Reference 3675

When she heard the words from her sister Shi Ling, Shi Feng smiled bitterly.

This son really owes too much.

It is because of himself that he came to this world, but he did not take good care of him at all, and treated him well.

But ... I ca n’t help but have to do a lot of things.

"Leer, this is your father." Xiao Linger pointed at Shi Feng and said to Shi Le.

"Daddy?" Shi Le murmured in a sigh of sigh, and her brows grew tighter and tighter on her small face.

Seeing Xiao Shile look like this, Shi Ling said:

"Usually, you little guy is always trying to find a father and want to see his father. Why do you see your father really come back now, but don't know him?

Shi Ling seemed to be preaching to Shile. This aunt, at this moment, looks like a little adult.

"Are you really my father?" Xiao Shile still asked Shi Feng.

For a few years old children, he has not been seen for more than a year, and the person in front of him is very strange in his eyes.

"Le'er, come here, dad hugs." Shi Feng opened her hands, revealing a rare tenderness, and said to Shi Le.

"Daddy ... daddy ..." Shi Le whispered softly, his face looked a little hesitant.

Following this, he opened his small hand, one fluttered and flew towards Shi Feng.

Looking at his son's small body flying over, Shi Feng quickly hugged it and held it in his arms.

Feeling this little soft body, watching this little person, Shi Feng's heart gave birth to a strange sense of happiness.

This is his own son, his own flesh.

Flowing in the body, but his own blood.

"Daddy, it seems that you are really my father. Aunt, you won't lie to Leer." Shi Le said with a small face, looking at Shi Feng.

After hearing Xiaole's remarks, Shi Feng smiled secretly.

Then he whispered softly: "Ley, Dad hasn't come back in such a long time. Do you blame Dad?"

Shi Le said, "Le'er never saw his father before, so he asked his mother if her father didn't want us.

However, my mother told Le'er that my father didn't want Le'er to talk to his mother. The mother also said that Dad was a big hero and had very important and important things to do.

Let's be happy, ca n’t say dad like that.

Well, Le'er really misses his dad, and like other kids, he has a dad to accompany him. "

Shi Le first lived in Xiuling Village, Cangyue City, Yunlai Empire.

Later, he moved from the Yunlai Empire to the dark camp of Zhongzhou. It seems that during this time, Xiao Le'er also met other children.

I saw other children with his father.


Children are the most innocent, and say whatever they have in their hearts.

Hearing Shi Le's words, Shi Feng sighed deeply in her heart.

"Brother, so you, have to come back often to see us and Leer." Xiao Linger showed a very serious look to Shi Feng.

Watching this little girl look so serious, Shi Feng smiled, reached out and touched her head.

Linger didn't dodge, letting his brother touch it, as if he enjoyed it.

Just as a child, Shi Feng always liked to touch his head.

She wanted to be like this, always be a child beside her brother.

"Leer!" Suddenly, just listening to the green mountains, a pleasant woman voice came out.

"It's my mother." Upon hearing the call, Shi Le in Shi Feng's arms hurried.

Then, Shi Feng felt this small body and began to struggle in her arms.

Shi Feng didn't work hard at all. When she was allowed to move, Shi Le struggled, and then she rushed down and flew down.

"Xingyue." Shi Feng secretly shouted these two words.

Looking down, a blue-white shadow appeared in Shi Feng's eyes.

Although Xing Yue is dressed in elegance, she can hardly conceal her peerless appearance and graceful figure.

Xiao Shile who flew down rushed into Xing Yue's arms.

Then he stretched his fingers over the sky and said, "Mother kiss, look, father is back."

Following Shi Le's reference, Xingyue looked up, her fair and beautiful face was calm and indifferent, she nodded slightly, and said:

"My mother saw it."

When she saw Shi Feng's return, she was the most peaceful.

When I saw this man again, her heart seemed to be unable to make any ripples.

At this moment, Shi Feng's body moved, and she flew down, and in an instant, she reached Xing Yue and called to her: "Xing Yue."

