
Under Shi Feng's most violent punch, the ground beneath his feet rolled up like a tsunami in the sea.

"Roar!" The giant beast hidden in the ground also made the most violent growl under this punch.

Suddenly, a dark shadow rushed out of the earth, like a giant mountain, blasting up towards Shi Feng.

"Give me, broken!" Shi Feng drank coldly.

The fist trembled fiercely and shook above the dark giant shadow.

At this moment, Shi Feng has also seen clearly that the thing hiding in the ground is the largest and most powerful cannibal flower seen at this moment.

Suddenly, this land is the king of cannibal flowers.

Just rushed out of the ground and opened his mouth wide, and swallowed Shi Feng himself and Jian Tong beside him.

However, under the violent shock of Shi Feng's fist, "Hou! Roar! Roar!"

The entire unearthed piranha twitched violently, and the screams continued.

It is not Shi Feng's rival at all.

"I am afraid that the order of this thing has reached the Seventh Heavenly King of God!" Shi Feng said, looking at the man-eating Kao who twitched and roared.

In this fragmented battlefield of fissures, Shi Feng just now entered, and saw a dark giant piranha and a piranha.

Shi Feng, really worried about their safety and security.

If they really enter this battlefield of splitting the gods, the odds of survival are extremely low.

"Roar! Roar! Roar Roar!" Underneath, the cannibal Kao was still roaring at Shi Feng.

Shi Feng shook his fingers, a cluster of white flames, and hurled into the mouth of this cannibal Kao.


The flame ignites as it enters the mouth and spreads rapidly.

The whole man-eating Kao, all of a sudden, the whole body was full of raging white flames, like a living flame mountain.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" The roar was stern and terrible.

"Have you seen this person?" Shi Feng said coldly, and said to the cannibal Kao.

As he said this, his right hand swept through the void, and an image suddenly appeared.

Bai Hu Bai Hu, dressed in a white shirt, burly, with a mighty face, is a cold and proud moon!

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" However, after Shi Feng asked, the cannibal Kao kept roaring.

Shi Feng, and got a little response from it.

He soon saw that he whispered softly: "The demon flower that has evolved to the seventh level of the God King has not turned on its wisdom.

Then, destroy it. "

As Shi Feng's last sentence sounded, the burning white flame moved suddenly.

The man-eating Kao was immediately burned into nothingness, and it was just a smoke.

Shi Fengjiu's meditation power began to devour.

This cannibal Kao not only has no wisdom, but the power of the soul is very weak, Shi Feng is too lazy to devour.

Flaming Bai Yan turned back and returned to the body of Shi Feng.

Shi Feng, devoured its power of death and black essence.

With his right hand wiped in the void, the image of Leng Aoyue was erased again.

"Let's go!" Shi Feng sang aloud to Jian Tong.

Shi Feng suddenly made a sudden move and flew forward violently.

Jian Tong also urged his body to follow closely.


"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

However, not long after Shi Feng and Jian Tong flew out, they heard violent thunder.

Red flashes of lightning appeared from the void, slamming down.

Every lightning makes people feel extremely palpitated and extremely terrible.

All show the power to destroy the world.

"Ah!" Jian Tong was shocked, "Ah", she could feel that this lightning was enough to let his soul fly.

What's more, at this moment, Mantian Red Thunder violently split at the same time.

"This place is too dangerous to be careless.

You better go into my mysterious space. "Shi Feng said to Jian Tong quickly.

As he said this, his body moved quickly and flew over Jian Tong.

The night demon armor appeared him instantly, rolling in the mist and rushing from his body.

"嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭!" Seeing one after another, red thunder, severely split on Shi Feng.

Although these red thunders are fierce, they are still incomparable with Demon Black Thunder.

Under the physical resistance of Shi Feng, these red thunders did not cause him any harm.

"I don't." However, after hearing Shi Feng's words, Jian Tong bit his lip with a very willful voice.

As soon as her sentence came to an end, she said to Shi Feng again, "Ready!"

When hearing these two words, Shi Feng quickly realized what Jian Tong was going to do.

Immediately afterwards, the vision changed suddenly.

Shi Feng, has come to a quiet world.


