Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3424: Jiuyin Realm


In fact, the old man who created the extreme powers for climbing the peak has a mysterious body style and controls the mysterious skylock seal array. In fact, he can use it when he really needs it.

However, this person joined forces to startle and kill himself. Since he wanted his own life, he has lost his right to live in this world.

"Well, you have finished your last words, it is time to send you back to the West!" Shi Feng said to the old man.

"You!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, his old eyes stared suddenly.

When he heard Shi Feng's words, the dark giant didn't dare to neglect, holding the five big dark hands slightly shaken.

"Oh!" A blast sounded.

I saw this old man, the whole body exploded, the red blood and the splattering wildly spattered, it was really shocking.

In the space, there was a strong **** smell.

Under the operation of Jiuyou Gong and the power of the Holy Fire, the power of death, soul, and splashing blood suddenly flew towards Shi Feng.

As soon as he reached him, he was swallowed.



The other four, just like that, saw the old man die tragically.

A strong man with the same strength as them, died so miserably!

Watching Lao Lao die, at this moment, they seem to have seen their tragic death!

"Huh? This is the day of the locks and seals?" Shi Feng's left hand seemed to move at will, and from the blood that rushed out, caught an ancient **** rune and a **** red storage Ring.

The eyes at this moment are condensing on the **** rune, sensing the mysterious force in it.

At the same time, Shi Feng's soul thought has entered the **** storage ring.

Everything in the ring kept flashing in his mind.

"Sealock Seal!" Then Shi Feng called out, a book with a brand new cover appeared in his hand.

Thoughts swept through this book again.

"Old man, I have studied the front line all my life, but the achievements on the front are, in the past, very limited!

However, I did not expect that by chance, the old man sank into the eternal seal and was sealed for three years. At the time, the old man did not expect to be able to get out of it.

The eternal battle, the mysterious and extraordinary, must be the cloth of the eternal gods!

In the past three years, the old man also only peeked through a bit of force in it, and finally set up a seal seal on this day!

It can be said that the Tiansuo Seal is the most proud achievement of the old man in this life!

Today, the old man wrote this array and passed it on to Ziyi in the future! All my sons and daughters must remember that only those who are in my blood can practice!

Only men can practice!

Remember! Remember! "

This text is the opening introduction of this day lock seal.

When the old guy trapped me earlier, he said, even the stunned Brahma can seal for half an hour!

And he should know that when Brahma was urging that god, the combat power could reach the seventh level of God King!

Although not lethal, the power of this seal is truly extraordinary!

"Now I don't have time to practice this day's locks and seals, let Tian Yi try them first!" Shi Feng added.

Subsequently, the white light flashed in the left hand, and the book and the red rune in his hand were sucked into the space of Mount Xumi together.

Fly to the secret place where Xiao Tianyi and Yun Yimeng are still.

However, this day's lockup, the old man's urging force is the power of his **** king.

Taking Yun Yimeng and Xiao Tianyi's current practice, even if the seals formed on this day are forged, I am afraid that they cannot urge the old man's seal power.

In any case, let them understand and try.

"And this!" Then there was an ancient scroll in the storage ring.

On this scroll, the twisted three words are written: Heaven Hidden Art!

Shi Feng also remembers that when he met the old man for the first time, his body was hidden at that time, and at that time, he did not even discover his existence.

At that time, I felt that the old man's body was quite mysterious.

"In his storage ring, he has practiced physical training, and this is the only hidden technique, um ... he can also practice it!"

The power of Shi Feng's soul was swept away by this hidden technique.

Words of text suddenly appeared in his mind.

Then, it was Bai Guang. Now, he transferred the storage ring in his hand and the "Hidden Technique" to Xumi Mountain together!

"Return to the previous world!" At this time, Shi Feng ordered the dark giant.

The heaven and earth he said is naturally the place where the dark giant descends through the vortex of purple flames!

"Yes, master!" Hearing Shi Feng's remarks, the dark giant noticed it immediately, and his body moved again.

