Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3443: Patriarch's Fate [Two-in-One

Chapter 3443 The Patriarch's Destiny [Two chapters in one big chapter]

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Shi Feng sensed that the six-lily snake came from the left, and also saw the purple ya on the snake.

"That little girl ran away?" Shi Feng murmured secretly.

He brought in the people of Blood and Tears, and there was one person missing at the moment.

It was the girl with the red demon pupil.

When Shi Feng's soul searched for Ziya and the serpent, she began to look for the girl.

However, it has never been found.

Because of the mysterious red demon pupils, Shi Feng had the idea to train the girl.

Although she has been placed in the Sumeru Mountains since then, Shi Feng has always paid attention to her.

"Let's go now. This girl has a cool temperament and may not respect me in the future." Shi Feng said secretly.

Soon, the people of Shi Feng met with Ziya on the six-headed serpent.

Shi Feng's body flickered first, and then the other people's bodies also flickered, and came to the snake.

Shi Feng stood beside Zi Ya, and Zi Ya turned her head and looked at him, saying, "Brother Shi Feng, the younger sister asked me to talk to you. She left beforehand."

"Well, I already know." Shi Feng responded.

Quilt is called the legendary red demon pupil, and I don't know if she can survive in these gods.

"Hou roar! Roar!" Liuli Shen snake, roaring in the sky, speeding.

Soon, they took the Shi Feng people and flew away from this **** tears land.

In the night, the blood tears fairy land, although there is still blood mist diffused, but compared to the time of entering, it has faded countlessly.

These blood mists are all due to that drop of blood demon essence blood. Now the blood demon essence blood is mixed with the sky demon blood sword and taken away by Shi Feng.

Blood tears fairy land, rumored to have been shrouded in blood mist for thousands of years, it should not be too long, here, there will no longer be these blood mists.

If there is no blood fog here, the mysterious feeling and mystery will disappear.

I don't know if this is what I want, if I will live here.

"Eh! Heh!" The roar of the snake was still violent, and this huge six-headed snake went away instantly and returned to the direction of Blood Tears City.


"all gone."

In the thin mist of blood, the follower of the cultivation of destiny was still suspended in midair, watching the direction in which the Shi Feng people left, secretly murmuring.

Then, I saw a thousand paper cranes folded like blood paper in the right hand of the order, and then placed a **** bead on the thousand paper cranes.

Then, he said to the thousand paper cranes: "After leaving the master, you will go to Lingyan Mountain to find your uncle's voice. Remember, in the future, you must listen to your uncle's words. In the future, don't return to the **** tears!

The words fell, and the Scarlet Paper Crane came alive, fluttering with wings.

Immediately afterwards, a mysterious force of space rose from these thousand paper cranes.

The **** light flashed, Qian Zhihe shuttled through the space, and immediately left this place of blood and tears.

The random eyes still looked at the front quietly, and after a long time, he slowly lowered his head and looked at the ground below, saying:

"Blood and tears are gone, and the catastrophe is here! The last instruction left by the ancestor said that everything is cause and effect!

The blood spirit of the blood demon, in the end ... what is suppressing? It takes us one pulse to guard it from generation to generation. "

When the whispered voice just dropped, suddenly, "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The earth that had just settled down, at this moment, suddenly violently trembled again.

According to legend, for a long time, his ancestor, with that drop of blood demon blood, suppressed an extremely evil thing here.

However, his ancestor has long been calculated by Supreme Destiny. The blood demon blood will sooner or later leave, and the extremely evil thing will sooner or later be born again.

The ancestor's posthumous training also said that if that day comes, nothing will be forced, but let it be.

The ancestor's legacy is difficult to follow, and at this moment, it is to follow the legacy and respond naturally.

He looked still and looked down silently.

The reason for the previous order to Shi Feng was also because of the ancestor's legacy and the evil thing that was suppressed in the legend.

Immediately afterwards, I suddenly saw, on the ground not far away, a huge black pillar soaring from the sky.

Accompanying it is an extremely dark power.