Xing Yue nodded, "Well, it's been a long time."

Although she has a quiet tone, the word "for a long time" has a different meaning in Shi Feng's ears.

"It's hard for you these days." Shi Feng said to her with concern.

"Not hard." Xing Yue said so.

Looking at her as if there were no fluctuations, Shi Feng had an unspeakable taste, and then she opened her mouth and said:

"Some things, I want to talk to you alone."

"Well, okay." Xing Yue nodded slightly.

At this time, Shi Ling also flew to Shi Feng, and Shi Feng turned her head and said to the little girl, "Linger, you take Leer back first, we will wait for the next time."

"Well, okay!" Xiao Linger grinned, showing a meaningful smile, followed by saying:

"Brother, sister-in-law, you guys have a good talk, Leer, come here and go with your aunt, we'll find grandma."

"No, Leer doesn't leave. Leer has to be with his dad and his mother." Shi Le refused.

"Be nice, auntie, wait for you to eat well." Shi Ling coaxed.

"It's delicious?" This sentence of Shi Ling seemed to directly attract Shi Le's attention.

Xiao Shile blinked big eyes, full of curiosity and expectation, and then asked, "What is delicious?"

"But, your favorite candy gourd." Shi Ling said.

Unexpectedly, this little stone spirit used to eat rock sugar gourd the most.

Now that Shi Le is with her, she also likes this.

"Really, Auntie." It really does!

Hearing the words "sugar gourd", Shi Le opened her eyes directly.

The whole person seemed to be getting up.

"Of course, when did Aunt cheat you?" Shi Ling said.

"Le'er is going to eat rock candy gourds, auntie, why don't you give them to Leer?" For the candy gourds, Shi Le has begun to coquettish Shi Ling.

"Let's go, go home with my aunt, and my aunt will give Leer Bingtang." Shi Ling coaxed again.

"Well, okay. Let's go home with my aunt." With that said, Xiao Shile broke away from Xing Yue's arms and rushed to Shi Ling.

Shi Ling hugged him, and then said to Shi Feng and Xing Yue:

"Brother, sister-in-law, you talk slowly, I'll go back to Le'er first." While saying this, Shi Ling already hugged Shi Le and flew to the green hill below him.


All of a sudden, here, Shi Feng and Xing Yue were left.

"Let's go first. I also take a look at the world you live in." Shi Feng took the lead to break the silence.

"OK." Xing Yue answered gently.

Subsequently, the two feet moved forward, pacing in this void.

"It's really hard for you these years." Shi Feng said again.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Xingyue said, "I can see that you still feel guilty about the events of that year.

In fact, you don't need to take too much heart into the events of that year. At that time, you have lost your mind and cannot control yourself.

So I can't blame you.

Neither do I blame you. "

This is the longest sentence Xingyue has said after Xingyue's arrival.

"That being said, I also have an inescapable responsibility." Shi Feng said.

"Well," Xingyue nodded again and said, "But things have already happened.

Le'er has also been born. It's useless to say this.

It's time to face, let's face it.

Well, live, and grow up with Leer.

How to say, children are innocent. "

"Since it happened. Now that Le'er has been born, I want to marry you." Shi Feng said to her suddenly.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Xing Yue froze suddenly.

The footsteps that were originally taken lightly were all at this moment.

Time seems to stand still at this moment.

Shi Feng's footsteps also stop.

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha ha." And then Xing Yue shook her head and smiled.

Laughing, it looked like ridicule.

She said, "Being in your world, I have heard people say that the famous Emperor Jiuyou had a marriage contract with the exquisite princess of Tianlan Empire.

If you marry me, are you not afraid that your exquisite princess will not agree? "

"She will understand me," Shi Feng said.

"Hehe, hehehe." Xingyue still shook her head and smiled.

Then he said, "You have no feelings for me, and I have no feelings for you.

Do you think you would be happy if we were together? Will I be happy? "

"I ..." Xingyue said, Shi Feng, suddenly wondering how to answer.

I love Jinmo deeply.

