Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3658: Step into the dark


"Patter! Patter! Patter!"

The woman in the sky blue clothes, flowing water, step by step, walked hard towards Shi Feng.

However, just before the woman walked a few steps, "Uh!" I heard a dull and painful cry from her mouth.

Her entire body twitched violently.

Immediately following Shi Feng, she saw a deep and powerful dark force rising from her, constantly bombarding her body.

"Ah!" In the end, the woman blasted out, and then made a dull sound of "snap". The sky-blue figure also fell heavily on the water, splashing sky and water.

"Whew!" Shi Feng saw this scene with a sigh of relief.

However, he also realized that he and the woman entered a dangerous place.

As long as you are not careful, you will be attacked by terrorist forces at any time.


After being struck by the power of darkness, the woman in the azure shirt, slowly and extremely laboriously, stood up slowly from the running water.

That Lengyan unparalleled face has become weaker and paler, and the movements of the body have become slower and slower, and the shaking has become more and more severe.

It seems that her injuries have become more severe.

In the end, all of her upper body was upright, so she sat in the current.

Look at her posture, it should be recovering.

Shi Feng has also begun to grasp the time, and is always recovering, recovering ...

Time passed slowly again.

At this point, Shi Feng's severely wounded body can finally move again.

However, instead of forcibly standing up and looking for the woman, she sat cross-legged and continued to sit in the water to recover her injury.

Just now, I was thinking about killing that woman.

Gradually, he slowly realized how to live in this dangerous place.

Now, the most important thing is strength!

Only the powerful force, the peak body, can compete with all the unknown next.

Shi Feng's injury and energy in his body are constantly recovering.

And on the other side, the woman in the sky blue shirt, too.

However, at this moment, the two of them seemed as if they had made an appointment, and no one had bothered to bother anymore, and they continued to recover their bodies and strength.

In a dark world, there is no day or night.

I don't know how long Shi Feng and the woman, the lonely man and the woman, have been here.

At this moment, with a "huh", Shi Feng's body moved, and she even stood up directly from the stream.

The momentum of the whole person seems to have been renewed at this time.

After this period of time, Shi Feng's injuries have almost recovered.

Strength has almost reached its peak.

"Huh?" However, just when Shi Feng stood up, she heard a soft "um" sound, coming from the front.

The woman who had originally closed her eyes suddenly opened her eyes and stared at Shi Feng.

Shi Feng also looked away, looking at the woman.

Two people face each other.

Previously, Shi Feng only wanted to kill her, but now when she looks at her, she has no intention of killing.

He opened his mouth and said to the woman, "I really want you to die. But now, we should think about how to get out of here is the most important thing."

"Oh!" After hearing Shi Feng's words, she heard the woman grin suddenly and gave a grin.

Followed her and said, "Don't dream any more. You have entered the bottom of the dark abyss, and no soul can go out alive.

Don't act wildly there, you may be able to live longer. "

After this woman said this sentence, she no longer cared about Shi Feng.

The opened eyes closed again at this moment.

From the woman's words, Shi Feng heard that the danger here was far more than the impact of the invisible force he had suffered before, and the dark wall of fire was burning.

And the power of darkness to attack this woman.

This dark space, empty, looks endless in all directions.

Eventually, Shi Feng raised her head and looked at the darkness above her head.

Since I fell from this, it stands to reason that the way back is to keep rushing up.

But ... Shi Feng felt that it should not be so simple.

"Hoo!" Shi Feng lifted his right hand, and for a moment, a white flame burned in his hand.

Followed up, the white flame immediately flew up.

But ... As soon as the flames flew out, they went out on their own, disappearing without a trace.

Looking at this scene, Shi Feng murmured again: "Sure enough!"

In this flame, the energy reached at least the God King Nineth Heaven.

As a result, it was annihilated instantly, utterly and silently.

I didn't even see what the white flame had encountered.

It's really hard to imagine what's in the darkness above your head.

Not only the darkness above the head, but the dark abyss that this woman refers to, in the end, what danger is hidden.

There is also the huge horror shadow that I encountered before, what kind of creature is it.

How many such beings are in this dark abyss?

Thoughts flashed across Shi Feng's mind.

Shi Feng slowly lowered his head, eyes, and stared back at the woman again.

"Hey!" Shi Feng said, shouting at her.

Hearing Shi Feng's shout, the woman's cold and beautiful face opened her eyes again and looked at him again, coldly: "What's up?"

"How much do you know about this?" Shi Feng asked her.

"Not much," the woman replied.

The words are direct and short.

"How about you and I put down the grievances for the time being, and join forces and leave this ghost place together?" Shi Feng said to the woman in a negotiated tone.

Although this woman answered "not much," she was better than herself who knew nothing.

And for now, joining forces is the best thing.

Although, even if joined together, Shi Feng will not relax her vigilance.

"Leave, impossible!" The woman said extremely firmly.

Followed by: "It's even more impossible to work with you!"

"Stupid!" Shi Feng said to her when she heard her words.

Then he said, "You should actually be clear, only with me, the hope of leaving here is great!

Otherwise, you will die here! "

After finishing this sentence, she saw Shi Feng's body rushing up.

He even wanted to forcefully fly away from here with his own strength.

Seeing Shi Feng's move, the woman said, "Fool, you!"

She knew very well that the man's actions were a futile effort.

It can even be said that I'm looking for hardship!

"Ah!" Sure enough, when he rushed out, he yelled in pain.

In the mid-air, he just felt an extremely violent and mysterious magnetic field, which hit him extremely fiercely.

