Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3703: The world will change


As Shi Feng escaped from the battle, at this moment he looked away, and lost his way above Gusen again, and was calm again.

Calmly, as if nothing had happened.

But looking at that side of Xiu Xiu, above the grimace, there was still a dread.

After looking around, he then lowered his head again, his eyes fell on Shi Feng's broken body again.

The ghost still hugged him, squatted on the ground, and looked at it quietly.

The anxiety on the charming enchanting face still did not fade away.

Now all they can do is wait for him to wake up and sense his vital characteristics at all times.

"Emperor, you must be fine." Ghost said secretly.


Time passes slowly, slowly.

Darkness receded and everything revived.

When the first ray of sunshine hit Shi Feng's shabby face, he saw his brow and suddenly moved slightly.

Ghost charm has been staring at him tightly from last night to now, even the slight change in his face, even if captured by her.

"Great Emperor!" The ghost charm even felt him, his body trembling in his arms.

Closed eyes opened slowly at this moment.

Shi Feng is still in a confused state, everything in front of him is hazy.

However, she heard a soft voice.

The first time I heard it, this was the ghostly shout.

In front of him, phantoms confuse eyes.

In the end, the phantoms of Dao Dao slowly overlapped together, the charming and enchanting face of Ghost Charm, showing a tender and playful face, appeared in Shi Feng's eyes extremely clearly.

"Ghost ... charm." Shi Feng shouted extremely weakly.

"Eh!" Just after saying this, a moan in pain, Dun cried from Shi Feng's mouth.

"Emperor, don't move around." Ghostly screamed, nervously.

"You're too badly injured, and you can't move any more." Ghost also said.

Hearing the words of ghosts, Shi Feng nodded slightly.

Then he swept his eyes slightly and saw that the Eight Great Ghosts were safe and sound, and he was relieved.

He was worried that he was in that vast array, and these guys rushed to save himself.

Well, they really have finished playing.

Followed by, Shi Feng secretly started the operation of recovery. At the same time, one after another, the mysterious spirits kept flying out of the storage ring.

Shi Feng opened his mouth, and the elixir kept falling into his mouth.

Next, Shi Feng was still hugged by ghosts and began to slowly recover from this serious injury.

I was so badly hurt by that horrific array that I still need some time to fully recover.

Shi Feng is fully recovering, Shi Feng, passing slowly.

Ghost charm, still watching him so quietly.

The breeze blew her hair, revealing a different kind of beauty.

"Master!" Suddenly, Shi Feng was recovering, and the voice of the skull Yan heard echoing in her head.

After hearing this voice, Shi Feng quickly responded: "I ... have been severely damaged, and ... is in the process of ... recovering, and later, communicate with me."

"Yes, master!" Skeleton Yan respectfully responded.

Although he heard the owner was hurt, he was worried, but he also knew that now is not the time for questioning.

In order to recover from the injury, the owner needs to calm down wholeheartedly.


Gradually, Shi Feng's exposed flesh and blood began to slowly recover and heal.

This extremely injured physical body also slowly stabilized.

Day and night again.

Night and day again.

The Eight Great Ghosts will be waiting all the time.

"Yes, almost." Feeling secretly, Shi Feng said secretly in his heart.

Although it has not been completely recovered, it is already okay.

Then, relying on your strong blood, you can automatically recover slowly.

Just then, Shi Feng opened her eyes again.

"Imperial, are you okay?" Looking at Shi Feng, who opened his eyes again, the ghost said, his voice was full of tenderness.

"Well, all right," Shi Feng replied.

Following the movement of the body, the body has left the ghost's charm, standing proudly in the earth.

The eight ghosts looked at Shi Feng, who was full of life, and finally let go.

As long as this one is still here, this day is here!

"This big array." Shi Feng turned his head again, and looked in the direction of that lost Gusen again.

"Emperor, you must never pass by again." Seeing Shi Feng looking to the side, the ghosts were worried again.

"Relax, I have something in mind. This time, I really can't compete with it today." Shi Feng replied.

After hearing Shi Feng's answer, the ghosts and the other seven ghost generals were relieved.

Just now, he was really worried that this one would mess up again.

"Well, we should go back." Shi Feng said to the eight ghosts.

"Yes!" Eight ghosts responded in unison to Shi Feng.

