Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3763: Tianhe ancestor's helper


The horrible pressure of the fierce cold Aoyue and the crowds of the sky and frightened, shattered by Shi Feng's cold drink and the strange noise, burst!


"This power!"

"Nine Nine Saints! Help us to destroy this power! Really destroyed!"

"It's great! It's great! It's great!"

"Nine Nine Holy Ancestors are powerful! Holy Ancestors are powerful!"

"Nine Nine Saints!"


Suddenly, the disciples of the Heavenly Waste Holy Land began to get excited.

They were suppressed by that force, and they could not remember how long it was.

I just feel that a long time has passed, I only feel that every second is suffering.

Under the power, all of them seemed to be crumbling, and they felt that they might die at any time.

And they did see with their own eyes that their former friends and former friends fell beside themselves.

After that, he never woke up again and became a cold body.

All the disciples of Tianhuang feel this way, Leng Aoyue, Tianguazi, and all the strong men in Tianhuang Holy Land will not be able to get better.

Shi Feng's figure suspended above, slowly falling.

Falling into the crowd, before Leng Aoyue.

"Master ... Master ..." Leng Aoyue shouted again with great difficulty.

Followed, the whole person was soft, straight, and sat down.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!" He gasped in his mouth.

Not only Leng Aoyue, but also the other powerful men and other disciples in the Heavenly Waste Holy Land began to sit down.

It can be seen that each one is actually the end of a strong crossbow.

But in order to survive, I can only do everything I can to support.

"Aoyue, what are you doing now?" Shi Feng asked Leng Aoyue.

At this moment, he couldn't see Leng Aoyue's cultivation behavior.

However, the power to suppress them just now, but in the demigod god, and made them so.

Therefore, the real state of Leng Aoyue cannot be above him.

"Master, shortly after you left the Shenzhan Continent, Tu'er's cultivation practice stepped into the Sixth Heaven Realm of the Shenwang.

The war of God changed a lot, and Tu'er took them into this dangerous situation and survived in the danger, successfully breaking through to the Seventh Heaven of God King. "

Leng Aoyue replied to Shi Feng, and after a moment of breathing, Leng Aoyue looked better.

"Huh." Shi Feng nodded after hearing Leng Aoyue's words.

Then ask again: "Then, how do you resist the power of this large array of water?"

Even if he reached the Seventh Heaven of the King of God, even if he combined the power of all people, he could not contend with the prestige of this half-step god.

"This, thanks to Guazi!" Leng Aoyue looked at the Tianguazi beside him, and replied to Shi Feng again.

"Oh?" Shi Feng's face moved slightly, looking at the three-eyed baby who cultivated the way of fate.

Over the years, the martial art of Guazi has also made a breakthrough, reaching the sixth heaven of the **** king.

However, even with him, he can't fight against the power of a half-step god.

Seeing Shi Feng looking at him, Tian Gua Zi said: "Before the two continents collided, I had already calculated that the Great War had come.

Through a gossip, I suddenly had some kind of mysterious resonance with my passing teacher. My teacher, as if it had already been calculated, there was such a disaster in the war of God, and an artifact of destiny was hidden in his tomb! "

While Tian Guazi said these words, in his hand, he took out an extremely simple copper coin, revealing a wild and desolate breath.

It seems that this copper coin has some origins.

Let them do this kind of cultivation, constantly resisting the power of the half-step god.

"It turns out so." Shi Feng nodded.

"No matter how hard it was before, everything came to an end as a teacher." Shi Feng said to Leng Aoyue again.

This catastrophe on the mainland of Shenzhou, let him come to an end.

"End? Wait, this is the end?"

It's just that when Shi Feng just heard that sentence, he listened to the silent Tianhe Patriarch for a long time, and then made a sound.



"Tianhe! Ah! Tianhe!"


Immediately afterwards, they listened to the innocent souls above and cried out again.

"Huh?" At this moment, Shi Feng raised his head immediately, and then he saw that a black figure appeared slowly above them.

This is a man in a black robe. He looks unusually young. He looks like he is in his early twenties.

However, Shi Feng has already seen through his roots that this person has lived in this world for countless years.

A pair of eagle eyes, eagle hook noses, the whole person, revealing a fierce and evil breath.

"This guy has been hiding all the time so I can't find it. At this moment, he finally came out." Shi Feng looked at him and said coldly.

Immediately afterwards, the figure standing proudly at the bottom of Tianhe rose slowly.

"Master, be careful." Seeing Shi Feng moved, Leng Aoyue immediately called for it.

"Relax, based on this person, you can't be a teacher." Shi Feng said to Leng Aoyue.

Seeing that the master looked so confident, Leng Aoyue nodded.

Since the master is like this, then, I am afraid, I really do not take this person in my eyes.

