Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3715: The beginning of despair

3715-Star Wars

Homeland in despair, thunder and lightning, gale howling, torrential rain pouring.

Shi Feng and Jian Tong broke into such a terrible world.

Gradually, an increasingly ominous feeling filled Shi Feng's heart.

"It seems that the old thing is going to use the evil door to crook." Shi Feng murmured secretly.

According to the map, at your current speed, you should be able to rush out of this desperate homeland within half an hour.

But since he met the so-called desperate old man, Shi Feng also knew that the old man should soon appear.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a coquettful voice rang from Jian Tong's mouth.

Shi Feng quickly turned his head and looked at her. He found that Jian Tong at this moment seemed to be awkward in spirit and looked awkward.

There was pain in that charming face.

"What's wrong?" Shi Feng asked her quickly.

"I ... just felt as if someone had hit me **** the back of my head."

Jian Tong said to Shi Feng.

"It seems that the old thing is desperate!" Shi Feng said coldly, secretly.

His old thing hit the sword Tong without even realizing it.

"Old thing, Ben Shao will warn you once. If you try again, Ben Shao will need you to die."

Shi Feng drank coldly, thundering like a turbulent wave, sweeping in all directions.

At this time, Jian Tong also knew that what he had just knocked on himself was the old man who saw the broken village.

"He didn't hurt me just now, maybe, just a joke." Jian Tong said to Shi Feng.

Based on the old man's wickedness, she felt that if she really wanted to kill herself just now, I'd be afraid that she would be able to beat her soul.

"Your state of soul is no longer right." Shi Feng said to Jian Tong.

Jian Tong herself should not have noticed it, but Shi Feng had sensed that her soul had become weaker and weaker.

"My soul is in a wrong state?" Jian Tong said, "But I didn't feel anything abnormal."

It seems that her sense of herself has also gone wrong.

That desperate old man!

"Let's go out of this desperate homeland," Shi Feng said.

"it is good!"

Following this, the two's stature stopped again, and they continued to break.

"Boom boom!"


Above the sky, the thunder continued to explode, and the purple thunder shone from the sky.

"This desperate homeland is about to come out." Shi Feng murmured secretly.

In front of the eyes, there are mountains.

There, it was already a fine sunny day, the sun was shining, and it was full of vitality.

With this homeland of despair, it is like two completely different worlds.

Now, with just three breaths, Shi Feng and Jian Tong can rush out of this desperate homeland and enter a new world full of vitality.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey."

Suddenly, the two of Shi Feng heard suddenly, the old, gloomy, desolate, evil and strange laughter burst out from this world.

The sound is as if from all directions.

Just then, Shi Feng and Jian Tong saw that in front of them, an old figure appeared slowly.

Worn white clothes, swaying with the wind, skinny face and body, leaning on the body, holding a dead wood crutch, who else can be besides the desperate old man!

"Old thing!" Shi Feng shouted coldly at the desperate old man.

Immediately, a black thunder rolled out, rushing towards the desperate old man.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey."

Seeing Shi Feng launching an attack, and seeing the mad thunder looming, the desperate old man was still motionless, still making the "hey hee" laughter.

As if, he ignored Shi Feng's attack at all.

Jian Tong saw with his own eyes that Devil Black Thunder, like a wild beast, swallowed the desperate old man ferociously.

"Boom at him?"

This thunder force, Jian Tong looked at it and knew that it was extremely fierce. If it were really bombarded, I am afraid that old man will also pay the price.

"No." However, Shi Feng shook her head slowly and said these two words.

"Hey Hey Hey."

"Hey Hey."

Immediately afterwards, he heard the eerie laughter again.

Shi Feng and Jian Tong, however, couldn't sense the existence of that old guy at all.

"Damn!" Shi Feng said in a cold voice.

Such an enemy is really extremely annoying.

You can't sense him, you just can't attack him and cause harm.



Suddenly, Shi Feng and Jian Tong both felt a pain in the back of their heads, exclaiming.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey." Followed by a burst of laughter.

"You guys, you need to pay attention. Start to feel the despair slowly. Hehe hehe."

