Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3714: Homeland of Despair


The power of the hidden soul can be intertwined with the power of the blood demon. It is conceivable that after the hidden soul returns to its true power, how terrible it will be ...

The excitement and excitement on Tian Ming Emperor's face has become more and more prosperous.

Although he has been the monarch of a country and the lord of a **** and land, he has seen strong winds and waves, but it is difficult to conceal the emotion in his heart.

"The hidden soul reappears, the world is at your fingertips!"

"Boom boom!"



When Shi Feng descended the mountain along the dark stone staircase, the whole world violently trembled again.

Shi Fengdun stopped and looked up.

He knew that this movement must have been made by the Emperor Ming that day, after seeing himself go.

"Inevitably, it has something to do with the power of the blood demon sword!" Shi Feng said secretly.

The guy asked himself to come over, and if he really had no purpose, Shi Feng would not believe it.

However, Shi Feng did not want to ignore them anymore, those have nothing to do with himself.

Later, he lowered his head, and then endured the violent rush of the magical power of the sacrifice, step by step, and then went down the mountain.


Shi Feng returned to the mountainside of Jimoshan and saw the dark stone monument again and descended the dark stone ladder.

Later, Shi Feng's figure slammed in the opposite direction of Ji Mo Shan, and suddenly burst out of the billowing magic mist.

Then returned to that bright world.

At this moment, the strong sun was hanging high, and it was almost noon.

"Boom Boom Boom Boom!" However, Ji Mo Shan is still extremely stable, and is still violently violent, even with this sky, is also trembling.

Shi Feng looked again at the offering demon mountain, at this moment, as if the whole mountain was about to collapse.

When she thought, Shi Feng flashed white light in front of her, and the charming red figure reappeared.

"Hee hee." As soon as Jian Tong came out of Xumi Mountain, he smiled at Shi Feng.

"I saw her." Then, she said to Shi Feng with a smile.

"See her?" Shi Feng quickly realized who Jiantong referred to as "her."

I saw Jin Mo in the Sumi Mountains.

"She is really beautiful, so beautiful that it makes me jealous." Then, Jian Tong said.

From her smile, there was no sign of unhappiness.

"You are also beautiful." Shi Feng told her.

"Hee hee, isn't it?" Jian Tong laughed even more happily when he heard Shi Feng's words.

"Do you like me, too?" Jian Tong asked suddenly.

For a time, Shi Feng was embarrassed again.

"Hehe hehe, okay."

Before waiting for Shi Feng to answer anything, Jian Tong made a laugh again, breaking the sudden embarrassment, turning his head to look at the vast and boundless sky ahead, looking at the white clouds, and said to Shi Feng:

"Let's go."

"Don't worry, wait here." Shi Feng said to Jian Tong.

At this moment, he is waiting for the skull Yan Yan of the terrible land, and then communicates with the skeleton Yan, returning to the terrible land.

"Oh, okay." Jian Tong nodded slightly.

After Jian Tong answered this, he didn't speak again.

I have been watching the sky quietly, feeling the hot wind blowing on my face.

And Shi Feng, now immersed his thoughts in his storage ring.

During this period of battle, many enemies were killed and many objects of space storage were seized.

However, I haven't seen it well.

The power of the soul swept madly.

Today, there are many treasures in his storage ring.

However, Shi Feng is not very interested in many natural treasures.

"This is, Black Scent?"

"Gentian wood!"

"Qianyuan is real gold!"


There are also a few things that made Shi Feng interested.

These are all the materials needed by his demons.

The sky demon slays the magic array, because the material needs too much, Shi Feng has not been completed.

Before he arrived, the nine main materials he collected:

Amethyst ice!

Magic Soldiers!

Geocentric inflammation!

Bloody Thunder!

Eye of the Earth!

There are five in total.

The rare material of 981 is fifty-five.

Now, he has discovered several rare materials, although several have been repeated.

"This is, Tianlong Wood!" But soon, Shi Feng's attention focused on a golden dragon-shaped wood.

As soon as my heart moved, Longmu appeared his hand that day, feeling the energy flowing out of it.

