Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3529: Chaos of Darkness [2 in 1]

Chapter 3529: Chaotic Darkness [Two in One]

This is the first time that Shi Feng has looked at Devil Black Thunder like this!

And this black mine is more powerful, horrible and violent than any thunderstorm he has ever experienced.

Even Shi Feng, who was pregnant with an undead body, had fear.

"It seems that this is a round set by the undead!" At this moment, Mu Liang said suddenly.

"Bureau?" Yue Yao exclaimed when he heard Mu Liang's words.

Followed by, Yueyao appeared in shock, nodded, and said, "I see!"

He then said: "This black mine seems to be the legendary blackout mine, and there is nothing wrong with it!

Below this purple mountain, it seems that it is indeed the remains left by the undead deity! "

"Yes!" Upon hearing this, Mu Liang nodded slowly, and then he said again:

"The ruins of the undead god, that's not so easy to touch! The undead god, under this purple mountain array, and in the dark, laid the thunder meteorite array that day! If it was not the old ancestor, this time , I don't know how many people will die. "

Mu Liang said these words, and lowered his head slightly, looking at the Destiny God in his hands.

The last sentence came from his destiny.

After hearing Mu Liang saying this, Yue Yao said:

"Do you mean, if you are seniors, if we successfully break this purple mountain array and successfully enter the ruins, then the thunder meteorite will fall into the ruins that day and cause great destruction?

Not right! "

Talking, Yue suddenly thought of something, reacted and said:

"Don't forget that the location of the thunder meteor, which was originally dropped, is not this place! It is the seniors, who are led away by the secret method."

"This is the real key!" Mu Liang said.

Followed, I saw him with a serious expression on his face:

"If it wasn't for that old ancestor, the thunder meteorite really hit the place where he was going to fall, not only everyone who had previously entered the ruins, but even us, I am afraid that he would not be able to survive!

Therefore, we should thank the uncle, who saved all of our lives. "

Mu Liang said these words and saw that he became so serious, even Shi Feng suddenly believed.

This guy, as long as he shows this, it doesn't look like he is lying.

"So, that day's thunder meteorite, this annihilation black thunder, was it just the force that drew the really stronger terror?"

Shi Feng murmured secretly.

When I said this, I was all shocked because of what I said!

If that's the case, then ... what level will that truly horrifying force reach?

If it is that kind of power, even if you are pregnant with an undead body ... I am afraid ... it will die like this!


"Really fake?" When Yue Liang said this, Yueyao's face moved suddenly and was startled.

"This time, it should be true!" Shi Feng answered on behalf of Mu Liang Xiangyue Yao.



The terrifying dark mad thunder is still surging.

However, it was immediately discovered that at this moment, the black crazy thunder was retreating.

Soon, Lei Hai receded, and people suddenly saw a swirling giant dark vortex in the void.

Extermination Black Thunder is retreating into the dark vortex.

When all the thunders receded into it, the rotating black vortex was rapidly shrinking, and then shrinking, and soon, it was completely shrunk into the air.

Extermination Black Thunder disappears!

Dark swirls disappear!

The giant purple mountain has long been turned into a powder under the black magic of extermination!

In that heaven and earth, the broken void is constantly returning, and it is rapidly filling the gap in the huge and dark space.

And at this moment, all eyes were already gazing on the incomprehensible earth, gazing into the earth, the dark giant altar!

I didn't expect that after the wave of extermination of the Black Thunder thunder, this altar still has such an ancient altar intact.

An ancient mysterious mysterious force is permeating from this altar!

"Entrance to the ruins!"

"Where is the entrance to the Undead Ruins!"

"Yes! It must be!"

"Hurry! Hurry!"

"Go! Find the remnants of the undead, look for our chance!"





Suddenly, the sound of drinking kept ringing.

The original figure stopped suddenly at this moment, constantly raging, rushing towards the dark giant altar.

I was slower now, how can I be slower now.

