Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3423: The Giant Roared [Two in One

Chapter 3423: The Giant Roars

Under the counterattack of Shi Feng, Ling Yefeng, Ning Cheng, and the Dark Giant, the other six strong men also groaned in pain.

Even the supreme strongman who controls the Kowloon God's Tripod is terrified. It is also extremely disturbing.

He, and Heng Heng, all saw the images of the ten powerful men before they died.

Those ten people were indeed the little devil who murdered with one man's power.

Based on the images at that time, he was shocked and inferred that the combat power of the little devil should be in the seventh king of God!

So he summoned the five strong men and pursued him!

He cultivated himself and brought the Jiulong Shending together, plus these five, he has a certain degree of certainty!

But he did not expect that this little devil had some means left, and he still had a terrible giant hidden!

The little devil plus the giant of the Seventh Heaven of the King ...

The thoughts, like lightning, flashed quickly in the mind of Wu Fan, and then he listened to his deep voice:

"Withdraw! Let's withdraw! Come!"

In fact, don't worry about Brahman's voice, everyone else already has this idea.

At this moment, the six strong men's figures moved at the same time, while flying backwards.

The artifacts that contended with the Dark Giant also flew back.

"Kill!" Shi Feng had already seen the thoughts of these people.

Co-occurring with the Dark Giant really scared these guys.

"Huh! Since they are all here, leave me all!" Shi Feng said coldly.

Shi Feng, Ling Yefeng, and Ning Cheng, at the moment, all three's figures are proud of the dark giant.

Shi Feng ordered the Dark Giant to chase after these guys.

Dark fist waves are also constantly erupted by the Dark Giant, blasting the six strong ones.

The Sumi Mountain, the heaven and earth disc, the night gods, and the three extraordinary artifacts also constantly bombarded the six strong ones.

Began to pursue those six!

These guys, kill one counts one, count two counts two!

It's easier to break off the minions that startled Brahma and come back to destroy these guys in the future.

Today, they killed themselves in this vicious swamp. Since they want to die, then these people must all die!







One side chased, the other fled, and the forces of the two sides continued to collide. The violent roaring sounds continued to sound.

By this time, the few people who fled were increasingly panicked.

"If we continue this way, we will be caught up by those few, and then we will really be left in this vicious swamp forever!"

On the old face known as the old man, a lot of worry appeared, and told the others.

"Damn! Damn it! This little beast still has such means!" The family's owner, Heng Heng, said with a worried face at this time.

Followed him and said, "Since there is this horrible giant, under the provocation of the old man two months ago, why not go directly to Tiange City!

He had been fleeing before, and pretended not to beat us. This kid is really heavy! "

"He is trying to seduce the enemy deeply, he is planning to seduce us all, and then kill us all!" Said Shuangtian, the strong man at Tianguodaoguan.

"Uh!" When Shuangtian's voice just came down, the Sumi Giant Mountain, the force of terror, happened to hit his destiny divine dice, his body shook, and a painful moan came from him. Issued in the mouth.

Although they retreated, they were getting closer and closer to each other under the haste of the dark giant.

Shi Feng's side, as imposing as the rainbow!

And these six people, sensing the terror power of the dark giant, were extremely jealous of the evil spirit and warfare in their hearts, and had been suppressed for a long time.

"Old grandma! You!" At this moment, the grandmother of the grandmother gave a shocked shout.

He had sensed that the startled Brahma had moved farther and farther away from them.

After all, the martial arts practice of stunned Brahma can be surpassed by the five of them long ago under the imperial power of the Sixth Heaven of the King of God.

"not good!"

"not good!"


Bad voices burst out from the mouths of the other five people.

In addition to Xun Heng's revenge for his brother and wife, the other four were summoned by Xuan Brahma.

But now it is not expected that, in order to survive, the shocked Brahma directly abandoned them.

Even the Kowloon God Ding gradually got out of the battlefield, and chased away at the insane speed toward Fanfei.

"Very good!" Seeing the situation ahead, Shi Feng grinned immediately, a sneer appeared.

Unexpectedly, the situation was so smooth!

In order to survive, that guy showed his selfish nature.

And just then, a man's voice full of apologies came from there:

"Several, I'm really sorry! Rather than letting everyone get away, let's get out of here first!

I have left this useful body, so in the future, I can avenge you! "

The sound is extremely loud, full of helplessness, and so straightforward!




Sighs sighed from those people's mouths.

In fact, if you think about it, it is true.

At this moment, they said nothing.

The giant was flying at such a terrible speed, and now he can get away, and it is only he who is shocked.

And as this stunned Brahman said, in the future, he can only avenge these people, but he has only some hope.

"Go away!" At this moment, the dark giant burst into rage and burst into another fierce rage.

Under his bombardment, the destiny magic dice, the golden ruler, and the purple flying flower were blasted away by him with a punch and flew out.

Even the dense red runes were destroyed by the punch of the dark giant and turned into a red smoke.

"We are dead or alive, we can only fight for one!" And at this moment, when I saw the old man, there was a savage color on the old face, and the sound of anger drunk.

The two hands were printed, and the handprints kept flying up.

Suddenly, I saw the red smoke, and then turned back again and again and became the red rune.

And the dark giant among the flying, at this moment, was flying into this red rune.

"The seal of the sky lock!" Another big drink, sang from the old man's mouth.

Dao rune red, and then a surge.

"Hmm! Here again! All, get me out!" Seeing this surging red rune, sensing the power of the mysterious seal, Shi Feng yelled angrily.

Under the anger of Shi Feng, the huge dark body of the dark giant suddenly stunned at this moment.

