Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3665: Night Stalker!

3665 Born-21 Mar 1976

"No ... water?" Shi Feng murmured, murmuring.

Involuntarily, Shi Feng stuck out her tongue and licked her extremely dry, even cracked lips.

"Huh?" Just then he suddenly came to his senses.

Lying on the ground, her upper body suddenly looked up, looking at the blue woman in front of her, and Shi Feng slowly turned her head, looking in all directions.

Immediately, his eyes gazed at the dark ruins, the piles of tall black stones.

Originally, there was a night demon statue, but now it has become like this.

"Shaye night, after the magic mist rushed into my body, the golem collapsed." Shi Feng murmured secretly.

Evil night, originally in his heart, has always been the existence of evil, destruction and extinction.

But now he didn't expect that ... he and Yutian Emperor existed as close friends.

No wonder Tiangui said that day ...

Shi Feng, remembering that day when he returned to the most fierce land, the ghost said something like "Destiny".

In the original words, Shi Feng couldn't remember, anyway, that's what it meant.

"Shaye, if evil exists, so can Emperor Youtian?" Shi Feng thought of this.

It is even more thought that if the Emperor Youtian is also evil, then the mysterious woman who appeared to help herself and destroy the fire emperor of the God of Fire and the like will appear to be the same as the ghost of heaven and the ultimate battle of the mainland war.

And his own soul comes from Youtian Emperor ...

Then, Shi Feng slowly shook her head, and secretly said in her heart: "I, it is me!

It doesn't matter if he is good or evil, I am me, and I still insist on my true heart, no matter what relationship I have with them! "

As he said this, Shi Feng's face gradually became firm.

"What's wrong?" The woman in blue, staring at Shi Feng's face all the time, seeing the change on Shi Feng's face, showing curiosity, asked him.

"Nothing." Shi Feng shook her head slowly at her and replied.

Naturally, these thoughts in her heart could not be explained to her.

Then, with both legs moving, the sitting body stood up slowly.

Seeing him standing up, the blue woman followed.

As he stood up, Shi Feng's eyes still stared into the pile of black stone ruins.

Originally thought that there was a scum in the night, and as a result ...

However, Shi Feng was also curious. Previously, the evil devil mist rushed to his own body, causing himself to suffer the incomparable suffering and pain. In the end, this evil night passed on to himself.

With a break in his heart, Shi Feng secretly felt his own body.

The whole body is still the same, without recovery.

"Huh?" This feeling ...

However, just when Shi Feng felt his body, there was even a hint of magic mist that began to overflow from his body.

Once upon a time, the magic mist only came out of the scum of the night, but now ...

When the thoughts moved again, Shi Feng manifested the evil night.

But at this moment, his face suddenly moved.

Not only him, but even the blue woman was shocked.

The stone maple at this moment manifests more than just the magic eyes, ears, hands, fingers, moles ...

But all over him had been demonized, and the whole man was dark and turned into a demon.

From top to bottom, there are intriguing magic lines, and there are two magic horns above the head.

This is ... thoroughly transformed into a demon!

"This ... this ..." Shi Feng was a little speechless in shock.

Rolling dark magic mist, violent and turbulent from all over him, countless times thicker than the magic mist that had spewed out of the corpse.

Suddenly, a monstrous mist appeared again in this hall.

"With this demon body, what kind of defense would it be if you put on the night evil armor?"

"What level of attack would you achieve if you used this magic power to return?"

Shi Feng said secretly.

It's just that now, the Night Stalker is in the space mystery and cannot be taken out.

The power is suppressed, and the magic return cannot be used.

Although it ca n’t be used, Shi Feng knows that after he is demonized, his combat power will be improved by a large order!

If it were possible to leave this ghost place alive, it would also be blessed by misfortune.

It's just ... in the end, how to get out of here, out of this dark abyss.

If the dark abyss cannot be achieved, everything will be in vain.

"Perhaps with my current strength, I can stop this calamity in Tianheng mainland." Shi Feng said.



"Oh!" Suddenly, bursts of intensive sound came into his ears.

The sound came from the ruins of the golem.

After Shi Feng was completely transformed into a demon, the goblet of gravel seemed to resonate with him.

"Check it out," Shi Feng said to the woman in blue again.

"You go first, I stand here waiting for you." The woman in blue told her.

He was not Shi Feng, no magic body, no magic mist, and she was worried that if she approached herself, what would happen.

"Well, all right." Shi Feng nodded.

He naturally thought of the scruples of the blue woman, and her scruples were not wrong.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng moved his feet towards the ruins.




When Shi Feng approached, those dark gravels trembled more and more violently, as if a piece of stone had life, it was shaking.

Shi Feng walked in, and suddenly felt an extremely mysterious suction produced. The suction originated from the dark gravel above the hall, and suddenly under the suction, they flew up.

When Shi Feng saw this, she walked quickly.

He looked at the dark and wild stones flying in front of him, then exclaimed, "The power of space!"

The mysterious power passed down from the main hall turned out to be the power of space!

In other words, above, is a space channel?

Shi Feng said in surprise.

Then immediately turned around, and then looked at the blue woman, and said to her, "There is a space channel, maybe, you can leave here!"

"Space passage!" Hearing these four words, the blue woman's face changed dramatically.

For them, this is tantamount to hope.

Afterwards, she stopped, and quickly walked towards Shi Feng.

Anyway, a space channel is found here, so try it anyway.

Seeing her coming, Shi Feng turned back again, raised her head, and looked at the dark and chaotic stones that were flying up and down.

He saw that when pieces of dark rocks flew up, they disappeared into the air continuously.

These are the stones that leave here through that mysterious passage of space.

"Hopefully, you can leave this **** dark abyss through this space channel." Shi Feng said secretly.

