Chapter 3694 Arrive!

"Shi Le!"

Just then, a cold woman's voice suddenly sounded from a distance.

With the appearance of this woman's voice, it can be regarded as breaking Shi Feng's embarrassment.

Shi Feng, Shi Le, and ghosts suddenly looked towards the other side.

At the edge of the stone statue of Jiuyou Emperor, Xingyue stood, her face cold, and looked at this side.

"Ah! It's over!" Seeing the arrival of his mother, Xiao Shile's face changed immediately, and she stuck out her tongue.

Then the small body got into it, and quickly got into Shi Fenghuai.

Want to use Shi Feng's body to block the aggressive mother.

This day is not afraid, the land is not afraid of Leer, afraid of her mother-in-law.

Shi Feng couldn't help but smile when he looked at Xiao Shile so dumb.

Even ghosts are amused.

This little guy is really fun.

"Shi Le, come here.

Don't think that you are hiding, you will be fine.

Don't wait any longer. "

Xing Yue's cold voice sounded again.

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Shile's small mind slowly emerged from Shi Feng's right shoulder.

That little face was full of grievance, as if it had been grieved.

"Daddy!" A cry of help sounded in Shi Feng's ear.

Shi Feng even saw that the little guy looked at him pitifully.

"Well, let's go home, as long as you obey, your mother won't slap you." Shi Feng rubbed his little head and said pettingly.

"Dad, you don't know. The mother is really fierce, really fierce." Xiao Shile's voice murmured in Shi Feng's ear again.

"That's the mother who loves you so much that she will kill you." Shi Feng said.

"Woo, Dad, why don't you come home with me. If your mother is playing, you can help."

The little guy said pitifully again.

"Daddy sent you over and talked to your mother, don't hit you this time." Shi Feng said with a smile.

"Um ... well." Shi Le nodded slightly.

Then, what did I think of: "But if your mother is playing, Dad, you must take care of it."

"Well, Dad knows," Shi Feng said.

After saying this, Shi Feng's figure fluttered, and she took Shi Le to the side where Xing Yue was.

The little black snake Xiaowu saw that they passed, and quickly followed up.

The ghostly figure also wandered slowly and followed slowly.

"Mother-in-law." As Shi Feng approached Xingyue, Xiao Shile smiled at her suddenly and shouted sweetly.

That way, it's full of flattery.

"Let you stay home and don't run around, you run out again.

It's so disobedient to see me go back and take care of you. "Xing Yue said angrily.

"Ah, don't be a mother, Leer knows that Dad is back, so come out to see Dad." Shi Le said.

Then she looked at Shi Feng again and said, "Dad, do you mean it?"

"This little thing ..." Shi Feng didn't expect that this little guy was so small, even ...

What Shi Feng wanted to say was to see Xingyue's cold eyes, already staring at himself.

"Well, Le'er already knew it was wrong. This time, don't be angry." Shi Feng told her.

"Well, my dear, Le'er really knew that it was wrong." Hearing Shi Feng's words, Shi Le nodded.

It really looks like a mistake.

It's just ... Shi Feng feels that although this little thing says so, I'm afraid it will run out secretly.

Hearing the words of Shi Feng and Shi Le, Xing Yue's cold face really eased a lot.

However, his mouth still said, "Let me catch you next time and run away secretly to see if I am not stinging on you."

"My dear, Leer didn't come out alone, Leer came out with Xiao Wu." Shi Le heard Xing Yue's words, but said.

"Woo, oooo, oooooo!" That little woo followed and nodded again, the snake face, looking serious.

"Dare to talk back!" Xingyue said.

"Xiaowu ... forget it." Xingyue wanted to say, is Xiaowu a human?

But after thinking about it, I still don't say it.

"Then you won't be here yet," Xingyue said.

Xiao Le'er was very young, and it seemed that there was also a set of observations and colors. When he saw that his mother was not so angry, he flew out of Shi Feng's arms, flying like Xing Yue.

Opening his hands, he said in a sigh of relief to Xing Yue, "Mother, hug."

Xingyue also stretched out her hand and hugged the flying son into her arms.

