Chapter 3674: Uncle?


Shi Feng was angry in the sky, and at this moment, rushed into his already violent power, and suddenly became more violent.

With just one breath, a lot of surging energy rushed into it.

Looking at it, they all seemed to rush into his body.

At this moment, Shi Feng fell into the eyes of others, as if completely changed.

The long hair and clothes on her body violently stirred up.

The body sitting cross-legged also suddenly stood up at this moment, standing proudly as if a giant mountain rose suddenly.

"Sword!" Just one word, spit out from his mouth.

"Oh!" The sound of Jianming's voice wafted the world, and a giant sword with open sky suddenly showed the sky in front of him.

And the meaning of this sword, the magic mist rolling, the black thunder, and the white raging flames burning, but it was overcast, exuding the death of the cold cathode.

"Cut!" Was a deep voice and drunk again.

Kaitian giant sword cut off fiercely.

"Boom!" With the Great Sword Riot, this gloomy sky was cut into two pieces.

An extremely large, dark rift appeared, splitting the world in two.

The other side, looking at Shi Feng who launched the attack, have all changed their faces, showing an extremely horrified look.

Even the blue woman in the heavenly dual heavens and Ling Yefeng who controls the sickle of the mutant god.

"This power ..." the woman in blue couldn't help but exclaimed in suspicion.

Shi Feng launched the terrible blow and did not move, looking at the front calmly.

Looking at the huge dark rift of the cricket, he began to recover slowly.

"Fist!" Then, Shi Feng spit out another word.

This time, he clenched his fist in his right hand and blasted forward violently.

"Boom!" This seemingly ordinary punch fell in the eyes of everyone, and also contained the power of mad thunder, flames, magic, and extreme cathode evil.

The whole world in which I live is as if to be destroyed under this fist.

An extremely large dark circular cavity spreads out with Shi Feng as the center.

Shi Feng was in the center of the hollow, and his body was devoured by a fierce suction.

It was just that he was still standing and swallowed.

However, the long hair and clothes on her body were more violent.

"These powers in my body were already very strong. They were merged and then passed through the blows of various combat techniques. It really did not disappoint me."

"I, new power!" As she said this, Shi Feng leaned forward with her right hand, palm up.

Suddenly, the force of violent chaos immediately appeared in his palm.

However, those forces are violent in the eyes of others, but for Shi Feng, this is a powerful force under his control.

"Oh!" Shi Feng shook his right palm with a fist, and the violent force was instantly shattered by him.

The black hole that devoured him throughout the body is beginning to gradually shrink.

"Brother!" Suddenly, a shout came from the void in the distance.

Shi Feng looked around and found Xiao Shiling, Ling Yefeng, You Chen, and the blue woman.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng grinned, smiled at the party, and exclaimed, "Linger."

After every goodbye, seeing this little girl again always gives Shi Feng a good feeling.

Shi Feng considers it "kinship."

"This boy, broke through again! This cultivation speed is really too fast!" Then, Shi Feng's face suddenly moved again.

Then he realized that the departure was only a few months, and the breath on this girl's body was completely different from the last time.

Shi Feng remembered that the last time I saw this little girl, she should have just entered the state of ascending the peak.

But now ... it has reached the Seventh Heavenly King of God!

I really don't know how she cultivated.

This speed of promotion is really too bad!

If you continue this way, the little girl ’s martial arts practice will soon catch up with herself.

"Brother!" Xiao Ling'er shouted again, and saw the figure of that clear spirit, turned into a green man, and flew towards Shi Feng.

Every time Xiao Linger saw her brother, she was very happy and happy.

However, every time my brother returns, there are too few Shi Fengs accompanying him.

Soon, he saw the green awn and rushed to Shi Feng's body.

When Qingmang disappeared, Xiao Shiling's figure reappeared. At this moment, she had hugged her brother Shi Feng tightly.

"Brother." Xiao Shiling exclaimed softly.

Shi Feng lowered her head slightly, looked at her sister hugging her, and said, "My little spirit has grown a lot."