"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Behind him, thunderstorms continued, making this world violently follow.

Shi Feng turned around and looked towards the other side, and saw himself, the land where the red thunder had already been located was extremely far away.

If such a distance is replaced by the former Jian Tong, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve.

Even if it does, the estimates have reached their limits and become extremely weak.

"I, terrific." Jian Tong's voice came back to his ear.

Shi Feng turned her head and looked at her, only to see her smiling at her with no sign of fatigue.

Shi Feng nodded with satisfaction and said, "Indeed, much better than before."

It seems that the ghost ghost sunflower seed is really not wasted.

"Hee hee, of course." Jian Tong smiled even more when she saw Shi Feng say so.

"In the future, I can help you better." She said.

"Yes." Shi Feng nodded.

Shi Feng does not deny that the stronger her magical power is, the more helpful she is.

"Let's go," Shi Feng said again.

In fact, he became more and more worried about Leng Aoyue.

It didn't take long for me to enter the battlefield of Divination, and then I met the cannibals, and then I met the red thunder.

This red thunder, I am afraid that even the existence of God King Nine Sky level, is somewhat difficult to counter.

Not to mention that they were the only cold and proud moon that reached the extreme.

Perhaps, when they entered that area, Tiantu fell red thunder, and the disciples of Lian Aoyue's heavenly sacred place did not necessarily die there.

"No!" However, as soon as Shi Feng's mind came to his mind, he forcibly denied it.

Followed by incomparably firm, "I believe that the boy, Leng Aoyue, will never die so easily!

Even if it is dead, it will not die in that area! "

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng and Jian Tong flew up again.

This world is extremely silent.

The two broke through the void and proceeded.

The cold wind screamed wildly.

Even Shi Feng felt some chills.

"It's cold!" Jian Tong could not help but exclaimed.

She, originally a ghost, was so happy and cold, at this moment, she exhaled a cold.

"There is something wrong with this wind!" Immediately, Shi Feng realized it!

Chapter two


Raging flames, Dun burned from Shi Feng.

This void suddenly turned into a sea of ​​white fire.

Shi Feng and Jian Tong are in this sea of ​​fire, protecting themselves with fire!

In this way, Shi Feng and Jian Tong took the sea of ​​fire forward.

"How's it going?" Shi Feng turned to ask Jian Tong in the sea of ​​fire.

"Well, it's much better," Jian Tong replied.

"Just now, what kind of wind is it? Why does it make me so uncomfortable?" She said again.

"This wind is weird, but it hurts the soul. Not only you, but me, are very uncomfortable." Shi Feng answered, looking dignified.

This can be said to be another ferocious land!

If you don't find out that the wind is blowing all the time, I am afraid that the soul will be hurt more and more.

Well, in the end, the soul is depleted, and it is gone.

Shi Feng's soul was keen and realized that something was wrong.

For others, it's hard to say.

There is another place where the disciples of Tianhuang Holy Land can die.

While flying, Shi Feng looked down at the ground.

However, no bones were seen on this land.

However, the absence of bones does not mean that there was no death.

It is possible that after seeing someone die, the bones were taken away by his companions.

"There are no special accidents. From now on, don't use your magical powers!" Shi Feng explained to Jian Tong.

"I see." Jian Tong nodded curtly and responded.

Go all the way and continue flying all the way.

Suddenly, Shi Feng frowned suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Jian Tong found the abnormality on his face and asked him.

Shi Feng did not answer, but turned around.

This turn, Shi Feng suddenly saw, in the darkness behind him, a pair of eyes appeared outside the raging white flame!

That's right, only these eyes, nothing else!

However, when he saw Shi Feng looking at it, his eyes blinked, suddenly disappearing into the void, disappearing.

"What's wrong?" At this time, Jian Tong also turned around with Shi Feng.

"Beyond the white fire, there are eyes staring at us.

When I looked at it, those eyes suddenly disappeared. "Shi Feng said to Jian Tong.

"Speaking, weird." Jian Tong said.

When Shi Feng flew with this flaming white sea of ​​flames, the power of the soul has been covering the four sides.

And the eyes that had appeared in the void just now were not swept by his soul.