And just as they were supposed to drink, they saw the sky above them. A mysterious force of space appeared suddenly, and the space swirl of the magic lamp of Solomon swept across.

Just now, Shi Feng communicated with Skull Yan again, allowing him to open this space channel.

The next moment, Shi Feng's figure took the lead and flew up.

Seeing him moving, the eight ghosts will quickly lift off, and the nine figures will rush into the purple vortex.

Shuttle through the purple flame world, and soon, Shi Feng and the eight ghosts will return to that very fierce land.

Skull Yan, once again kneeling in the ground on one knee, greeted Shi Feng's return.

"Master!" When she saw Shi Feng, Skull Yan immediately drank.

Looking at the dark and huge skull face of Skull Yan, Shi Feng seemed to see something.

"Are you okay?" Shi Feng frowned and asked him.

"Master, a few days ago, senior Tiangui came back once." Skeleton Yan said.

"Heaven is back?" When Shi Yan said this, Shi Feng's face moved quickly.

But the meaning in the words of Skull Yan, that is, the ghost returned after that day, and then left.

"What did he come back for, did you let me bring you a message?" Shi Feng asked him quickly.

Once the sky ghost promised himself, after he cultivated to reach the God King Nine Heavens, he told himself about Emperor Youtian.

As a result, this guy didn't keep his promise, so he left the fierce land silently.

"Senior ghost said, Master, stay well in Tianheng continent, don't pursue everything about Youtian Emperor." Skeleton replied.

"He said that?" Shi Feng asked him again.

"Oh, the senior ghost also said that the world will change." Skeleton Yan answered again.

"The world will change? What do you mean?" Shi Feng frowned and asked him.

"The subordinates didn't know what it meant, Senior Tiangui said nothing.

You also know him, and he will tell his subordinates what he is willing to say.

He was reluctant to say, asked, and would not answer. Skeleton Yan respectfully replied.

Chapter two

"This guy, why always talk halfway." Shi Feng said angrily.

However, in his mind, he has been thinking, what the world will change, what does it mean.

What will heaven and earth change like this?

This day ghost!

"Forget it, regardless of him. No matter how the world changes, me, or me.

As long as you become stronger, you can welcome all the unknown. Shi Feng said secretly in her heart.

After seeing the sky ghost and seeing the vast array, Shi Feng knew that he was still too weak.

This time in the battle of Tianheng, his old rival Protoss has even sent the existence of the Five Heavens of Heaven.

If the Protoss reappears next time, I don't know what kind of strongman will appear again.

"Power!" The most important thing is still the power that can destroy all enemies.

"That's right!" Then, skeleton Yan seemed to remember something again, and said to Shi Feng again:

"Senior Goblin also asked me to give you these."

When the skull Yan's words did not fall, he saw fifteen black lights, shooting out from him.

Seeing these fifteen black lights, Shi Feng opened her eyes and exclaimed: "Ghost Yin sunflower seeds!"

There is nothing wrong with it. This flying thing is the ghost seed and sunflower seed. There is nothing wrong with it.

And, there are so many!

However, it is normal to think about it. It is not surprising that the ghosts in this extremely fierce land have spent endless years growing so many ghost-yin sunflower seeds.

Shi Feng reached out with his right hand and swept forward.

Fifteen ghost-yin sunflower seeds were immediately caught in his hands, and the tentacles immediately felt cold.

This is the power of the Yin Yin sunflower seeds.

Seeing Shi Feng taking all the seeds of Guiyin Sunflower into his hands, Skull Yan said:

"Master, the predecessor of Heaven Ghost has an account. The ghost Yin sunflower seeds can only be obeyed once in a lifetime.

"Oh." Shi Feng nodded.

Then, as soon as he worked hard, eight ghost Yin sunflower seeds flew out of him.

Fly to the seven ghosts except ghosts, and skeleton Yan.

Ghost charm was last wounded, and it was because of her that she entered this terrible land, looking for the ghost-yin sunflower seeds.

Therefore, ghost charm has already taken ghost Yin sunflower seeds, according to the sky ghost, has no effect.

Skull Yan and the Eight Great Ghosts can develop their potential.

For their loyalty, Shi Feng will not have the slightest doubt.

"Ghost Yin sunflower seeds!"

"Ghost Yin sunflower seeds!"

