Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3444: Nine Spectre Masters [2 in 1

Chapter 3444 Nine Ghost Masters [Two chapters in one big chapter]

"Rumors, as ordered, fear has fallen!"


"Let's go!" Shi Feng's footsteps were suddenly heard after hearing the discussion.

Seeing Shi Feng stop, Ling Yefeng, Yun Yimeng, Xiao Tianyi, Ning Cheng, and Zi Ya, all walking figures have stopped.

"I originally thought that the blood mist in the Blood Tear Fairy Land would dissipate after a while. After losing the blood demon blood, it disappeared so quickly?"

"That day, the blood demon of the Demon Sword rebelled, and Blood Tears Immortal land, we were made a mess.

Perhaps, shortly after we left the Blood Tears Fairy Land, the blood mist dissipated. Then we left the Blood Tears Fairy Land as we ordered. "

The thoughts fluttered quickly in Shi Feng's mind.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with the order.

Followed, the footsteps continued to move, a pedestrian, and began to hurry.


An extremely cold and mysterious world of death!

A war a few days ago almost sensationalized the entire Sen Luo domain.

According to legend, that battle was fought for a long, long time.

There is no day or night in this death world, so the creatures of the death world only live for a long time.

It is said that in this war, the soldiers on both sides were killed and wounded.

The nine ghost masters who were born in recent days are also completely famous.

Also, it is said that His Majesty the Nine Ghosts has a white warrior and follows the ghosts to discuss it.

The white warrior, in that battle, when the nine ghost masters furiously forgotten the Lord of the Dust, he was holding a white bone spur, and used his own power to fight the Lord of the Three Lords alone. By!

His Majesty the Lord of Forgotten Realms, there were originally three great generals, one of the dying messengers, and each of them was unmatched in combat power, all in the realm of the dreaded King of God.

However, the former Lord of the Dust sent the Lord of the Infernals to lead the Army of the Infernals to conquer the Nine Spectre Master.

As a result, the infernal army was defeated, and the infernal **** would die!

There are only three finalists left!


"Hmm! Hmm! It is said that the victory has been divided! Then ... that nine ghost master, win! Hmm!"

In a gloomy land, a dark green death creature made a strange cry and shouted.

"The Nine Spectre Masters defeated the Forgotten Dust Master? We have changed the ownership of the Sen Luo domain? Yeah! The news is true?"


Today, Sen Luo has begun to boil!

It is said ... It is said!

The Lord of Forgotten Realms leads His Majesty, the Angel of the Dead, to slay the Nine Spectre Master!

As a result, the supreme Lord of the Forgotten Realm, lost to Jiuyou Ghost, was torn into despair, unwillingness, and extreme terror by the Jiuyou Ghost.

Even the dead beings, who are far away, have heard a terrible pain and screams, which are unusually loud and extremely miserable.

A scream made it shake!

I want to kill the nine ghost masters, but they are killed!

I want others to die, but I am killed!


Under the extremely gloomy and gloomy sky!

Shi Feng, who is covered with dark ink and black lotus, is wearing a dark battle armor, and behind him is a black cloak, which stands proudly between heaven and earth.

The heavens and the earth are filled with a killing air, the cold wind is shaking, and Shi Feng's long hair and the cloak behind him are constantly dancing.

The white robes on Yin Sha are also constantly stirred!

"Listen to all the souls of the Sen Luo domain, Wang Chen has been beheaded by our Lord. This is Wang Chen's first rank!

From now on, Sen Luoyu has not forgotten the dust, only, Jiuyou Ghost Master! "

"Listen to all the souls of the Sen Luo domain, Wang Chen has been beheaded by our Lord. This is Wang Chen's first rank!

From now on, Sen Luoyu has not forgotten the dust, only, Jiuyou Ghost Master! "


A corpse with a black war halberd in his hand, the top of the war halber pierced a scared and desperate head with his eyes open, his face pale.

This is the head of the former Lord of the Sinuo Realm and the owner of the Forgotten Realm!

It is beginning to inform all the living beings of Sun Luoyu, and now the Lord of Luo Yu has a new master!


"The corpses are obeying orders!" And at this moment, the corpse with a corpse in this heaven and earth could hear only the sound of the supreme supper.

After that fierce battle, there were less than two thousand corpses.

However, the corpses living in the current battles, Shi Feng already had high hopes for them.