"Desperate your sister!" Shi Feng drank coldly.

"Boom!" The thunder sounded again.

Billowing black mad thunder, billowing white flames, billowing to the power of Yin, billowing dark magic mist, violently burst out from him simultaneously.

It was then incinerated to all directions.

With such a mighty force, Shi Feng clearly felt that the old guy had not been burned.

However, the power that he broke out at the moment was used to protect himself and Jian Tong.

"Go!" Then he drank Jiantong again.

Shi Feng intends to use this strength to rush out of this hopeless homeland.

"Um." Jian Tong nodded.

And Shi Feng has felt that just after the back of the head was hit by the old guy, Jian Tong's state of soul is getting more and more wrong.

Become very weak, as if a gust of wind can blow away.

However, Jian Tong seemed to be unaware of himself.

As he flew forward, Shi Feng took out a ghost-yin sunflower seed, and without any extra words, shoved it directly into Jian Tong's mouth.

At the entrance of the ghost-yin sunflower seeds, there was an overcast force violently rushing up and down the body, and Jian Tong immediately asked: "What is this?"

"Guyin sunflower seeds, digest them well." Shi Feng said to her.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Shi Feng, who was rushing with violent force, changed her look again.

Seeing that I was about to fly out of this desperate homeland, it is reasonable to say that I had already rushed out and rushed to the bright world.

However, they found themselves in this desperate homeland.

"Hey hey hey, have you felt despair? Two little dolls?"

"Hey hey, little boy, this little girl, I will soon be able to enjoy the old man.

Hey Hey. "

The voice of the desperate old man still echoed.

Hearing the last word he said, Shi Feng's face looked like a layer of frost.

The intention of killing appeared, and I really wanted to tear this old thing into pieces.

"Hey, hey."

"Hehe hehe hehe."

Shi Feng, still carrying mad power, rushed forward with Jian Tong.

No matter how he flew, the two of them were still in this desperate homeland.

Obviously, I didn't feel any power to stop, nor did I feel any enchantment.

But just couldn't fly out.

Chapter two

"Hey Hey……"

Gradually, Shi Feng found that the world in front of him became more and more blurred and darker.

In the end, an endless darkness swallowed up all his consciousness.

"Jiantong!" Shi Feng thought of Jiantong for the first time, and touched with his hand, but it was empty.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng felt again that all the power that erupted in her body had disappeared.

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

"Ah! Aah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"


Immediately, Shi Feng heard somber weeping sounds, and howling screams.

Constantly echoing, very close to myself.

Then, the world in front of her changed suddenly, Shi Feng found that she was standing in an endless black ground.

"Here it is, Nether Purgatory!" Shi Feng opened his eyes suddenly, looking at this familiar homeland.

How come you are here?

In the eyes, in addition to this endless black earth, Shi Feng even saw those wandering lonely souls.

And these lonely souls looked at themselves, looking extremely bad, and their faces were full of suffocation, fierceness, and hatred.

As if he was going to die.

"Grave!" At the same time, a black grave emerged not far away. On the tombstone, "Nine You Emperor Nether Tomb" was recorded!

"No! It is an illusion!" In the words of Shi Feng's mind, the words of despair homeland immediately appeared.

"Hey, hey, hey. Little guy, return to your hometown and play slowly.

Hey Hey Hey. "The sound of that old thing echoed in Shi Feng's mind.

As the old guy's gloomy laughter fell, they saw the fierce ghosts flying towards Shi Fengqi.

It seems that the posture is to tear yourself into pieces.

"Presumptuous!" Seeing the evil spirits coming, Shi Feng slammed the ground with his right foot.

If he had done this, he would have been shaken.

However ... the whole world is without any fluctuation.

Originally, he also wanted to use his great strength to directly destroy this illusion.


"This is it?" Shi Feng found that he had lost all the power, no different from an ordinary person.

Subsequently, the evil spirits from all directions had arrived, and flew fiercely on Shi Feng.

Opening his teeth and dancing, he began to tear and bite Shi Feng's body.

