Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3693: Talking Little Stone


Skeleton Yan stood up, and Shi Feng waited slowly.

In the fierce land, no matter it is the sky or the earth, it is full of dense figures.

With the arrival of the ghost soldiers, the coldness in this cold world became even worse.

As if the entire sky, followed by a lot of gloom.

After a long time, the Destroyed Clan and the ghost soldiers of Nether Purgatory have arrived.

In the purple flame vortex, no figure came out.

Shi Feng began to control the magic lamp of Solo in his hand, sensing the mark left in the city of destruction, followed by opening to the people of the destruction:

"Destroy all races, you can re-enter the Purple Flame Vortex, and you can return to the city of destruction with the emperor's drive."

"Yes, lord!" The devastated people should drink.

Then, led by the destruction of the old patriarch and commander of the cliff, hundreds of figures flew into the purple flame vortex.

After seeing the entire Destruction Family entering the Purple Flame Vortex, Shi Feng suddenly remembered something and said:

"Oh yes, Destroy Patriarch, you come back first."

"What else is happening to the protagonist?" Hearing Shi Feng's words, destroying the old patriarch flying out of the purple flame vortex, the old face was still full of great respect, and asked Shi Feng.

The figure fluttered and reached Shi Feng, waiting for his new instructions.

For a moment, Shi Feng did not speak, but suddenly thought.

Suddenly, a white light flashed beside the deceased old patriarch.

"Ah! Ah! Ah ..." In the white light, a scream of terrible pain was heard.

Hearing this cry, the face of destroying the old patriarch suddenly changed.

He had naturally heard that this was ... the painful scream of his grandson's extinction.

Hearing this voice again, and hearing the painful sufferings of Sun Tzu's time, the heart of this old patriarch was not full of taste and distress.

When the white light dispersed, it was replaced by a burning white flame.

Destruction instrument, tortured in this white flame.

"Sir, this is it?" Destroyed the old patriarch looked at Shi Feng a little puzzled.

However, I slowly looked forward to it.

Shi Feng said: "This battle has done a great job in destroying the people.

Miriam has harmed me. I said he was tortured for three years, but I also said that if you do great work, you can commute it.

So, this person, I will return it to you now. "

When Shi Feng's voice fell, "Boom" made a sound, and then saw the white flame that burned the extinguisher and extinguished suddenly.

A severely rotten, blistered, and broken body fell into the eyes of the old patriarch.

It seems that it is really full of infiltration.

Destroy the old patriarch, seeing in his eyes, his heart throbbed.

Seeing his grandson become so distressed.

But he also understood that this was his own self-sustainment.

Being able to survive is already a gratitude.

Destroyed the old patriarch's eyes quickly turned again, looking at Shi Feng, the old face showed full of excitement and gratitude, and said to Shi Feng again and again:

"Thank you, lord! Thank you, lord! Thank you, lord!"

"Grandpa ... Grandpa." Looking at the destruction of the old patriarch, Miyi made a husky and weak voice.

"Well, don't say more, take it back." Shi Feng said to the destruction of the old patriarch.

"Yes, lord!" Shen Sheng responded to the destruction of the old patriarch.

At the same time, he reached out and took Mie Yi into his arms.

Following this, the two figures moved at the same time, and the Destroyed Old Patriarch rushed into the Purple Flame Vortex again.

Soon, he rushed into the whirlpool and disappeared.

After all the Destroyed Families entered, the Solo lamp controlled by Shi Feng changed again.

The slowly spinning purple flame trembled suddenly.

At this moment, Shi Feng opened the space door of Nether Purgatory.

To his knowledge, Lost Gusen is in the Western Region.

And Shi Feng has not left his mark in the Western Regions, so the fastest way to go to the Western Regions is to travel through the space cross-domain transmission channel in Nether Purgatory.

"Generals, return to Nether Purgatory." Shi Feng began to give orders to the ghost soldiers.

"Yes, the Great!"

As a result, the ghosts and soldiers who had just entered this fierce land began to stir up again.

As if the locusts were transiting, they swarmed towards the purple flame swirl.

Shi Feng's eyes did not look at them, but frowned, whispering secretly: "I seem to ignore something.

what is it? "

He felt that he had overlooked, but couldn't think of anything.

"Imperial, what are you thinking?"

