Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3757: Wake up all things

Chapter 3757: Waking Up The Source Of All Things


At this time, Shi Feng went back to the sky again, sending out a roar like a beast.

Later, he saw that his fists also began to dance fiercely.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"



All the power was blasted out by him, raging in all directions.

The whole world exploded, and bursts of noise broke out.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Shi Feng's violent blast, constantly passing past Jian Tong.

She was screamed in horror.

Fortunately, although Shi Feng seems to be mad, she should still have reason and the power to explode without hurting her.

Otherwise, I am afraid that Jian Tong's body of soul is directly reduced to gray.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

"Woohoo! Huh!"

After launching that wave of fierce attack, Shi Feng's tremor was much smaller.

It was just that the whole person looked very weak, and his mouth kept breathing heavily.

"What are you doing?" Jian Tong asked with concern.

"No ... nothing. Rest assured, okay." Shi Feng was still gasping and answered.

Although weak, it seems that the mood has stabilized a lot.

Although he heard Shi Feng say so, seeing his poor condition, Jian Tong was still at ease.

"Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!"

And the big river under them, the river surged once more fiercely.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a towering water column rushing out of the river, rushing violently towards Jian Tong and Shi Feng.

"Get away!" Shi Feng drunk again.

He lifted his feet again and slammed down.

"Oh!" The water column burst immediately and turned into a drop of water.

"Give me, die!" However, just after Shi Feng stepped out of the water column, another violent roar, and immediately turned around.

The fierce punch blasted out.

Where the fist passes, the space is constantly broken, and a cricket space rift has been blasted by Shi Feng.

And Shi Feng's target at this moment is exactly that pair of eyes!

Goodbye by eyes, it seems that Shi Feng's all these things really made him a ghost.

The fist of anger and fury, seeing that it was about to hit, but at this moment, his eyes narrowed, and he disappeared again.

"Boom!" An extremely violent sound boom exploded, and a huge dark hollow emerged.

"Damn!" Shi Feng spit out the words again.

At this moment, it looks very irritable.

That thing, it was so easy to reproduce, it was going to hit the eye, but it was like this ...

"Ah!" Because of the anger in her heart, Shi Feng raised her head again with a roar.

His roar, how he looked at the moment, looked extremely violent.

The space he was in, the void, and the river below him boiled more violently under his roar.

"Ah! Those are?" Just then, Jian Tong shouted again.

After hearing Jian Tong's shout, Shi Feng lowered her head again and looked down at the river.

He immediately saw that a corpse was constantly emerging from the river.

And the clothes worn by these corpses are just ... disciples in the heavenly wilderness!

At a glance, there are always thousands of floating bodies!

There are so many disciples in the heavenly sacred place who died here, and these are just the floating bodies that have not surfaced yet.

"Look down!" Shi Feng said with a grim expression, and said to Jian Tong.

"Listen to you." Jian Tong answered.

Shi Feng took the lead, and the whole person rushed down, banging loudly and splashing.

He has already rushed into this river.

Jian Tong also moved immediately and fell down.



Previously, Shi Feng was above the river, and the power of the soul could not enter the river.

At this moment, his mind was moving again, and the power of the soul had just released, and it quickly flowed back.

Still, the river cannot be explored with the power of the soul.

But ... Shi Feng discovered that after entering the river, the boiling blood in the body finally stabilized and no longer boiled.

Also, no other abnormalities!

It seems that the river can isolate the power of its soul and the strange power of that thing.

However, for this weird river, although he did not encounter any danger after entering, Shi Feng still did not dare to care.

Who knows, what lies in this rifted battlefield, this weird place.

"Wait for that girl." Shi Feng kept sinking after entering the river.

And his speed is extremely fast, already distanced from Jian Tong.

At this moment, his mind was stable, and he had naturally realized that his sunken figure was at this moment.

Waiting for Jian Tong to arrive.

However ... Gradually, gradually, he was waiting, but he never saw the red shadow.

He fell into the river, straight down without changing his position.

It stands to reason that as long as she stays down, the two can meet.

As a result ... it's been so long, but I still haven't seen her.


Shi Feng, already realized something, "Damn!"

Then coldly drank these two words, his face suddenly became cold, his body filled with murderous spirit.

He knew that under the boiling of blood, he was uneasy and out of control.

So, some sense was lost.

In such a dangerous environment, she didn't wait for her, leaving her alone in this strange river.

Lead to ...

Thinking of this in his mind, Shi Feng blame herself.

The figure suddenly rushed up, shuttled through the river.



"Jiantong! Have you heard?"

When Shi Feng rushed up, she opened her mouth and shouted.

Although it was in the river, his cry reverberated in the river.

However, under his cry, there was no response at all.

That girl really disappeared.

"Jiantong!" Shi Feng roared again, and her heart was getting more and more panic.

If this girl really has an accident like this, she will never feel at ease in this life.



The cry kept echoing, "Wow!"

Shi Feng burst out of the water from that river.

As a result, Jiantong was not seen at all.

She seemed to evaporate on this earth.

"Give her back to me! Otherwise, I will cramp your bones! I, I can do it!"

Shi Feng yelled fiercely at the river below him.

The whole person was already shaking with anger.

"Damn, here again!" Later, Shi Feng's face changed dramatically.

The blood, which was originally stable in the body, once again boiled completely and uncontrollably.

The whole person trembled violently.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Jian Tong disappeared, and he did so again. At this moment, Shi Feng was really crazy.

Burn in anger!

This weird place, those weird things hiding in the dark, Shi Feng really wanted to tear them one by one.

Chapter two

"Source of all things!"

"Source of all things!"

"Hear it, the source of all things!"


In such a weird situation, Shi Feng remembered that these years, he has been hiding in his body, but there is no source of all things.

