Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3666: Destroy the Three Arcanas

Chapter 3666: Destroy Three Great Treasures

Before Shi Feng, Jin Mo, and Ling Yefeng entered the city of destruction, they were led by the old chief of the destruction group, so they did not feel any big moat.

But now, the two of them broke in, so the moat opened directly.

When Shi Feng was in a state of mind, his whole body was completely demonized, and for a moment, the rolling mist of magic burst out from him.

The entire sky, above the city of destruction, was immediately overwhelming.

Just this moment, the entire city of destruction was shrouded in this monstrous mist.


"This ... is this?"

"what is this?"

"It's so thick, it's a powerful fog, and there are evil and powerful enemies coming?"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! People of my clan, come quickly to face it!"


In this moment alone, the city of destruction was a commotion, and the sound of shock and anxiety rang out immediately.

Shi Feng stands proudly in the air. His devil's fog is the strongest in the whole body, and the demon's mist in the sky is continually converging on his fist. At this moment, he is using the best tricks, which is the strongest he controls now. Kill tricks, magic return!

"Boom!" At the same time, a burst of thunderous sound burst from Shi Feng's body.

Thunder and fire tactics have also been shown by him.

I saw that he was full of momentum, and the power of his fright was still rising.

Just then, Shi Feng punched down with a punch.

"Oh!" A loud noise rang through the world.

The whole world is shivering under Shi Feng's fist at this moment.

At the same time, I saw an invisible fissure in the empty space below, and then, a fissure disappeared immediately.

Shi Feng's fist actually broke the moat of this ruined city directly.

"This power ... good ... good!" At this moment, even the blue woman next to Shi Feng followed her.

Her power is in the heavenly dual heavens.

Now even she said the word "so strong".

"Those people, come here." After Shi Feng used the magic to return, he fisted.

Began to look down at the city of destruction below.

I saw a number of figures, flying out of the city of destruction, into a stream of light, rushing towards this side.

Among them, the elder of the patriarch, the grandson of his grandson, and the woman in black who first provoked himself were among them!

"Almost here," Shi Feng said secretly.

The woman in blue also looked down and looked at the people who were flying. When she heard the words beside her, she knew that these people might be unlucky.

The people who came were about five hundred people, almost the same.

Shi Feng is still proud and staring silently at these people who destroy the clan.

Later, when those figures were close to themselves within ten meters, they stopped at the bottom.

The leader is still the old man who destroyed the tribe's patriarch.

Beside him was a burly and strong middle-aged man with a naked upper body.

This man's practice is in the half-step god, but his body is full of a very powerful momentum.

I am afraid that there is a powerful treasure in the body!

"Your Excellency, it is you!" At this moment, the patriarch of destruction should have recognized Shi Feng, and his old face suddenly changed, and he shouted to him.

Then he said, "You left without saying goodbye that day, and you are returning today, why are you destroying the moat?"

Listening to his tone, it seems like I don't know what happened.

However, Shi Feng felt that this old guy might be pretending to be pretending.

Then Shi Feng said, "Oh, don't you know anything yet? If you don't know, ask your baby grandson."

While saying this, Shi Feng's hand pointed down, pointing at the destroyer behind the destroying clan leader.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the old patriarch frowned, then turned around and looked at his grandson, Miriam.

Shen Sheng drank: "Mie Yi, what happened?"

"I ... I ..." Seeing the Destroyed Patriarch looking out, Detective Dodger looked away, did not dare to look directly, talked, and became utterly spit, "Sun ... son, don't know."

From the appearance of this destruction instrument, this destruction of the patriarch, has seen things probably.

Shi Feng sighed coldly: "You told me that day that he and the two of them left without saying goodbye. So what did you do to them?"

"Sun ... grandchild ..."

When Miriam said these words with guilty guts, the Patriarch yelled: "Come on! What have you done to them!

If you don't get it from the real world, be careful of family rules. "

"Sun ... son, introduced him and the woman ... to destroy ... the demon domain!" Miyi replied.