After all, the ghost has followed Shi Feng for many years, and she was also very careful, seeing Shi Feng frowning, seeing what he was thinking, asked softly.

After hearing the words of ghosts, Shi Feng slowly shook his head and said, "I don't know.

But I always feel that we have overlooked something. "

"Oh!" Ghost nodded slightly when he heard Shi Feng's words.

And Shi Feng, frowning brow still did not loosen.

Then, shook his head and said, "Forget it, don't think about it first, go and get lost. Gusen said."

Shi Feng felt that this lost Gusen, I am afraid, would not be so smooth.

Vaguely felt that something still happened.

As the ghosts and soldiers all entered the Purple Flame Vortex, Shi Feng also led the eight ghosts and rushed into the Vortex.

At the same time, Solomon's magic lamp was thrown to Skeleton again.

Seeing Shi Feng moved, the blue woman, also Qian Ying, moved with him.

"Congratulations to the master!" Skull Yan shouted respectfully again, shouting at Shi Feng.

He stretched out his huge dark bone claws and grabbed Solomon's lamp again.

He continued to stay in a terrible place.

For Shi Feng, Skull Yan in the fierce land has great effect.

As long as it is there, you can freely shuttle in many places.


"Woo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!"


The familiar ghosts cried again and again in the sky.

Shi Feng and the Eight Great Ghosts, together with the ghosts and soldiers, returned to this familiar homeland, Nether Purgatory.

At this moment, he is proudly standing on the stone statue of Emperor Jiuyou.

"Welcome the triumphant return of the emperor and the generals!" You Chen's voice came.

At this moment, he was standing in front of Shi Feng and said with a fist.

"The Protoss is destroyed for the time being, but the remaining evils of the Demons are still left. Next, we are going to go to Lost Gusen," Shi Feng said to You Chen.

"Well, although the emperor is going, he will definitely guard the Nether Purgatory." You Chen said.

"The Emperor naturally believes in you," Shi Feng said.

For You Chen, in management, Shi Feng has always been very confident in him.

And he did manage Nether Purgatory very well.

"Haha, haha, hahaha. Xiaowu, come on after me.

Come after me, hehe, little woo.

You can't catch me. "

However, at this moment, Shi Feng's brow just stretched shortly before, and suddenly a move.

He heard that naughty laughter.

And, "Woo, wow! Wow, wow, wow!" Still the familiar low whine.

Chapter two

"Leer!" Shi Feng shouted.

Quickly looked up.

Soon, he saw the gloomy void ahead, and Xiao Shile was flying happily. Behind him, the little black snake was pursuing him.

In addition, the sky was full of flying ghosts. When seeing Xiao Shile flying over, it seemed as if he had seen the "Little Overlord" and evaded.

"Why is this little thing here? And, Linger is not here, only he and this little black snake?" Shi Feng murmured again.

"Sweat." You Chen sighed softly.

"This little thing sneaked out?" Shi Feng asked You Chen.

"Yeah, emperor." You Chen said helplessly when he heard this.

"Recently, the princess ghost has entered a retreat because of her feelings.

And the little prince did not know how to know the secret of this space mystery. These days, he often sneaks out of that space. "

You Chen said.

Seeing you look like Chen Chen, I'm afraid this little guy is very noisy here.

Originally, Shi Feng thought that this little thing was young and that when he saw those ghosts, he would be scared, for fear of any psychological shadow.

It turned out that I thought about it more.

It was those ghosts who were terrified of him.

And from the appearance of You Chen and the helpless appearance, it is estimated that this little Shile is very noisy in this nether purgatory.

"Where is Xingyue? Didn't he get him back?" Shi Feng asked again.

It stands to reason that now knowing that this little guy will sneak out, Xingyue should immediately catch him back.

"A few days ago, the young prince was arrested by his wife several times. This is not. It didn't take long to just run out.

I'm afraid the lady hasn't found it yet. "You Chen replied.

"So it is." Shi Feng nodded secretly.

Then said, "Forget it, let him have fun here."

Since this little guy is no longer afraid of those ghosts, and he is pregnant with the congenital Nine Hades, it is also good for him to be in this extremely dark Hades.

Shi Feng didn't want to restrict him too much.

"However, this little evildoer broke through again." Shi Feng murmured secretly.