At this time, Shi Feng said again, and said to Shi Feng:

"Well, it's your turn next. Just like this, benevolence, let you three say a last word."

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the uncle's family owner weighed his weight and immediately showed his fierce look, grinning his teeth fiercely at Shi Feng: "Kill my beloved wife and younger brother, this hatred is not shared!

I just become a ghost, and I will also become the fiercest and most vicious ghost, to ask for your life! "

"You don't have this chance!" Shi Feng said to him.

When he said this, a powerful force of terror emerged from the dark giant's punch.

"Ah!" For a moment of painful screams, the dark giant still shattered the balance with brute force and blood spattered wildly. The picture once again became extremely brutal and bloody.

Jiuyou's death was working again, and blood and the power of death rushed to Shi Feng again.

But at this moment, the people in this world suddenly felt that an extremely thick resentment was rising into the sky.

The whole space seemed to suddenly become cold and gloomy.

"Oh! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"I'm dead ... so terrible!"

"I'm dead ... so miserable!"

"Come back! Ah! Come back!"

"Kill me, love my wife, kill my love brother, kill me, I ... died ... what a miserable!"

Secretly, the stern and loud voices sounded. At the beginning, it sounded a bit empty, but at the end, it became louder and louder, the more clear and true it became.

Even more brutal.

In just this moment, this space was shrouded by a very thick grudge, like a thick layer of fog.

Afterwards, they saw the **** tragic figure above the giant punch of the dark giant slowly appearing.

Xiao Heng was killed with supreme grievance, but he did not expect that he really became a ghost!

"Huh!" But at this moment, just listening to an incomparably cold hum, immediately humming from Shi Feng's mouth.

He said: "In front of Ben Shao, you are like an ant, and now you have become a ghost, what can you do?

In this life, Ben Shao has never met before, there are ghosts, dare to turn the waves in front of Ben Shao! "


"... There are ghosts, dare to set off waves in front of Ben Shao!"

The cold and arrogant sound of disdain, echoed in this world for a long time!

And at this moment, the dark giant in the midst of flying flew suddenly, and at this moment, they flew back to the original world.

The purple flame vortex still appeared in the sky, slowly rotating, exuding mysterious space power.

"Unjust soul, give me a crush!" At this time, Shi Feng had not yet shot, and now the dark giant as a slave, screamed at the fierce ghost in the spirit of grievance.

Suddenly shocked by the supreme power.

"Ah!" Was howling again.

Even if Hengheng turned into a ghost, and his resentment skyrocketed, this rising one actually seemed to have surpassed his life.

However, how could he withstand the power of the dark giant's drunk, and then shattered under the sound of drinking.

However, he had previously seen Shi Feng devouring soul power. At this moment, he just broke that soul and made it the purest soul power.

This rough and violent dark giant is sometimes very attentive!

Under the power of the soul, in a sweep, Shi Feng swallowed up the ruined soul power.

For Shi Heng's storage ring, Shi Feng was only introduced into Xumi Mountain after a slight sweep.

The top five peaks have been destroyed, and at this moment, three people remain.

"It's your turn." Shi Feng said lightly.

As if the death sentence had been pronounced against the three, and as if speaking an insignificant word.

"I know it's hard to escape, let's do it." At this moment, Shuangtian of the Tianguo Daoguan said.

After saying this, his eyes closed slowly, and he sighed deeply, "Oh!"

This time, I was surprised by the great temptation given to them by Tianguo Taoist Temple. Therefore, as one of the peaks of Tianguo Taoguan Pavilion, Shuangtian brought Tianguo Taoguan Pavilion's strongest treasure, the God of Destiny, to help. Startled Vatican killed the man.

It was originally thought that everything would gather as much as Qiang Jingfan said, and the boy would be killed!

They even thought that they would share that kid's secret together.

Now I really didn't expect that it would be ... this way!

He is about to die, and he has also been deprived of his destiny, and the splendor of the God of Gambling is no longer there!

泧 Jing Brahma's gift is compared with his own life and destiny, which is really not comparable!