I remember a few years ago, the little girl was still a crying little girl.

Now in a blink of an eye, his height has grown to his chest and abdomen.

"In a few years, Xiao Linger will be able to promise someone." Shi Feng said with emotion.

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Shi Ling's small face suddenly changed, and he quickly shook his head. "Brother, what are you talking about?"

shame! shame! "

That little face had become ashamed into a crimson, like a shy bird.

"It was ... shy. Really, I grew up." Shi Feng said secretly in her heart.

Just now, he just said so.

The result was unexpected, the little girl's response was so great.

"But then again, my sister, what kind of man in the world is worthy of?"

Shi Feng murmured again.

But for this matter, Shi Feng pays particular attention to fate.

When my sister grows up in the future, she likes whatever she likes. I don't want to restrict her in this regard.

In my mind, I thought of all these thoughts.

"Brother, go, let's go home. Le'er often says he wants to see his father." Shi Ling said to Shi Feng.

"Leer." Shi Feng murmured softly.

I remembered my son Shi Le, that fat little face, that cute little look.

It's been over a year since I went there.

I am really not a competent father.

"Linger, wait for a while," Shi Feng said to Shi Ling.

"Well, okay." Little Linger nodded subtly.

Then, Shi Feng looked towards You Chen and Ling Yefeng, grabbing a flash of Shi Feng, and they came to Ling Yefeng, You Chen, and the blue woman.

Shi Feng said to You Chen: "Declare me to war against that protoss and demons! The battlefield will be in Zhongzhou!

Let us represent the human race and have the ultimate battle with these two races.

I also told everyone in the world that the mainland could tell that the Emperor has returned, and he wants to end with these two aliens! "

"Yes, the emperor!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, You Chen immediately held a fist and yelled at Shi Feng.

Shi Feng knew that you would arrange to do the next thing.

"Ye Feng, since the war is about to come, in these days, you should practice well, and then become a great help for the teacher!" Shi Feng said to Ling Yefeng again.

"Yefeng understands! I also hope that the master can rest assured that Yefeng will not make you a master." Ling Yefeng answered with a serious face.

Chapter two

Since Ling Yefeng replied in this way, Shi Feng also believed in him. By that time, he would definitely not let himself down.

"We are going to go through a big battle. At that time, I hope you can help me." At this time, Shi Feng also said to the blue woman.

"Good!" And she was the most straightforward, and directly answered a good "word" to Shi Feng.

Then there was no other word.

Shi Feng grinned indifferently and said to Shi Ling, "Let's go."

"Huh!" Xiao Linger smiled and nodded heavily.

Then she flew first, towards the "that home" where they are now.

It seems to be leading the way for Shi Feng.

In fact, Shi Feng knew that their "home" was now placed on their statue.

But he didn't say anything, but flew quietly behind Shi Ling.

"She is still in that mysterious state." Looking at the little stone spirit in front of her, Shi Feng said secretly again.

The "she" she said was naturally Jinmo in the Sumi Mountains.

Since returning, Shi Feng had planned to face it.

Let her see her mother, her sister, Xing Yue, and Le Er.

Sooner or later some things need to be faced, there is no need to conceal any more.

Might as well be frank!

The matter between that year and Xingyue was not intentional.

Speaking clearly to her, Shi Feng felt that she should understand and tolerate the wrong that she had committed.

"But Xingyue ..." Although she did not intentionally commit the wrong thing, as a man, after all, she took advantage and made her pregnant with her child. To her, Shi Feng was always guilty.

But I don't know what to do with her.

"After all, it has happened. If she really wants it, I will ... give her a name." Shi Feng's mind came up with this idea.

When she saw her, Shi Feng planned to talk to her and see what she thought.


"Brother, we have arrived, our home is there." At this moment, Xiao Shiling's hand was pointed forward.

Little face turned back and shouted at Shi Feng.

Following her, the front is naturally the statue of Emperor Jiuyou, standing between this heaven and earth.

On top of the statue, there is a martial art stele that Shi Feng personally established, and the martial arts tower, in addition, a bottle of golden wine is suspended.

