Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3528: Thunderfall [two in one]

Chapter 3528 Thunderfall [Two in One]

When that laughter sounded, just this moment, countless people looked and moved.

All of them turned their heads and looked in the direction of laughter.

It was Shi Feng, who turned his head at this moment. Soon he saw that an old man who looked extremely indifferent appeared in his eyes.

This old man looks no different from a beggar.

However, Shi Feng has seen that this old man is not easy!





As soon as the old man appeared, a lot of people followed.

"It's him!"

"This one! It is the legendary grandpa senior!"

"He's here too!"

"The peak of the King of Gods Nine Heaven exists, and now there is another one!"


Immediately after, one after another shouted.

"If you have this person, you should be able to break through this mountain." Shi Feng's eyes were still looking at the old man, secretly murmuring.

Although Shi Feng's voice was low, that sentence also fell into Mu Liang's ears.

Upon hearing Shi Feng's remarks, Mu Liang nodded slowly, and said, "The destiny of God has shown that this mountain can collapse."

"This is really the legendary God of Destiny?" Yue Shen Feng Yue Yao heard Mu Liang's words and asked him in surprise.

Earlier, it was indeed Mu Liang who sensed in his hand that the uncle's ancestor had arrived, and he really did.

"Meet your uncle!"

"Meet Uncle!"

"Meet the ancestor!"


The worshippers who respect him are disciples of the invisible holy land.

The invisible holy land is also one of the peak forces of the gods.

However, the contemporary Lord of the Invisible Holy Land, his martial art practice has not stepped into the peak.

And the reason why the invisible holy place is at its peak is entirely because of their ancestor, which the world calls it, the grandfather of the invisible holy place!


As the old man approached, his body stopped immediately and he stopped on the seat.

His eyes had already swept towards the same level of Lord of the Dark Wind Godhead, Lord of the Golden Light, and God of the Heavenly God, with a smile on his face.

Then just listened to him and said, "It seems that age is coming at the right time!"

"The predecessors will join hands with me and break this purple mountain." The Lord of the Dark Wind God pointed at the purple mountain under him and said to the old man immediately.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" But he didn't expect that the old man talked like this, with a smile on his face.

This look, in the eyes of a few people who are colorless in the wind, is really quite embarrassing.

At this moment, everyone in this world is looking very anxious.

They were really scared that the legend of the undead demon was inherited by those who first entered the ruins.

Only this ancestor is still at ease, as if he did not care about the legendary ruins at all.

"What are you waiting for?" Lord Jinguang also said at this time, and asked the old ancestor.

"Wait for the best time!" However, the old man uttered such a sentence.

"The best timing?"

"The best timing?"

"The best timing?"

When he heard this, the faces of the people all moved in unison, and their brows frowned immediately.

"What do the seniors mean? When is the best time?" Feng said without a color, and asked the grandfather.

"Coming soon!" But Zu Zulu still answered these two words.

After speaking these two words, I saw that he slowly raised his head and looked into the sky.

Seeing him look up, the three peak strong men also looked up.

The other strong men and other warriors also looked up at this time.

Also looked towards the sky.

They wanted to see something in the sky.

However, there was nothing unusual about the sky and whiteness.

The main wind of the Dark Wind Deity is colorless, and the brows are getting deeper and deeper at this moment.

I do n’t know what the old thing is.

"If the four of us are the first to contribute, and if all of us work together, I have confidence and can break it!"

The Holy Lord in the Golden Light Holy Land, then spoke again and said to the grandpa ancestor.

And hearing what he said, I saw the uncle Zuo still looking up at the sky, a complete disregard of the appearance of the Lord of Light.

Although this old man lives longer than himself, he looks like this Lord of Jinguang really wants to die.

If it weren't for the power of this old thing, I am afraid the Lord of the Golden Light has already attacked him.

Time passes slowly, slowly ...

Over time, it gradually darkened.

"what 's the truth?"

"What the **** are you waiting for?"