Especially after this tragic battle, their dead bodies will inevitably undergo true transformation!

"Yes!" When more than a thousand corpses heard Shi Feng drinking, they sang in unison, shaking the sky.

Shi Feng drank again and again: "Let me order, and notify all the creatures in Senluo to begin to gather, follow the master of the ghost, seek, hide the virtual realm!

Offenders, stand up! "

The hidden realm is the nearest realm of the neighboring Sen Luo domain!

Unexpectedly, as soon as this Sen Luo Yu won, they started the war again!

One, I'm afraid a bigger war!

"Observe!" The corpses responded again.

I saw more than a thousand figures, immediately moved together and flew wildly in all directions.

Just a moment, here, only Shifeng and Yinsha are left!

Shi Feng turned his head and looked at Yin Sha, eyes, and stared at the bone spurs in his hands.

In this battle, Yin Sha broke out with this bone spur, and a more terrifying power broke out than before.

Set a brilliant record.

And this battle did not lose its sanity as before.

"Relax, Master, the disciples have already negotiated with it.

It will help the disciples to battle this world. "

Yin Sha said with seriousness and seriousness to Shi Feng.

At that time, he fought with the Infernal Army, Yin Sha was stimulated by the words of an Infernal General and touched his heart!

Also at that time, a bone spur in his hand raised a sorrow and resonated with the sadness of Yin!

The evilness at that time suddenly burst out of power, but it seemed as if he had become enchanted and lost his reason. Even his most respected master began to disrespect.

Later, Shi Feng saw the bone spurs and helped Yin Sha recover his reason.

However, instead of forcing Yin Sha to abandon this thing, he let it choose.

Yin Sha, however, chose to continue to fight alongside it!

Fight till now!

Shi Feng doesn't know what happened between them afterwards, it seems that some kind of agreement has been reached!

Shi Feng nodded slowly to Yin Sha.


The realms of the gods, to the realm of living gods, the city of Lin.

The people of Shi Feng have already returned to this sacred city.

At this moment, he is starting to go to Shenlian Mansion in Juelin City.

The real destination is naturally the replacement hall of the Shenlian Mansion.

On that day, the person who replaced the Lord of the Hall Shenlun, who doubted his demon tribe, called Chongxin, the first divine refining master of the reborn **** realm, to deal with him.

This replacement hall was kind to him, so Shi Feng ordered them, and when they returned to this sacred city to replace the hall, they must collect ten pieces of materials for themselves.


Although Shi Feng did not say otherwise, however, it is already clear and needless to say.

If this order is not fulfilled, I am afraid that this replacement of the temple will not be necessary in this city.


Shi Feng, Ling Yefeng, Xiao Tianyi, Yun Yimeng, Ning Cheng, and Zi Ya walked together in the city of Jue Lin.

Jian Tong, still asleep in Xu Mishan.

But for Jian Tong, Shi Feng always pays attention to her.

Today, her breath has become more and more stable, and it should not be long before she can wake up completely.


"Well, it's him? He! It's him!"

On the bustling avenue of Jue Lin City, suddenly a man in a Jinyihua suit recognized Shi Feng while he was walking.

Seeing him like this, a man beside him looked at him with astonishment and asked him:

"Who the **** did you see? With your identity and status, so will the people who see the city of Jue Lin?"

When this remark was made, some other men and women who looked at them beside them were also extraordinary men and women.

"Replace the hall! Do you still remember what I told you, that day I saw it in the hall!" The man replied to them.

And hearing what he said, everyone else's complexion followed.

In the past few days, this person can talk about the shocking event that happened in the replacement hall many times.

And at this moment made him so, they followed their gaze and looked at the young figure who was not far ahead.

Already understood, who this person saw!

"He! Back to Jue Lin City! And the direction he is taking at this moment seems to be the Shenlian Mansion!"

"Go! Let's go and see!"


Shi Feng walked low-key in the city of Jue Lin, but he couldn't be low-key in this city at all.

Except for the man who had previously recognized him, others have since been recognized.

The man who replaced Yu Chongxin who defeated the Great Master of the First God in the Great Hall is back!

"Shenlian Mansion!"

Soon after, the stone maples stood before this ancient building, and Yun Yimeng murmured secretly.

However, they only stood for a while and went directly to the Shenlian Mansion.

