Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3501: Snow Sword Villa [2 in 1]

Chapter 3501 Snow Sword Villa [Two in One]

"Xuejian Shanzhuang! Xuejian Shanzhuang is naturally north of our Lingyi City ..."


When Shi Feng learned of this Snow Sword Villa, he finally couldn't sit still.

The body suddenly moved suddenly and rushed straight up, "Boom!" The roof of this tavern was suddenly banged out of a large humanoid hole.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The entire tavern trembled with it.

With a touch of sand and dust, the hall immediately made the dust fly.


"What the **** is this!"

"Rely on! Who! Who is it! Why is it so wicked!"


Bursts of curse also echoed.


Shi Feng was running at the fastest speed, and his body quickly left the territory of Lingyi City.

Urge full speed, flying all the way north.

In his mind, the map of the fairy land reappeared, "Xuejian Shanzhuang! Oh, this is it! That's right, this direction!"

Then, consciousness freezes.

On the map of his fairy land, there is also the orientation of Xuejian Villa, which is quite a distance from here. In that area, the area is huge.

It seems that this Snow Sword Villa should be considered a party.

"At my speed, half a day later, I should be able to arrive," Shi Feng said secretly.


"Huh! Huh! Huh!"


Shi Feng was still heading north all the way, and before she knew it, the sky and the sky were blowing fiercely.

The snow in this world was not suddenly blown, but Shi Feng, suddenly broke into a world of ice and snow.

This place looked white at a glance.

Snow, snow mountain, snow forest.

Arriving at this snowy land is also considered to have entered the site of the Snow Sword Villa.

"Xuejian Shanzhuang!" Shi Feng murmured these four words again and again.

I don't know if she can get her clues.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng was still facing north all the way.

Gradually, I saw a building built on a steep cliff halfway up the mountain, slowly appearing in the sight of Shi Feng, looking extremely dangerous.

However, it is full of mystery and ancient feeling.

Snow Sword Villa, this is a lot of forces.

"Who's coming, get up to speed on the name!" As Shi Feng approached the Snow Sword Villa, he suddenly heard a majestic drinking.

Immediately after, I saw a huge snow sword falling from the sky and immediately blocked in front of Shi Feng.

"Huh?" Shi Feng frowned, and immediately stopped her flying form.

As he slowly raised his head, he immediately saw a figure standing proudly on the huge snow sword.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a snow-colored jersey. His face is extremely serious. As if on this face, it is impossible to smile.

At this moment, the face was slightly lowered, looking down at Shi Feng.

People in Snow Sword Villa!

Should be the guardian of the villa, and this person's strength is extremely simple!

After all, it is a strong man who reached the peak and created a pole.

The strength of the guardians of the Snow Sword Villas has reached this level.

"My name is Nether, and I'm looking for your seventh son, and I want you to report it." Shi Feng said to him.

At present, the other party is not hostile, and Shi Feng's tone of speaking to him is more polite.

Moreover, I came to Xuejian Villa by myself to ask them for help, not to challenge me.

"Seven sons!" When he heard the words "seven sons", he saw a sudden movement on the face of his face, as if a look of shock was revealed.

Followed by, he was shocked and put away by him, he said to Shi Feng: "My seventh son is inconvenient to see you, please go back."

"If I do find him, you will report it." Shi Feng said again.

"Presumptuous!" However, when he heard Shi Feng's words, the man in the snow robe immediately drank, yelling at Shi Feng again:

"This seat has already told you just now. The seventh son of my family is inconvenient to see you, so it is inconvenient to see you!

If you haven't left yet, blame the merciless under this sword! "

When his last sentence sounded, he saw the huge snow-colored sword in his shape, and then violently exploded, making a roar of noise:

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

At the same time, fierce Jianwei, rushing towards Shi Feng.

Shi Feng knew she couldn't speak well.

If we want to talk about it again, we must use force to solve it.

Maybe when he saw his divine king, Mie Tianxiu, this man didn't put himself in his eyes at all.

It's almost the same. The King of Gods Triple Heaven is, for him, an existence that can be easily wiped out.

