Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3753: Ride to Zhong Ao Shenzhou



Hearing the words of the Protoss, Carlo's charcoal face moved slightly.

But soon, he shook his head gently and said, "On the Protoss, this is only known to the elders. I don't know at all."

"Oh, is that it?" Shi Feng asked this sentence coldly at his words.

"Of course, my life and death are under your control, and I dare not deceive you.

Now, as long as I just want to live. Carlo answered with a serious face.

Then he said, "As long as you don't kill me, everything I know will tell you."

"No need," Shi Feng said to Carlo.

"Then, would you let me go?" Carlow asked him again quickly.

At this moment, his heart was extremely tense.

Carlo even found that he had never been so nervous in his life.

He has a great grandpa.

In the genie continent, since childhood, it has been wind to wind and rain to rain.

He alone controls the destiny of others. No one has ever controlled his own life and death like he does now.

I have never felt that death is so close to myself.

If God gave him another chance, he really wanted to stay in the genie land and not meet this person.

"Go to death." However, Shi Feng simply answered these three words to him.

"Ah!" Carlo's face suddenly changed suddenly when he heard Shi Feng spit out the word.

Full of despair and unwillingness.

"My grandfather is the great Lord Khao. That is the high priest of our spirit camp.

If you kill me, my grandpa will avenge me.

My grandfather, that is the great magician of the triple **** of heaven. His magic can destroy everything in the world.

You do n’t have to kill me. You ca n’t help but kill me. You do n’t need to provoke a great magician like my grandpa, and you will be trapped in the eternal life and chased by the Yuanling camp! "

Carlo yelled at Shi Feng, and once again moved his great grandfather out.

Seems to be looking for Shi Feng, but also threatens Shi Feng.

At this moment of despair, this is the best way of survival he can think of.

However, Shi Feng didn't care what his grandfather was.

With a bounce of his right hand, a cluster of white flames popped from his fingers and crossed the void with a small arc.

"Ah! No!" Carlow stared at the cluster of white flames with wide eyes, above his face, already terrified, and screamed.

"Boom!" The small flame fell into Carlow's body, and suddenly violently rose.

Carlow, the whole person turned into a white flame again.

"Ah ~" The scream just sounded, but it stopped abruptly.

This time, the white raging flame directly burned him to ashes, and turned into nothingness.

These invaders of the Divine War Continent, after entering the Divine War continent, acted arrogantly. How could Shi Feng save his life.

After killing this magician named Carlow, Shi Feng continued to stand proudly on Skeleton Yan's shoulders.

His eyes looked at the void in front of him, and the rolling waves at the front and bottom, surging and rattling.

Continue to hurry, listening to the howling winds.


"God of flames, obey my call, and burn the world with the power of your flames."

Hundreds of magicians headed by an old magician wearing a fiery red robe in a giant city on the mainland, arrogantly chanting their spells.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the whole city turned into a volcano.





The screams of horror continued to ring in the city.

The powerful flame is constantly harvesting life.


"God of the Glacier, come to your magical freezing power, freeze this evil world."

There is a gate in the God War continent, and the heavens and earth condense into ice instantly. Tens of thousands of people in the gate suddenly lost their interest in the ice.


These scenes are constantly happening all over the continent.

There are constant deaths.

Daodao resentment continued to spread throughout the war.


Above the endless sea, Shi Feng and Skull Yan continue to hurry.

After this period of rapid development, Shi Feng based on the map of the Divine War Continent. At this speed, it should take almost five days to reach Zhong Ao Shenzhou.

However, the closer to Zhong Ao Shenzhou, the more Shi Feng felt the ominous feeling.

I am afraid……

On the way, Shi Feng also encountered many fugitives.

Shi Feng, also asked these fugitives about some of the current situation in the war.

Even, there were several people who escaped from the proud state.

And those people answered that the evil devil and the protoss have jointly invaded China.

