoid danger.

About this magical power, Shi Feng once asked Jian Tong, but even Jian Tong couldn't tell exactly how he understood it.

Killed, sealed in a waste sword, eternal life must not be born.

Under these endless years, the grievances are accumulating and accumulating, the more they accumulate, the more they escape from the waste sword, and when they see the sun, she already has this mysterious magical power!


Although the magical powers were mysterious, due to the extraordinary seal-locking formation that day, Shi Feng opened his eyes to see that Jian Tong in Xu Mi Mountain spit out a mad breath, and the whole person looked very weak again.

She was backfired because of herself again.

Seeing her once, Shi Feng felt guilty again, and she owed her too much!

"Sister Ziya, take good care of her!" At this time, Shi Feng Chuan Yin snake woman tribe Ziya said.

Now that the danger has not been completely rid of, Shi Feng still urged to fly at full speed, and once again urged to fly towards the vicious swamp!


"How do these people know that I will enter the vicious swamp?"

Shi Feng's brow frowned again. During this time, he had been thinking about this problem.

"Mofei, was it revealed in the mouth of Weixin?" Shi Feng thought again.

That night in the Tiangu Tavern, he was the one who asked him about the way of destiny, and was unbelieving. He often gave birth to the realm of God before guiding himself, looking for that order!

Therefore, Weixin may tell his family members about this purpose!

Even if the unbelieving was righteous to himself, even though he would not take the initiative to reveal his whereabouts, in Yunhai City, many people saw themselves with him.

That stunned Brahma would most likely find him and force him to speak!

"Also, that night in Tiangu Tavern, many people around me heard the conversation between me and Weixin.

That means ... "

Thought of this, Shi Feng can be considered clear!

It's no surprise that these people are here!

"It's my intention, I didn't expect it!" Shi Feng said again.

"Vicious Marsh!" However, at this moment, Shi Feng sang aloud.

I saw the endless swamps, gray poisonous gas rising from the bottom!

Poisonous insects, flying all over the sky, all kinds, big and small, everywhere!

Soon, Shi Feng, who was flying wildly, had already rushed into it, and all poisonous insects rushed towards him.

"Burning!" Shi Feng groaned suddenly, the scarlet flames, and suddenly burst out from him.

To deal with these poisonous insects, flames are naturally their best nemesis.

"Oh! Yeah! Hey!" The screams were sharp and screaming, and they kept ringing.

The sky above the edge of this vicious swamp suddenly became a sea of ​​blood.

"Roar! Roar!" And at this moment, I saw a huge giant spider with gray and white poisonous spots flying out of the vicious swamp and flying towards the **** sea of ​​fire above. And go.

Immediately after the spider appeared, one after another appeared, and only a moment later, eleven appeared!

Each spider spews a thick gray poisonous mist, exuding a mighty force.

"Not good!" Shi Feng, amidst the fiery sea of ​​fire, suddenly burst into a shout.

These poisonous insects and beasts appeared to him, although it was nothing, with his power, they were enough to kill all of them.

However, there are too many of these poisonous insects and poisonous beasts, which are endless, and their speed of flight has been dragged down by them.

Behind him, the old man was chasing towards him, getting closer.

His skylock seal was really mysterious, and Jian Tong was turned back to that.

In today's Jiantong state, if oneself is sealed in it again, I am afraid it will be really difficult to escape.

Wait until the words that startled Brahma and some of the strong men convened by him ...

Moreover, even if it was not sealed by the Jin Gua large array of locks that day, but being dragged down by these poisonous insects and poisonous beasts, the horrified Brahma will kill it sooner or later!

What's more, I haven't been in this vicious swamp for a long time now, even on the edge!

If you continue this way, I am afraid it will be very difficult to leave this vicious swamp!

"Damn!" Shi Feng cursed.

Immediately, the burning flames of blood suddenly became more violent.

The eleven giant gray spiders rushing up into the flames of blood.

But it didn't take long to rush in, "唳 唳! 唳 唳! 唳 唳!"

Soon after.

"Come again!" At this time, the old voice came from behind Shi Feng.

The old man in charge of the Tiansuo Seals really caught up.

"The Seal of Heaven Locks, Seal!"

With the sound of this low drink, the red runes flying over the old man's body immediately flew towards Shi Feng.

"Go!" Shi Feng snarled.

Scarlet Flames exploded at this moment.

A blood fire, like a huge **** wave, slammed away towards the ten thousand red runes.

At the same time, Xu Mishan flew out of the Scarlet Fire Waves, and along with the Blood Fire, bombarded the runes.


Under the blast of Mount Sumi, the runes flying in front of them exploded.

However, as before, the runes that shattered into **** mists quickly reunited.

And the incineration suffered by the blood-colored flames was also the same under the impact of blood fire, but it quickly gathered!

These red runes seem to have immortal "body" at all!

"Mofei, these guys, do you really want me to become a demon again?"

When the stone maple in the **** sea of ​​fire burns poisonous insects and poisonous beasts, it naturally follows the movement behind.

When he said that, a savage expression appeared on his face.

His body is still flying forward.

The burning fiery sea of ​​fire was also moving with his wild flight, and Xu Mishan retreated toward those red runes.

"This old guy, in fact, dare not come near me!" Shi Feng found that the old man who controlled the big locks of the skylock, when he manipulated the red runes, actually avoided himself far.

Obviously, he is also very jealous of this **** of killing, after all, this is the power of one person to kill the crazy man who reached the top ten!

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng realized something and said secretly: "Try it!"

When he spoke these words, his complexion followed!

Then, just listening to a young cold voice, "Old man, do you really want to die?"

You might guess that Ben Shao will pay some price by using that teleportation secret method!

But if you are really pressing, you will pay the price and kill you!

Do n’t think that your body is mysterious, and you have previously concealed Ben Shao, that is the essence of Ben Shao, without using your soul power!

If the power of the soul is fully open, do you think that you can completely hide your breath and hide your body? "

When it comes to the end, the power of Shi Feng's soul also soars into the sky.

"The power of the soul has reached the Ninth Heaven of the Divine Realm!" Far away from behind, the old man who manipulated the red runes suddenly moved suddenly.

The power of the soul is the most difficult to cultivate. Those who can reach this level do not have more than three people in their domain of no weight!

"This evildoer not only has a perverted combat power, but also has done such things against the sky, even the power of his soul ..."

The old man exclaimed again, and began to think about what Shi Feng had said before.

Daodao thoughts kept flashing in his mind.

Earlier, the kid did disappear in the Seal of Seals ...

This boy's history is mysterious and unpredictable. If I am a person who cultivates the soul, even if he uses the power of the soul of the nine heavens, he cannot see it!

But ... this kid's means is really ... difficult to say.

"It's nothing, I don't need to take this risk for my kid!"

(End of this chapter)

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