Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3754: Black Lotus Body and Staff

3754 Born-1960

Shi Feng grabbed the back collar of the old magician, lifting it like a chick.

And his body hasn't stopped, he has broken forward quickly.

Even if he kills these demons, Shi Feng doesn't want to waste time on it.

"Let me go, it's extremely impolite to treat an old man like this.

Young man, you should know how to respect the old and love the young, let go of me. "

The old magician kept shouting at Shi Feng.

However, no matter what he called, Shi Feng ignored it.

Gradually, the old magician calmed down.

He found that although this man was breaking through quickly, his eyes kept staring at himself.

The look ... gave him a strange feeling.

"Must ... he ... he, he wanted to treat me ..." At this instant, the old magician suddenly thought of something, and his old face suddenly changed.

He knew that there were always people in the world with some special hobbies.

And this person kept looking at himself without saying, obviously ...

"Young handsome guy, I ... I'm already so old.

Don't look at me like that, I ... I can't stand it. "Said the old magician in a pleading tone.

"Huh?" Shi Feng suddenly moved to hear him.

He already heard other meanings from the words of this old fellow.

It's true that he has been watching him all the time, but it is inductive, where does that strange feeling come from.

"Old things, little nonsense!" Shi Feng said coldly to him.

In this sentence, Ling Ran's intentions are revealed.

Feeling the killing intention that made him tremble, the old magician immediately shut up.

"What is this?" Suddenly, Shi Feng caught something from the old magician.

With his left hand in claws, one claw caught above the old magician's head.

"Ah! You, don't kill me. Don't kill me!" The old magician suddenly looked terrified and screamed in surprise.

The magician of the King of Heaven's Fivefold Heaven Realm is so timid.

However, Shi Feng didn't kill him at this point, grabbing his left hand and pulling up.

"Ah!" A scream of extreme screams, and Dun screamed from the old magician's mouth.

However, Shi Feng's tear was not a tear of his head, but a shadow of extremely distorted shape.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!" The black shadow was pulled out, and the old magician kept screaming, and it sounded more violently than others.

The whole person looks very weak.

"Give it back, ah, give it back, you can't take this thing away, ah, give it back to me."

The old magician yelled at Shi Feng and begged him.

Shi Fengdun felt that after the black shadow was removed, the whole momentum of this old thing suddenly fell down, just like a deflated ball.

The power of his soul was originally peaked in the Five Kings of God.

However, at this moment Shi Feng felt it, and fell directly to a star and a demigod.

The gap is so big?

"Oh, this is his original soul cultivation. The reason why this little one-star demigod reached the peak directly was because of it."

Shi Feng said secretly, looking at the strange twisted shadow in his left hand again.

At this moment he was also sure that the reason why the old man felt strange before was also derived from this thing.

"Give me back, give me back, this is my lifeblood, I can't live without him, give it back to me, I beg you."

The old magic was still begging at Shi Feng.

Today, he is not only the spirit of the spirit, but also his whole person, is aging very fast.

Originally, the red face and old face with few wrinkles suddenly became extremely wrinkled, as if the gullies were covered with faces.

The body was shaking and convulsing like a lonely old man in the cold wind.


"Ding Ding! Ding Ding! Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

"Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

Suddenly, just listening to the crisp trembling sounds.

This trembling comes from the black deadwood staff that the old magician was holding in his hand at the moment.

It sounded like wood.

At the same time, the dark, twisted and strange object caught by Shi Feng in his hands seemed to resonate with the dark staff.

It turned out that Shi Feng was violently shaken.

It seemed to be alive, the more trembling and the more violent, even Shi Feng felt a bit unable to hold back.

However, the more things he couldn't grasp, the more obvious it was.

Gradually, Shi Feng realized that it was the dark staff, which produced an extremely violent suction, and was sucking this dark thing into the past.

"Give it back, give it back to me. Please give me back." The old magician still begged Shi Feng impatiently.

Even if Shi Feng had completely ignored him.

His voice has also become extremely husky and extremely weak, and he feels extremely difficult to listen to.

He used to be a wastewood magician in the genie land.

A member of the family, at the Academy of Magic, the word waste wood is always with him.

To this day, he still remembers the ridiculous faces, the words, hitting the words of the soul.

"Yo, waste wood, you really shame our Yolo family."

"Waste wood, not even the most basic magic, you really might as well die."

"Yuro, you are really the worst magic student I have ever met. Oh my god, how can I have such a poor student.

You will be a shame in your magic teaching career. "

"Yuro, waste wood!"


"Waste wood, Yoro!"


In my mind, there were flashes of pictures, and my ears seemed to reverberate sarcasm once again.

For countless years, these pictures and sounds can now only appear in dreams.

Since that accident, I have fallen into a magic cave.

After he got the thing, and the dark staff, he was replaced by a wastewood magician and became a college and family admired genius magician.

The brilliance began to shroud him and let him indulge in it.

Since then, no one dare to call him waste wood anymore, and those who once mocked him as magic waste wood have been defeated one by one under his magic.

Therefore, that thing is really more important to him than life.

Nowadays, he only knows that if he loses that thing, he will be reduced to the ridiculed wastewood again, but he has never thought about what will happen when he falls into Shifeng's hands.


At this time, Shi Feng no longer resisted the violent suction from the staff, and her left hand moved with the suction.

There was a crisp sound in the cricket ground, the twisted shadow and the left hand of Shi Feng, slamming heavily on the staff.

The black shadow touched the staff immediately and was sucked into it by the staff.

"Ding Ding Ding! Ding Ding Ding! Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!" The crisp sound on the staff became even more violent.

As if the whole world was shaking with the sound of this staff.

