Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3746: Kill by kill


The middle-aged evil man, who claims to be "the evil demon," is still holding Shi Feng's face, head, neck, flesh ...

It's just ... Gradually, Shi Feng's metamorphic body is no longer in his power.

After the proclamation of the mystery, everything, strength, and everything in the body are constantly depleting.

Shi Feng even saw that his hair began to turn white.

There were wrinkles in that demon's mighty face, and the whole person was constantly weak, aging, and thin.

Soon, this mighty man who professed to be "the evil deity" became an incredibly thin old man.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough." The weak cough continued to cough from his mouth.

"It's over?" And Shi Feng, who was still in his hands, looked at him and sneered at the sentence.

With a perverted body, all injuries on his body began to recover at a rate that the physical body could see.

Shi Feng has to admit that the man who cast the so-called forbidden technique is indeed very strong.

If this forbidden technique can be maintained forever, he has maintained such a powerful force.

You can still kill yourself slowly.

Unfortunately, this so-called forbidden technique lasted only for a while.

The opponent he met was exactly this Shi Feng.

"Ah!" After the old age, the power was exhausted, but this evil respect was full of unwillingness, and Yang Tian shouted old and husky.

The person was not killed, and even suffered his mockery.

Think of yourself, a generation of evil respect, fierce fame, standing proud of the boundless world, looking down at the world.

Throughout the boundless world, no creature dares to speak to itself like this.

Today, I didn't expect it to end up like this.

"Hum!" Listening to his roar, Shi Feng snorted coldly.

He reached out with his right hand, and Dun grabbed the evil lord in his hand, grabbed his old wrinkled dry face.

"Dead." Shi Feng spit out the words lightly.

Blazing white flames, burned on the body of this evil lord.

"Ah!" After a scream, this person was instantly burned to ashes by Shi Feng.

After casting the ban, he was no different from an ordinary person.

A strong man who doesn't know the specific name, the existence of the Tenth Heaven Realm of Tenjin, has fallen!

This time, Shi Feng did not run the Nine Nether Gong.

After the wicked man performed the forbidden technique, the physical body was no different from ordinary people.

Therefore, for today's Shi Feng, there is no energy at all.

This battle came to an end without too many vigorous battles.

However, it can also be verified that the Tian Yao Xun Mo Zhen is really mysterious and strong.

With the formation of this material today, it is no problem to fight against the gods of the Sixth Heaven Realm.

The words of the Seventh Heavenly God of Heaven ... Well, the middle-aged evil man, after performing the forbidden technique at that time, the combat power should have reached the seventh heavenly God of Heaven.

In the face of the Seventh Heaven, Shi Feng felt unable to cope.

Those in the realm are really too strong.

However, after this battle, Shi Feng was also more aware that he was still too low or too weak.

Still have to think of a way to promote cultivation.

He knows that the Heaven Demon Inheritance is also controlled by his own power and urged by his own power.

If you are stronger, then the array you play will be stronger.

In my mind, think of these.

And just then, Shi Feng thought.

As the evil man dies, the stabilizing celestial demon array that has stabilized again disappears suddenly.

Shi Feng returned to the chaotic world of the Yuanyuan Formation.

Then the figure moved again and flew out of the large array.


In that endless land.

Ghost resentment, Nine-tailed demon Ji, Mi Li, still standing there, staring at the front quietly.

"The battle is over." At this moment, Nine-Tailed Demon Ji slowly spoke the words.

When he heard this, the ghost complained suddenly and asked her, "It's over? What's the situation like?"

"Look at it yourself." Nine-tailed demon Ji pointed to the front and said.

As soon as her voice had fallen, ghosts resented it immediately, and in the chaotic world ahead, a black figure flew out of it.

Seeing this one coming out with my own eyes, needless to say, the ghost resentment has naturally understood the victory and defeat of that battle.

"President!" Looking at Shi Feng approaching, the ghost complained suddenly.

There was a loud whistle, and Shi Feng landed in the ghost's grudges, just before my demon Ji, Mi Li.

