Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3743: Sky demon magpie formation

3743 Born-1960

This time, although Shi Feng approached the 10,000 people, he knew very well that he was not relying on his own strength, but relying on the mixed Yuan battle.

It was a tie with that man.

If there were no mixed groups to hold other people, if the 10,000 people formed an attack on themselves, I am afraid that they would have escaped.

Moreover, some of those people's conversations just now, Shi Feng also listened.

Behind them, there seems to be a stronger presence.

If, next time, they come with the stronger one, they will not be able to hold it here.

It is said that the only chaotic land that has not been invaded will not be able to be guarded, and a catastrophe will come.

Next, we must improve our strength in the shortest time.

"Sky demon, slayer of demon." At this moment, Shi Feng remembered this line of sky demon again.

Now that the main materials have been collected, there are only three pieces of scarce materials from 1981.

"three item!"

Now accepting the inheritance of the Tian Yao, he already has a deeper understanding of the Tian Yao.

As long as he successfully deploys the Tian Yao Yao Mo Zhen, Shi Feng believes that his strength can be greatly improved.

and so!

Thinking of these, Shi Feng's figure flew back suddenly.

It was extremely fast, and in an instant, it flew out of the chaotic world again.

"Master!" Outside of the Yuanyuan battle, ghost resentment and Nine-Tailed Demon Ji, and Mi Li are still waiting.

Seeing Shi Feng flying out, the ghost complained immediately.

Shi Feng, who was flying backwards, turned around and looked at the three "people" below, falling down and landing in front of them.

"The Lord is mighty." Jiuwei Demon Ji Meiran smiled and said to Shi Feng.

He is in control of the Hunyuan array, and he already understands what is going on inside.

What they worry about has been resolved by this one.

Although Mi Li didn't say anything, this battle, even it, has sincerely admired this person.

This time, it was this one who kept the land of chaos.

However, after hearing the words of Nine-Tailed Demon Ji, Shi Feng shook her head and said:

"Don't be too happy, this time, just forcing them back temporarily.

If nothing else, there will be more power to attack the chaotic land.

If I don't improve my strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist it. "

When Shi Feng said this sentence, her expression and tone were extremely serious.

Ghost resentment, nine-tailed demon Ji, and Mi Li have also felt the seriousness of the situation from Shi Feng's sentence.

"Can you become stronger in a short period of time? If you need anything, we can do our best to collect it for you, despite speaking."

Mi Li, finally spoke, and said to Shi Feng.

"Absolutely poisonous leaves, primroses, vicious green dirt, as long as you look for these three materials for me, I can lay a large array." Shi Feng said.

Shi Feng said these three things, ghost resentment, nine-tailed demon Ji, Mi Li still remember.

This is exactly what he was looking for a few days ago.

To be honest, at that time, they didn't take it seriously and didn't look for it wholeheartedly.

Today, it matters, and it has become completely different.

Next, we will inevitably search for it.

Even if the whole chaos is turned over.

"The subordinates will do everything they can to find it!" Nine-tailed demon Ji said to Shi Feng solemnly.

"Me too, arrange it in the past," even Mi Li said.

This tone, listening to a guilty conscience, as he had guessed, a few days ago, he was not at all relieved.

"God Lord, I also arranged it." Nine-tailed demon Ji also said.

Later, this saw the two bodies flash at the same time and disappeared.

"These two guys didn't take the matter of replacing the main bus at all." Not only Shi Feng, but even ghost complaints were heard.

"Master, if you get those three things, can you really resist a stronger enemy attack?" Gui asked.

"I'm not sure, but there should be no problem." Shi Feng said.

"Um." Ghost nodded.

"You have to sternly explain again, these three things must be found." Shi Feng said to the ghost again.

"Ghost grievances know!" Ghost grumbled back.

"Ghost complaints recede." Ghost complaints also disappeared.

Only Shi Feng is left on this land.

Shi Feng's figure moved slightly, so she sat cross-legged on the ground.

Then an ancient scroll appeared in his hands.

It was Ning Chengjing who gave him the immortal classics.

The improvement of strength may have made a breakthrough in this day of extinction.

As a result, this ancient scroll was slowly unfolded by Shi Feng.