Not only ordinary martial arts, at this moment, even the Lord of the Dark Wind Gods, the mighty figure of boundless movements suddenly moved.

Suddenly, he stood proudly on the dark altar from the first person.

Immediately afterwards, a black light flickered, and the main wind of the Dark Wind Deity had disappeared.

Subsequently, Daodao's figure kept falling, and the black altar flashed with black light.

"Let's go too!" Shi Feng shouted to Mu Liang and Yue Yao.

"Wait a minute first." However, as soon as Shi Feng said this, Mu Liang immediately made a noise and stopped Shi Feng.

"What do you see from the destiny?" After hearing what he said, Shi Feng asked him again.

"It's nothing," Mu Liang said, following him, "I've been happy and let me enter your mysterious space."

After hearing what he said, Shi Feng said, "You kid, you definitely see something."

"The ruins are bound to be dangerous. I am too low, and I am afraid to die there." Mu Liang said.

He said that it was reasonable.

The remains of the immortal demon, let alone him, even Yueyue, who has the highest level of cultivation and pole repair, dare not say that he can walk out alive.

Not to mention he is a four-star demigod ant.

Immediately after, Shi Feng thought, Mu Liang's body shone with a white light.

After the white light fell, Mu Liang and the black dog Xiao Hei under him had disappeared into the void.

"Go!" Shi Feng drank again and again, his body finally moved suddenly, and rushed down to the messy earth and to the dark giant altar.

Seeing Shi Feng moved, Yue Yao's figure was also a move and a dive!

The speed of Shi Feng was so fast that he landed on the dark altar in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a black light flash on his body, and then disappeared into the dark altar in an instant.


This is a dark and chaotic world. At this moment, Shi Feng is in this chaotic world.

There was no darkness in the eyes, no glory, no darkness.

This gives the impression that it is not a world on earth.

There was no one beside him.

It was as if the warriors who had entered the dark altar had disappeared.

The silence of this world is a bit depressing!


The power of Shi Feng's soul came out wildly, but what was felt was the endless darkness and chaos, without the slightest breath of life.

"Sure enough!" And at this moment, Mu Liang in Xu Mishan suddenly issued this discourse.

"What is it? What do you guys know?" Shi Feng said busyly.

At the same time, his heart moved, white light flashed again, and Mu Liang immediately appeared beside him.

At this moment, Mu Liang did not ride on Xiao Hei!

Xiao Hei is still in Sumiyama, and at this moment, he is in deep sleep.

"Previously, Destiny God Disk instructed that I would be separated from you, so I asked you to **** me into your space mystery before you changed that track!

Those who entered the ruins originally entered different places. "Mu Liang said.

This, when Shi Feng had not seen other warriors, had already guessed.

"Looking at your God disk, can guide us where we are ahead." Shi Feng said to him.

"Well, wait a minute!" Mu Liang said.

Following this, he lowered his head again, his eyes, and then stared at the destiny of God.

That face immediately became extremely serious.

This serious face is reproduced again!

"Wait a minute!" Seeing him so, Shi Feng hurried again and interrupted him.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Suddenly interrupted, Mu Liang frowned and asked him.

"Let your **** directly, guide you and me, and find the maiden of beauty," Shi Feng said to him.

There was darkness and chaos here, and I couldn't find my own direction. I didn't know how to get out of here.

Although she entered the site earlier, Shi Feng was still worried about her.

"Oh, I see." Mu Liang nodded.

Then, the raised earnest face lowered again, and stared again at the destiny of that day.

A mysterious strangeness emerged in Mu Liang's body.

Shi Feng sensed that the strange force all flowed along his arm toward his right hand holding the Destiny God Plate, gathered in the God Plate.

"Eh! Heh! Hey! Hey!" Destiny God disk, immediately trembled.

At this moment, the shaking was extremely fierce.