"This is the evil thing?" Murmured as he ordered, and then, seeing his complexion, suddenly a sudden change in violentness, eyes widened, and exclaimed:

"No! Why! Why! And ... the energy of our destiny!"

The randomness at this moment was really inexplicable.

What is the repressed supreme evil?

Today, not only has he not resigned, but he has rushed forward, he has to find out.

"How many years! How many years have I been asleep here?"

An extremely old, hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

It is ancient, gloomy and desolate.

As if from the ancient land of extremely dark.

And then, the old hoarse voice rang again: "Do not be filial piety, I, finally come out!"

"Be Li! Patriarch Be Li!" When I heard the words on demand, his face changed dramatically, showing his extreme shock.

Beli, it is the ancestor who got the blood demon blood in one vein!

It is also the legacy of Master Beli's legacy that he can protect this **** tears land for generations to come.

However ... but never thought that the man in the dark called his ancestor a filial piety.

"You! You! You are my ancestor, Fate!" Said Huer Xing.

"Who! Who! Who is calling me!"

"Yes! That's right! Fate! I remember, my name is taboo, it's called Fate!

All these years! All these years have passed! I, finally someone called me again.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! "

Bursts of laughter burst out, and this **** tears kept echoing.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The earth, which had just calmed down, shook once again with great vigour.

Seeing it suddenly, the black giant pillar that burst into the sky suddenly exploded at this moment, and the power of darkness and evil flew wildly, raging wildly in all directions.

The earth is constantly being destroyed, the void is constantly being blasted out of the dark gaps of the Tao space.

The sky is full of violent sounds.

And as I ordered, from this chaotic and violent power, I saw an extremely old and thin naked body.

It was an old man who seemed to be about one meter tall, but the whole person was extremely thin, and it should be described more appropriately with dryness.

It really looks like a dry corpse, wrinkled.

But the most important thing to follow is that he is surrounded by all kinds of evil black mist, looking at the evil.

His eyes are also black, with evil light!

"This is my ancestor, fate! Tao!" Shouted secretly.

From the life path, the order can not see through the realm of his cultivation.

To him, that one is like an endless sea, without edges, unfathomable!

Terror is boundless!


As he looked at the evil body, the old man looked at him at this moment.

Seeing that, the dry and evil face, suddenly grinned, and smiled at himself.

Immediately after that, the figure flickered and disappeared instantly.

But the next breath appeared before the order.

He spoke to the order, and the old hoarse voice sounded again:

"I sense my heritage from you! You, my heir?"

Looking at the person in front of me, listening to his words, he moved as soon as he was commanded, and bowed down:

"The disciples are on their way, see the ancestor!"

"Tell me, where is the unfilial apprentice, Be Li? Quickly ask Be Li to get out! Hurry!" Ming Dao said, and drank at his wrath.

I just want to scream, and I will tear my body into pieces.

His complexion changed again and again, and the power of the whole body resisted, and he replied extremely hard: "The ancestor ... the ancestor ... the ancestor of the prince ... they have fallen ... so many years ago ...

"What! Beli, he's dead!" When he heard the random answer, the fate was also startled.

"Ah!" Immediately, I saw him roaring to the sky.

Under the roar, space trembled.

I just felt more strenuous, and my face became distorted under the impact of energy.

The flesh on his face kept flying away.

"Don't do it! Ah! Damn! Damn thing! Ah! You have died before the teacher has chopped your skin and cramps, and you have not eaten your flesh!

what! what! The dishonest! What a filial piety! what! "

"The ancestor ... the ancestor ..." shouted as instructed.

The roar of fate suddenly stopped when he heard the call of fate.

Then lowered his head and looked at him.

The roar though, the pressure on duty abated though.

But suddenly staring at this life again, he felt restless and hairy again.

Known as the first person of the destiny of the dying gods, I did not expect it to be so!

Gradually, I gradually knew what I wanted to do. In the ancestor's legacy, it was said that all this is cause and effect!

The ancestor of fate is already enchanted.