"I don't know! I don't know what the sale is."

"What the **** are you waiting for?" At this time, a disciple of the Golden Light Holy Place asked an invisible Holy Place disciple next to him.

"How would I know." After hearing the words of the Golden Light Holy Place, this one shook his head and said.

Followed him and said, "The mind of my uncle and grandfather is not something I can guess at all!"

"What the **** is this old man waiting for?" At this moment, even Shi Feng also spoke quietly.

"It's hard to guess!" Yue Yao said.

"He's waiting!" But at this moment, Mu Liang said these three words.

When Shi Feng saw it, his gaze was once again gazed on the Destiny God Plate.

That young face became extremely serious again.

Looking at him like this, it seems that he has seen something from this destiny.

"What are you waiting for?" Shi Feng asked him.

"Outer meteorite, an extraordinary outer meteorite, is about to fall! We, quickly retreat! Quick!" Mu Liang said in a deep voice, and in the end, his tone suddenly panicked.

"Xiao Hei!" Mu Liang immediately drank after saying this.

"Wang! Wangwangwang! Wangwang!" Heihe hurriedly responded when he heard Mu Liang's applause.

Subsequently, Xiao Hei's four-legged mad kicks, and suddenly took Mu Liang to go backwards!

"Outer Meteorites? Unusual Outer Meteorites?" Shi Feng muttered.

As for the meteorite outside the sky, he has seen that ordinary meteorites can be easily countered with his current strength.

However, at this moment, Mu Liang even said an unusual meteorite!

Thinking about the current situation, the old man at the peak level of the God King Jiuzhong is waiting for the meteorite ...

Thinking of this, Shi Feng's figure suddenly moved suddenly, and began to fly back.

As he flew back, he immediately said to Yueyao beside him, "Fast back! Speak back!"

Seeing that even Shi Feng became so, Yue Yao also realized something, and her figure was a riot in the future.

"Uh ... coming soon! It's here, it's finally here ..." At this moment, everyone in this world, when he heard the uncle's ancestor spoke again, said such a word.

The old and leisurely voice suddenly echoed in this world.


"Should come?"

"What come?"

"What is he talking about, senior?"

"I don't know! From his appearance to now, it's a mysterious look."

"No, do you pretend to be a ghost there?"

"Pretend to be a ghost? This is the one in the legend? How is that possible!"



"This feeling?"

"Huh? This is ..."


This one, the three peak powerhouses on the purple giant mountain, suddenly felt something at this moment, and their complexion suddenly moved at this moment.

An uneasy sense of anxiety, danger, and terror suddenly rose from their hearts.

"Every disciple of my intangible holy land, step back immediately! Those who violate my orders expel the invisible holy land!" At this time, I only heard the old voice of the grandpa grandmother again.

Previously, he always felt like a hippie smiley, old-fashioned.

And at this moment, when the old man drank the words, his old face became very serious, and the tone, the sound, sounded very serious.


"Yes! Uncle!"

"Yes! Shizu!"

"Yes! Uncle!"


After hearing his words, everyone in the Holy Land immediately respected and responded.

The command of this one can be said to be more authoritative than that of the contemporary Lord.

Invisible holy places, no one dares to resist.

Immediately afterwards, he saw an individual in the invisible holy land, and his body flew back immediately.

"Dark Wind God Disciples, back!"

"Golden Light Holy Disciple, retreat!"

"Tiansha God Disciples, retreat!"


At the same time, the Lord of the Dark Wind God, the Lord of the Golden Light, and the God of the Gods of God, issued their orders to all their forces.

Even the three of them flew back fiercely.



"Even those people gave orders to back up, we, quickly retreat!

Otherwise, the consequences must be unimaginable. "


All the calls, the constant cry.

Even if they are not disciples of the four major forces of invisible holy land and dark wind gods, at this moment, they are madly retreating from the void.

Even the three peak powerhouses are retreating. Now, who dares to stay there!

Came here to find opportunities, who wants to die!

