
"Well, good brother." Shi Ling looked at the ghost-yin sunflower seeds in his hand and replied obediently.

"Hee hee, dad, aunt!"

Just then, Shi Feng suddenly heard the shout behind him.

Xiao Shile seems to have sensed the arrival of Shi Feng and Shi Ling, riding a little black snake Xiao Wu, flew over here.

"Huh!" Shi Ling snorted coldly at the sight of Shi Le.

Shouting at the other side: "Run away with Xiaowu secretly and watch you go back, your mother will not open your ass."

"Hee hee hee, auntie, just don't say no to your mother-in-law." Shi Le still said with a hippie smile.

Followed by, he said, "Well, what did Dad say, here is Le's home. Let's go home and see what's wrong."

"You ..." Xiao Shile's sentence made Shi Ling wonder how to refute.

"This little thing." Even Shi Feng shook her head and smiled slightly.

"Leer come here, Dad will give you something good." Shi Feng said to Shi Le.

"Good thing? Dad, what a good thing." Xiao Shile crooked her head, and her small, chubby face showed a doubtful expression, looking cute and asking Shi Feng.

"This." Shi Feng took out a ghost Yin sunflower seed and handed it to Xiao Shile.

"What is this?" Xiao Shile's face was even more confused, and he reached out to pick it up.

"Ohh Ohh ohh."

The little black snake next to him screamed at Shi Le continuously "Woo", as if he felt the energy in the seeds of the ghost Yin sunflower, and signaled that Shi Le should not touch it easily.

"Xiao Wu, it's okay. This is a good gift from my dad. Dad won't hurt me."

Shi Le today seems to really understand the words of this little black snake and respond to it.

"Woo." Hearing Shi Le, the little black snake whispered.

Followed, there was no more sound.

"Ah! It's so cold!" At this moment, Shi Le's small hand had touched the ghost Yin sunflower seeds in Shi Feng's hands, and the whole person shuddered and exclaimed.

"Daddy, what is this, why is it so cold." Then, his little hand grabbed the ghost Yin sunflower seeds and watched them in front of him.

"This congenital Jiuyin body, really abnormal." Looking at Shi Le, Shi Feng whispered secretly.

Today, his martial arts practice, but in the Samsung martial arts, he can safely touch the ghost Yin sunflower seeds, only to feel colder.

If it is an ordinary martial arts warrior, at this moment, it is estimated that the body has already been frozen too much.

"Daddy, can you eat this?" Shi Le looked up and asked Shi Feng with blinking eyes.

"Just for you." Shi Feng said.

"Oh, that's it. All right." Shi Le said, and he directly inserted the ghost and sunflower seeds into his mouth.

As soon as the entrance of the ghost yin sunflower seeds, it turned directly into a majestic horror.

Run straight from Shi Le's throat into the body.

"Ah!" For a moment, a shout rang out from Shi Le's mouth, and his smart eyes opened sharply at this moment.

"Leer." At the sight of Shi Feng, Shi Lingqiao's face changed immediately.

"It doesn't matter." Seeing Shi Ling's face was worried, Shi Feng waved her hand gently.

The power of his soul naturally felt Shi Le.

If Shi Le really appears to be in a situation, he will naturally take the first shot and force the Yin force out.

However, at this moment, although the power of the Yin Yin sunflower seeds is frantic in Xiao Shile's body, it is still being absorbed by his nine ghostly bodies.

Bone, flesh, organs, tendons and veins ... but it is constantly strengthening, without causing any slight damage to it.

Extremely stable!

Perhaps this is also this little guy, this metamorphosis of the congenital Nine Ghost.

Immediately afterwards, a white light flashed from Shi Le's body.

Only in this moment, he went directly from the Samsung Wuling to the four-star Wuling.

But Shi Le broke through the realm in this way, and another brother said that it was all right, and Shi Ling's worried heart set a lot.

However, in Shi Ling's heart, he saw a white light rising from Shi Le's body.

"He, broke through again!" Shi Ling's expression suddenly moved again.

Then, one after another, white light flashed from Xiao Shile's body.

He devoured the ghost Yin sunflower seeds, even breaking through the realm constantly.

Soon, he reached Wu Shengjing!