A person of this strength, coupled with a name of Youming, an unknown generation, is not eligible to enter the Snow Sword Villa.

Under the icy cold sword power, Shi Feng was naturally unmoved.

Seeing his own warning, this man hasn't left yet. The man on the snow-colored giant sword immediately throbbed.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the snow-colored giant sword moved fiercely, and went straight down to Shi Feng.

This beheading, if it really is a triple-king heavenly warrior, will be directly crushed under this sword.

However, Shi Feng was not an ordinary martial artist, and saw that his right hand became a fist, and he blasted fiercely at the snow-colored giant sword that was cut off.

The seemingly tiny fist immediately slammed into the snow-colored great sword.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, followed by a bang, shaking the sky and shaking the world.

"How ... how is that possible!" Immediately, just listening to an incredible call, suddenly rang.

With Shi Feng's punch, all the power on the snow-colored great sword has been annihilated.

Even, he was directly blown away with a punch.

Subsequently, Shi Feng's figure was also mad, flying towards the snow robe man who was still proud of the giant sword.

Looking at Shi Feng, who was flying fast and violently, the man's face showed an extremely shocking look.

He is a powerful man who climbs to the extreme! A sword that he urged with all his strength was actually under this man's fist ...

"Xuelong is proud of the world!" Suddenly, just listening to this snow robe man drank again.

With both palms frantic, for a moment, he saw a huge snow-colored dragon suddenly appearing between his palms.

"Alas!" A sound of dragon yin slammed the heaven and earth, the huge ice and snow faucet roaring.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that the snow-colored dragon had been pushed out by the palms of the man in the snow robe, the dragon's mouth was angry, and he rushed towards Shi Feng.

"Go!" In the face of this snow and ice dragon, Shi Feng drank the word coldly.

He still punched out and smashed into the snow-colored dragon.

Under his fist that destroyed everything, the entire dragon was immediately scattered and scattered, and turned into wild snow and ice.

Shi Feng shuttled through the layers of blizzard. At this moment, he had flew to the middle-aged man in the snow robe.

The right hand becomes a claw, exuding an extremely cold and cold atmosphere, shining with a white light, like a peeling white bone claw, grasping the face of the man in the snow robe directly.


But in an instant, Shi Feng's claw caught on the face of the man in the snow robe.

"Ah!" A cold, frosty frenzy immediately struck directly from the claws, shaking the face of the man in the snow robe, and roaring in pain.

"How about, am I eligible to see your seventh son now? Call your seventh son soon!"

Shi Feng said coldly, in the cold words, she could not refuse.

"You ... you ..." Hearing Shi Feng's words, the man in the snow robe didn't do it yet, he shivered and spit out the words "you".

"Hmm!" A look of disappointment reappeared on Shi Feng's face, and for a moment, more cold power struck the man's face again from his claws.

"Ah! Ah! My seventh son, I'm afraid ... I can't come out to see you. Ah! Ah!"

He yelled in pain and answered Shi Feng.

Hearing this, Shi Feng closed his strength slightly, frowned, and asked him, "Why?"

"You may not know. The seventh son of my family was crazy six months ago."

"Crazy?" Shi Feng suddenly moved again.

And it was six months ago?

It was learned from that little second that when she was with these seven sons, it was exactly that ... half a year ago.

What, crazy!

"How crazy?" Shi Feng asked him again.

"I'm not very clear about this! Ah! Or, you ask our owner." The man in the snow robe said again.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded slightly.

At this moment, he will grasp the face of the man in the snow robe and close it back.

The overcast power on my hand dissipated.

The claws that looked like white bones just now returned to normal immediately.

"Let your owner come out," Shi Feng said to him.

"Go down to report?" The man in the robe asked Shi Feng for advice.

"No! You are here." Shi Feng said to him.

They, of course, have the means of direct notification, do they still need to enter this Snow Sword Villa?

"Okay." As soon as he responded, as expected, he saw a snow charm, which was taken out by the man, followed, and saw that the snow charm was burning.

Daodao's ancient and deep words spit out from the man's mouth and rushed into the burning snow amulet.