"Haha, hahahaha!" Seeing those people retreating, the grandma of the grandfather retreated seriously, his smile reappeared, and then burst out laughing.

Just a moment, now, that world is the only one left!

Under the laughter, the strong wind blew, making his messy hair and tattered clothes stir up, looking extremely coquettish.

"This old guy doesn't retreat?" Yu Liang and Yueyao retreated to Shi Feng in the distance, looking at the old ancestor who was still laughing and wondering.

If it can really break the outer meteorite of this purple mountain, this old man is definitely unable to resist.

"Because he is using a secret method to induce meteorites to fall there that day!" Mu Liang said.

At this moment, I'm afraid he can really see it, only him!

Exactly, the destiny of God in his hands.

"That's it!" Shi Feng nodded seriously after hearing Mu Liang's words.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Haha! Hahahahaha!"


The old laughter continued.

Shi Feng slowly sensed his laughter. At this moment, from these bursts of laughter, a mysterious and ancient strange power was sensed.

"Boom!" Immediately after listening to a violent burst, Dun rang from above the sky.

This bang was like a blast of thunder.

It was getting dark instantly!

It became extremely dark, as if the whole day was covered by giants!

"That is?"


"what is that?"


"This is, Ray? Big Thunder Ball?"


Exclaimed again and again.

Everyone saw that an extremely huge dark thing appeared in the sky, and a thunderstorm flashed like a huge incomparable thunderball.

It is this thunderball that obscures the world of this misty forest!

"This is the meteorite you said earlier?" Yueyao disciple Yueyao exclaimed to Mu Liang.

This meteorite is really too scary!

This feeling ... is enough to destroy the world!

"Tianlei meteorite!" Mu Liang said.

"This Thunder! This Thunder! This Thunder! It was ..."

Yueyao and Mu Liang were talking, but they didn't find it. At this moment, Shi Feng's face was shocked and her eyes widened.

What they call the Thunderfall, the flashing mad Thunder is black, that Thunder, not other Thunders, is ... Devil Black Thunder!

The remnants of the undead demon, now, this extermination black thunder appears!

This immortal demon, I am afraid, is just like himself, but an immortal demon with an immortal demon body!

Did not expect, really did not expect, these gods ...

"Finally, it's okay!"

The old ancestor on the top of the Purple Mountain still looked up and looked at the black meteor giant meteor crashing down this side. At this moment, he suddenly grinned.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the old figure flashing violently, and disappeared into the void in an instant.

Black Thunder meteorite, still falling wildly!

The speed of the fall is extremely fast and extremely fast. Wherever you pass, the space is constantly declining, and a huge dark rift has formed!

The next moment, in a shocking gaze, Hei Lei was soaring, unbiased, and crashed onto the purple giant mountain.


The sound of violent sounds.

The sky, the earth, once again started a tremor.

During the great earthquake, this world even began to spin fiercely.

"Ah! Ah! Brother Nether, pull me!" Mu Liang shouted at Shi Feng again in this extremely unstable riotous world.

Shi Feng quickly reached out and pulled him to stabilize his figure.

Although the world is unstable, Shi Feng's body is actually as stable as Mount Tai.

His eyes were gazing closely at the turbulent dark and chaotic land.

After the fall of the thunderstorm, Hei Lei began a surge, and the sky and the sea have become a sea of ​​black thunder storms.

It's like an eschatology.

Feeling the surging energy of that side, countless people have begun to beat their hearts.

Many people feel that if those energies are contaminated, I am afraid they can be wiped out instantly.

This is a peerless force that allows the King of Gods to retreat from the peak of the Nine Heavens!

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!" Mu Liang gasped heavily.

In this world, he just felt very uncomfortable.

"Wang Wang! Whoo!" Even the little black dog under him was about the same.

"Brother Nether, let's step back." Mu Liang suggested to Shi Feng.

"Devil and Black Thunder!" However, if Shi Feng did not hear Mu Liang, she murmured secretly ...

(End of this chapter)

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