Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3744: Battle in battle

Chapter 3744 Battle in the formation

Time passes slowly.

This turbulent world has also calmed down over time.

At this moment, Shi Feng is still unclear as to why the world was violently quake, and I still don't know what happened.

Ghost resentment and Nine-Tailed Demon Ji returned to Shi Feng behind.

Later, Mi Li also returned.

The return of Mi Li also brought back the vicious green dirt of one of the three rare materials.

It's just that the stone maple that successfully lays down the sky demon monster array is no longer needed, but it also collects the vicious green filth, which may be useful in the future.

These guys really did their best to find these things, it seems that it is not difficult.


"Is anyone else guarding the entrances to other places?" Shi Feng asked with a loud gaze, still staring ahead.

"Master, please rest assured that every entrance to the chaotic land of God is guarded.

Moreover, there is a large array of mixed elements.

The things that the Lord asked me to hand over to them, I have passed them on, and have made special instructions. Replied ghostly.

"Huh." Shi Feng nodded at the resentment.

What is transferred is naturally Jade Jane with its own soul mark.

Where there is Jade Jane, wherever enemies invade the chaos, you can pass directly through the skeleton and through the magic lamp of Solo.

It's almost foolproof.

It seems that we have to wait.

While waiting, Shi Feng took out the immortal Scripture again.

Although, the characters of the immortal scriptures have been remembered in his heart.

However, I continued to look at it and slowly realized it.

I have to say that this is not extinct, but it is really not easy.

Tianyang Xiluo, night fell.

In this way, Shi Feng and Ghost Resentment, Nine-Tailed Demon Ji and Mi Li waited for four days.

One night on the fourth day, Shi Feng suddenly changed her face and shouted, "Come here!"

Immediately, the ancient scroll with the immortal scripture recorded in his hand was put away.

He slowly raised his head, eyes, and stared at the front again.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that the chaotic world immediately became more chaotic.

"Someone else is breaking up in the Yuan Dynasty!" Nine-tailed demon Ji suddenly exclaimed at this moment.

The voice had not yet fallen, and then he cried again, "This time the force of breaking the battle is stronger than the previous one."

"Nine-tailed demon Ji, stay away." Shi Fengdun exclaimed in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Hearing Shi Feng's shout, Nine-Tailed Demon Ji and Mi Li responded at the same time.

"You two, continue to control the mixed Yuan array." Shi Feng said.

"Yes!" Nine-tailed demon Ji and Mi Li responded again.

At this moment, Shi Feng's figure moved, and once again, flew towards the violent world.

In an instant, he entered the chaotic world.

Geo-feng-shui-fire-thunder ... the energy of chaos rushed around Shi Feng.

Shuttle forward all the way through the chaotic energy.

Soon after, a number of figures appeared in Shi Feng's sight.

Come, it really is the same group.

One by one, exuding a sense of evil.

"It's you!" Immediately, an extremely cold voice came.

The two words that were spit out were the same man in the black robe who fought with Shi Feng last time.

This cold voice was filled with endless killing intention.

However, at this moment, Shi Feng's eyes did not fall on the body of weight, but looked at a middle-aged man beside him.

The sturdy figure is also wearing a black robe, with a solemn and solemn face, a white face.

The whole person showed a feeling of incomparable evil and gloom, as if just crawling out of the coffin.

At this moment, the eyes of the middle-aged man are also staring at Shi Feng, looking at Shi Feng.

"Is he?" Then, just listening to him speaking, it was obvious that his voice was dismissive.

"This is the Lord, Lord!" Yi Zhong responded respectfully to him.

"Waste." The middle-aged man spit out the word.

Then, the five fingers slightly spread, and then moved, facing Shi Feng ahead.

Shi Fengdun felt that a wicked force was covering his whole body.

His body was out of control and he flew forward wildly.

This is indeed a very strong player.

Shi Feng's figure looked extremely unstable, flying forward wildly.

"Mighty Lord!"

"Mighty Lord!"

"Mighty Lord!"