It should be the ancestor Beli, who will suppress the **** tears in person.

The ancestor, knowing that he had no chance to see his ancestor before his death, so he wanted to let future generations pay him back for the cause and effect.

"You, for the sake of Belize!

Then the sins committed by Beli will be paid by you! "Mingdao said, saying this to the order.

There was a sense of killing in the deep voice.

"The disciple is willing to die!" The body moved again as he ordered, lowering his head deeply to the fate.

This word, this action, is extremely respectful.

"Stupid!" However, after hearing what he said and seeing him do, his fate was to scream at him.

He apparently heard that the horrible crime committed by Belly, an unfilial piety, was willing to be repaid with death and endless torture.

For the unfaithful and filial piety, don't you!

"Ah! Such a stupid person really shouldn't keep you alive!"

Under the furious roar of fate, I saw him slashing at the command.


Suddenly, he lowered himself respectfully, and a horrible palm fell on him instantly.

"Ah!" With a scream, the whole thing burst into bursts, flesh and blood flew.

The scene was extremely bloody.

I didn't expect that the strongest destiny in the realm of the gods of life would follow the instructions, and it would fall like this!

One palm kills as the fate is, but the fate of this life is as if it has not disappeared, and it is even more furious.




The roar burst like a ferocious beast, and then roared from his mouth.

The heavens and earth boiled again, and the dark and evil atmosphere in him also increased, and it looked more evil.

"Kill! Kill!"

"I want to kill!"


"At that time, Beli, the unfilial piety, didn't just suppress me?

Beli, the sin committed by this filial piety, kill! I want this world to be repaid!

dead! All souls in the world will die!

I, fate, come back!

wrong! I ... I ... I ... I ... fate ... sha ... night! "



With the six-lily serpent flying, the ancient city of Blood Tears appeared in their sight.

At this moment, he was heading towards that city.

Soon, he landed at the gate of the city.

"The snake has a huge body. It is not only too conspicuous but also extremely inconvenient after entering the city.

Shi Feng said to Ziya.

"Well, you, Shi Feng, decide." Ziya nodded and said to Shi Feng.

As soon as he thought about it, the big snake flashed a huge white light, followed by it, and was forcibly sucked into Shimi Mountain by Shi Feng.

The serpent disappeared, and Shi Feng's figures floated down and landed on the ground.

"Huh? What's the matter?" But just then, Shi Feng frowned.

A sense of anxiety surfaced in his heart, slowly turning around, looking towards the rear, towards the direction of the Bloody Tears.

"What's wrong, Master?" Xiao Tian also asked him when he saw Shi Feng's abnormal shape.

"It always feels like something happened on the other side. What happened to Murphy?" Shi Feng said.

But soon, the restlessness disappeared instantly.

Then, just listen to Shi Feng again: "Maybe I am more worried."

His martial arts instincts once disappeared so soon after that uneasiness emerged.

and so……

"Let's go into the city!" Turning his head back, Shi Feng said to the people.


Followed, they and their party, went to this city of blood and tears.

Started to continue on the road!

Since that will let him go back to Wuliang Shenyu, Shi Feng naturally intends to return to Wuliang Shenyu first.


Walking in the City of Blood Tears, soon after, their party set foot on the city's teleportation altar.

Afterwards, the Shifeng people facilitated the continuous shuttle to the cities of the living gods.

Three days later, Shi Feng got a message!

"I heard that the blood tears fairy land did not know what happened. The whole fairy land, the blood mist disappeared, and it was a mess, and the one who has the strongest destiny in the realm of the living gods is missing!

"You mean, someone killed a follower in tears?"

"I don't know! It is said that it's more fierce than evil!"

"Who is it?"

"I heard that just a few days ago, someone saw some strong men in Wuzhong Shenyu who appeared in the City of Blood Tears!"

"Weightless **** domain strong? Who is that? There are few people who can kill the orderly in blood and tears, right?

What's more, it is really difficult to master the way of destiny, I am afraid that I have already fled from the Blood Tears Fairy? "

(End of this chapter)

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