Shi Feng, just slowly looked up.


Tianheng continent.

It has been several months since Jiuyou Emperor led the army to fight against the Protoss and Demon.

Today's Tianheng continent is quiet.

The souls and races gradually returned to their homeland and began to rebuild.

The domains and regions of Tianheng mainland now seem so peaceful.

But today.


The entire Tianheng continent sounded a violent roar.

"Boom boom! Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"


Immediately, Tianheng continent trembled violently.

The more shocking and fierce, the long time is uneven.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Ah! Ahh! Ah!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"


Exclamation burst out, and Yu Tianheng continually rang.


Reckless continent.


A violent blast was also heard on the continent.

The whole wild land is chaotic.


God fights the continent.

Leng Aoyue, the Lord of Heaven and Famine, is proudly standing on a mountain at this moment.

His face was somber, with white hair and a white jersey on his body, rolling in the wind.

By the side of Leng Aoyue, at this moment a small figure, a baby's appearance, and three eyes, were just his friend who cultivated the way of destiny, Jiuzi Mountain Tian Gua Zi.

At the moment, the two of them are looking ahead, looking at the billowing white clouds.

In recent days, Tian Gua stared at the stars in the middle of the night, and calculated from the way of destiny that there would be major events in the war against the mainland.

Immediately after he knew it, he rushed to the heavenly wasteland and informed him about it.

At this moment, the face of Tian Guazi, who has been running the way of destiny, the face of the baby suddenly changed dramatically.

Exclaimed, "Come here!"

When he just said, "Boom!"

There was a loud noise, and the whole world was shaken.

Leng Aoyue and Tian Guazi felt that the whole sky was about to collapse.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom boom!"



The trembling sound continued, followed by a burst.

Extremely fierce and fierce.

The sky is shaking.

Even Leng Aoyue's figure looked extremely unstable at the moment.

"Boom! Boom Boom Boom!"


"Gua Zi, how does the hexagram appear?" At this moment, Leng Aoyue opened her voice again and asked.

Hearing the words of Leng Aoyue, he slowly spit out four words: "God war! Havoc!"

Chapter two

In addition to Tianheng, Manghuang, and Divine Warfare, riots have occurred in all continents at this moment.

The sky is shaking and the rumbling is constant, as if the sky is upside down.

The gods, chaos and land.

It has been three days since Shi Feng sat there.

During these three days, the retreated enemy did not attack, and the secret method recorded in the Immortal Heavenly Scriptures was almost read by him.

At this moment, Shi Feng, who was sitting outside the Yuanyuan Formation, suddenly heard "Boom!"

A blast of violent thunder blasted in this world.

Then this world is also tumultuous.

"What's going on?" Studying this immortal stone maple with all his heart, his face suddenly moved.

Subsequently, his body also rose with the violent earthquake.

Shi Feng put away the eternal heavenly scriptures, and stood up from above the earth.

The earth is still turbulent, Shi Feng, staring at the piece of mixed world in front.

Secretly said, "Might it be, the Xeon came? What made this world like this?"

However, Shi Feng did not feel that some people broke this mixed Yuan array.

"Master, what happened?" Feeling the world moving, the ghost resentment flew again and asked Shi Feng.

"I don't know what happened yet." Shi Feng shook his head slightly at him and said.

But from now until now, Shi Feng's complexion has been extremely solemn.

He has a bad heart, he has a hunch, and bad things may be coming soon.

"God Lord!" Then there was another charming call.

A snow-white figure flew over here.

It is that demon woman extreme, nine-tailed demon Ji.

Nine-tailed demon Ji, falling down, also fell in front of Shi Feng, and fell into this rioting land.

"God Lord, I have found all the three things you need." Nine-tailed demon Ji said in a voice.

When she heard the words of Nine-Tailed Demon Ji, Shi Feng's solemn complexion suddenly moved.


"Nine-tailed dare to lie to you." After the nine-tailed demon Ji said this, a mahogany box appeared in his hands.

The box was opened, and black poisonous smoke and green poisonous smoke emerged from the box.

Faintly, there is a red demon light looming in between.

When Shi Feng thought, the items in the mahogany box suddenly appeared in her mind.