"Oh, finally remembered me."

Under the cry of Shi Feng, a sound of laughter suddenly sounded from his body.

"You are indeed awake." Shi Feng said at the sound.

"Wake up long ago." The source of all things said.

"Then why don't you keep silent?" Shi Fengzhi asked.

"You didn't call me, why did I sing?" The source of all things said so.

Compared with the past, the source of all things seems to be a little different.

"Well, stop talking nonsense. I need your strength," Shi Feng said.

"Yes." But I didn't expect it. After hearing Shi Feng's words, the source of all things was very simple.

Followed by, he said, "Those scraps you collected can be thrown out together."

Shi Feng understood what he said!

When she first entered the heavenly wilderness sacred place, Shi Feng battled with the four strongest heavenly delinquents, such as Yuan Xiao, Li Tian, ​​and Long Ling.

To one enemy four!

At that time, my cultivation was difficult to achieve at all.

At that time, the source of all things devoured all the hundreds of artifacts that they had collected, and suddenly they had the power of a triple-strength power with one enemy and four **** kings.

As soon as I thought about it, I saw the ring of space storage, and the mountains of Xumi, one by one, one after another.

There is a gun, a sword, an axe, a flag, a spear, a tripod, a bell ...

Grade, everything from artifacts to the nine kings of heaven.

Over the years, Shi Feng did not know how many people were killed to find death, and these magical weapons were not known how much they had collected.

One by one, densely packed.

At the same time, a bright golden light flashed from Stone Feng.

The darkness of this space was forcibly expelled by this golden light.

It was also at the moment when the golden light flashed that the blood in Shi Feng's body was so stable.

The source of all things is really not simple.

Pieces of soldiers flying wildly flew towards Shi Feng.

However, as soon as he touched Shi Feng, he was instantly evaporated.

As more and more soldiers were evaporated, the bright golden light on his body became more and more dazzling.

"Ah! Ah!"


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"



With the flash of golden light, Shi Feng suddenly heard the screams of screams coming from all directions.

It seems that some hiding in the dark, Shi Feng's naked eyes and the soul's power can not sense the existence, directly under the golden light.

The power of Shi Feng's soul was swept up, and a plume of smoke rose up.

It seems that some things are not only as simple as being wounded, but are directly evaporated by the golden light, the source of all things.

At this point, the ashes disappeared.

I don't know if there are any weird eyes in this screaming thing!

Pieces of war soldiers, as if endless, are still flying out and constantly integrating.

Shi Feng can feel that the power of all things has become stronger and stronger.

It is him, the whole person, as if a sea change has taken place.

"Although they are all waste devices, this amount is really too much!" Even the source of all things, at this moment can not help expressing emotion.

"Less nonsense, devour it! I need your strength this time.

My friend, let's not lose it! Absolutely not! "Shi Feng said with a determined face.

Jian Tong, there must be no accidents! Must not!


Thousands! Thousands!

In the end, almost all the extra weapons collected by Shi Feng were swallowed up by the source of all things.

"It's this thing again, you take it back." At this time, I could only hear the source of everything again.

"Oh!" And as he rang, a ringing bell sounded immediately.

A big golden bell was shaken back, in front of suspended stone maple.

This golden bell is not his thing, it is the first artifact Shi Feng got, the God Clock of Heaven!

It was the income of the imprisoned heaven and earth in the place of death that year, and the imperial treasure of the imprisoned heaven and earth, which was controlled by the clan leader of that person.

Later, Shi Feng killed him, and the emperor **** bell fell into his hands.

In the eyes of Shi Feng, the emperor **** clock this day is just a real state of god.

In the last battle between the Four Heavenly Sacred Lands and the Yuan Xiaoxiao, the source of all things devoured the soldiers, and Shi Feng also sacrificed the bell of the Emperor God.

It was later discovered that the emperor's bell was not swallowed by him.

Thought it was missing.

However, this time, the source of all things shocked the mouth of the Heavenly God's Bell directly.

At this moment, Shi Feng naturally realized that in her eyes, although this is only the **** emperor's bell of the divine realm, there must be some secret.

"What is the origin of this bell?" Shi Feng asked the source of all things.

"I don't know." But it turned out that this guy unexpectedly answered these three words simply.

"You!" He replied this way, obviously not intentionally.

Shi Feng wants to have an attack, but think about it, it is still important to save Jiantong, and he still needs his strength.

"Okay." Shi Feng said slowly.

The mind suddenly moved again, and immediately above the divine bell, a white light shone.

It has been hidden in Mount Xumi by Shi Feng.

After knowing it's extraordinary, save it naturally.

"How do you feel?" At this moment, the source of all things asked Shi Feng.

Shi Feng felt it for a moment, already feeling that there was an inexplicable mysterious force all over his body.

"Give me, die!" He sang coldly, and sang from Shi Feng's mouth.

As he drank this sentence, he blasted forward with a single palm.

A golden mang, like a golden shock wave, rushed forward.

"Wow!" For a moment, under the golden shock wave, a loud howl sounded.

Immediately afterwards, it stopped abruptly.

This howl was just issued, it was those eyes that had been hiding in the dark.

Under the power of the source of all things, Shi Feng finally understood the location of this thing, and directly motivated it to completely destroy it!

"Gone!" Following him, his body suddenly fell, and once again, he fell into the river below him.

The whole river was flashed with golden light in an instant, and it was already dyed into a golden river.

Wherever Jin Guang passes, everything can be sensed by Shi Feng's soul power.

This river blocked Shi Feng's soul power, but it couldn't stop this more strange source of all things.

To this day, Shi Feng still can't figure out at all, what grade is the source of all things?

His potential seems to be endless, with no upper limit ...

(End of this chapter)

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