Even Mu Liang's face became more and more strenuous, with cold sweat on his face, and soon, the entire face was completely wet.

"If it doesn't work, don't force it." Shi Feng said to him quickly.

"It's okay! Rest assured." But Mu Liang replied so unexpectedly.

"Oh!" Shouted for a while, and Dun rang out from Mu Liang's mouth.

With this chant, a mysterious white light burst out of Destiny.

In the white light, I saw an extremely ancient and deep text rotating in it, but it disappeared instantly!

"Uh!" A moan groaned from Mu Liang's mouth.

I saw his body trembling.

On the destiny disk, all the changes have disappeared and return to normal.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!" Mu Liang's mouth continued to pant heavily, taking a big mouthful.

"How's it going?" Shi Feng asked him again quickly.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" Muliang still gasped and said with a grumble, "I've already been like this, you can't let me breathe first!"

In your head, it is your maiden. "

Shi Feng: "..."

"Well, let's recover a bit and talk slowly." Shi Feng told him.

As he said this, a spheroidal elixir appeared in his hand and handed it to Mu Liang.

This elixir exudes a strong vitality, which has great effects whether it is to restore the body or the soul.

Mu Liang reached out to take it, and then stuffed it into his mouth. The energy of life melted in his mouth, flowed into his throat, and then flowed through his whole body.

"Um ... much better." Mu Liang said again.

At this moment, he also stopped breathing.

He slowly raised his head and looked at Shi Feng again, saying, "This ghost place made by the undead devil is really extraordinary!

In order to find your maiden here, I was almost discouraged. "

"Did you find her?" Shi Feng asked her.

"Of course!" Mu Liangman nodded confidently.

Seeing him like this, after hearing what he said, Shi Feng said quickly: "Which direction?"

"Look! You are still so anxious." Mu Liang shook her head slowly, saying:

"You're like this, you're too addicted to beauty, not good, it's really bad!"

Shi Feng: "..." was speechless again.

At this time, Mu Liang slowly turned around and said, "This is the far north position of this world. God disk guides, your maiden is in this position!

And as long as we go this way, we can get this dark ghost place. "

"Oh!" Shi Feng nodded.

Then he said to Mu Liang, "Relax!"

"Ah! I just said you, you still ..."

"Huh!" Before Mu Liang had finished speaking, his body shone again with white light.

Directly sucked into Shimi Mountain by Shi Feng!

"Ah! I haven't finished my words yet! Brother, you are still so anxious! So obsessed with beauty, so deeply incapable of extrication, this is really not good, brother!"

"The deeper you are in love, the deeper you are hurt! The sage of beauty is also very eye-catching. Others may not look at us.

Brother, I hope you recognize this first! "


In the Sumeyama Mountains, the voices of Muliang Tao were heard constantly.

To him, Shi Feng had completely ignored him at this time, and his body suddenly moved to the far north.

This young figure was quickly moving through this dark and chaotic world.

Soon after, Shi Feng finally saw the same figure flying wildly in this chaos, which should also be the warrior who entered the ruins previously.

However, that person happened to be flying in the opposite direction with Shi Feng, staggering past Shi Feng.

Regardless of this, Shi Feng has always followed the guidance of Mu Liang through the destiny of God, all the way to the extreme north!

With the passage of time, unknowingly, Shi Feng more and more trust in the so-called Destiny God plate.

That thing is sometimes quite accurate!


Time does not know how long it has passed, Shi Feng also does not know, he passed by in this dark and chaotic world.






Suddenly, he heard violent thunders and thunders coming from the front, and after a while they sounded extremely violent.

The stone maple that flew for a long time in this dark, chaotic and dead world, suddenly moved suddenly.

Finally, it's different!

The broken body speeded up a bit at this moment.

At this moment, Shi Feng slammed away, completely out of the dark and chaotic dead world, but also in a dark world.

Compared with that dead silence, it is extremely violent and more sinister ...

(End of this chapter)

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