Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3680: Thirteen days


"Shi Le, come here!"

Seeing this little Shile hiding again, Xingyue yelled coldly.

The tone is like command.

"I don't!" Shouted Shi Le hiding behind Shi Feng.

"Here, come here." Xingyue drank again.

"I ... I ... I ..." Feeling that his mother was really angry, Xiao Shile reluctantly walked out from behind Shi Feng.

Head down, like a child who has done wrong.

At this time, Xingyue's palm faced him, suddenly sucking.

"Ah!" With a scream, the small body flew directly towards Xing Yue.

Xingyue's wrists turned again, and he grabbed the little guy's ear that flew over.

"I make you wild." Xing Yue said to him coldly.

"Ah! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts, mother!" The little guy shouted in pain.

Despite this guy's natural talent, at a young age, he stepped into the two-star Wuling Realm.

But in front of Xingyue, naturally all struggles are useless.

"Give me back to sleep," Xing Yue said coldly again.

Followed, they no longer care about the stone maple and stone spirit in the night sky, directly holding Shi Le's little ears, and flew down to the deep mountains in the night.

"Ah! My dear, lighter, lighter! Ah! It hurts! Ah! If I knew this, I wouldn't come out from behind my father.

what! Mother, it hurts! "

In the darkness, there was a constant cry of Xiao Shile.

Cries, drifted away.

All of a sudden, in the night sky, only Shi Feng, Shi Ling, and that little woo were left.

"Woo ..." There was a low whistle, and then Xiao Xiao's mouth came.

However, looking at the appearance of this little black snake, it should be a little scared.

Not long after he was born, he saw such a fierce "person" in his impression.

"Brother, mother, wasn't Xunzi so fierce?" Linger asked Shi Feng softly.

"Uh ... we were a little different then." Shi Feng also answered gently.

Followed by: "When we were young, warmth was a problem. Every day I thought about how to have food and how to live.

How could that little guy be so wild.

The two of us are considered sensible and well-behaved children. "

"Well ... it seems like ..." After hearing these words from Shi Feng, Shi Ling nodded back when he thought about it.

"Well, let's go back to rest, too." Shi Feng said to Linger.

"Well, good brother." Shi Ling nodded again.

But looking at her, it seems that she is still thinking about something.

The past years, although hard, are really beautiful.

Hmm ... now, it's pretty good.

Loved ones, feel together around.

Before, there were only brothers and mothers-in-law, but now, there is this naughty little kid, and also, the gentle Xingyue sister-in-law on weekdays.

Although sometimes so severe to Xiao Le'er, Shi Ling is very clear, Xing Yue bitch, kind heart, and tenderness in her bones.

To myself and my mother-in-law are also very good.

However, Xingyue Auntie seems to have some misunderstandings with her brother.

I heard my mother say, it seems ... it ’s like this.

With this in mind, Xiao Linger looked slowly down at the mountains below him.

"Little girl, what are you thinking?" As if she saw that Shi Ling seemed to have some buns, Shi Feng asked her.

"Ah!" Shi Ling exclaimed when he heard what his brother said.

Come back to God immediately.

Then he looked at Shi Feng and grinned suddenly.

"Why are you suddenly so stupid?" Shi Feng asked her.


"Hey, it's nothing." Shi Ling grinned, but said so.

"Strange." Shi Feng frowned slightly.

Then, as if suddenly thinking of something, "You little girl, don't you have a sweetheart?"

This silly appearance of a sudden smirk is like this situation that people say.

Hearing my brother's words, Xiao Shiling's face suddenly changed suddenly, "Brother, what are you talking about?"

How old is Linger, how can it be. "


"Huh!" Shi Feng only said the word "may", and he heard Shi Ling hum him coldly.

"I ignore you." Then, seeing the little girl's falling body speeding up quickly, turned into a cyan streamer, and in an instant, fell into the mountain.

Shi Feng's body is still slowly falling, but her eyebrows are getting deeper and deeper, whispering secretly: "Did I misunderstand this little girl?

Hmm ... but she looks like that ...