"What! Destroy the Demon Realm!" Upon hearing the words of Yi Yi, the face of the old patriarch suddenly changed suddenly.

"Destroy the Demon Realm!"

"Destroy the Demon Realm!"

"Destroy the Demon Realm!"


Hearing the words Destroy the Demon Realm, even the faces of other Destroyed Patriarchs changed dramatically.


As a destroyer, naturally knows what it means to destroy the Demon Realm.

"You! You!" Destroy the old patriarch's old face, already full of anger.

He did not expect that Miriam should do so.

This ... is simply letting them die.

"Miriam introduced them into the Devil Realm, but the two of them are alive from the Devil Realm?"

At this moment, some of the Destroyer people realized what was happening and immediately screamed.

"Going into the Demon Realm and coming out alive? This ... this ... how is this possible?" Someone said again.

"This man, just one blow broke our moat! The strength of this man is absolutely extraordinary."

"Yeah! Our moat array was just destroyed by this person just now! They really came out alive from the Demon Demon Realm!"


At this moment, there have been constant calls.

After hearing these calls, even the old patriarch who destroyed the clan realized it.

This person, when he first saw him, had no such power.

Just now, he has shown amazing strength. It seems that he got an adventure while destroying the demon domain.

"Animals, don't get down on your knees to pay for your sins!" Destroyed the old patriarch and drank angrily at Anyi.

"Grandpa ... Grandpa ..." Mi Yi exclaimed.

"Kill me down yet!" Seeing him not kneeling yet, the old patriarch drank again.

And at this moment, a burst of supreme coercion rushed out and slammed on Mie Yi's body.

Immediately, Mi Yi's knees were bent, and the whole person was directly kneeled in the air.

"Sir, this time we did something wrong. How you handle this evil barrier is up to you."

Destroyed the old patriarch pointed to the destroyer and said to Shi Feng in the void.

Shi Feng did not expect that this old man acted so simply.

However, it is normal to think about it. Now that I have seen my strong strength, I am afraid this old guy is acquaintance.

If you are still as strong as before, I am afraid that things are another level.


"I'm Ling Yefeng, who is passed down from death to death. How is it now?" Shi Feng asked.

After introducing himself to the Demon Demon Realm, Shi Feng felt that this guy would inevitably start with Ling Yefeng.

While destroying the Demon Realm, Shi Feng had been worried about the safety of Ling Yefeng.

"You can't say it fast!" The old patriarch yelled at Mi Yi again.

"I have been outside the Temple of Death these days. He has not yet left the Temple of Death." Mi Yi answered with a serious expression on her face.

"Oh, I heard a few days ago that we had a deadly successor in the city of destruction.

That day you asked Xi'er to steal my Destruction Sword, and I found it outside the Temple of Death. It turned out that you stole my Destruction Sword in order to deal with the Death God. "

At this time, the middle-aged and strong man beside the old patriarch turned his face to his face and said to Mi Yi.

"There's still this!" Hearing the words of the middle-aged and strong man, the old patriarch's old face was startled again.

Immediately afterwards, a very angry expression appeared on his face again, and angrily directed at Mi Yi:

"Death, Dark God, and our ancestor Destruction God are brothers of righteousness. The ancestors have a legacy. We Descendants must not kill each other, annihilation, annihilation. You dare to violate the ancestors!

Miriam lowered her head deeply and said to the old patriarch, "Grandchild, I know I'm wrong!"

"Well, killing this evil barrier will dirty my hands. I don't want to do it. You come to kill him."

At this time, Shi Feng opened her mouth and said to the destroying old patriarch below.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the elder's face changed again.

He wants to kill him by himself.

His son died of war in the early years, leaving only the flesh and blood of Yi Yi.

Miriam is his only grandson and only blood, but now he wants to do it himself ... kill him!

This thought came to mind, the old patriarch raised his head, his face pleading, his old face looked full of pitiful, begging Shi Feng:

"Sir, can you leave this sinful life."

