Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3502: red? [2 in 1]

Chapter 3502 Red? [2 in 1]

"You are the owner of the Snow Sword Villa, then, what is the relationship between the seven sons of the Snow Sword Villa?" Shi Feng asked again.

When Xue Qi, the owner of Xuejian Mountain Villa, heard Shi Feng's words, his face suddenly moved, his face was shocked, and he said to Shi Feng: "That's my son."

Followed him again, his face disappeared, and he said to Shi Feng:

"My Excellency, my child has been crazy for eight months. If anyone who doesn't have long eyes offends you, I'm afraid it is in the name of my child."

"You think too much, I came to your Snow Sword Villa to find someone. Do you know this?" The folded bracelet appeared again in Shi Feng's hands, and Shi Feng passed down slightly. And asked that Xue Qi said.

Xue Qi gazed for a while, followed by a momentary glance, turned around, and said, "I have never seen this thing."

"He hasn't seen it," Shi Feng said secretly in his heart, followed by a loud voice:

"I was in a pub in Lingyi City and I heard the tavern in the pub said, You seven sons of Snow Sword Villa, half a year ago, um ... it should be with a beautiful woman almost before August.

You have seen the woman, but do you know where the woman is now? "

"My son and that woman ..." When Xue Feng said this, Xue Qi moved again, and he said immediately:

"Sir, we are also looking for that woman, and we also want to know who this woman is.

Eight months ago, my son was found in the ruined cliff, and was crazy when he found it.

After that, we asked around and learned that my child was with a beautiful woman, but no one knew who the beautiful woman was.

Until now, it was unknown. "

"Oh, right!" Then Xue Qi suddenly realized what and asked Shi Feng:

"If you look for that woman, do you know that woman?"

For Xue Qi, Shi Feng did not answer.

The woman naturally recognized it, but there was no need to tell him.

Then he opened his mouth and said to Xue Qi with an undeniable tone, "Take me to see your son."

Shi Feng's words were actually very unpleasant in Xue Qi's ears.

He asked him not to answer, but he spoke in such an order.

He Xueqi can also be regarded as a party overlord. In his area, Xuejian Villa, the most recent, is also slightly stronger than the original deities.

It's only slightly stronger!

The two forces, for countless years, have always been well water without breaking the river water, but if they really fought, with the knowledge behind Xuejian Shanzhuang, Xue Qi might not be afraid of him.

And this kid, at a young age, gave an order to himself, and Xue Qi, who became accustomed to the overlord, was really ...

"Well, Your Excellency followed me." Xue Qi said to Shi Feng.

He was very upset and unhappy, but he knew very well that he had provoked this one, and even the Tianyin Lao Xian was beaten and ran back to Tianyin Mountain to seal the mountain.

As soon as Xue Kai's figure moved, she flew towards the Snow Sword Villa halfway up the mountain, and at the same time, Shi Feng also flew down.

"Huh, it's been negotiated, nothing is wrong with me." The man in the robe who was previously caught by Shi Feng saw a sigh of relief after seeing Shi Feng and Xue Qi flying away.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his body disappear like a fog, and once again returned to the void.


When Shi Feng flew down, glanced at the Wandao Feijian of Xuejian Mountain Villa, still hovering quietly.

Every flying sword still exudes an ancient sense of killing, which is dreadful.

Even Shi Feng is also afraid of it.

The ten thousand flying swords had been killed together before, Shi Feng felt that the lethal force had reached the Eighth God of Heaven!

It really is so scary!

"Remove quickly!" At this moment, just listening to the owner of the Wanjian Mountain Villa, Xue Qi, said something like this.

His words echoed in this world.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!" The sword groaned again and again.

Thousands of flying swords, all trembling.

Afterwards, they flew back to Wanjian Shanzhuang.

"People are urging together, the sword power is increasing, and Wandao Feijian can reach such a level.

This sword tactic must be extremely mysterious! If I get it, I will take it back to Nether Purgatory. I wonder if I can let those ghost soldiers cultivate and greatly strengthen my Nether Purgatory strength. "

Shi Feng said secretly in her heart, thinking secretly.

But just thinking about it.

These sword tactics, this snow sword villa, I am afraid they will not surrender at all.