This girl is really young, and it is not time to fall in love, I hope that there is really no early love.


Thinking about it, Shi Feng sighed deeply.

Then I wondered, what kind of man would it be if this man was really taken care of by this little girl?


Shi Feng eventually fell into the mountains and returned to the ancient house.

After the return, there was silence in the house, and the lights had already gone out.

It seems that everyone has also started to rest.

As a result, Shi Feng returned to her mother's room, Bai Yue'e, and sat cross-legged along the bed.


"woo woo woo woo!"

"Woo, wow."

In the night, a whistle of whistle kept ringing in the night sky.

The little black snake that followed Shi Le, lying alone in the black sky, seemed a little lonely.

In the end, everyone ignored him.

"Woo, wow, wow." These low "wow" sounds, the poorer the call.

Like in this little monster snake, secretly crying.


Night and day.

Day and then into the night.

Night and day, constantly replacing.

Shi Feng entered the space world of this family, and in an instant, seven days passed.

For seven days, he has been with his family and his son Shi Le.

However, between him and Xingyue, he was in the same state as before, and Xingyue was polite to him.

"Hee hee, hee hee, hee hee hee!" In the sky, Shi Le's laughter kept coming.

"Woo, hum, hum hum!" There is a small piece of black Hydra voice.

Today, Shi Le started looking for this Xiaowu and started playing again.

One person and one snake have become more and more familiar.

Almost inseparable.

Now, even if Shi Le is going to eat, he has to take this "xiao woo" with him, let him enter the house, and eat together.

Even once, he wanted to bring Xiao Wu into the room to sleep together.

It was just that ... this man was a snake and was kicked out of the room directly by Xing Yue.

No way, Xiao Leer went to find his father Shi Feng, Shi Feng agreed, let this person a snake, sleep in his room.

Xiaole is very happy with this Xiaowu.

On the second night, Shi Le and Xiao Wu both slept in Shi Feng's room, but ... the poor Xiao Le, who hadn't slept for a long time, was broken into by Xing Yue, and he just scratched his ears. I dragged it back.

There was a poor little babbling left, looking at it poorly, as if ... aggrieved.

Chapter two

"Hee hee, little woo, come, come after me!"

"Hee hee."


"Well, Xiaowu, it's time for me to chase you. You have to run fast once, otherwise, I can catch up with you right away."

"Xiaowu run away!"

"Woo, wow!"


"Ah! Xiaowu, you are too fast, wait for me, wait for me, Xiaowu."

"Ah! Little woo!"


The sky is still ringing with the sound of Shi Le and Xiao Wu.

Today, Shi Feng sits in the mountains with Shi Ling and enters the practice together.

Today, Shi Feng's soul thought has also entered Xumi Mountain, looking for his beloved.

It's just that ... Jin Mo's condition is still the same now, and she seems to be one with heaven and earth, and even more than before, she feels her breathlessness.

Therefore, Shi Feng still did not disturb her, and the thought of the soul retreated quietly.

After exiting, he entered the blood demon sword again.

As a result ... it still looks like the sword spirit in the blood demon of the demon, or fell into a deep sleep state with this demon blood sword.

Looking at it like this, there seems to be no sign of waking up.

I don't know how long this sword and a soul will sleep.

However, Shi Feng's breath was always stable, and Shi Feng was relieved again.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Shi Feng, who was practising in the mountains, moved suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his eyes again.

Then, a violent riot suddenly turned into a white streamer, like a white sword, pierced the sky.

"Oh!" There seemed to be a sound of Jianming, reverberating between heaven and earth for a long time.

"Daddy!" Shi Le, who was playing with Xiao Wu, was immediately attracted by Shi Feng's sword light, exclaimed.

"Woo!" If this little Woo also felt something from it, it was also whine.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a burst of white light, which instantly shone from Shi Le's body!

A few days ago, Shi Le, who had just entered the two-star martial arts, did not have long. At this time, he broke through the martial arts realm again and successfully entered the Samsung martial arts.

Even Shi Feng, who flew into the sky, was slightly surprised.

He didn't expect this little guy to break through like this.