At the same time, Shi Feng erupted into a terrible horror of thunder and darkness, raging wildly.

Ling Yefeng's night gods also kept shaking, and the power of the night was devouring!


"Power! Power is too strong! My Heavenly Lock Seals are in a big formation, and they cannot form a formation at all, seal them!"

Under the power of Shi Feng, Ling Ye Feng, and the Dark Giant, the newly formed red runes immediately turned into red smoke.

The dark giant and the three of them, violently shuttled in this red smoke, were unstoppable at all.

Last time, the reason why this old man sealed Shi Feng so easily was that he buried the matrix in that void, and unexpectedly Shi Feng rushed into the array, and then the Tiansuo Seal urged him to seal Shi Feng. A seal was in it.

Now, under the absolute power, this old guy will not be formed!

"Ben said it before, you guys, you have to die!" Shi Feng, proud of the dark giant, said coldly again.

At this moment, it is already closer to the five ascendants who have reached the extremes of the extremes, and the punch of the dark giant is raging forward.

The previously destined magic dice, golden ruler, and purple flying flower have returned.

And the owner of the uncle's family, Heng Heng, once again held up the earth-colored halberd in his hand, and once again urged the power of the whole body on this earth halberd.

Together, they greeted the attack of the Dark Giant and Shi Feng.


"Boom!" Another blast that rang the world.

Earlier, there was a stunned Brahma and his Jiulong Shending, and the power of the Seventh Heavenly King of the Emperor broke out before he could stop the opponent's attack.

But now, in this moment, that horrified Brahma did not know where to flee, and with these five ascendants to create the extreme powers, it was impossible to stop the power of the Shi Feng people.

The dark fist blasted in the forefront, breaking the power of the earth smashed by the earth halberd, and once again blasted the magical dice, purple flying flower, golden ruler ...

That huge fist continued to rush forward, with a strong punch, and at this moment finally hit the people.





Shouts rang out in pain.

How can God withstand the power of the Seventh Heavenly King!

The four bodies were immediately blasted like four sandbags.

"Eh? Four?" Shi Feng also suddenly found that at the moment, he was bombarded by the dark giant, and there were only four left.

The old man, known as the old man, has disappeared.

"Huh! I used that method again!" Shi Feng immediately understood what was going on and chuckled out.

Outside of the vicious swamp, the old guy removed his figure with his superb stature, and secretly buried the Skylock Seal, and this person was then sealed.

At that time, it was because of his own intentions that Jian Tong was not able to look good because he was using his magical powers.

"Oh!" Suddenly, I saw a violent roar, and suddenly roared in the mouth of the dark giant.

Under this roar, the world began to boil violently.

Even the gray poisonous mist from the vicious swamp collapsed, and even the swamp below swelled like a wave.

The screams of screaming screams kept coming out, and I don't know how many poisonous beasts died under this roar.

"Ah!" A long, painful roar also sounded.

Shi Feng raised his head immediately, and saw an old figure slowly appearing obliquely above, not far away.

It's that old man!

At this moment, he was covering his ears with both hands, his old face was extremely red, and he looked extremely painful and uncomfortable.

It seems that the whole head is about to explode at this time.

The best way to get rid of any body and method is to use absolute power!

The dark giant, with a fist of five fingers in the right hand that had previously fisted, has already reached the palm and stretched forward.

Suddenly, an extremely violent suction suddenly appeared on his palm.

It is like an invisible vortex sweeping the world.

The next moment, I saw the old man, and the four strong men who had been bombed before, rushing to this side irresistibly.

"Ah! Ah!"



The sound of cries kept ringing.

"And their artifacts, they sucked me in." Shi Feng yelled at the dark giant, and then ordered him.

Under his order, the flying divine magical dice, as well as the purple flying flower and golden ruler, also flew wildly.

The palm of the dark giant shook it slightly, and even holding these artifacts, the five figures were held in it.

Of the five, only their heads appeared.

The five great peaks are all captured!

"Okay, good!" Looking at the five people who had become extremely embarrassed in a moment, Shi Feng's face showed a sneer.

After killing these five people, Shi Feng felt that the minions of the shocked Brahman should have almost broken.

He has a bad name. Since he is chasing himself, all the forces he can summon at that time have been summoned.

At a stroke of heart, earth-colored halberds, destiny magic dice, purple flying flowers, and golden rulers all flew from the fist of the dark giant.

Three white lights flashed. Shi Feng didn't have much interest in the other big devices, so they all inhaled them into Xumi Mountain.

Gently scratch your right hand forward and grab the golden dice, which is only the size of your finger, in your hand.

A dice that reaches an extraordinary level reveals an inexplicable mysterious power.

After looking for a while, Shi Feng shook his right hand slightly, held it in his palm, and then looked at the five humans in this big dark fist:

"Well, before you die, what else do you five have to say?"

"If you let me go today, the old man will inevitably write down your relationship!

From now on, as long as you have anything, just call the old death call, old death will do it for you wholeheartedly, if it violates, thunder and thunder! "

The old man said swearingly.

In the end, even vowed Mingzhi!

"Huh, this is a rare matter, and you still need you?" And hearing the old man's words, Shi Feng returned to him with disdain.

"You!" Lao Lao didn't expect that this person was so arrogant.

This time, in order to ask for help out of the mountain, I was surprised that Vatican went up the mountain in person with kindness, took out that thing, and was full of promises.

And this kid ...

However, although this kid is mad, he is indeed the capital of Zhang mad.

The combat power is unparalleled, and there is such a black giant to help.

But he heard many times that this powerful giant covered in black could call him Master!

He, maybe, really doesn't care about ... himself?

(End of this chapter)

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