"God Lord!"

"God Lord!"


Nine-tailed demon Ji and Mi Li also exclaimed.

Shi Feng nodded slightly and followed his right hand. Jiudao Sen Bai Yujian flew out of his hand.

It turned into three waves and flew towards Ghost Resentment, Nine Tail, and Mi Li.

Ghost Resentment and Nine-Tailed Demon Ji reached out to take Yujian.

And Mi Li directly opened his mouth and swallowed Yu Jian into the mouth like an endless abyss.

However, he did not swallow it, but put it in.

Shi Feng said, "The invaders have been completely destroyed.

Next, you will continue to guard people's entrances to the chaos and gods. If anything happens, immediately crush the jade Jane I gave you, I will definitely come immediately. "

"Ghost complaints understand!" Ghost complaints responded.

"My subordinates know." Nine-tailed demon Ji said.

"I see." Mi Liying said.

Seeing his response, Shi Feng nodded slightly, then flashed in shape.

Disappeared in front of the three Supreme Supremes of this chaotic land.

Seeing Shi Feng disappear, for a while, the three Supremes did not leave, and continued to look forward.

It wasn't until a while before the Nine-Tailed Demon Ji began to say, "Actually, I found out that this is an interesting person. What do you say?"

"Anyway, this time the chaos of the chaos and gods was prevented by him. In my heart, he is already the true master of the chaos and gods."

At this time, he kept talking too much and followed his voice.

It seems that up to this point, Mi Li can be regarded as a true recognition of this person.


Shi Feng's figure flickered and rushed to the mixed Yuan array again.

Now, he came up with this chaotic look to see what kind of situation the outside world is now.

Re-entered the mixed Yuan array, and once again shuttled between the chaotic and violent world.

But still the same, as soon as he entered the battlefield, he felt far away from the nine-tailed demon Ji.

Therefore, this mixed Yuan battle, still did not rag him.

According to the map, far beyond the north of this chaotic **** land is Tianchuan God Land, one of the Ten God Lands of the God Realms.

The gang of evil men came from Tianchuan God Land to break up the Yuanyuan array. Don't think about it too much to know. I am afraid that this Tianchuan God Land has already fallen into a catastrophe.

When the two realms collided, the weak became a humble ant.


"It's been so long, this time, so it's not broken yet?"

"Wait a minute, it should be fast.

This time, it was easy for the Lord to take the shot himself and break through the formation of the little gods. "

"But ... after the Lord entered, this time, it doesn't seem to have weakened at all?"

"It's coming! It should be coming! Do you think that the Lord can't break this battle?"


Chapter two

On the other side of the battlefield, outside the battlefield, there are still thousands of figures waiting here.

Each of these people is full of evil atmosphere.

However, compared with those evil men who entered the battlefield, their breath was much weaker.

Presumably, the power is not good, and what evil respect that person has made them wait here.

However, at this moment, they suddenly saw a black figure flying out of the large array.

The person who came out was a man in black with a cold face.

Although none of these thousands knew this person, they naturally felt normal.

Entering the Yuanyuan Formation, but there are as many as 10,000 people, it is impossible for everyone to know.

Therefore, these thousands of people naturally think that those who come out are their own.


At this moment, when those thousands of eyes were staring at Shi Feng, those people's eyes were also looking at Shi Feng.

Even the flying figure was just that.

"What's going on inside now?" Some evil people also spoke and asked Shi Feng.


After all, the players are elites.

"All dead." Shi Feng replied lightly to them.

"What, all dead?"

"All dead?"

"How can this happen?"


When he heard Shi Feng's words, thousands of faces changed suddenly and suddenly.

How could it be possible that 10,000 people led by the Lord personally ...

The Lord ’s cultivation is that it is the peak existence of the Supreme Realm.

It is rumored that although the Lord ’s upper realm is in the sixth heaven of the gods, but the two who have reached the seventh heaven of the gods in the upper realm are afraid to fight with him.