It is the poisonous leaf, the primrose, the vicious green!

Shi Feng originally thought that it would be difficult to find these three things.

As a result, it was not expected that the nine-tailed demon Ji gathered these three things in three days.

It seems that I really think too much?

The Nine-Tailed Demon Ji said: "My demon clan has a forbidden area. It is rumored that one of my demon clan treasures, heavenly materials and treasures, demon clan top exercises, demon clan soldiers, all in it.

I have n’t known how many years in this forbidden area. Since the endless years, but it is full of fierce danger. Those who entered the forbidden area have not survived.

Just a few days ago, a warrior of my demon tribe, risking a lot of danger, successfully returned to the forbidden land, and successfully brought out the treasures in the forbidden land.

Among them, there are three things you are missing from God! "

Regardless of whether Nine-Tailed Demon Ji said true or false, these three things that she lacks are indeed lying in front of her.

Reach out and put the mahogany box handed over by Nine-Tailed Demon Ji into the hand.

Shi Feng's hands violently moved and a crackling sound was heard. The whole mahogany box burst from Shi Feng's hands.

"You two step back." Shi Feng said to the nine-tailed demon Ji and ghosts.


"Yes!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's remarks, Ghost Resentment and Jiuwei Demon Jidun stepped back and stayed away from the place.

After the mahogany box was shattered, poisonous leaves, primroses, and vicious greens were suspended in front of Shi Feng.

Shi Feng's thoughts moved again and again, piece by piece, heaven fluttered from his body.

It is the nine master materials that he collected for the demon demon and 78 other rare materials.

The nine main materials flew into the sky.

In nine directions, it was suspended.

Like nine fish, it slowly spins and swims in the void.

There were 981 rare materials, and the stone maple was the center, and they flew wildly.

Golden light shone on the ground where Shi Feng was.

The golden rune of the demon appeared on the ground under the feet.

At the same time, even Shi Feng's body constantly appeared twisted and twisted earth demon runes.

Flickering suddenly appeared as if resonating with the Tao Rune on the earth.

"What's going on, me, how did you feel the strong demon?"

Nine-Tailed Demon Ji is a demon in the middle of the demon family, naturally extremely sensitive to the breath of demon.

At this moment, she already felt that Shi Feng was not quite right.

This is the power of their demons.

"He, is the demon tribe?" Suddenly, such an idea appeared in her mind.

Soon, she shook her head again.

However, at this moment, she is also a bit confused.

Not only his whole body, but even this one, began to show a demon breath.

Getting stronger and stronger.


Shi Feng stands proudly. This heaven and earth is already full of demon wind, the demon is soaring, the golden demon light is extremely bright.

"Sky demon, slayer of magic!" Shi Feng murmured the words secretly.

At this moment, the power of the demon array he felt, gradually, even he felt fearful.

All the materials collected through painstaking efforts, now, he can finally successfully lay down this line of demons, and sure enough, he has not disappointed him.

However, in order for the real demon genie to appear in the world, six more demon weapons are needed.

Six monsters, no, but the power of this monster array is already very strong.

"Now!" Shi Fengdun said in a deep voice.

A white light flashed, and the mysterious Xu Mishan was sacrificed by him, rising against the wind, and instantly turned into a huge fairy mountain, suspended and empty.

Later, they saw a golden rune on the earth, and a demonized metamorphosis of the nine main materials and eighty-one rare materials, all flew towards the Sumi Mountain.

Constantly flew into this fairy mountain.

Subsequently, the golden demon light, the fierce demon wind, slowly subsided.

Shi Feng finally laid the sky demon in the middle of the Sumeru Mountains.

In the future, as long as the Sumiyama Festival is out, you can urge the demon array at any time to kill the enemy.

After laying up a demon array, Xu Mishan fell back towards Shi Feng.

When it fell, it began to shrink slowly, and finally, it became the size of a baby's fist and was printed on the palm of Shi Feng.

"Okay." Shi Feng said this lightly.

Followed, then slowly turned around again, gaze, and then stared at that chaotic world.

Next, rest assured to wait for those people to come again.

Give it a try, the power of the Sky Monster!

(End of this chapter)

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