From that bottle of golden wine glass, there was a sense of space.

It seems that what Shi Ling calls "home" is the space opened in this wine glass.

"Um." Shi Feng smiled at Xiao Shiling and nodded slightly.

Seeing that Shi Ling's petite figure suddenly moved, she immediately increased the speed of breaking the air.

It seems that for a while, this little girl has already rushed home.

Seeing Linger speeding up, Shi Feng's flying shape also accelerated sharply, and soon flew beside Xiaolinger.

Shi Ling said, "Brother, do you know, when I first came out, Xiao Le'er wanted to follow me out and shouted there, auntie, Le'er also wanted to go.

Hehe, but I didn't bring the kid out. When he came out with him, he could fly, but he always wanted me to hold him. "

"Can Le'er fly?" Shi Feng was surprised when he heard Linger's words.

If it can fly, that is to say, but Xiao Leer, who is more than three years old, is now martial arts and has reached the realm of Wu Huang.

Such talents are not easy.

"Yeah! Nowadays, Le Er is already Wu Ling's cultivation. This boy is so small. He has a talent for cultivation and is even worse than me!

Eating, sleeping, and even peeing can break through the realm when you poop. "

"Already stepped into Wuling?" Upon hearing Shi Ling's words, Shi Feng's face suddenly moved.

I thought just now that it was already good for Shi Le to march into the Emperor.

Unexpectedly, this result was greatly unexpected.

This, too, is too abnormal!

"Yeah! I know, brother, if you know, you will be shocked.

I see, the achievements of Le'er in the future may not be beyond you. "Shi Ling said again.

Hearing Shi Ling's words, Shi Feng smiled.

If your son really exceeds him, that's a good thing.

Since this boy's martial arts talent is so bad, he is born with nine congenital nether corpses, and when he grows up, he will certainly be a great help.

"Open!" At this time, the two brothers and sisters, Shi Feng, had flew over the statue of Emperor Jiuyou.

Shi Ling's fingerprints throbbed, and immediately drank.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the golden wine glass, which sparkled a golden light, two golden lights, like golden waterfall, spread out from it.

Instantly spread on Shi Feng and Shi Ling, devouring both of them.

Subsequently, the golden light rolled back and returned to the golden wine glass, and all the golden light disappeared instantly.

This heaven and earth again turned into a gloomy, terrifying breath.


Then, Shi Feng felt that the world in front of her had changed.

Shi Feng and Shi Ling came to a world of beautiful mountains and rivers.

Shi Ling pointed to a green hill below him and said to Shi Feng, "Brother, we live here."

"Well, the environment is not bad." Shi Feng nodded.

"Little aunt!" Suddenly, Shi Feng heard a childish cry coming from under him.

Then, a fat toot little doll in a gold suit flew out of the green hill.

"Brother, look, it's Leer." Shi Ling pointed again and pointed at the little baby Shi Le.

"Leer." Shi Feng's face followed immediately after seeing her own son.

Both eyes were already staring tightly at the petite figure.

I haven't seen it for a year. Compared with the memory, Le Er has grown up a lot.

"Auntie, next time you go out, you have to bring Leer, otherwise Leer will ignore you in the future." Then, listening to Shi Le's voice came again.

"Hehe." Shi Ling grinned.

Then, pointing at Shi Le below, she pointed to Shi Feng around her and said, "Lear, look, who's back?"

"Ah!" Shi Le opened his mouth and said, "Ah".

That little look looks more cute and adorable.

Just then, Shi Le flew to Shi Feng and Shi Ling, and on the small face, she frowned, crooked her head, looked at Shi Feng, looked at Shi Feng with curiosity, and said:

"Uncle, who are you? Why haven't I seen you before?"

"Uncle ... Uncle ..." Hearing this one, Shi Feng sighed in his heart, a little bit lost.

It turned out that the son no longer knew himself.


"Brother, you see, you don't always go home. Now, even Le'er doesn't know you." Shi Ling said with a small mouth, complaining and dissatisfied, to Shi Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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