Immediately, the snow amulet was burned out. The man in the robe looked back at Shi Feng and said:

"I've summoned the owner and he should be out soon."

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded, and answered.

Then he asked him again, "You seven sons are crazy, you don't know anything?"

"I don't know." The man in the robe shook his head slowly and replied.

Then, I saw Shi Feng's hand again appearing in the string of holy bracelets. Shi Feng raised her hand and asked the man in the snow robe: "Do you recognize this?"

"This? I've never seen it before." The man in the snow robe shook his head slowly.

"Oh." Shi Feng whispered, and then asked again: "Your seven sons, were you with a woman before you were crazy? One, a beautiful woman."

"A beautiful woman? I don't know," he said, still shaking his head.

This guy seems to really know nothing.

Seeing him like this, Shi Feng didn't ask again.

Waiting quietly, waiting for the owner of their Snow Sword Villa to come.






Suddenly, Shi Feng suddenly heard the sound of Jianming burst out in this world.

He immediately saw that among the ancient buildings on the mountainside, the snow-colored swords flew wildly out of it. As if endless, they flew towards him directly.

"Wanjian soars into the sky!" The man in the snow robe saw it and called out immediately.

When Shi Feng saw it, her complexion became abnormally dignified.

At this moment, he had felt the imminent danger.

At this moment, Shi Feng no longer hesitated, and the bracelet was immediately put away by him.

The **** flash in his right hand, the blood demon of the demon appeared in his hand immediately, exuding extremely cold, extremely strange breath.

"This sword!" When he saw the sword in Shifeng's hand again, the face of the man in the snow robe changed immediately.

Gradually, he quickly realized the identity of the person in front of him.

No wonder ... it's no wonder that he is so young that he is not an opponent at all.

"You are the one who killed and passed off the Tianyin Mountain!" Said the man in Xuepao in surprise.

Shi Feng did not return to him, his eyes were still staring at Wandao Feijian rushing forward.

"Well!" A cry came from the man in the snow robe.

Just now he burned the snow amulet and passed in the character to inform the owner that someone came to Xuejian Shanzhuang to provoke.

But he never expected that this person came here!

This ... this ... this ... this, but even Tianyin Mountain and Tianyin Lao Xian are eating crickets!

"Zhuang owner, quickly retract your sword! No! No! Never!" The man in the snow robe shouted at the bottom immediately.

I just hope that the owner can listen to it, Xuejian Villa, and never set up this strong enemy.

Under the inspiration of Shi Feng, the powerful and terrifying breath has risen in the blood sword of the demon.

However, at this moment, he suddenly saw that the thousands of flying swords that had been flying wildly went together at this time.

Seeing the flying swords suddenly, the man in the robe whispered in his heart.

Secretly: "It seems, the owner understands! Okay! Okay!"

At this moment, he felt a sense of relief, and the whole person felt light at this moment.

"I do not know the arrival of your Excellency, Xuemou has lost his way and hopes to forgive him!" At this moment, a majestic voice sounded immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng saw that in the ancient snow-colored building, another snow-colored figure flew out.

This is a man who looks like fifty years old. In this world of snow, the whole person seems to be fused together in this world.

Every movement and silence seemed to have reached a certain mysterious fit with this snowy world!

This is a strong man who practiced the martial arts of snow to a very high level.

His martial arts practice is that although it is not as good as that of the original God Sovereign Sovereign, it is also in the realm of the Seventh Heaven of God.

"Zhuangzhang!" When he saw this, the man in the robe immediately called at him.

It turned out that this is the owner of Xuejian Mountain Villa!

Seeing him coming alone, and hearing what he said just now, Shi Feng knew that Shi Fengtian's demon blood sword was in his hand, and he should have recognized his identity.

In this case, it seems that this battle cannot be fought for the time being.

However, it is better not to call. Shi Feng came here to inquire about her, not to kill here.

"You are the owner of Snow Sword Villa." Shi Feng said to the man.

"Xuemou is that!" The one, Chong Shifeng nodded, and respectfully returned.

(End of this chapter)

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