And Shi Feng's left hand was also held on the trembling wand, and with a force, he pulled it out directly from the weak old magician.

Chapter two

"Oh no!"

The staff is completely out of hand, this old magician is really crazy.

His eyes were so wide, his face was covered with extreme horror.

He really hoped it was a dream.

If it was a dream, he really wanted to wake up earlier.

However, for him, this is bound to be a dream that will not wake up.

After getting this old magician's stuff, this old man has no value to Shi Feng.

"Boom", grabbing his collar's hand, Dun burned a blazing white flame.

The white flame immediately devoured the old magician.

"Ah!" A terrible scream just came to an abrupt halt.

In this way, the old magician whose name was Yu Luo, died in smoke, leaving no trace of dust in this world.

This old man was just killing Zhongzhou creatures and was captured by Shi Feng.

Shi Feng, naturally will not let him go, let these evil people continue to live in this world.

After Bai Yan burned it, a roll was rolled into Shi Feng's body.

At this moment, Shi Feng's attention was concentrated on the dark staff in his hand.

Strands of dark and strange black smoke were emerging from the staff.

Already above Shi Feng, a rolling black cloud converged.

And as Shi Feng's body was still flying fiercely, this rolling black cloud also moved with it.

The object in hand is an invisible stone maple, full of ancient and mysterious.

Shi Feng can conclude that it is absolutely extraordinary.

However, he did not know how to use this dark staff.

"Ding Ding! Ding Ding! Ding Ding!" The sound of crisp sounds continued, and the world was still shaking.

The dark clouds on his head grew larger.

At this point, the sky can be covered, and the whole world has been shrouded in the rolling black clouds.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Shi Feng found that his body had a strange feeling, his eyes narrowed.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the black lotus, which appeared above his head without permission.

The three-headed, six-armed giant with the same appearance as Shi Feng, Dun rose to the sky from the black lotus.

Exposing the might of heaven and earth, his upper body was already submerged in the billowing black cloud.




Shi Feng suddenly heard that the three big mouths above the three heads screamed at the same time.

The rolling black cloud that enveloped the sky and the sky exploded.

"These three mouths are swallowing that dark cloud?" Shi Feng said in surprise.

Three mouths swallowed together, swallowing fast.

Soon, a large cloud of darkness covering the world was swallowed up in all three mouths.

The heavens and earth that had been darkened became bright again.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" And the three mouths continued to anger, growling in unison.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" The dark staff that had just fallen silent gave a clear "ding" sound.

The staff suddenly trembled, Shi Feng ignored it, and the dark staff flew out.


The staff rushed up towards the body with three heads and six arms.

When Shi Feng saw this, she did not chase the staff.

However, he saw that the Staff of Ascension became bigger and bigger, the closer it was to the body with three heads and six arms, the bigger it became.

Until now, it fell into Shi Feng's eyes, like a dark pillar knotted in dead wood.

With three heads and six arms, the large hand at the bottom of the right reached out, and grabbed the staff in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng felt that the momentum of this giant body suddenly changed drastically into the sky.

"Roar!" The third burst out with three roars, shaking the sky and turning upside down.

Shi Feng feels that the world is returning to chaos. It is hazy and gray, there is no sky, no land, nothing, nothing at all.

And his broken body also swayed and spun violently as the world shook.

As if, after an extremely long period of time, it seems, just for a moment.

Heaven and earth suddenly fell silent.

Everything is back to normal.

The three-headed, six-armed body has also stopped roaring, and the dark staff has not been gripped by that hand yet.

The momentum of the staff is extremely compatible with him, as if originally tailored for him, this belongs to him.

The world is calm, and at this moment, the three-headed, six-armed body also calmed down.

Suspended stone maple above his head, motionless.

It's as if nothing happened.

However, the dark staff that he clenched in his hands proved that he had gone crazy.

With a moment of thought, Shi Feng felt that the three-headed, six-armed body was under his own control, and then there was a feeling like the arm pointed.

"Began to play again." Shi Feng murmured secretly.

He had said long ago that Shi Feng would not believe this guy without his own consciousness.

"Go!" Shi Feng groaned again and again, and stopped because of the rotation just now, and then he jumped up again.

Continue to fly towards the desolate holy land at the fastest speed.

On the way, he still carried out relentless killing while breaking the air.

Whenever he meets a magician in a strange costume, he will never relent.

I really want to kill all the demon who will enter the warland!

Earlier on the endless sea, according to the young magician Carlo, the entrants of the genie continent were the strongest in the triple heaven of the gods.

In the triple heaven of the gods, Shi Feng naturally didn't look at her, but she didn't know what kind of power the gods had.


Flying fast, flying fast, flying fast again.

After Shi Feng entered Zhongao Shenzhou from the endless sea, at his speed, he flew in this Shenzhou for nine days and nine nights.

At this moment, the heavenly sacred place is finally in sight.

But ... on the way, I have long heard that the heavenly sacred place has long been surrounded by demons and protoss.

However, when Shi Feng looked at it, the area was empty and there was no half figure.

An extremely bad hunch came to Shi Feng's heart.

Tianhuang Sacred Land is different from Yinling Temple. After being surrounded, there is no army. It is known that the Fuyan ancestor was in town.

And the heavenly sacred place, with their strength of Leng Aoyue, it is difficult to contend with those demons of the spirit demon continent.

"Looks ..." Shi Feng murmured secretly, still flying fiercely.

The powerful soul force swept the past.

The scenes of the heavenly sacred place constantly appeared in his mind.

Sure enough, the desolate sacred place that once had Megatron battled the mainland has been reduced to ruins.

The sacred place collapsed, the earth was potholes, a mess, shocking, holding Feng Feng's heart tightly ...

(End of this chapter)

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