Under the power of the soul, the existence of these eyes was not sensed.

However, that strange intuition told him that there was something in the back, and Shi Feng turned around and looked over, as opposed to his eyes.


At this moment, Shi Feng's soul was swept fiercely again, his eyes were looking in all directions.

The eyes that had just disappeared did not reappear.

A pair of eyes that made Shi Feng feel uneasy now.

Just at this moment, Shi Feng felt that with Jian Tong, she had left the dark place that attacked the soul.

The raging white sea of ​​fire began to roll back, and soon returned to Shi Feng's body.

Quiet! The dark void in which I am at this moment is quiet and somewhat depressing.

Shi Feng even felt that the blood in her body suddenly flowed uncontrollably, flowing faster and faster, until she began to boil.

The whole body of blood seemed to be attracted to something, boiling constantly.

It's like pouring out of your body.

"What's going on? What the **** is it!" Shi Feng said coldly.

Quickly forcibly suppressed the blood in the body.

And he didn't feel it at this moment, what was the source of power that could make his blood boil.

"It must be related to those weird eyes just now?" Shi Feng said.

"Begin again!" Immediately afterwards, the blood that had just been pressed by him began to boil again.

Even stronger and more fierce than just boiling.

Even Shi Feng's body began to tremble.

"Ah? Honey, what's the matter with you?" Looking back at Jian Tong, nothing happened at this moment.

Qiaolian has changed greatly, ask Shi Feng.

"Don't you think something's wrong with you?" Shi Feng asked her.

"I didn't!" Jian Tong answered quickly.

But think about it too, Shi Feng's blood was boiling, Jian Tong was a ghost, and she had no blood at all.

"Use your magical power ahead, we leave here!" Shi Feng said.

"Good!" Jian Tong answered.

Immediately seal your hands.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng felt that her vision changed.

This area is darker than the place just now.

"Are you better?" After coming here, Jian Tong asked Shi Feng again.

"No ... no ..." Shi Feng answered.

It can be seen that he has become more serious, and his trembling body has been trembling faster and more violently.

Shi Feng runs her whole body and wants to suppress it forcefully.

However, it can't be suppressed at all.

"Shit ... **** ... what the **** is it?" Shi Feng said fiercely, her voice trembling constantly.

"I'll try again!" Jian Tong said again.

The fingerprints, which had not been removed, slammed again.

The next moment, "Boom, boom!"

The sound of waves came from under him.

They came over a big river.

"Whew! Whew! Whew!" The river underneath, like the waves, kept rolling and violently surging.

"Give ... Get out of me!" Shi Feng shouted angrily.

Jian Tong used magical powers to make three teleportations with Shi Feng.

When she first used it, there was no change in her face, as if nothing had happened at all.

This time, however, it is completely different.

Weakness has been shown.

And Shi Feng is still the same, his body is still trembling.

Even more violent.

Shi Feng felt that the blood in her body was somewhat uncontrollable.

If this continues, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Damn! Damn it! Damn thing!" He sighed coldly and kept yelling.

Makes Shi Feng a little crazy.

"It's better not to be caught by me. If you fall into the hands of this emperor, this emperor will let you live forever and never die!" Shi Feng growled fiercely, like a wild lion.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

The river underneath kept making waves.

But at this moment, even this river started to be wrong.

The billowing waves, as if suddenly coming to life, began to gather towards Shi Feng and Jian Tong.

Instantly, transformed into a horrible water giant.

Shi Feng immediately bowed his head, and the giant hit him with a punch.

This punch seems to contain the boundless power of destruction!

"Get off!" Shi Feng angered again, and punched.

"Boom!" There was a loud explosion.

Under Shifeng's fierce force, he saw the giant, which instantly collapsed and turned into a sky full of flowers.

"Damn ghost place! Damn land! Damn things, I want you all, shattered corpses. Damn it!" Shi Feng said angrily.

"This should be, how is it good?" Jian Tong looked at Shi Feng, who was getting more and more wrong, and asked him.

At this moment, Shi Feng fell in her eyes, not only the body was shaking, but also his emotions, Jian Tong could see that he had become extremely unstable.

This will definitely not work!

(End of this chapter)

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