Speaking of her, it was still because of guilt, because she had been born.

"Well, that's it.

Now I feel so good. "Xingyue said again," Well, let's go back soon. If Leer finishes eating candy canes, if he can't see me, he might run out again. "

After Xing Yue said this sentence, she hadn't waited for Shi Feng to answer, her figure was the first to move and flew down.

The flying posture is extremely beautiful.

Like a fairy Lin Fan.

Shi Feng hasn't moved yet, lowering her head slightly, looking at her.

It looked as if he was still in a bun.

Until that Qianying, flew back to the green hill completely.

"Perhaps, she is right." At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly said this sentence.

As she said, she doesn't like herself. If she marries her, maybe she won't be happy.

"Then ... take a step, count it." Shi Feng murmured again.

In fact, he didn't know what to do with himself and her in the future.

"Perhaps everything is the best," Shi Feng said secretly.

"Perhaps, one day, she will also find her Ruyi Langjun, and then marry the one she really loves in her heart. Seek her own happiness."

After finishing this sentence, Shi Feng's figure also moved suddenly, and also flew to that hill.


"Oh! Hehe." After Xingyue flew into Qingshan, she burst into laughter.

But above her eyes, there were glittering tears.

That beautiful face looked a little bitter at the moment.


Gradually, I saw an ancient building in the middle of the mountain, and the area was not large or small.

Like an old mansion.

Since it is a dust-dust arrangement here, the environment and residence will not be too bad.

Bai Yue'e, at the moment, is holding Shi Le's little hand with Shi Ling, standing at the gate waiting.

Waiting for his son to return.

But the first she saw was Xing Yue.

Xing Yue floated down and landed in front of the three of them.

"My dear!" Seeing Xing Yue, Shi Le quickly flew into her arms.

When she saw her coming back alone, Bai Yue'e began to ask, "How come you come back alone, Fenger?"

"Behind, come soon." Xing Yue replied to her.

"Oh!" Bai Yue'e gently said "Oh", at this moment, she seemed to see something.

"Mother, look at me, my brother is back." At this moment, Shi Ling pointed with his hand and pointed at the black figure falling in the sky.

"Fenger!" Finally, when he saw his son, Bai Yue'e hurriedly, his face full of joy.

"Yi", a soft sound, Shi Feng landed beside Xingyue, before Bai Yue'e.

"Daddy." Goodbye Shi Feng, Shi Le quickly called.

Shi Feng reached out and touched Shi Le's small head with a doting touch, looking at Bai Yue'e in front of his eyes and exclaiming, "Mother!"

Looking at her mother's happy face, Shi Feng's heart felt another sensation.

She knew her mother's feelings for herself and knew how much she had missed her since she hadn't seen her for so long.

"Fenger, quickly, let the mother take a good look." Bai Yue'e stepped forward, and pressed his hands on Shi Feng's shoulders.

Eyes, Yu Shifeng looked up and down.

"Fenger, you're thin, and black." Bai Yue'e said, looking at his thin and black son, with a little distress.

"No, almost, mother." Shi Feng said.

"Come on, let's go in the house. Mother has prepared a lot for you." Bai Yue'e smiled again.

"Okay, mother." Shi Feng also kept smiling at her mother.

It is really difficult for ordinary people to imagine that the supreme Jiuyou Emperor, today, has always smiled so softly.

Bai Yue'e took Shi Feng's hand and headed for this ancient building.

Xingyue hugged Le'er and walked behind him.

Her eyes looked at the black figure quietly, and she did not know what she was thinking at this moment.

And Xiao Shiling, walking at the end of them.

"My dear, why do you always look at Dad?" At this time, I suddenly heard Shi Le in Xing Yue's arms, and said such a word with curiosity.

After hearing this sentence, Xing Yue Qiao's face changed suddenly, and she quickly turned her eyes and said to Shi Le:

"No bullshit."

"Mother-in-law, Leer didn't talk nonsense. Mother-in-law just now, has been watching Dad." Xiao Shile said with a small face full of earnestness.

(End of this chapter)

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