However, when he stepped into Wu Sheng, Bai Guang still didn't stop, one after another, and then one after another.

It didn't stop until he entered Wudi's realm.

I did not expect that a child who was only four years old would have reached the level of Emperor Wudi.

Once the entire eastern region of the Tianheng continent, billions of souls could hardly break through, and it was easily broken by such a small child.

"It's weird, so comfortable." Bai Guang stopped, Shi Le said.

Then he looked at Shi Feng and said, "Dad, are you there? Le'er still wants to eat."

Shi Feng touched his head and said, "Eat one is fine. Eating more is useless."

"Oh." Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Le Er blinked and stared at her father. She looked like she did not understand, and nodded at Shi Feng.

"Huh?" But at this moment, Shi Feng frowned suddenly, feeling the anomaly of this world.

Not only Shi Feng, but also ghosts and spirits, his face changed.

I just felt that in all directions, the yin became uncommon, and the rolling yin suddenly emerged, rushing towards this side extremely violently.

"Heaven!" Shi Feng suddenly spit out these two words.

"Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!" The little black snake, probably, sensed that the imminent danger was imminent, and the whole dark snake was tense and kept roaring.

"Le'er, let's go!" Shi Feng immediately grasped Shi Le with a flickering figure and left the statue of Emperor Jiuyou.

The next time, he came to a gloomy void in the distance.

When Shi Feng and Shi Le disappeared, the spirit and ghost figures flashed immediately.

Soon, only the little black snake remained on the statue of Nine You Emperor.

"Ahh!" A long whistle, Xiaowu saw that the snake body was also a violent charge, followed by Shi Le's breath into a black awn, and shot wildly.


The statue of Jiuyou Emperor, although there are young heads in Nether Purgatory, the material is hard.

However, Shi Feng was also worried that she would not be able to withstand the impact of Shi Lotian Robbery and turned into powder.

This statue is of great significance to the ghosts of Nether Purgatory and cannot be destroyed.

After Shi Feng brought Shi Le into a void, the rolling Yin power naturally followed Xiao Xiao Le.

Yin Li, getting more and more fierce, as if the raging wind and waves are coming.

There was already a violent storm in this world.

All wandering souls have been panicked and evaded like a god.

Chapter two

"Dad, I'm a little scared."

The heavens and the earth changed, and with the eyes of power coming, Xiao Shile looked up at this moment and said to Shi Feng.

After all, this is just a four-year-old child.

How can you not be afraid to feel the majestic force in all directions?

"Don't be afraid, there are fathers, fathers will surely protect you." Shi Feng said.

"Daddy ..." When Shi Le uttered this sentence again, she suddenly saw the rolling force coming from all directions, suddenly rushing, and rushed to Shi Le and Shi Feng.

Extremely fierce, like a wild beast, endless.

The power of heaven and earth appeared to the Yin, impacting Shi Le's physical body, trying to destroy him, this is his heaven.

A practitioner, a talent who opposes the heaven, or a warrior who has reached a realm, the heavens and the earth will appear to be destroyed, and they will be destroyed.

Because the rules of heaven and earth are here, when they touch this rule, they reverse it.

"Ah!" To the shock of Yin's power, Rao was screaming with painful pain as Shi Lei was pregnant with this congenital nine ghostly body.

The small body, constantly trembling, is constantly being destroyed.

"Ah! Ah! Dad save me, Dad save me!" Xiao Shile in pain, hugged Shi Feng next to her, and yelled.

Today's Shi Feng, with such strong strength, is still motionless in the face of this force of Yin Yin.

Just because of this calamity, for him, it can't cause any harm at all.

However, he was shocked!

"These calamities are probably the nine-star Emperor Wudi.

As a result ... it actually fell on this little thing! "

"And he even kept it up."

Although Shi Le roared, although the body was trembling, his body was constantly being destroyed by the power of Yin, seemingly extremely broken and dripping with blood.

But he didn't actually hurt it at all.

And at this moment, he has already erupted his whole body to compete with this surging force of Yin.

In the distance, Shi Ling, Ghost, Little Black Snake and Xiao Wu are there.

"Woohoo, woohoo, hoohoo!"

The little black snake kept roaring, however, the overcast force that side rushed to Shi Le was too fierce, and it did not dare to approach.

