
"Woo, wow!" The little monster snake was still whining to Shi Le.

Shi Le, his small face still showed a cute blankness, crooked his head.

It seems that he still can't understand what this little monster snake is calling.

"Brother, Le'er has been out for so long. We should go home. When we came out, we didn't tell our sister-in-law and mother-in-law. If they didn't go back, they would worry.

Shi Ling said to Shi Feng.

"Well, okay. Go back." Shi Feng nodded at Shi Ling's words.

"Le'er, it's time to go home, otherwise your mother-in-law must be worried." Seeing Shi Feng agree, Shi Ling said to Shi Le in front of her.

"Well." Hearing Shi Ling's words at the moment, Xiao Shile showed a rare appearance.

Duoting his mouth, he said to the strange snake, "Xiao Wu, we are going home, and I will come to you again someday."

This little snake always screamed "wow," so this little guy named it "Little Woo".

However, at this moment, the little monster snake seemed to understand what Shi Le said, and on the black snake face, he showed resentment.

"Woohoo, hoohoo." "Woohoo" screamed again.

At this time, Shi Le also seemed to understand what he was saying "whine", and said to him, "Well, Xiaowu, you must be obedient."

This tone was like what Shi Ling usually said to him.

"Woohoo, woohoo, hoohoo." Xiaowu screamed again, his voice low.

It looks as if it's a little sad.

This little black snake looked like a child.

However, it is normal, after all, this life has just hatched from a black egg.

"All right, let's go." Shi Ling said to Shi Le.

With that said, the child was directly picked up.

Immediately afterwards, the body moved and flew up.

Seeing Shi Ling holding Shi Le flying up, Shi Feng followed suit and quickly hurried through the rolling Black Sea.

"Woo! Hoo! Hoo Hoo Hoo!" Seeing Shi Ling just holding Xiao Shile away, the little monster snake suddenly became a little excited.

Later, he saw its entire snake body, and immediately rushed out of the cracked black weird egg.

At the same time, they saw an ancient rune among the black eggs, and Qi Qi shot from the egg quickly, and Qi Qi shot on the black snake body.

Word after word, the entire black snake body, from beginning to end, was instantly covered with runes.

To this, this little monster snake seems to have turned a blind eye, and its snake body also quickly shuttled through the Nether Black Sea.

As its body moved, the Nether Black Sea, which had just calmed down, had once again experienced riots and boiling.

Even more violent than before.

The whole Nether Black Sea is like the black dragon rolling.

"Brother!" Shi Ling, who was flying in the dark Black Sea, naturally felt the situation in the Black Sea and shouted at Shi Feng.

"The snake came after it." Shi Feng said to Shi Ling.

"He just likes this little guy?" Shi Ling looked down, and looked down slightly, looking at the little Shile in his arms.

"There seems to be a destiny between them," Shi Feng replied.

"Daddy, aunt, either, let's take Xiao Wu home." Listening to the words of Shi Feng and Shi Ling, Shi Le said.

"I had this intention," Shi Feng said.

"Brother, are you all right?" Shi Ling's face was worried.

The strange snake's origin is unknown. Although she is not afraid, it will inevitably hurt her mother Bai Yue'e.

"It should be fine," Shi Feng said.

After speaking this sentence, I saw these three figures, and rushed out of the nether black sea at the same time.

And just after they rushed out of the Nether Black Sea, their bodies didn't move anymore. They stood proudly on the rolling Black Sea, lowered their heads, looked at them, and waited quietly.

"Wow, wow, wow." At this time, bursts of "wow" sounds came from below.

"Daddy, aunt, it's Xiaowu!

It's Xiaowu! Hearing the sound of "whine" again, Shi Feng also shouted, "Little woo!"

Xiaowu! "

With the call of Shi Le, the Nether Black Sea became more violent.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the black snake head, which protruded from the violent black sea, and followed, the whole black snake body flew out of the black sea.

"Xiao Wu!" Shi Le shouted again when he saw Xiao Wu again.

"woo woo woo woo!"

"Oh, oh, oh oh!"

Xiao Wu also shouted at Shi Le.