It seems ... totally contrary to the principles of martial arts.

As soon as the white light was scattered, Shi Feng and the sky appeared.

"Daddy!" Shi Le shouted, and flew towards Shi Feng with Xiao Wu.

"How's the situation?" Shi Feng asked, staring at the void in front of him.

When his words fell, he saw You Chen and slowly appeared.

"The Emperor Bao Bao, his subordinates have ordered people to find out. The aliens attacked the Undead Mountain. In fact, the Luo family in the Undead Mountain left only some wooden dummy. In fact, the Luo family retreated long ago.

As to where the Luo family eventually evacuated, their subordinates don't know. "

You Chen respected Shi Feng with his fist.

"That's good." Shi Feng nodded with satisfaction when he heard the answer from You Chen.

If so, it means that Luo Qingchuan is still safe today.

There is nothing better than that.

Then, You Chen said, "Subordinates, in accordance with the will of your emperor, wage war against the Protoss and Demon and Zhongzhou. The two aliens have already agreed!

However, they agreed that after 13 days, they would come to Zhongzhou to fight against you. "

"Thirteen days?" Shi Feng frowned, however, when she heard the time limit of the thirteen days.

As if during these 13 days, you heard something famous.

"Do you know why you should choose after these 13 days?" Shi Feng asked You Chen.

"For the thirteenth day, the subordinates also felt strange. But in the end, the subordinates are still under investigation, but it is difficult to detect these aliens.

You Chen answered truthfully.

"Um." Shi Feng nodded again.

These two aliens have mysterious marks on their bodies, which can completely destroy them in an instant.

Extorting a confession by torture, or even taking out the soul directly, will not work.

"Thirteen days." Shi Feng murmured again in his mouth.

You Chen said, "This alien, I'm afraid there are some secrets going on, we have to watch out."

"Mofei, as long as these thirteen days pass, there will be stronger people in this alien race, and it will never come to heaven?" Shi Feng thought of this.

Otherwise, there is no need to choose these 13 days.

"Subordinates, so too.

Therefore, we must be cautious about this battle. "You Chen said.

"Indeed!" Shi Feng murmured secretly.

Above his face, there was a hint of hesitation.

However, this hesitation has disappeared just after it appeared.

Shi Feng opened her mouth and said to You Chen: "In response to the aliens, after 13 days, the emperor will lead the army and make a thorough settlement with them!"

"Emperor, knowing what secrets are going on, or are you going to fight?" You Chen was a little surprised when she heard Shi Feng's words.

"Must, just finish it." Shi Feng answered.

He explained to You Chen: "We don't know where the real power of these alien forces is.

Therefore, if they want to fight against them, they must come to us, we are actually passive!

Moreover, during these 13 days, if they really have stronger strength, we should not drag on.

I'm afraid that every day, this alien will have more and more powerful men and women coming to our Tianheng continent.

Therefore, we must end with these aliens as soon as possible, and this time, we will fight with him as much as possible! "

"Subordinates understand!" You Chen said with a faint expression on You Chen's face.

Followed by another fist, Shen Shen answered in response to Shi Feng.

"Um." Looking at You Chen, Shi Feng nodded slightly.

Said: "In these days, we will fully prepare for the expedition!"

"Subordinates know." You Chen replied.

"Then, his subordinates retired first," You Chen said again.

"Go." Shi Feng said.

Then, in this sky, you saw the figure of You Chen slowly and slowly fade away again.

Then, completely disappeared.

"Father, father, come and play with my little woo!" Soon after, Shi Feng heard the son Shi Le's call again.

Earlier, when I saw Shi Feng rushing into the void, this little kid originally rushed over to Shi Feng.

As the result flew, this little guy even ran away again.

After hearing the shout, Shi Feng smiled and looked up, followed, and returned to the other side: "Come!"

Tianheng continent is about to enter the ultimate war.

What will happen to the outcome of this battle, Shi Feng today can't tell.

He wanted to take advantage of this peaceful time to spend more time with his family, even this son who has rarely been with him ...

(End of this chapter)

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