Today's Zhongao Shenzhou is very chaotic and very chaotic.

Many, many people have died.

Shi Feng, naturally also asked them about the situation of the Heavenly Haram and the cold and proud moon.

Their answer was that the situation in the heavenly sacred place is unknown, but I am afraid that it is already more ferocious.

Leng Aoyue, and even You Nian, have Jade Jane with their own imprint on their soul.

However, today, only five days away from Zhong Ao Shenzhou, he can't even feel those marks at all.

There is a good case, they are not in Zhongao Shenzhou.

Or in a mysterious place that I can't sense.

Or, in a powerful array.


For now, Shi Feng doesn't care about anything.

Still, first arrive at Zhong Ao Shenzhou before talking.


As Shi Feng and Skull Yan got closer and closer to Zhongao Shenzhou, they also saw more and more escape figures.

"Run! Hurry!"

"Heaven and earth are big, but now, there are demons and protoss everywhere, where can we go?"

"So, we have to run! If we don't run, we can only die."

"Ah! What should I do. These demons and protoss are really too powerful."

"It is said that even the strongest Heavenly Desolation Holy Land has fallen into calamity. Hey, I am afraid that we are fighting the continent and will return to the Dark Ages again."

"I heard that we are fighting the continent. In fact, there are also hidden super-terrorists. If there is a chaos today, it should be born.

"So, after all, it's just a legend.

Hey, is there anyone? Who knows. "

"Now in the world, where is there a safe place? Where is it! We, where should we flee!"

"Nowhere to go, nowadays, there really is no way."


Divine warfare is full of laments.





Shi Feng saw the flight of Daodao, but at this moment, only heard screams from a distance.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha, these lowly souls like God are not supposed to exist in the world.

Only our great magicians are the masters of this world.

Haha, hahahaha. "

Then burst of wild laughter.

Shi Feng's eyes suddenly re-emerged, his cold intent to kill, and then emerged on his body.

Chapter two

At this moment, Shi Feng is very close to Zhong Ao Shenzhou.

He suddenly saw ten magicians in strange costumes appearing among the people who fled forward.

They are using their magic to fight those who flee.

It is known from the mouths of the fugitives that magicians and protoss have already invaded China in a big way.

After the invasion, the large troops directly killed the strongest force in Zhongao Divine Land, the heavenly wasteland!

Then, some magicians flew out to ruthlessly slaughter the spirits of Zhongao Shenzhou.

There are billions of people in Zhongao Shenzhou, and many, many people have died tragically.

However, there are too many creatures, and the demons have no time to kill them all. Naturally, there are countless people who escaped by chance.

Escaping into this endless sea and continuing to flee, for them in the future, it can only be a step, a step.

This time the gods battle the mainland, I do n’t know how many wives have left and their families are ruined!

"Kill!" Shi Feng stared coldly at the ten magicians.





Suddenly, the sound of flames burst into flames.

The bodies of the ten sorcerers immediately flared into flames.

The exposed face suddenly filled with endless pain.





There were screams of screams, this time continuously from their mouths.




The fleeing people saw the ten powerful magicians immediately burned by the fire, and their faces were suddenly shocked.

However, they no longer thought about it and continued to urge the whole body to fly.

"Ah! That ... that's ..." Someone who fled also saw the dark skull that came on his face, and his face changed in shock, and immediately changed greatly.

Feeling the horror of that fierce stream, I felt extreme despair instantly.

Feeling yourself is about to be destroyed under that monster.

The flying figure quickly changed, and moved aside to change the direction of breaking.

However, the despair in his heart has not retreated, and such a short distance must be followed by the horrible creature.

"I am dead!" A man screamed in his heart.

He was ready to attack the enemy and completely destroy himself.

But ... Gradually, gradually, as he flies farther and farther, he flies farther and farther, he finds that the terrorist attack has not yet arrived.

"That evil creature, let me go?" The man cried again in his heart.