Although fierce to him, she loves him the most.

The reason why he didn't want him to come to this nether purgatory was that the heavens and the earth were so overcast that she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Also worried about affecting this little guy.

In addition, so many ghosts are wandering.

What if he hurts him.

"Mother-in-law." Feeling Xingyue's embrace, Shi Le began to pamper her, and her small head slap on her.

At this time, the little black snake Xiaowu also flew to the two of them.

"Well, don't run away next time." Xing Yue said to Shi Le.

"Well, Leer knows it, ma'am." At this moment, this little Shile became full of goodness.

"Woo ..." Xiao Woo crooked the snake's head, and on the snake's face, he was incomprehensible, looking at the mother and son.

At this time, Xingyue's eyes slowly moved away from Xiao Shile, and then looked at Shi Feng, saying, "We are back, how about you?"

"The Protoss is destroyed, but the remaining evil of the Demon is still there.

Moreover, the space channel in Lost Gusen has not been sealed, so I still have something to do, so I won't go back. "Shi Feng said to Xing Yue.

"Well, let's go now.

Be careful yourself. Xing Yue said this softly.

After saying this, she saw her hands forming a fingerprint.

Immediately, the bottle of golden wine behind her trembled, and a golden mang shimmered from it.

"Thank you again, take care of my mother." Shi Feng said to Xing Yue again.

"Relax," Xingyue replied.

At this moment, I saw a roll of Jin Mang on the golden wine bottle, and the two of Xing Yue and Shi Le mother and son were instantly rolled.

Jin Mang rolled up and rolled him back into the peaceful little world.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh." Xiao Wu saw Shi Le followed his mother, but left it behind.

Quickly yelled nervously at the golden wine bottle.

It was so abandoned.

But soon, Jinmang appeared on the wine bottle, and immediately caught the little woo, and pulled it back into the small world.

"Hee hee." After seeing Shi Le and Xing Yue disappear, the ghost behind Shi Feng suddenly issued this laugh.

Covering her mouth, she looks a bit playful.

Upon hearing her laughter, Shi Feng turned her head and looked at her.

"The emperor, the little prince is really cute." Ghost said with a smile.

And in her mind, she still remembered the sentence, "Is it OK to be your mother-in-law?"

"Well, let's go to Lost Gusen immediately," Shi Feng said to the ghost.

After saying this, he turned his head again, and glanced again at the seven ghosts still standing on the stone statue of Jiuyou Emperor, as well as the blue woman.

Chapter two

Just now, they have been watching this quietly.

He remained silent without speaking.

And with Shi Feng ’s discourse, the Seven Great Ghosts will quickly drink together: "Yes, the emperor!"

"Let's go." After Shi Feng said this, her figure fluttered again.

Subsequently, the eight ghosts and the woman in blue also followed.

Soon, on the stone statue of Emperor Jiuyou, there was only one person left.

You Chen stared at his eyes, looking at those figures, his shameless face, looking a little envious.

Yu said secretly, "I don't know when, I can go to fight like them."

However, after saying this, he shook his head and said, "With my talent, I am afraid that this life is impossible.

It is also very important to guard the Nether Purgatory and maintain order here. "

After saying this, You Chen's figure fluttered along with it.

Envy is envy, but You Chen is also very satisfied.

Once the home was destroyed, he became a full-hearted lonely wild ghost.

Compared to the past, today is really much better.

At least, although it is still a ghost, but with the goal and motivation, there is no need to live like a ghost.


Tianheng mainland, western region.

Protoss and demons invaded Tianheng, and the entire Tianheng was almost in ruins.

The Western Region is no exception.

Moreover, the Protoss and Demon were killed from the Lost Gusen in the Western Regions, and the creatures in the Western Regions were even more tragic.

Shi Feng led the eight major ghost generals and women in blue clothes. Wherever he went, it was really "no grass or grass".

"Emperor, there is a city in front of it called Hange City. When we enter Hange City, there should be space to transmit the altar.

At that time, we should be able to get to Lost Gusen within ten days through the altar. Gui Xiu reported to Shi Fengyu.