"Well, it's true that Longmu was right that day." Shi Feng said secretly.

Tianlong wood, one of the nine main materials, is extremely scarce.

I didn't expect to be right next to him and stay with me.

"Black Moon Stone!" When Shi Feng put away Longmu that day, shortly after, a black meniscus-shaped stone was taken out of his storage ring.

Black Moon Stone is also one of the nine main materials!

Add that day's dragon wood and the five major master materials collected earlier. In this way, nine master materials have gathered seven!

It's two pieces short!


In the end, the objects in the storage ring were swept by Shi Feng's soul.

Pieces of materials required by the Sky Demon Array flew out of the ring.

Collected separately by Shi Feng.

In the end, he didn't find the main material anymore, but he found 17 pieces of the scarce material needed for 981 without re-sampling.

Adding the previous fifty-five, a total of seventy-two.

Nine pieces left!

But then again, these things are really hard to find.

Now that Shi Feng has arrived, the creatures killed do not know how many millions there are.

As a result, those spoils add up to only these.

The sky demon slays the magic array, it is really extremely difficult to lay this array.

"Are you finished?" Seeing Shi Feng still, suddenly, Jian Tong asked him such a sentence.

"Well, all right," Shi Feng said, "but we should wait a little longer."

Skull Yan in the fierce land has not yet contacted him.

"Um." Jian Tong answered gently.

"Master!" But at this moment, Shi Feng's mind suddenly rang out this shout.

"Open the channel, I want to go back to the fierce land." Shi Feng quickly transmitted a message to Skeleton Yan.


"Okay, you can go." Shi Feng said this to Jian Tong just now, and he saw a purple flame swirl above the sky.


Seeing the passage, Shi Feng and Jian Tong immediately moved at the same time and flew up.

Soon, the two entered the vortex together, shuttled between the billowing purple flames.

Returning to the fierce land, Shi Feng felt the mark left in the endless darkness by the magic lamp of Solo, and opened the door of space.

In the end, the two came to the dark gate leading to the mixed god's land and stepped into it together!


"Here is the place of chaos?"

In a gloomy world, Shi Feng and Jian Tong stood on a dry well, eyes, looking in all directions.

Around them now, like a broken village, a large tree by the well had dried up, and three yellow dead leaves drifted down slowly with the gloomy breeze.

Chapter two

The power of the soul burst out wildly.

Everything in this world is in Shi Feng's induction instantly.

This dilapidated village seems to have been abandoned and no longer has a strong vitality.

Some are just ordinary snake and rat ants.

"Kheke! Keke! Kekeke!" But at this moment, originally thought that there was no living Shi Feng, suddenly heard the cough of the old man.

"Someone?" For a moment, Shi Feng's face changed, and passed from behind him, he turned around and looked over.

I saw an old man in white, with a yellow complexion and leaning on a cane, walking towards Shi Feng step by step.

The appearance, and the look of it, were no different from an ordinary old man at all.

But strangely, Shi Feng felt it with the power of the soul again, and the result was nothingness.

It is impossible to sense the presence of this old man.

"This person is not simple." Shi Feng had already reached this conclusion in his heart.

"I don't know why. Seeing him, I feel uncomfortable." Jian Tong said slowly in Shi Feng's ear.

"Hide behind me," Shi Feng said solemnly, and told her.

"Um." Jian Tong nodded slightly and floated behind Shi Feng.

Shi Feng's gaze was still looking at the old man in white walking with a cane.

Just then, the old man grinned at Shi Feng suddenly.

The skinny face smiled with a bit of evil.

"For many years, I haven't seen anyone appear here." The old man said, as if speaking to Shi Feng, as if talking to himself.

"Dare to ask who you are?" Shi Feng asked the old man with his fists.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." Hearing Shi Feng's words, he continued to laugh "Hey hey hey".

There was an uncomfortable gloom in the laughter.

"After all these years, I have forgotten what my name is. You, just call me a bad old man." The old man replied.

"Oh." Shi Feng nodded.

Although the old man has not shown hostility to himself, Shi Feng still dares not care.

An existence that you cannot see through.

And, now that the realms of the gods have changed, who knows where this old guy came from.