"It must be that the ancestors blessed me in the spirit of the heavens, leaving me this bloodline lineage to succeed.

Whoo, thanks to the ancestors! "


"That's the proud state!" At this moment, Shi Feng's eyes finally saw the front of the sea, a seemingly endless land.

It's just that now it's a messy place to look.

The buildings have all been destroyed and reduced to pieces of ruins.

That piece of land was also extremely messy. The most shocking thing was the dead body.

The figure of the fugitive still flew from the proud state.

However, after seeing Skeleton Yan, their faces changed greatly and they flew to the left and right.

In fact, Skeleton Yan is too conspicuous and horrifying in form.

"It's been to Zhong Ao Shenzhou, you can join me in Xumi Mountain," Shi Feng said to Skull Yan.

"Okay, master." Skeleton said, "If there is any need for a subordinate, the master can call his subordinates at any time."

"Well, it will," Shi Feng said.

After saying this, his mind moved suddenly.

Under him, a flash of bright white light, Skeleton Yan, had disappeared.

Shi Feng's floating void figure suddenly moved towards the proud state of China.



Along the way, Shi Feng often met the magicians who killed the fugitives. All the magicians they saw were killed directly by Shi Feng without mercy.

At this moment, Shi Feng had left the endless sea area, and officially entered Zhong Ao Shenzhou.

The power of the soul has shrouded wildly in all directions.

Misty pictures kept emerging in his mind.

"Soul Seal of Jiuyou Zhen, destroy!"


The magician who was shrouded in the power of his soul was directly attacked by this soul and shattered his soul.

Shi Feng, rushing all the way to the heavenly wasteland, killing all the way.

Originally, after entering Zhong Ao Shenzhou, the fastest way was to use the space between the cities to transmit a large array.

However ... Shi Feng flew through several cities, but saw that cities were destroyed by those guys and reduced to ruins.

Even those space teleport altars were destroyed and shattered into residues that could no longer be used.

"The humble and lowly **** war creatures, destroy them under the great magician."

During the flight, Shi Feng suddenly heard the old recitation ringing above her head.

Immediately looked up and looked up.

The power of the soul is shrouded in all directions at this moment. It stands to reason that everything is in his induction.

However, I did not expect that the old magician just now was not within the induction of the power of the soul.

The old magician was dressed in a white robe, holding a dark dead wood mage, filled with an evil atmosphere.

As his chanting sounded, Shi Feng suddenly felt that a force of devastating destruction was filling his whole body.

Yes, starting to destroy myself.

"Huh!" Shi Feng snorted coldly. Although he said that the power of the soul did not find this old man just now, it does not mean that this old man is better than him.

The flesh flickered a little, and all the forces of destruction suddenly disappeared.

"Ah! What's going on?" The strange shape on Shi Feng's body, the old magician in white robe floating above, immediately felt it.

The old face changed immediately.

He soon realized that he might have kicked the iron plate.

Thinking of this, the white old figure suddenly moved.

"Want to run?" Shi Feng said coldly.

This cold voice echoed in this world.

"Jiuyou Zhenhun Seal!" Shen Sheng drank.

"Ah!" A scream of incomparable pain screamed, and suddenly roared in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the old magician in white robe, like a big bird with broken wings, and immediately fell from the sky.

Shi Feng's body moved again, and he flew towards the other side, grabbed his hand, and grabbed the old magician who fell down.

"You ... who are you? You also practice magic power? No, yours is not magic. Come on, let me go!"

The old magician caught by Shi Feng shouted at Shi Feng.

"God King Wuzhongtian magician, this kind of strength, in the entire God war continent, can do almost anything they want."

Shi Feng looked at the old man in the white robe and said secretly.

When I first saw the old man in white robes, Shi Feng didn't know why. The old man gave himself a strange feeling.

What a strange feeling, he couldn't say ...

(End of this chapter)

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