

At this moment, the savage voice turned into a ten-colored azure woman, and the stern voice had become extremely crazy.

Suddenly, she saw that she no longer ran away, but rushed towards Shi Feng.

This ten-colored fireman struck Shi Feng's body extremely violently.

Shi Feng only felt that an omnipresent force hit his whole body.

"Ah!" Burst out from Shi Feng's mouth, his body trembling.

I just feel that my whole person will completely fall apart.

I did not expect that this woman would no longer run away, this is a posture to desperately with herself.

"That's fine!" Shi Feng said fiercely.

The phoenix feather in his hand swayed, and he continued to attack the woman.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" The woman screamed again and again.

However, after this woman hit Shi Feng, she did not stop there, and she continued to blast at Shi Feng.

"Boom boom boom!"





The screams of extreme pain and screams of men and women, and the violent violent sounds, echoed in this darkness.

Accompanied by the horrible ghost cry.

The ten-colored fire is burning more and more fiercely.

Shi Feng's face also revealed his nagging and pain at all times.

"This woman wants to die with me?" Shi Feng said resentfully.

"Hum!" Shi Feng snorted coldly, and said extremely fiercely at the woman: "You want to be beautiful! You die, you will never die!"

The phoenix hair feather in his hand is still smashing.

Shi Feng can sense that the woman's momentum and breath, as well as her strength, are actually burning more and more under the burning of the Phoenix flames.

However, she could still withstand her fierce attack on herself.

Her direct attack, although this white uniform on her body, could not completely resist, but could also dissolve most of her power.

If you keep doing this, you should be able to let this woman die first.

"Huh? What!" But at this moment, Shi Feng was suddenly shocked.

Deep in my heart, a sudden feeling of palpitations suddenly rose, and the hair on my body suddenly turned upright at this moment.

This is a subconscious feeling that produces an incomparable sense of terror.

This feeling did not originate from the woman who was burned by the flames of the Phoenix. Shi Feng bowed her head while looking at the lower part while still attacking the woman with the Phoenix feathers.

Looking at the endless dark abyss.

"This is it?" Shi Feng saw, and there was a large and very fuzzy black shadow below, very fast, and was moving towards this and this woman frantically.

The intimidation that he gave him just now stems from this dark shadow.

Dark shadow, seeing it soon.

Looking at this figure, Shi Feng as a whole was constantly trembling.

This tremor had nothing to do with the woman's attack, it was from the tremor deep inside.

This is a horror that he couldn't match at all, just looking at it like that.

Shi Feng wanted to escape, but just wanted to get away from the shadow as far as possible.

However, just as his figure just moved, "Boom!" A violent voice burst into the darkness.

The huge shadow had already hit Shi Feng and the blaze woman.



With this shock, Shi Feng and the woman sent another heartbreaking sorrow.

The woman who was burned by the flames of the Phoenix, the flames of her body, disappeared completely under the impact of this shadow.

Shi Feng, only feels that he is turning round and round, only that the world is upside down, and his head hurts a lot.

Consciousness was swallowed up by an endless darkness instantly.

It turned out to be unconscious.

The woman in blue, now full of wolverines, was already motionless.

It seems that it is already in a coma.

However, after that huge shadow hit Shi Feng and this woman, she did not stay here.

It was still moving violently upward, and for a moment, it disappeared into this darkness.

After the coma, Shi Feng and the woman in blue clothes had lost the power of suspension. Two figures began to fall.

Falling, falling, and falling in this darkness.

As if by a huge ferocity, swallowed into the mouth of endless darkness.

"Woo! Whoo! Whoo!"

"Woohoo! Whoo!"


In the dark, a cry like a ghost, continued to echo.


Time, slowly ... slowly passed.

I don't know how long it has passed.

It seemed as if it were extremely long, and it seemed like just a snap of a finger.

"Dili! Didi! Didi!"

"Dili! Didi! Didi ..."

Shi Feng is as if she had a long, long dream.

It was finally at this time that consciousness slowly came to mind, "This is, the sound of water?"

His eyes remained silent and he murmured secretly.

Although the consciousness was restored, the consciousness was still extremely vague and unconscious.

"Is this, are you dead?" He murmured secretly.

"Didi!" Another crisp sound of waterdrops sounded.

There was a drop dripping on Shi Feng's face.

Shi Feng felt his face cold.

This is the coolness of the bones.

"Not dead! I haven't, I'm still alive!" At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly realized this.

Closed eyes finally violently opened at this time.

In the eyes, it was still dark.

"Where is this?" Shi Feng looked at him, even if he wanted to get up.

"Eh!" Just when his body was moving, he felt a pain in his body, and the whole person was about to be torn off.

"I ... I remember."

"I, into that darkness, encountered an extremely horrible existence, suffered the shock of that horrible existence, suffered severe pain, and then ... I knew nothing and lost my coma.

Shi Feng said secretly.

Thinking of the horrible figure again, I still felt a bit worried when I remembered the moment.

What I didn't expect was that when I met those murders, I could survive.

This ... it really is, fortunately.

"Bee!" A long breath, slowly released from Shi Feng's mouth.

"But where is this?" Shi Feng murmured again.

Slightly bowing his head, he found himself lying on a big rock, which was in a stream.

Below it is flowing water, making a quiet, slowly flowing sound.

Looking up along the water and then looking up slightly, Shi Feng saw not far away, the sky-blue figure lying in the water.

It was the woman who fell with him.

"So, here is the bottom of the dark abyss!

The woman and I, together with the shadow impact, should pass out together.