Everyone in the world knows that the Lord is in this vein, but he is in charge of an anti-sky ban.

Once the forbidden technique is performed, it will be the same!

"What the **** is going on! What's going on inside you?

How could it die with the power of the Lord. "Another evil man spoke and asked Shi Feng.

"Yeah, the last time, people of different magnitudes safely withdrew from this array. This time, the Lord entered with the people of great magnitudes, how could he die." Another evil man followed.

Although they learned from Shi Feng's mouth that the Lord was dead, many people still did not believe it.

How could that man die.

Moreover, attack this little gods world.

"I killed." Followed, Shi Feng said to them slowly.

"You killed? What a joke."

"I'm going! At such times, you should be making such jokes." When hearing the three words of Shi Feng, many evil people sighed in relief.

It turned out that I was just kidding.

I think it ’s true ...

However, there are evil people, at this moment the face becomes abnormally solemn and serious, pointing at Shi Feng, saying:

"You dare to say that the Lord is dead. Do you know that this is a sin of great disrespect?

If this matter is known to the Lord, I am afraid that you will be sentenced to death. "

His voice was a little cold.

Many evil people nodded secretly when they heard him say this.

It really is.

What's more, these jokes are out of the question.

The victim himself was taken aback by him just now.

"Oh, isn't it?" Shi Feng said indifferently with a look on his face.

"That's nature!" The person who just spoke out again.

"Ah!" However, before his words came out, there was a scream of screaming in extreme pain.

Suddenly, the evil people saw a white flame that burned directly from the person.

Bai Yan, fleeting.

That person has just turned to ashes just now.

"You!" Each one looked violently.

This man didn't agree with each other, and even killed when he said.

"Brother!" A loud scream of sorrow.

Looking at the ashes of that place, a wicked man showed great pain.

Then he glared at Shi Feng: "You! You even killed my elder brother!

My brother is not wrong. If you do this, Lord, it will inevitably make you die. "

"Ah!" However, even after the evil man with a sore face shouted at Shi Feng, he also directly burned the flames.

Immediately afterwards, the man was reduced to ashes.



Those evil men were a little caught off guard.

"Well, all of you will accompany your Lord and return to the West together." Shi Fengyou uttered such a word to them.

After hearing this man's words, these evil people gradually realized what.

He is not his own person?

He, are you kidding me?

He came out of the battle. Could it be him? He killed the Lord?

Lord, really dead?

Lord, was he really killed?







Then, screams of screams screamed in the mouths of these evil people.

Thousands of evil men, one by one, kept burning white flames.

The evil man who responded immediately broke through, but just as the figure just flew up, he instantly turned into a white fire man.

It was also immediately reduced to ashes.

A one-by-one massacre began.

These are all evil men who come to attack the chaos, and Shi Feng is naturally not polite to them.

All are dead.

A white fire was burning in front of him.

Constantly deprive those evil people of their lives.

On Shi Feng's face, there was no slight wave, just like that, she looked at it quietly.

These thousands of lives seem to be worthless in his eyes.

Screams and hushed slowly.

Thousands of evil men were all killed in the sea of ​​fire.

When Shi Feng thought, his volcanic white volcano rolled back and rolled towards him.

In the end, he was swallowed back into his body.

After the incineration of the white sea of ​​fire, the ground in front of it has become a mess and no grass grows.

After the end of these people, Shi Feng's figure suddenly moved suddenly, directly broken.

In the sky flying wildly, take a closer look, and now this chaotic world outside of God.

Today, Ning Cheng, Xiao Tianyi, and Yun Yi Meng have all been found. So, they have taken a walk in these gods.

When she went to the Demon Mountain to find the Destiny Emperor, Shi Feng saw with her own eyes that a group of unbounded animals had committed unforgivable crimes.

He wants the animals to pay the price they deserve!

Stop killing!

Killing can also make him stronger!

With the perverted Dantian, he still needs a lot of energy to fill it!

Then use the blood of those animals to slowly accumulate ...

(End of this chapter)

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