Will even fight desperately!

If that step is really reached, it will only be the dead.

Throwing those thoughts away, Shi Feng only got closer and closer to that snow-colored ancient building.

The next moment, with this snow, he fell into a quiet snow-colored courtyard in the mountain village.

"Zhuangzhang!" At the first sight of Xue Qi's fall, the six young pretty maids in the courtyard immediately saluted Xue Qi and saluted him respectfully.

"Well, you all step back." Xue Qi said to them.

"Yes, the owner!" The six maids responded again and again, and then retreated from the courtyard.

The snow house in the courtyard is the place where the seven sons of Snow Sword Villa live now. Xue Qi has sensed that his son is sleeping in the house.

"My son is still asleep in the house, please come with me," Xue Qi said to Shi Feng.

"OK." Shi Feng said.

Before Xue Qi came to Xue Qi, she gently pushed with both hands and pushed the door open.

Although it is a remote corner cottage in Xuejian Mountain Villa, the layout of this house is still very elegant, bright and quiet.

On a Xueyu bed, a young man was quietly asleep.

It seems that this is the crazy seven-boy named by Xuejian Villa.

Xue Qi went to Xueyu's bed and sat down, patted the seventh son gently, and said softly, "Yu'er!"


"Yuer, you wake up."

Looking at his appearance, it seems that the owner of the landlord should be very fond of his son.

Under the call of Xue Qi, Xue Yu slowly woke up, slowly opened those misty eyes, and whispered in her mouth:

"Wow, wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!"

Don't know what he was thinking about.

The seven sons, who are handsome and handsome, can also be regarded as a beautiful boy.

However, Jun Yi's face was not spirited, and his eyes were also lost.

"Hehe, hehe, hehehehe!" Then he laughed again.

"To die! To die! We will all die! Hehe, hehehehehe!

Afraid, afraid, so afraid!

Yeah! "

Suddenly, talking, I saw the seventh son, as if he suddenly saw something extremely terrifying, his face suddenly changed dramatically, his eyes widened extremely, and he gave out a terrified yelling. , The sound is extremely stern, extremely sharp, and terrible.

"Yu'er!" Xue Qi saw this, and took his beloved son into his arms, comforting softly:

"Do n’t be afraid of Yuer, there is a father! Don't be afraid! There is a father! Here is Xuejian Villa, no one will hurt you when you are at home, and father will not let anyone hurt you!


Xue Qi rubbed his son, comforting softly, and patting his back gently.

"Father? My father, father?" With the comfort of his father Xue Qi, I saw Xue Yu's mood slowly stabilized.

Then, he slowly broke away from Xue Qi's arms, looking at Xue Qi in front of him: "Hey!"

I saw this Xue Yu, and laughed again, "You are not my father, you are, Xue Shihu!

Hey, yes, you are a snow stone tiger! The motionless Snowstone Tiger, I'm going to eat you, oh! Alas! Huh! "

Talking, this Xue Yu learned how to cry.

At this time, Xue Qi turned his head and looked at Shi Feng. Above his face, a bitter smile appeared, and said to Shi Feng:

"Since I found my child eight months ago, it has been like this, hey!"

Talking, he sighed again.

Shi Feng nodded slightly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since Iw!

At this time, Shi Feng took out the string of holy bracelets again, walked forward, put it in front of Xue Yu, gave a light shake, and said:

"Do you recognize this thing?"

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Xue Yu kept ignoring Shi Feng at all and kept screaming and didn't even go to see Shi Feng's hands.

Shi Feng's hand moved forward a few minutes again, almost sticking to Xue Yu's face door, and then he asked him:

"Seven sons of Snow Sword Villa, do you recognize this thing?"

"Ah!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Xue Yu suddenly hesitated, stopped the strange scream, and made a soft "ah" sound.

With his eyes slowly turning, his eyes slowly gazed on the bracelet of Shi Feng's hands, "This is ... this is ..."

With words in her mouth, Xue Yu shook her head slightly. "This is ... this ... ah!"

Suddenly, another fierce scream screamed from Xue Yu's mouth.

When I saw his face, there was a touch of shock and horror again, as if he had been frightened again. Seeing him like this was more serious than when he just woke up.