"Hey." Then the old man grinned again, although the two old eyes looked awkward, but they showed a vague evil.

Seeing that the old man was still walking towards the two of them, Shi Feng said, "Don't leave me alone if there is something important to do."

After saying this, Shi Feng took Jiantong behind him and flew directly into the sky, flying towards the gloomy sky.

On the ground, and in the broken village, the old man who remained was standing alone.

Like an lonely old man, he looked up, looked at the sky, and looked at the two stone maples in the air.

The eyes of Shi Feng and Jian Tong also kept looking at him.

Above that old face, there was still the bleak and desolate smile, and the same thin old hand was stretched out, beating Shi Feng and Jian Tong.

"Disappeared!" Suddenly, Jian Tong shouted.

Shi Feng has also seen that the old man who was still standing there just disappeared directly under his eyelids.

It was as if nothing had happened at all.

The overcast wind was blowing again, blowing up the withered leaves near the village's dry well.

"Really ... hell!" Jian Tong said so.

But soon realized ... that he is the ghost.

At this moment, Shi Feng's soul power and eyesight have completely lost sight of the old man.

However, he remained vigilant at all times.

That old man doesn't look like a kind man.

Take off and fly.

Shi Feng pulled Jiantong, flying soaring through this gloomy world.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the thunder rang, and the thunder shone.

There was a heavy rain in the gloomy sky.

At this moment, Shi Feng and Jian Tong have flew a hundred miles away.

And at this time of flight, Shi Feng's powerful soul force has been shrouded in all directions.

The place of chaos is calmer than he imagined.

In other words, the world today is extremely peaceful.

Among these hundreds of miles, in addition to seeing the vast expanse of wasteland, no human races and stronger fierce beings were seen.

A dead silence.

What's more, Shi Feng realized that in such a lonely place, there was such a lonely broken village and a lonely old man.

As soon as Shi Feng thought, he saw the green square seal from Tian Ming Emperor appeared in his hand.

Immediately, a map unfolded in Shi Feng's mind.

Shi Feng's consciousness was fixed in the chaos.

Compare the place where you are, with the scenes of the map.

"Find it!" Shi Feng shouted.

"This land is called, Despair Homeland!" Shi Feng said, his eyes followed slightly.

These four **** characters float in this world on the map.

Homeland, as the name suggests, is the land of the hometown.

In the homeland, there is the word despair.

Immediately after that, another paragraph floated out:

Everyone who enters the homeland of despair will see an evil old man greeted with a smile. He is the old man of despair.

Anyone stared at by the desperate old man will meet again in this fierce land.

Then, you will see yourself returning to your homeland. In your homeland, you will see your grave. After entering the grave, you will feel despair and slowly die in despair.

"So evil?" Shi Feng frowned slowly.

The old man greeted with a smile is naturally the old guy he saw in the broken village.

According to this introduction, you and Jian Tong will see him again?

"What's the matter with you?" When Jian Feng's face changed and frowned, even frowning, Jian Tong found his unusual and asked out loud.

As soon as he thought, consciousness withdrew from the map in his mind. Shi Feng put away the green seal and said to Jian Tong, "Nothing."

Shi Feng will not tell her about this for the time being, so as not to think wildly and worry.

"Oh, is that it?" Jian Tong Xiumei raised her hair and said.

She could see that something must be wrong.

"Well, believe me," Shi Feng said to her.

For that desperate old man, if he saw it again, Shi Feng planned to destroy it with one punch.

What evil, what despair, is only for the weak.

"Okay." When Jian Feng said that, Jian Tong answered gently.

He convinced himself to believe in him.

"I don't know why, I always feel restless." Jian Tong suddenly said to Shi Feng.

"This is an ominous place, just leave it here." Shi Feng comforted her.

Just now he thought about letting Jian Tong enter Xumi Mountain.

But after thinking about it for a while, she also saw the old guy. The old guy was weird, and Jian Tong's entry into Xumishan Shifeng felt uneasy.

Who knows if something evil will happen.

She has seen the desperate old man, it is safer for her to stay with her ...

(End of this chapter)

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