Seeing that man's shot, he made those who were able to fight the anomaly to be tied, one by one, and suddenly called out.

Lord, deserve to be Lord!

This man is really strong.

"This time, there will be no doubt!" Even the different weights secretly uttered this sentence.

A few days ago, he knew very well the strength of this person, and he knew the strength of this person.

Let everyone fight against the power of this large array, and then this one shot in person to kill this person, enough!

For this group of evil people, that person is already a mortal situation without any accident.

Weighted eyes stared at the man tightly.

He wanted to see this man die in despair.

Shi Feng, still hurriedly shuttled under a lot of chaotic energy, unstable body, just like a kite in a messy disconnection in the wind.

But at this moment, staring at Shi Feng's weight, his face suddenly moved.

He suddenly saw the man who was dying, and he grinned suddenly.

An extremely bad hunch was born in a different heart.

"Lord, be careful!" Yi Zhong cried.

However, it was too late, and the flying stone maple flickered with a white light.

A huge mountain peak suddenly appeared, toward the middle-aged man, toward the weight, and toward the group of evil people.

"Huh, dying and struggling." Facing Xu Mishan, the middle-aged man said so disdainfully.

The hand that was originally facing Xiang Shifeng slightly moved and grabbed Xu Mishan away.

Sumisan, Dun was caught in his hands.

"Lord, be careful!" Yi Zhong suddenly called out.

Immediately, he saw a dazzling golden demon light burst into the Xumi Mountain.

The ancient runes of Daemons also raged out of the mountains, densely packed, sweeping like a hurricane.

The lord suddenly moved his face, and it seemed that he finally realized something.

It's just that everything is too late.

He, and the weight around him, as well as the large figure behind him, were all devoured by the extremely violent Sky Demon Rune.

"Lord! Great man!"

"Extraordinary person!"



"This! This power!"



Shouting in horror, Dun never cried out from the crowds of people who were involved in the Tian Yao blast.

"Oh!" Shi Feng, who was unstable before, has stabilized at this moment.

Looking at the golden hurricane condensed by the rune of the demon, Shi Feng's face sneered even more.

Unexpectedly, the first use of the sky demon evil magic array, it played a great role.

Chapter two


Shi Feng shouted coldly, followed, his body moved again.

However, he did not rush to the sky demon demon array, but flew towards those evil men outside the sky demon demon array.

It was originally a battle of ten thousand people. At this moment, half of the people have been swallowed up in the sky demon.

Half of the wickedness was swallowed up, and the 10,000-strong array concluded had already been broken, and the rest of the people could not resist the mixed-yuan array.

At this moment, these people who have not been swallowed up by the demon array of evil spirits also look unusually embarrassed.

However, Shi Feng still killed these people first, and then said.

Thousands of people gathered tightly, resisting the Hunyuan array and supporting hard.

Above his face, there is a lot of strenuous effort.






However, the painful screams kept echoing.

There are people constantly in this chaotic world, destroyed by this chaotic power.

Immediately afterwards, they even saw that person, like a demon, descended in front of them.

"He ... he ... he's laughing." Someone trembled.

Shi Feng's face was indeed still sneered.

Later, he didn't talk nonsense to these uncles, white raging flames, dark mad thunder, billowing magic mist, and the power of the overcast, suddenly burst out from Shi Feng.

Like a huge wave in the sea, it surged up high, and slammed in the direction of these puppets.



"Ah! Ah!"



The sound of screams suddenly became denser and more violent.

They were embarrassed and couldn't compete with the combined attack of the Hunyuan Formation and Shi Feng's forces.

Life is constantly being destroyed.

One by one, the evil men suddenly felt extremely desperate.

Many people don't want to die, but they have no choice.

War is cruel. Human life is simply worthless.


Hunyuan out of battle.

The Nine-Tailed Demon Ji and Mi Li who are in charge of the Yuanyuan Formation have naturally sensed the situation in the formation.

Nine-tailed demon Ji's strange and beautiful face changed suddenly again.