The two little guys haven't known each other long, and they haven't long separated.

But at this moment, it looks like a friend who hasn't been seen in years, with deep feelings.

"Little aunt." Shi Le's small body began to struggle in Shi Ling's arms.

He wanted to break free of his arms and fly to that little woo.

Instead of loosening, Shi Ling turned his head and looked at his brother Shi Feng, as if he was consulting his brother.

Shi Ling looked around, and Shi Feng nodded slightly to her.

Seeing his brother agree, Shi Ling held Shi Le's hands loose.

As soon as he broke free from Shi Ling's arms, Shi Ling's figure fell to the little monster snake that rushed up.

One person and one snake, and soon came together.

Shi Le's little hand hugged the black snake head.

"Little woo!"

"Woo, wow."

"I miss you so much, Xiao Wu."

"Ohh Ohh ohh."


The two little guys seemed to start talking again.

And they all seem to understand each other's words.

"Xiao Wu, Dad has agreed to go home with me, will you go home with me?" Shi Le asked Xiao Wu.

"Woo, woo, woo," cried the little monster snake.

"Really. That's great, Xiao Wu, you will come home with us. From now on, we can play together every day."

"woo woo woo woo."


At this moment, both Shi Feng and Shi Ling can see that Xiao Le'er and the little monster snake look very happy.

At this time, Xiao Le'er looked up and said to Shi Feng, "Daddy, Xiao Wu agreed to come home with us."

"Well, let's take Xiaowu back together." Shi Feng nodded slightly when he heard Shi Le's words.

"Well, let's go. If you don't go home, your mother will hit you again."

This time, I won't protect you. "Shi Lingdao.

"Ah! No, my aunt still has to protect Le Er, don't let the mother kiss Le Er fart." Xiao Shile replied.

"If you are good, your aunt will protect you." Xiao Linger said.

Shi Le patted Xiao Wu's black head. "Xiao Wu, let's go and go home. Otherwise, my mother is going to hit us."

When I heard Shi Le's words, I saw this little black snake, and nodded seriously at Shi Le.

"Shi Le, you and Xiao Wu, just fly behind your father." Shi Feng said to them.

At this time, he saw his body fluttering again, flying again in this nether purgatory.

Linger followed, flying beside Shi Feng.

Chapter two

"Good dad." Xiao Leer responded quickly.

"Xiao Wu, this is my father, that is my aunt, we follow them." Shi Le said to Xiao Wu.

"Woo, wow," Xiao Wu nodded, and then flew with Shi Le, followed by Shi Feng and Shi Ling.

"Brother, have you noticed the change of this black snake?" At this moment, Shi Ling seemed to have found something and asked Shi Feng.

"Well, I found it," Shi Feng replied.

Followed by saying:

"The runes on that black egg all came to the snake of this black snake. This thing is absolutely extraordinary. In the future, let Le Er get along well with it. It should help Le Er in the future.

In fact, Shi Feng had planned to let his son Shi Le abduct this little black snake and make it his spiritual pet.

"Um." Linger understood Shi Feng's meaning and nodded gently.

"Hee, hee hee, hee hee hee."

"Woo, wow."

Behind him, there came bursts of laughter and the cry of the strange snake.

One person and one snake, while following Shi Feng and Shi Ling flying behind, while playing.

The little black snake spit out the apricot snake and licked Shi Le's face and neck.

"Itchy! Itchy! Hee hee, hee hee, hee hee, okay Xiaowu, don't lick it, itch to death."

"woo woo woo woo."


"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Flying all the way, this nether purgatory is still the same as before, only the roar of wind, and no more ghosts heard.

Soon afterwards, Shi Feng, Shi Ling, Shi Le, and the little black snake Xiao Wu together returned to the statue of the Emperor Jiuyou and stopped beside the bottle of golden wine.

Shi Ling once again raised his hand, another wave of Jin Mang, rushed out of this golden wine glass, instantly rolled the four figures, and finally returned.

The world in front of Shi Feng, Shi Ling, Shi Le, and Xiao Wu immediately changed.

They returned to that peaceful and peaceful world.

At this moment, a thin dense fog is rising in this world, and it should be late at night looking at the sky.