Thinking of this, Daodao thought flashed in his mind.

At this moment, he really regretted it.

Why, come to provoke this god!

"It's just a pity that in this world, there is no ... regret medicine!" This is the last thought of this two days in this world.

"Oh!" His body exploded immediately, **** again.

With Shi Feng's devouring power, all energy was swallowed again.

Left, two!

The purple dude who played chicly earlier, Meng Wuxi.

There is also a middle-aged instrument that was previously used with a golden ruler.

The person's face was extremely gloomy, like a black shadow on the cloth, looking at it giving a feeling of evil and uneasiness.

Don't come in!

Following this person, he said to Shi Feng:

"I was born to worship the Nine-Yin Realm of the Divine Realm. You often gave birth to the Divine Realm before this time. If you let me go, my Nine-Yin Realm will be extremely grateful to you!

If I die in your hands, my Nine Netherworld will avenge me, and you will encounter great trouble! "

"Jiuyin Realm? Is it strong?" This time, Shi Feng did not directly kill him, but asked the humanity instead.

"Natural!" The somber man replied.

When answering these two words, he looked proud.

I do not know if it is true or not!

He now seems to have seen that this person is a little different from himself to the previous three, and maybe he can let himself go!

"Jiuyin Realm is one of the three strongest forces in the deities of death, and its strength is no less than that of our uncles in the deity of no weight!" At this time, the purple **** Meng woke up at this moment.

"Hum!" After hearing the words of the Playboy, Shi Feng sneered coldly, and said to the respecting law of the underworld on this day:

"But it's about the same strength as the 泧 family? That stunned Brahma, now all fleeing under the power of Ben Shao, who is scared, will you be afraid of your negligence?"

"You, naturally, are not afraid of a Jiuyin Realm!" The Dharma did not answer, but Meng Wuxi said again.

For this person's personality, these days have been a bit of contact, so Meng Wuxi also knows him a little, and he is afraid that at this time, he said something wrong and missed this vitality.

Immediately afterwards, this Meng Wuxi also said, "Next, let me first tell you who you are.

Underneath, Meng Wuxi is known as the Purple Playboy.

And the inheritance of the next, it is from the move of the valley of flowers, and as the world said, the master of the next, it is not weaker than the one who is shocking Brahma!

You are powerful and assisted by this horrible giant. Maybe you just have to startle Brahma or add me to the Valley of Flowers. You don't have to look at it.

But if you think about it, if you add the Jiuyin Realm, the three powerful forces will come out together, and you will inevitably run into trouble. "

Speaking these words, Meng Wuxi's face has always shown extremely respectful respect to Shi Feng.

Three forces!

The three powerful men, such as stunned Brahman.

Speaking of it, it's really troublesome!

So to speak ... the two men, it is better to save them for the time being!

Those with such identities must have the marks of the forces behind them in their bodies. If they are killed, the forces behind them will definitely see a scene before they die!

Moreover, since this person comes from the realm of dead gods, after entering the realm of dead gods, he may still need him!


"In the future, when I become stronger, when I need energy, I will use it to kill!"

Shi Feng thought so in his head.

These two people, no matter what his origins, since he was the one who helped Zhuan Brahma to kill himself, it will inevitably be his death.

"Seal his strength!" Shi Feng ordered his order to the dark giant.

"Yes, master!" The Dark Giant replied again.

Immediately, two dark seals appeared quietly in the foreheads of the two men.

The complexion of the two of them suddenly moved at the same time.

They have sensed that all their own cultivation has been blocked by a mysterious and terrifying force.

Today, they can be said to be no different from an ordinary person.

The storage ring flew out between his fingers and was caught by Shi Feng in his hands.

Then two white lights flashed.

These two have been forcibly inhaled by Shi Feng into Mount Xumi and will be disposed of later.

After doing this, Shi Feng lowered his head again and looked at the dark giant under his feet, saying:

"Okay, you go back. Take good care of that magic lamp. There must be no mistake!

In the future, contact me more frequently! "

(End of this chapter)

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