Feeling powerless is really uncomfortable.

A "click" sounded, and the woman's footsteps stopped beside Shi Feng.

With Shi Feng, look up and stare up.


"Now our position is not under the shroud of space. If we take another step, it should be OK."

Shi Feng told her again.

The place where Shi Feng stood with her was calm, and in the position of a fist in front of him, pieces of dark and chaotic stones were still rolling up and soaring up.

"Catch me!" The woman in blue said to Shi Feng.

Anyway, here with this man tightly connected, the danger will be smaller.

"Um." Shi Feng nodded slightly.

Now at this time, since nothing else can be controlled.

The left hand slowly moved to the side and grabbed the little white and tender hand. The tentacles were soft and comfortable.

It's like holding a piece of nephrite.

"Go!" Shi Feng said.

With his resounding, the two feet moved at the same time, stepped forward at the same time, and were among the flying rocks.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng and the blue woman felt at the same time that the power of a mysterious space and a force of suction enveloped him.

The two of them also quickly under the suction, flying like dark rocks around him.

The long hair and clothes on her body are constantly dancing and stirring.

"You hold me fast, no matter what happens, don't loose it easily." Shi Feng asked her.

"I know," said the woman in blue.

In her mind, this was the intention.

Then, the height of the two is higher and higher, the higher they are.

Although the speed of soaring is quite slow.

"By the way, what's your name?" It was unexpected that in this case, the woman in blue asked Shi Feng this question.

"My name is Nether." Shi Feng answered to her.

"Nether." She murmured secretly when she heard Shi Feng's words.

"How about you?" Shi Feng asked her.

"Me?" Lan Yi's fair-skinned and beautiful face was startled.

It seemed like asking her name was a strange thing.

Then she shook her head gently and replied, "I don't remember."

"Don't remember?" Even Shi Feng followed with this answer.

Is there anyone who doesn't remember his name?

This is really a strange thing.

Then, the woman in blue said again, "It's not just my name, including everything I used to do, I don't remember it at all.

From a long time ago, my memory became extremely poor.

Maybe after a while, I won't remember who you are. "

"It will be like this." Shi Feng secretly again.

"Then do you remember, why are you in that dark bone?" Shi Feng asked her again.

"I don't remember." She shook her head again.

Then he said, "The memory I have is that I am in that enemy. As for why, I can't remember it at all."

"Okay." Shi Feng felt that she was not lying.

As for why this is the case, I am afraid it has become a mystery.

In this case, Shi Feng no longer asked more.

Each has its own way.

At this moment, the two of them had already flown above the hall, Shi Feng and the woman in blue had already sensed that their bodies had been devoured by a force of space.

In the eyes, there is endless darkness, all the dark space is turbulent, violently impacting this world.

However, it did not shock Shi Feng and her.

The next moment, that darkness had disappeared.

Shi Feng and the woman in blue suddenly saw themselves in a gloomy world.

"Here is it?" Shi Feng looked around.

"We are out of the dark abyss! We are out." Looking at this gloomy world, the woman in blue was suddenly surprised.

"My power!" Then she immediately felt that the power that had disappeared before had even recovered.

This feeling is really wonderful.

Not only him, but also Shi Feng.

This feeling of fullness is really, really good.

"Here, it doesn't seem to destroy the magic domain." While feeling the power, Shi Feng murmured again in her mouth.

Then he bowed his head.

He, at this moment, was on a hill, and far behind, there was a gap like a beast with a big mouth.

"City of destruction!" Soon, an ancient giant city appeared in Shi Feng's eyes.

That ancient city is exactly the city of destruction that destroyed a tribe.

I didn't expect ... I didn't expect ... I was just like this and came back.

"Haha, good! Good! Good!" After seeing this ruined city, Shi Feng said three good words in a row.

For him at this moment, it is really very happy.

"You know here? Where is this?" After hearing Shi Feng's laughter and words, the woman in blue asked him.

"The world you were in before is called the destruction of the demon realm, and this is the world outside the destruction of the demon realm." Shi Feng told her.

"Oh, that's it." The woman in blue nodded.

I saw a little expectation in her face.

As she said, she has been living in the Demon Devil Realm before, and it is estimated that she can only be associated with those black bones and evil creatures.

Now, out of that world, she came to a new world for her.

"Go, I have something to do." Shi Feng told her.

All he had to do was find the **** who destroyed the clan.

The special silver-haired man extinguished his instrument and calculated himself, causing himself and his beloved to be nearly killed in the destruction domain.

"Oh, eh." The blue woman nodded.

Then, the two figures fluttered at the same time, and flew towards the ruined giant city.

"Exactly, you can also try those **** who destroy the clan, and see how good my demonized body is," Shi Feng said coldly.

There is no rejection of enchantment.

On the contrary, the entire Tianheng continent is now in distress, and it is in need of powerful forces to kill the Protoss and Demon.

Protoss and demons, but there are several heavenly triple territories!

Without a certain level of strength, there is no way to fight them.

Shi Feng and the woman in blue have flew over the destruction of the giant city and have begun to fall.

"Who is good at breaking into my ruined city!" But at this moment, I heard a very dull drinking, screaming in this world.

Shi Feng and she immediately felt that in this void, a powerful force of destruction appeared.

"The moat?" Shouted Shi Feng.

"Break it!" Followed, she drank.

While saying this sentence, with a single thought, the whole person is demonized again, manifesting the demon body.

Once, Shi Feng manifested the remains of the demon, but his third eye turned into a demon's eye.

However, the manifestation of the demon body now is not only his third vertical eye, but also his other eyes, and it has become darkened, the fierce blast of magic mist ...

(End of this chapter)

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