It just felt like the whole person was electrocuted, numb, and painful!

Holding him back is difficult to rise.

Nevertheless, Shi Feng still contended with his teeth.

Slowly, slowly, the body is constantly rising.

But soon Shi Feng found that as his body soared upward, the magnetic field became heavier.

The tingling and pain are getting more and more violent, and the entire body is almost unconscious.

If consciousness is lost in this mysterious magnetic field, the body will completely lose control. Shi Feng is very clear. If that is the case, I am afraid that what is waiting for you is death!

The power of this mysterious magnetic field is really terrifying.


"Can't go on like this!" Shi Feng said to herself, Shang Chong's figure moved quickly, and then fell down immediately.

With a "snap", the whole body fell back into the flow again, splashing the sky with waves.

"Whirring whirring!"

"Woohoo!" Shi Feng returned, breathing heavily.

Actually just now, it's really dangerous.

"I said, stupid, it's you!" And just then, the woman's cold voice sounded again in the darkness.

As if mocking Shi Feng!

"You!" Upon hearing that voice, Shi Feng quickly looked coldly.

"Wow," the woman sitting cross-legged finally stood up at this time, setting off a large splash.

Then, suddenly I heard her say, "Once upon a time, there was an ancient word in the dark abyss. After entering the dark abyss, if you live, you will go all the way north!"

After this woman said this sentence, she no longer cared about Shi Feng.

I saw her turn and walk alone to the endless darkness.

"Going north?" Shi Feng murmured softly.

Eyes kept staring at the sky-blue figure.

At this moment, the woman was walking all the way in the north direction.

And she had already taken almost ten steps, but ... she couldn't see her body, and then touched it.

Continue to walk around, watching, and then disappearing into the darkness.

"True north!" Shi Feng said quickly.

Later, he saw that his feet were also moving, and the whole person began to head north.

while walking.

Step by step!

One step, two steps ...

At the beginning, Shi Feng didn't even dare to carelessly, and she was always vigilant to prevent any terrorist force from appearing again.

However, he took more than ten steps with full feet, and his feet have been walking in the water, and he has not touched any power.

All the way to peace!

"Looks, it really is!" He said again.

As he walked, the sky blue shadow that was about to disappear again appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, she had weakened the killing intention of that woman.

In fact, just now, this woman can not tell herself these, she can go north directly.

But she ...

"Thank you! Thank you!" Shi Feng thanked the woman in front.

"Don't need to thank me." But soon the voice of that woman came again: "I also thought just now that only you and I can join together to leave the dark abyss.

We are now using each other, that's all! "

The sound is still full of extremely cold.

Having said that, however, Shi Feng still felt that this woman had guided herself to the north, and indeed helped herself.

He heard from the woman's words just now that he was heading north all the way. Although he didn't touch any power, it was only temporary.

Moreover, the real terror and danger are probably behind.

"Ka-cha!" Suddenly, a crisp sound rang suddenly from Shi Feng's feet.

Shi Feng looked down and immediately saw a white skull in the water.

This is a human skull. It should have been immersed in the water for some time. At this moment, it has been crushed by Shi Feng's foot.

"Ka-cha! Ka-cha! Ka-cha!" After that, there was a continuous sound.

Shi Feng looked forward again, and saw that the woman was now ahead, with more skulls.

There are people of other ethnic groups.

Being constantly crushed by that woman, mercilessly.

With so many skeletons, it is enough to show that many souls entered here, and then all died here.

It can also be seen that the woman should have entered a ferocious land at this moment!

"Be careful, don't lose your life easily!" Then the woman's voice sounded again.

Upon hearing the words, Shi Feng's face gradually became dignified.

Later, he also entered the area full of skeletons, stepping on his feet and constantly stepping on them.

"Click! Click! Click!"

"Click ..."

The bursts of dense and crisp, echoed in the darkness.

"Roar!" But at this moment, Shi Feng heard it suddenly, and there was a sudden loud noise in the flow under him.

It is like an extremely mad beast, with an extremely vicious roar.

But when he lowered his head, he saw nothing but running water.

"Boom!" For a while, the area where Yu Shifeng walked exploded suddenly.

The whole darkness rose up violently because of this big movement.

"Huh?" Sensing the movement behind her, the woman walking forward twisted her eyebrows and turned around quickly.

However, she soon saw a figure bursting out of the wild and chaotic area.

It seems that Shi Feng still avoided the amount of violent violence emerging in that area.

"Pop!" Shi Feng's violent figure fell in front of that woman.

The sight of this woman still fell on him.

After looking for a while, he nodded to him and said, "The further you go, the more you need to pay attention.

You can escape by chance this time, not necessarily the next wave. "

"I understand." Shi Feng said.

The sudden amount of violent violence just appeared, but fortunately, he avoided it in time after he felt something was wrong.

If it were caught in that force, I am afraid that even if it was not dead, it would have to be wounded again and peeled off.

"There was a roar of a ferocious beast just now. Could it have been hidden by another invisible feral beast?" Shi Feng murmured secretly.

Previously, it wasn't long before Jin Mo entered the Demon Destruction Realm, and they encountered a bombardment by an invisible beast.

It is just that Jin Mo's attack trajectory has been seen through.

In the end, Shi Feng was scared and never appeared again.

But just now ...

But the violent force just now is much stronger than that of the invisible beast.

"Into the abyss of darkness, stop thinking about it, and don't infer everything here by common sense ..."

(End of this chapter)

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