"No." Shi Feng shook his head slowly at him.

He said: "He introduced me and my fiancee into the Devil Realm, killing me and almost dying inside.

Since he wants me to die, he must die today. "

Shi Feng's face and tone were full of determination.

"But there is only this grandson in old age! If you kill him, old age will be gone!

I also look to you, for the sake of the ancestors, to leave this bloodline to the ancestors.

As long as you don't want his life, no matter what, all right! "

After hearing Shi Feng's words, the Destroyed Old Patriarch continued to cry.

Then he said, "Otherwise, break his dantian, let him be completely waste in this life."

"No." Shi Feng still didn't agree.

If he had thought of the broken Dantian in the previous life, it would really be a waste.

Because at that time, I felt that the magic drug only existed in the legend and it was extremely difficult to find.

But now, it is not uncommon to repair Dantian's magical medicine.

Broken Dantian is nothing.

Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows up again. The reason is that Shi Feng is naturally clear.

Those who want their own lives must die without discussion.

"Today, either you do it yourself and take the life of this dog thief.

Either you destroy a clan and fight with me. "

Shi Feng spoke proudly and said to the people below.

The look was full of contempt.

Today, as a demon, Shi Feng has absolute confidence in her own strength.

"Can't it really work?" Said the Destroyed Patriarch again.

He looked helpless like that.

"Yes," Shi Feng replied plainly.

"Okay." Destroy the patriarch and nodded slowly.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that his old face suddenly became certain, and he became extremely tenacious.

"Destroy everyone in the clan and take orders!"





After hearing the words of the destruction of the old patriarch, the face of the annihilation of the patriarchs changed.

This person, but the one who broke the moat, really, want to fight this person?

Do we have any means to destroy him?


These thoughts flashed wildly from the minds of the devastating clans.

They knew the power of the moat, so they knew better how strong this person was.

But he did not expect that the patriarch ...

However, although the Patriarch of Destruction thought about these, one by one, his face became extremely tenacious in an instant.

Drink together: "Yes!"

Immediately afterwards, the power of destruction came from them.

"Oh, are you going to resist?" Shi Feng grinned, and smiled coldly.

"Sir, you are also forced, so no matter how old you are, no wonder you are old."

This destruction of the patriarch said so to Shi Feng.

After saying this, he turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man next to him, showing guilt, and said, "Exterminate the cliff, now it can only be used.

I hope you can understand me. "

"Although I don't want to, but that's it." Mi Ya said.

With that said, "Oh!" Suddenly a sound of Jianming echoed through the whole world.

I saw an extremely sharp sword light, rushing out from this cliff.

Immediately afterwards, they saw an ancient excalibur that appeared in front of the cliff.

This sword is the legendary Xeon sword, one of the Xeon treasures that destroyed a family, and the Excalibur.

Immediately after exterminating the Extermination Sword from the Extermination Cliff, the old patriarch's right hand was also held up, and the Extermination Sacred Tree was also taken out by him.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" Immediately, the sound of wind echoed in this sky.

A dark banner suddenly appeared, covering all the people of this annihilation in an instant.

"Destroy the banner! We destroy the tribe of destruction!"

"Destroy the flag, it is still there! Destroy the flag, it is still there!"

"This momentum is really destroying the banner of God! It turns out, it turns out ..."


After seeing the banner of destruction that shrouded himself, the people of the tribe were destroyed, and then shouted in shock.

Someone was so excited that he couldn't speak.

According to legend, there are three great treasures of the Destroyed Clan, namely Destroy the Sacred Tree, Destroy the Sword, and Destroy the Banner.

It is rumored that as long as the three great treasures are present, they can start to shake the earth.

However, as early as countless years ago, it has been heard that the banner of destruction is missing.

However, I did not expect that today, I saw the reproduction of the three great treasures.

This ... this ... This is a great blessing to destroy the clan!

"Destroy ... Shenqi Banner!" Some people even choked after seeing Destruction Shenqi, as if they were about to cry ...

(End of this chapter)

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