Cried loudly: "This one, he controlled the overall situation with that demon array?"

"It seems that the turmoil of the chaotic land has been avoided again." Mi Li, also slowly spoke.

To this day, the Lord, who has become the land of chaos, has no opinion at all.

It was him who, with his true power, defended the land.

If he did not, by virtue of the strength of the original chaos, I am afraid that his own people have been beheaded.

Although said, Mi Li and Nine-Tailed Demon Ji's body, there is the mark of the master and servant.

Previously, Mi Li and Nine-Tailed Demon Ji also thought that that one would make himself a slave to him.

Now it seems that although he has the mark of the master and servant, he does not treat himself as that kind of low-level slave.

It's almost the same as before, and still has the supreme right.

Although this person looks indifferent, in fact, he is not that kind of cruel person.


In the mixed array.

The evil men remaining outside the Tian Yao array were all killed by Shi Feng and Jun Yuan.

After swallowing up their death force, blood, and soul, Shi Feng turned around and flew towards the sky demon demon array.

In an instant, he entered the demon formation.

The sky demon stalks the magic array, still the golden light, the golden sky demon runes flying wildly.

The power of terror, the power of strong defense, the power of the five elements, such as gold, wood, water, fire, and soil, continue to rag in the battle.





The sound of painful and tragic bursts continued to grow in the array.

The evil people who devoured themselves were also destroyed in this battle.

In Shi Feng's suspension, his eyes turned, and he began to look for the strange weight and the middle-aged evil alien man who joined him.

"There!" Shouted Shi Feng.

Yi Zhong and the middle-aged man were close together to counter the forces of the demon evil spirits.

In addition to the two of them, there were three beside him.

They are all good ones.

Two men in black robes and a beautiful woman in a purple-black battle suit.

And in all directions, there appeared gold armor demon generals wearing gold armor and holding various war soldiers.

Constantly fierce attacks were launched on them.

These golden armor monsters will be morphologically the same as the golden armor monsters Shi Feng encountered in the Temple of Heavenly Demons.

However, those gold armored demon generals, it was the Tian Yao who came out with his power.

Now, this demon will naturally be incomparable.

Nevertheless, all the demon generals are still very strong, and the attacks are extremely fierce.

The stunned middle-aged man followed the storm.

"Damn!" At the same time as the demon battle against the sky, the middle-aged man made this extremely fierce voice.

Strong as he was, did not expect to encounter such a situation.

"Lord, go on like this, we may all have to die here." The weightless face was extremely strenuous and told the middle-aged man.

While contending with the golden armored demon generals, they were also constantly under the impact of the Taoist forces from the sky demon.

The weight is already looking weaker and weaker.

If we continue this way, I am afraid that we will not be able to resist.

The weight is the strongest except the evil man.

He's already been like this, let alone others.

The evil middle-aged man still looked very cold.

A wave of evil power continued to erupt in him.

"I do n’t believe this evil deity. A troupe of maggots can really kill him."

When the middle-aged evil-sexing man said this sentence, the power of the evil-story erupting on his body suddenly became stronger and more fierce.

"Every struggle is futile. Wait, you must die."

And at this moment, these remnants of evil spirits heard a leisurely voice coming.

When they heard this voice, the faces of those people suddenly changed.

All eyes suddenly gathered.

A black figure slowly appeared in their eyes.

Since Shi Feng!

"You!" Seeing the man again, he spit out coldly at him.

He hated this person extremely.

"Eh!" However, just spitting out the weight of the word, he suffered another thunder from a golden thunder, his body trembled suddenly, and a painful cry came out of his mouth.

"Dead!" The evil middle-aged man who countered the mighty power, saw Shi Feng finally appeared, and drank coldly at him.

Immediately, a terrifying black hand suddenly appeared above Shi Feng.

Then, like a dark mountain, he slammed down towards Shi Feng.

If it is normal, the power launched by this strong man, Shi Feng will inevitably be hit hard.

However, here is the Tian Yao shogunate, where he controls everything.


(End of this chapter)

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