"Ah!" A howl of painful howl wailed from Shi Feng's mouth.

"Damn! Damn! Damn desperate old man, this emperor will surely make you suffer a thousand times! Ah!"

Shi Feng roared, roaring back to the sky.

The face, filled with endless anger, had been torn up by these hordes of evil spirits, and black blood was dripping.

It seems to be no different from these evil spirits.

"Hey, hey, hey, little guy, say that, do you think you have the opportunity to make the old man suffer?

Hehehehehe, after a while, this little girl, my husband is going to try something new, hehehehehe.

You, slowly enjoy the taste of despair. Hehe hehe ... "

"Old thing, you dare touch him, Bendi will definitely make you regret it!"

In pain, Shi Feng was still screaming in anger, and the fire of anger had reached its peak.

The whole person was shaking constantly.

Trembling with pain, trembling with anger.

I really thought about it and tore the old thing hard.


Suddenly, Shi Feng screamed in pain.

Is this the scream of that old thing?

what happened?

Is it also an illusion?

What the **** is that old thing?

Immediately, Shi Feng saw the evil spirit biting himself disappeared, and the endless black earth beneath her feet disappeared.

The scene in front of me changes instantly.

Shi Feng saw that he had returned to the void of his desperate homeland.

"Jiantong!" Shi Feng hurriedly turned around, looking for the figure of Jiantong.

Jian Tong was still beside him, except that his charming and enchanting face showed the color of extreme horror. The whole person shrank into a ball and was shaking constantly.

Looking at her appearance, she should have seen an extremely scary picture for her.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" In the distance, a fierce roar came.

With this roar, the sky was violently violent.

Shi Feng looked over and saw the desperate old man.

And he was being held down by a small monster, who was biting him fiercely.

The monster, like a little flower dog, is exactly the nine ghost ghosts!

It seems that the Nine Youling Demon in the Xumi Mountain sensed the crisis of Shi Feng and ran out of the Xumi Mountain without permission.

As a result ... even Shi Feng's powerful soul cannot capture the desperate old man.

He was thrown away by this little guy.

The last time I saw the Nine Nether Demon, the order was in the Heavenly Dual Sky.

Now goodbye, it has evolved to the triple heaven of the gods.

It turned out to be such a short time, and it was another pervert.

Now that the desperate old man has been caught by the Nine Nether Demon, Shi Feng temporarily retracts his gaze, then looks at Jian Tong beside him, squats down with her, and shouts:


"Jiantong, wake up!"

"wake up!"

Shi Feng yelled at her, and when he woke up with the third sentence, "Wake up", Jian Tong was full of body and slammed agitated.

Followed, two beautiful eyes slowly opened on the beautiful face.

"I ..." looked up blankly, looking at Shi Feng.

"Woo ~" This girl, when she saw Shi Feng, started crying, Jiao's body moved, her arms flung, and she rushed towards Shi Feng.

Seeing her like this, Shi Feng did not resist, and opened her hands and embraced her.

At this time, she was like a frightened fawn, full of little woman.

"It's okay, it's okay. Everything is over." Shi Feng slapped her back, comforting her softly.

"Woo ~ Woo ~ Woo ~" Jian Tong was still crying in Shi Feng's arms, "I saw it, no, I experienced it again. Woo ~"

"What happened?" Shi Feng asked her.

"I went back there and saw the wicked people. I was running, but I found that I had no energy at all, and they killed me again cruelly."

Jian Tong answered with a cry.

It turned out that she experienced the moment of being killed, and once again experienced the horror scene of being killed.

"That old thing!" Shi Feng spit out these words again and again in his mouth.

Slowly lifting Jiantong's squatting Jiao tou, the two got up together.

Then, Shi Feng looked again at the Nine Nether Demon and the desperate old man.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" When the Nine Nether Demon gnawed at the desperate old man, he screamed fiercely.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" And the desperate old man still screamed in pain.

He was resisting and struggling, but he could not escape from the claws of the Nine Nether Demon.

Desperate old man, don't know if he started to despair ...

(End of this chapter)

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