After that, he kept falling and fell here. "

Looking at all of this, Shi Feng quickly analyzed what was going on.


"Eh!" Then he heard the woman lying in the running water with a slight gasp.

It seems that this woman did not die.

"Regardless of the woman, this woman must die!" Soon, Feng Feng's face reappeared fiercely.

In this case, either she died or she died.

Looking down again, Shi Feng looked at his right hand.

There, there was still the faint light of ten colors.

Fortunately, Phoenix Feather is still there!

Shi Feng, there are means to deal with this woman.

"Eh!" Shi Feng forcibly endured a tear-like pain, and his body moved again.

The right hand slowly and laboriously moved to his own face, and then, his heart was forcibly prepared to take out the elixir from the storage ring on the right hand to recover the injury.

However ... unexpected things happened again.

The storage ring has completely lost contact with himself. Under his heart, there is no sense of it.

"What's going on?" Shi Feng's face changed suddenly.

Then, his mind moved again, trying to communicate with Sumiyama, his left hand.

As a result ... the situation is exactly the same. Under the communication of mental strength, even Sumitama has no reaction at all.

Originally, as long as Sumeyama was communicated, Jinmo in Sumeyama could be communicated.

As long as Jin Mo is out of Xumi Mountain, she can kill the woman first.

But the result ...

"Damn!" Since that's the case, he can only recover the situation, and then slowly kill the woman.

Shi Feng thought secretly in his heart.

The nine indestructible body of the nine yin meditation exercises, and ancient means of life and other means of restoring injuries, secretly worked.

Today, he is too hurt.

Under these means of recovery, even if he has an undead monster, recovery is extremely slow and extremely slow.

He replied bit by bit, and replied.

However, it looks fine now.

Although the woman was gasping, she was still in a coma.

In this case, it is possible for her to recover to a certain injury before her and kill her.

Shi Feng thought again.

Time, slowly, again, slowly.

It should be a long time.

In the dark, Shi Feng didn't know it had passed a long time.

However, at this time, it is not what he wants to think about now, just want to hurry up and recover the injury.

Either live or die.

"But ... should ... can barely move." Suddenly, Shi Feng stopped working.

Lie on the body of the big rock, and then moved slightly.

"Uh!" There was another unbearable pain, and it came from his mouth.

It's just that the pain now is obviously much better than the pain that was completely torn apart just now.

Shi Feng's weak body got up very hard.

Shaking his body, he finally stood on this big rock.

Immediately, he jumped, "snapped", and splashed.

Shi Feng fell into the water.

"Eh!" With such a leap, for Shi Feng at this moment, it was a very violent jump, and once again felt that the whole person would forcibly fall apart.

The whole person was crooked and extremely unstable. Seeing that he was about to fall in this flow.

But in the end, Shi Feng snapped his teeth sharply, still stabilizing the body.

This piece of water is very shallow, not just his knees.

So Shi Feng facilitated the water, step by step, step by step, struggling to walk towards the unconscious sky-blue woman.

"Eh!" However, Shi Feng didn't take a few steps to feel a thick and horrible invisible force, violently rushing from him.

It looks like a slamming wave.

"Ah!" Shi Feng shouted immediately.

The emergence of such power at such times is simply his life.

Immediately afterwards, his body, like a kite, flew forward fiercely.

But before flying out for a long time, Shi Feng felt the extremely hot behind him, and a dark flame appeared from behind him, forming a wall of fire.

Shi Feng hit the fire wall fiercely, and the black flame caused fierce burning to his body.

The entire person of Shi Feng immediately turned into a raging black flame.

Then, there was a violent noise in the "swish", and the dark fireman fell into the cold water.

The power of the waves, the dark wall of fire, suddenly disappeared again.

"Shit ... **** ..."


Shi Feng did not expect that at this time, such a change occurred.

The flesh, which had been so hard to recover, was hit again.

Previously, I was lying on a rock. At the moment, like the woman, I was lying in a flowing water, and was hit by the cold water, making my body hard to move again.

Shi Feng was very clear that the horrific impact that had just appeared, and the sudden dark wall of fire, had nothing to do with that woman.

Looking up, the woman still lay motionless in the flowing water, letting the water flow through her body.

But ... it's not too bad!

Although wounded again, although unable to move again, the consciousness is still there and has not fallen into a coma.

Without coma, you can continue to recover this broken body while taking advantage of your own awareness of existence.

But think about it, the two powers just now are very strange, especially the black blaze, even the white warrior gifted to Jin Mo by the sky ghost can't resolve it.

Shi Feng no longer thinks so much, clenches his teeth, and once again runs the recovery methods such as the Nine Indestructible Body, and starts again, so he recovers.

"This ... where is this?"


However, not long after Shi Feng recovered, he suddenly heard the weak voice of a woman from a distance, and was shocked.

I still can't move now.

But that woman, it was time to wake up.

This means that the situation has become dangerous.


"I ... Oh, I remember." The woman in the sky blue shirt, after waking up, her consciousness became clearer and clearer.

"This is, the dark abyss." She spit out the sentence suddenly.

Later, she saw her body and began to move slowly, just like Shi Feng just now, her body was shaking.

However, she trembled and finally stood up.

Shi Feng suddenly saw that the woman's eyes had stared at herself.

She was found.

Previously, Shi Feng had been unable to see through her face, but now she is truly seeing.

This is a very beautiful face, so to speak, extremely cold.

An endless killing intention had already revealed from her.

Shi Feng, want her to die.

And this woman is naturally the same ...

(End of this chapter)

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