Last time, Shi Le walked into the two-star martial arts. It was only a few days before, and now when I see him again, he is already a Samsung martial arts spirit.

It is really incredible to let him grow up like that.

However, Shi Feng is naturally happy in his son's talent.

"Ah! Xiaowu, why did you suddenly become so fast, how did you catch me?" Then, the cry of surprise resounded.

The little black snake that had been chasing Shi Le had a quick speed just now and caught up directly.

Then the black snake tail slammed into a roll, and rolled up Xiao Shile on Shi Feng.

The snake's head turned back and she stretched out the snake apricot, licking Xiao Shile's face.

"Ah! Hey, itchy, itchy, so itchy, little woo, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!"

Shi Le laughed itchyly.

Now, it seems that he has become more and more familiar with the little black snake.

Also, I had a good time.

A small smile appeared on Shi Feng's face, shaking his head slowly with a smile.

"Oh!" At this moment, Shi Le, who was licked by Xiao Wu, seemed to suddenly find something, and after a moment of consternation, turned his head sharply.

Looking towards Shi Feng.

"Daddy! It's father!"

"Daddy!" Then he shouted at Shi Feng.

"Xiao Wu, let go of me, dad is back." Shi Le said to the little black snake again.

Hearing Shi Le's words, the little black snake rolled around Shi Le's snake body and slowly relaxed.

Later, she saw Shi Le's body move, and flew towards Shi Feng.

"Let the ghost soldiers perform their respective duties." Shi Feng said to the ghost generals beside him.

"Yes!" You Chen and the eight ghosts will respond in unison.

"Let me go." Shi Feng said again.

After saying this, she saw Shi Feng's body move, and flew towards Shi Le.

The ghost looked at the side, looking calm.

I don't know what she was thinking at the moment.

"Let me go, too." Suddenly, the ghost said this.

Followed by, her figure also moved, and flew out from the stone statue of Emperor Jiuyou.

The ghosts looked at her and said nothing.

They were all very clear about Ghost's intentions for the Emperor.

The last time, even because the emperor resisted the attack by himself, it was almost like a ghost flying away.

Ghost charm has followed the emperor for so many years and is infatuated.

They used to think that ghosts might be with the emperor.

But now it looks like ghosts are in the heart of the emperor.

This is really a man who makes people indecipherable.


"Hee hee, dad, hug!" Xiao Shile rushed to Shi Feng's body, opened her hands, and threw it into Shi Feng's arms.

After a few days of contact, this little guy seems to like this dad.

"Hug my little kid." Shi Feng also opened her hand and hugged little kid into her arms.

Then lift him up.

Shi Feng's face was filled with a happy smile, and Xiao Shile's face was full of petting expression.

"My Xiaole seems to be growing up again, and heavier." Shi Feng said.

"Hey, hey, dad, I'm eating three bowls of rice now." Xiao Shi Leman said proudly.

"Well, eat more and grow taller."

"Well, this sister is so beautiful. How have you never seen it before?" Shi Lewang looked at her when she saw the ghosts flying.

Seeing Xiaoshi Lewang coming, Ghost also heard him and smiled at him.

"Sister laughed even more beautifully." At this time, Shi Le said again.

"You little guy, so small, your mouth is so sweet." Shi Feng said to him.

By comparison, this son is much sweeter than himself.

With such an innate talent, so young and so talking, I don't know how many women have fallen.

Shi Feng thought secretly in his heart.

"Leer is telling the truth." Xiao Leer said coquettishly.

The ghosts drifted closer and closer, Xiao Shile said to her: "Sister, you are so beautiful, as beautiful as my mother."

"Oh, did you?" At this, the ghost charm smiled again, like a beautiful rose in full bloom.

That charming face was full of tenderness.

Followed her softly: "So, is your sister also your mother?"

"Well, okay! Hee hee. My sister is much gentler than my mother." Shi Le said nothing, without thinking.

"This ... little ...", Shi Feng was a little overwhelmed, a little embarrassed, and a little speechless.

"Hee hee." Ghost smiled again.

Then, with her tender eyes, she looked at the man next to her.

Looking at the face of Leng Jun who often appeared in dreams.

"But he doesn't want to." Then she sighed in her heart ...

(End of this chapter)

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