"Ghost Yin sunflower seeds!"


Put the ghost Yin sunflower seeds into it, looking at the most overcast thing in the hand, seven grimace faces have undergone great changes, "The Great Emperor!"

Then look at Shi Feng, on the white face, full of gratitude.

The mystery of the ghost and sunflower seeds is obvious to all.

Since the ghosts swallowed it, martial arts repaired it for thousands of miles.

Today, they have been left far behind.

"Thank you master!" Skull Yan also shouted gratefully.

Although he has not seen the magic of this ghost-yin sunflower seed with his own eyes, the fifteen ghost-yin sunflower seeds of Tiangui have been in his hands these days.

So he knew that this little thing exuding great power was not easy.

"We don't need to say this between us. The Emperor Guiyin Sunflower Seed has been swallowed once and has no effect. It can be given to you." Shi Feng said.

The Seven Great Ghosts are still full of joy.

"Well, Skull Yan, open the Nether Purgatory channel, the emperor returns." Shi Feng said to Skull Yan.

"Yes, master."


Skull Yan used the magic lamp of Solo again, and opened the channel again.

It didn't take long for Shi Feng and the Eight Great Ghosts to return to the Nether Purgatory, above the statue of the Great Nine You Emperor.

"Hee hee, hee hee, hee hee."

Shi Feng's soul power swept away naturally, and in the distance, a laughter was captured by him.

Then, a small figure was sensed, playing with a little black snake.

In addition to one person and one snake, there are many wandering souls, constantly chased by the little guy, and on the grimace, full of panic appears.

The wandering souls are increasingly fleeing, and this little Shile riding on the little black snake laughs more happily.

Shi Feng grinned, and said, "This little thing has been stolen by another person.

This time, ghosts are still playing. "

"Hee hee, hee hee hee, don't you get caught by me, as long as I get caught, you will be punished."

"Hee hee, little hum, hurry up, hurry up."


"Well, you all go to each of you, and each has its own role." Shi Feng said to the eight major ghosts.

"Yes!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, the eight ghosts will respond in unison.

Subsequently, the ghosts and ghosts flickered together and disappeared on top of the stone statue of Jiuyou Emperor.

Only Stone Maple and Ghosts are left here.

Ghostly, want to stay with him more, don't want to leave.

"The little prince is so cute." Ghost naturally felt the movement in the distance and said to Shi Feng with a smile.

"It's starting to trick again," Shi Feng said, "when I'm not here, look at it more."

"Great Emperor, are you leaving again?" The ghost charm heard what Shi Feng said, and the charming and charming face changed immediately.

"Well, next, I have to go to the gods again." Shi Feng told her.

The gods, the destiny ancient land protoss invasion, do not know what it looks like today, you have to go and see.

There are also Yun Yimeng, Xiao Tianyi, and Ning Cheng, who also remain in the realms of the gods.

"This time, let your subordinates go with you." Ghost asked.

"No." Shi Feng shook her head when she heard her words.

He said to her, "Although the important people of the Protoss and Demons have been killed by us.

But in that battle, not all the Protoss and Demon races may have been dispatched, and maybe scattered all over Tianheng.

In the future, you continue to track down!

Also, next time, I do n’t know where the protoss will invade our Tianheng. Tianheng needs your strength to guard. "

"Okay." Hearing Shi Feng said so much, although he wanted to go to other worlds with him, the ghosts nodded and agreed.

"Brother!" Shi Feng exclaimed, coming from behind Shi Feng.

Shi Feng and the ghost turned their heads, and Xiao Shiling just flashed.

"Princess." Ghost exclaimed to Shi Ling.

"Linger." Shi Feng also followed.

"Brother, you're back." Shi Ling grinned at Shi Feng, smiling like a pure lily in full bloom.

"Just returned." Shi Feng answered.

"Oh, yes, here you are." As he said this, a black mang flew from Shi Feng's hand and flew towards Shi Ling.

"What is this?" Seeing this black mang, Shi Ling showed curiosity and reached out to pick it up.

But as soon as I touched it, I heard a coy cry: "It's so cold!"

However, she still held the ghost-yin sunflower seed in her hands.

"This is Ghost Yin Sunflower Seed, which can develop your potential. When you go home, find a chance to take it." Shi Feng told her.

(End of this chapter)

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