Shi Ling watched quietly. She also had many experiences of Tianjie, but her face was still full of worries about the horrible Tianjie of Shi Le.

Leer, it's too small. How can he bear such a powerful force at such a small age?

"Relax, princess, with the great emperor, the little prince will be fine."

The ghost saw the anxiety in Shi Ling's heart and comforted her.

"Um." Shi Ling nodded slightly when he heard the words of ghosts.

However, she also whispered in her heart: "Fortunately, the sister-in-law is not here. If the sister-in-law sees Leer like this, he must not feel bad."

However, just after Shi Ling said this, Qiao's face suddenly changed, and he whispered:

"Ah! No!"

Immediately afterwards, she turned her head.

Even the ghosts moved their heads and looked back.

Really say that bitch, **** is here!

When Shi Ling saw it, not far away, there was a beautiful shade of blue pigment, which slowly fluttered in this direction.

In addition to Xing Yue, who else can.

"Bitch!" Shi Ling shouted at the party.

"What's going on?" Xingyue spoke out, looking at the power in the distance surging in the void.

"It's Leer, he!" Then, Xingyue's beautiful white coat's pretty face suddenly changed.

Shi Ling flashed beside Xingyue and explained to her: "Leer is crossing the robbery, my brother is there, and the sister-in-law should not be too worried."

"Crossing." Xing Yue whispered these two words.

Then he nodded to Shi Ling.

Linger found that she had become surprisingly calm, so calm that she felt a little surprised.

Even ... as if there was a feeling before the storm.

However, next, Xing Yue still did so, and looked at the side quietly with Shi Ling.

Did not say a word.

"Xunzi ..." Shi Ling shouted at Xing Yue again.

When Xingyue heard this cry, her eyes recovered from the violent void, looking at Shi Ling, she said, "What?"

"Nothing," Shi Ling said.

"Oh." Xing Yue whispered gently, followed, and looked towards Shi Le and Shi Feng again.

"She doesn't seem to worry at all?" Shi Ling murmured.

"Perhaps, she knows that her brother is here, and Le'er must be fine.

It was me, too worried.

The elder brother is there, everything is naturally under his control. "


"Huh? The power of the day is getting stronger?"

Shi Feng in the violent Yin force suddenly spoke again.

As Shi Feng just said this word, she saw the rushing force of Yin to become more solid and white.

Then, like a fierce beast, he stormed heavily on Shi Le's small body.

"Ah!" A more painful roar yelled from Shi Le's mouth.

That shabby little face has become extremely shy.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Sen Bai to Yin Yin, one after another, fiercer than fierce.

Shi Le's small body was constantly violently blasted.

"I'm afraid that this power can destroy a demi-god." Shi Feng continued to sense the power in all directions, looking at Xiao Shile.

However, he naturally senses Shi Le's condition all the time, and this small abnormality can still be carried.

If these robberies are resisted by him, he will definitely be reborn.

The more fierce the sky, as long as it is carried down, the benefits will be greater for the warrior.

Today, Shi Feng, like God ’s heavy heaven, can have the power of five heavens. In addition to his perverted flesh, evil spirits, evil powers, and others, he has been destroyed by the Black Devil again and again baptism.

So when Shi Le goes through this catastrophe, Shi Feng must not shoot quickly when he can't.

The best thing is that this little guy needs to carry it all by himself.

At this time, I can only be ruthless.

Time passes slowly, slowly.

Xiao Shile became more and more broken and weaker.

He was so weak that he couldn't even scream.

And at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly felt that the surging forest-white to overcast power had begun to weaken rapidly, and even began to disperse.

"It looks like Tianjie is almost over."

"This little pervert has finally been carried over."

"If we continue to grow in the future, it will definitely be a great help for me."

Shi Feng looked at Shi Le, murmured secretly.

At this moment, he finally saw that the little guy couldn't bear it. As if he had lost all his strength, when he arrived, he passed out and fell down.

When Shi Feng saw this, he quickly reached out and grabbed him, then embraced him.

He took out a golden elixir full of vitality and shoved it directly into Shi Le's mouth.

"Xunzi, Le'er Tianjie is over." On the other side, Shi Ling said to Xing Yue ...

(End of this chapter)

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