However, in the green mountains below, there was a faint fire.

"Brother, it's very late. Will we get angry if we come back so late?" Shi Ling's small face was all worried.

After all, when they went out, but didn't say anything, they took Leer to the Nether Purgatory without saying a word.

They felt that time passed by, but Bai Yue'e and Xing Yue in this world, I'm afraid not.

"Yes, no ..." Shi Feng was also a little uncertain.

If it was a child, dare to play home with her sister so late, the mother must be angry.

But now everyone has grown up.

But the most important thing is that this time they took this little kid out to play.

"Dad, aunt, Le Er, if your mother wants to play Le Er fart, you have to call Le Er."

It seems that this little child is also a little worried.

"Woo ..." After hearing the conversation, Xiao Woo tilted his head and looked blank.

As if I can't understand what these people are saying and wanting to do.

Seeing Xiao Wu doing this, Xiao Shile explained to him: "Xiao Wu, don't you know, my mother kisses that.

As long as Le'er is not obedient, he will hit Le'er ass.

Xiaowu, you will be obedient at home in the future, otherwise, my mother-in-law will hit you ass. "

"Woo." This time, this little Woo seemed to understand what Shi Le was saying, and responded with a "Woo".

"Who the **** are you talking about?" But at this moment, in the night sky, they suddenly heard a clear and sweet woman's voice sounded.

This sound ... is the sound of Xingyue.

Upon hearing this voice, Xiao Shile's face changed instantly.

"Dad, dad, you need to protect Leer." Xiao Shile now seemed like a frightened fawn, and flew behind Shi Feng, calling for help.

He didn't expect that he was talking bad things about his mother, and was being heard by his mother.

This time, it's going to be worse!

"No one can protect you." Xing Yue's voice rang again.

Then, Shi Feng and Shi Ling saw that elegant figure slowly flew out from the night.

"Daddy!" Seeing Xingyue's appearance, Xiao Shile became even more nervous, and he tightly grasped the clothes behind Shi Feng.

Feeling his son was so afraid of his mother, Shi Feng grinned.

Then he reached out and patted his little head slightly, saying, "Okay, okay, don't be afraid, there's a dad there."

Dad will protect Hao Le, Le don't worry. "

"Really ... really, dad? Have you ever been a mother?" Shi Le asked.

"Daddy won't hit your mother-in-law, but dad will make you mother-in-law, don't hit you ass." Shi Feng added.

"Ah! Really father." Hearing Shi Feng said, Xiao Shile looked a little happy.

"Woo!" And Xiao Wu, who was aside, started to crook her head again.

It seems that it was a little short of its birth, and it didn't make sense to Shi Le and Shi Feng.

"I've been out for so long. You guys didn't tell us. Do you know how worried I and my aunt are?"

Xing Yue, who flew up, began to say angrily.

The look at her was mainly to sign against Shi Feng.

"I didn't think too much at that time and forgot to say it." Shi Feng smiled at her and said.

"It doesn't matter anyway, you always leave the house without a word.

But you have to tell us when you take Leer away. "Xing Yue said.

"Oh, sister-in-law, we hadn't planned to go out for such a long time, but something really happened." Shi Ling said.

This tone seems to be coquettish at Xing Yue.

"Anyway, go with the music, always say something.

If you don't say it, I thought you took Le'er away. When you return, Le'er may grow up. "Xing Yue said to Shi Feng again.

"No, rest assured.

Even if I take Leer out to play, I won't take him out for so long. Shi Feng said to Xing Yue in a flattering tone.

This time, it was indeed wrong.

You should always say a word to them, they don't have to worry so much.

"Well, bitch, don't blame my brother.

At that time, something really happened.

Next time, if we take Leer out, we must tell you. "Linger said again.

"My dear, you must dispel the fire. Next time, my aunt will definitely tell you." At this time, Shi Le also followed.

"You dare to say.

Just now, who said you could be fierce? "Xing Yuewang said to the little figure.

"Ah!" Xiao Leer exclaimed as soon as she saw her mother's face, her body moved, and she hid back behind Shi Feng ...

(End of this chapter)

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