"Hmm!" Shi Feng nodded slowly when he heard the words of the ghost, "I hope the altar in Hange City will not be damaged, which can reduce our distance."

Even so, Shi Feng also felt that since the aliens had the full power to rule the Western Regions at that time, it would not damage the teleportation altar in the city.

Because with the altar, it is more convenient for them to transport and transfer.

The people continued to wander, and a seemingly dilapidated city appeared in their eyes.

A strong resentment floated in the sky.

Just now, the sky they were in was still sunny, but now, the clouds are rolling over this cold pavilion.

This is the resentment that condenses after the tragic death of countless creatures.

Then, ten of them landed towards the broken city.

Wherever you look, the city is covered with bones, with a rotting stench.

It highlights the cruelty of war and the brutality of aliens.

And, the weakness of the Tianheng mainland people.

"Dust returns to dust, soil to soil." Shi Feng murmured secretly.

Then, a blazing white flame jumped out of him and fell into the cold pavilion.

"Wow!" There was a soft sound, and the place where Bai Yan fell, immediately burst into flames.

Then, Bai Yan swept violently and spread.

Spreading rapidly in all directions.

The fire burned the cold pavilion, and the scene suddenly looked spectacular.

However, these white flames have been under Shi Feng's control. Shi Feng only burned the corpses in the city and did not let Bai Yan burn to the houses and other buildings.

Although the people who were once killed in this city, this city is here. In the future, new people can come and live here.

On a square that was also burned by white flames, a teleportation array appeared in Shi Feng's soul induction.

Shi Feng led them and fell down.

They fell on the teleportation altar.

The ghost moved around his mind and started manipulating the teleportation array. Soon after, a green light rose from the altar and instantly devoured ten of them.

With them, rushed to the sky.


Sure enough, as they expected, although each city did not have a living mouth, the teleportation altar was there.

When Shi Feng passed through the city, anyone who saw the bones was burned with white flames.

Transmission all the way, all the way.

Eight days later, they came before a giant mountain.

"As long as you cross this mountain, you will be the lost Gusen." Ghost said, looking at the giant mountain ahead.

"Lost Goosen." Shi Feng murmured secretly.

These days, in fact, his mind has not been quite peaceful.

After coming here, I felt the restlessness even more.

It seems that there is nothing famous about that lost Gusen.

This giant mountain, Shi Feng can see, it should have been a habitat for monsters.

Today, there is no breath of life in the mountains.

It seems that the monsters here have also been killed.

However, they do not have a corpse of a monster, which means that those monsters are likely to have been swallowed up by that ferocious alien.

The Protoss is okay, the demons, but wherever they go, no corpse is seen.

"There are some mysterious things in this mountain." And just then, Shi Feng suddenly heard the blue woman beside her suddenly said such a sentence.

"What's mysterious? What?" Upon hearing her words, Shi Feng's face moved and she asked her quickly.

Just now, under the power of his powerful soul, nothing was felt in this mountain.

But she ...

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the woman in blue slowly shook her head and said, "I'm not quite sure, but I feel so.

Anyway, be careful. "

As he said this, he saw the fair-skinned face, showing the solemn color.

"Well. Everyone should be careful. After entering this place, don't be careless." Shi Feng said.

The sound was rippling.

The Eight Great Ghosts have become serious.

"Go!" As soon as Shi Feng sang, he took the lead.

Then the other nine figures also took off.

"Take my orders, you all follow me and keep a distance from me." Shi Feng ordered them.

There is something mysterious, he feels, with his physical body today, he can certainly carry it.

And they are different.

"Yes, the Emperor!" The eight ghosts responded in unison.

Although the blue woman did not respond, she, like the Eight Great Ghosts, opened a flying distance with that one.

Contact these days, she also knows that this person's defense is absolutely abnormal.

General strength really can't kill him.

"But what is mysterious in the end?" All the thoughts of Shi Feng have begun to sweep through this huge mountain.

Don't let go of all grass and trees.

Soon, he flew on top of this huge mountain ...

(End of this chapter)

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