"Red ... red ... red ... red ..."

Frightened, he kept saying the word "red" in his mouth, and then, seeing his hands and feet moving, his body kept going backwards, "Ah! Ah! Red ... Red ... Red ... red……"

In the mouth, still making strange noises.

"Red?" And Shi Feng, his brows frowned, looked at Xue Yu, and then asked, "What is red?"

Asking these three words, the string of bracelets passed forward again.

"Ah! Ahh! Ahhhhhhhh!" Seeing that the bracelet was getting closer, Xue Yu shouted even more, as if being more stimulated.

He stepped back again, slammed, and fell heavily to the ground.

At this moment, as if he didn't feel the pain, he turned up and sat up, his hands and feet moved along with each other, or he kept going back, "Red! Red! Red! Red ..."

He continued to spit out the word "red".

Shi Feng's brow wrinkled and deepened, and her body flickered. The next moment, she immediately appeared in front of Xue Yu.

When Shi Feng first appeared, beside him, Xue Qi flashed.

When she saw Shi Feng, she would continue to show this bracelet to her son, and Xue Qi immediately begged: "Sir, can you slow down!"

Xue Yu was obviously not stimulated lightly, Xue Qi was really worried, and then stimulated, son, I am really going to collapse completely and lose all of his mind.

"Um ..." Shi Feng responded lightly, then looked down at Xue Yu, "red ... red ... red ... red ..."

I saw him already leaning in the corner, holding his legs in both hands, and his body was shaking.

"Okay!" Shi Feng said.

Xue Yu like this, he also worried that it would completely collapse.

Obviously, he had to confirm the bracelet that Jin Mo gave himself, and the bracelet was very exciting to him.

"In the end what happened?"

"He keeps talking red? What exactly does that mean?"

"What did they encounter?"

"She, what happened?"


Shi Feng's mind has always surfaced these thoughts.

Xue Qi said again, "Sir, see if you can let the children have a rest first. I will prepare the food and drinks for you. After a while, you will ask again."

Although Xue Qi was reluctant to ask this person to ask his son again, what kind of excitement the son would have.

But ... there is nothing I can do!

Whoever makes this kid so perverted, even Tianyin Laoxian dares to do it.

"Then, let's do this first," Shi Feng said.

After saying this, the string of bracelets in his hand was immediately closed again.

"Then let's go out," Xue Qi said again.


After seeing Shi Feng's consent, Xue Qi took Shi Feng away from the igloo and returned to the courtyard just now.

"Take good care of the seventh son." Followed, listening to Xue Qi only.

"Yes!" Outside the courtyard, the respectful voice of the young women came again.

Then, the six women who left the courtyard slowly returned to the courtyard.

Xue Qi flew into the sky, and Shi Feng's figure also rose up, following Xue Qi's body.

Soon after, the two flew to the center of the villa and landed in front of one of the most grand old snow-colored buildings.

The whole building is so imposing that although it is not in the shape of a sword, it looks like a sword in the sky.

Shi Feng looked up, and saw the "snow" like dragon flying and phoenix dancing above, but the word alone showed a difficult mood.

Shi Feng stared at the word, and felt a sense of mystery from the word.

It seems that those who leave this word are absolutely extraordinary people.

Seeing Shi Feng keeps looking up and staring, Xue Qi said to Shi Feng: "This word is left by an ancestor of my Xue family!

Our Xue family, the only martial arts practitioner has reached the existence of God King Jiuzhongtian. "

"Oh!" Shi Feng said quietly.

No secret in my heart, no wonder! It was the words left by such existence.

"I have already ordered people to prepare good wine and dishes, sir, please enter immediately." Xue Qi said to Shi Feng again.

As soon as his voice fell, "snap", the wooden door of this magnificent building suddenly opened.

A snow-colored fairy mist diffused out from it, inside, like a mysterious ice and snow wonderland.

"Sir, please!" Xue Qi made a "please" gesture to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng had already sensed that the tumultuous ancient energy rushed out of it and rushed towards him frantically.

This is a place of great energy!

Even Shi Feng's repairs, such ancient energy, feel the energy in the metamorphosis Dantian ...

(End of this chapter)

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