"You guys, what do you need?" At this moment, a young woman stepped out and smiled and met Shi Feng.

"We go to the replacement hall, we can just walk on our own." Shi Feng told the young woman.

"Well, that's good!" She nodded to Shi Feng, followed, and then stepped back.


"He did replace the hall!"

"Yeah! The last time I was born in the replacement hall, this time I entered the replacement hall, I don't know what will happen."

"I heard that he issued an order to replace His Highness, asking them to collect ten precious treasures for him.

If it is not possible to replace the hall, I am afraid ... "

"After all, the replacement hall also belongs to the Shenlian Mansion! After he did this, isn't he afraid to be the enemy of the entire Shenlian Mansion?

Although this is just a Shenlian mansion in our unique city, but it is also a Shenlian mansion!

The Shenlian Mansion of the Ascension God Realm is one of the three most powerful forces in the Ascension God Realm! "

"Let's go and see!"


Those who followed Shi Feng also stepped into the Shenlian Mansion and walked this ancient place to the replacement hall!

I always feel that this time, there will be a major event in the replacement of the hall.


Replace the hall, Shi Feng walked in.

"I'm here." Although he said quietly, this voice echoed throughout the replacement hall.



"Who? Who is so arrogant in replacing the hall?"

"Huh? Who is he?"

"What kind of man is he? I don't understand any rules!"

"he came?"


With Shi Feng's words, a gaze in the main hall was replaced, then gathered at the gate, and gathered on this young figure.

Each one frowned.

"He! It's him!" At this time, someone in the hall quickly recognized the man.

"He! He's here!"

Not far away, the Tsing Yi woman who hosted Shi Feng that day changed her face and exclaimed softly.

She didn't dare to neglect, and then ushered in towards Shi Feng, owing her face respectfully: "My son!"

Looking at her, Shi Feng asked, "How have I collected what I need?"

"I also hope that you can wait a moment, the Lord has been doing this with all my heart. The little girl has just informed the Lord, and the Lord will come soon," said the woman to Shi Feng.

"Oh, okay." Shi Feng nodded slightly.

Now that you're here soon, why not wait a little longer.

"The son can take the friends to the meeting in the temple first, and the temple master is coming!" The Tsing Yi woman added.

"Okay!" Shi Feng replied to her.

Followed, he took the people, walking this replacement hall.

In the replacement hall, there are many wonders.

Last time, he got the Thunder and Fire here, an important treasure truly tailored for himself.

This time, Shi Feng wanted to see if she still had that luck, and then she found treasure here.

The power of his soul has swept out violently.

"You can all see if there is something suitable." Shi Feng said to the apprentice, the grandson, and Ziya.

"Hey, okay, Shizu!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, Ning Cheng smiled suddenly, full of evil and weird, showing a perverted posture.

Hearing his laughter and watching his perverted appearance, Shi Feng frowned, "You're fine!"

"Master, why?" Ning Cheng opened his eyes immediately, somewhat unconvincedly.

"Your smile disturbs me." Shi Feng said.

"Ah! How come? How could your grandson feel uneasy with such a cute smile?

Shizu, Shizu, can't you be so unfair to me! My good ancestor! I am your little baby! "

Ning Cheng was talking, she turned into a little woman like a coquettish tenderness, and spoke softly.

Hearing Shi Feng and the people around him felt that the whole person was uncomfortable, and even covered his hair with goose bumps.

Even Ling Yefeng felt a strange body and immediately drank Ning Cheng in a deep voice: "Unscrupulous, you have been disgusted to be a teacher, and you have been restless!"

"Ah! Yeah, master!" Hearing Ling Yefeng's applause, Ning Cheng came down honestly, and replied with respect to Ling Ye Feng.


The power of Shi Feng's soul is still sweeping in this replacement hall.

So far, there is still nothing that can be seen in other ways.

"It seems that this time, you are not so lucky." He said secretly in his heart.

But having said that, the last time I encountered a minefield fire, it was really lucky.

How can it be so good luck every time.


After the people walked around Shi Feng, they did not see what they needed in this temple.

The main thing is that Shi Feng now distributes a lot of treasures to them, and many of the treasures can come from those who reach the peak and make great power. Among them, there is an endless ancient force supreme.

For example, the first strongman who died a few days ago was shocked by Brahma ...

(End of this chapter)

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