But think about it too. For months, the strength that prevented them from breathing was broken by him.

It is enough to show that today's master, Wu Dao has reached a very strong position.

Once, his martial arts were far above him, but now, his distance from him seems to be getting farther and farther away.

"Khan, it's normal to think about it. The talent of the master is beyond me.

I can have today, but it is not thanks to the Nine Nether Ngong that he comprehended.

In the future, I am afraid that the distance between us and him will continue to increase, and the greater the greater. "

Leng Aoyue secretly said in his heart.

After finishing this sentence, he actually closed his eyes slowly in this place.

At the moment when Leng Aoyue closed his eyes, even his doppelganger also closed his eyes.

The two tired bodies seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

The eyes of the Tianhuang disciples, at this moment, once again stared at that peerless figure.

Even the ancestor of Tianhe who appeared appeared to him.

Now he has seen that he is the core of these people and the strongest of them.

"Do you have any other means, just use it. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be no chance."

Shi Feng's rising figure flew past Skeleton's skull, and continued to move upward, getting closer and closer to the Tianhe Patriarch.

"You seem to be very confident in me? The gods have a lot of practice, do you really think that in my Tianhe, you can do whatever you want?"

Tianhe's face sneered, and said to Shi Feng.

"Kill you, it's enough!" Shi Feng simply responded.

Gradually, he didn't want to talk nonsense to this guy anymore, took him down, and let him taste the torture that he couldn't survive.

Chapter two

"Haha, hahahaha, hahaha!" After hearing Shi Feng's words, this Tianhe ancestor seemed to hear a big joke and laughed.

Laughter in this Tianhe, constantly stirred.

Immediately afterwards, he listened to him again: "Sister, have you heard? Someone said, kill me, it's enough."

"Ji! Jie! Ji Jie! Jie Jie!"

After the ancestor of the river said that day, all of a sudden, the old, hoarse and strange laughter echoed immediately.

"Ah! She!"

"It's her! It's her!"

"Tianhe found her!"

"It's her! Ah! Ahhhhh!"

"What to do, it's her, she's here! We, what should we do."

"Not good, not good! Ah! Ahhhhh!"


After hearing the old and weird laughter, those innocent souls who came here with Shi Feng were riotous again.

After following the ancestors of Tianhe for so many years, they naturally understand who is coming.

It's natural to know how terrifying that person is.

Gradually, there were also grievances in my heart, and I began to regret it.

I have previously been free, and if I leave at this point, it is possible that I will not have to meet that one.

As a result ... but now ...

"Oh, it turned out to be a helper." Shi Feng grinned and said indifferently.

"Okay, don't yell again!" Then, Shi Feng sipped coldly at the ghosts.

The uproar was really annoying.

After Shi Feng drank this, all the resentful souls stopped shouting, but the grimace on their faces still showed panic, regret, and unwillingness.

Still trembling.

"Hey." Even, there are laments.

Ghosts are ghosts after all, Shi Feng is too lazy to care about them.

Gradually, a figure of old rickets slowly emerged beside the ancestor of the river that day.

This is an extremely old woman, her face wrinkled, skinny, and looks no better than those evil spirits.

There was a smile on the crumpled old face, but this smile was full of gloom. At first glance, it was not a good person.

"Brother, you promised your sister something, but you can't say anything."

The old lady, staring at the Tianhe ancestor next to her, said that the smile on her face was even worse, and there was even an ambiguous meaning in it.

At the same time, even stretched out the skinny right hand, stroking the back of Tianhe Patriarch, "Hey, hey, hey."

He laughed happily.

"Okay, when I promised to say something," Tianhe Patriarch replied to her.

When he touched him in Tianhe, there was a slight disgust on his face.

"Hey, hey, my good brother, sister knows that you will not gossip, just remind you.

However, Senior Sister is also for your hello. For so many years, you have been stuck in the realm of God King, and you can not successfully enter the God of Heaven. The old master of the dead ghost is spiritual in the heavens, I am afraid I ca n’t rest in peace.

This time, let Sister give you a good guide. Hey, Jie, Jie, Jie, under this guidance from Sister, you may be able to successfully step into the gods.

Mine, good brother. "

When the old old lady touched Tianhe ancestor to say this, and she said, she seemed a little intoxicated herself.

"It's a pair of disgusting people!" However, at this moment, Shi Feng uttered a word that directly broke that picture.

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the face of Tianhe's ancestor was cold again, and directed at Shi Feng below, said coldly:

"Sister, what nonsense are you talking about, don't hurry up and kill them all."

"Hey, junjie junjie, my good brother, sister, I know, sister, let's do it."

The old woman was not angry, and her wrinkled and disgusted old face was still smiling.

Then, looking away from the ancestor of Tianhe, he slowly lowered his head and looked at Shi Feng.

"Yo, I just found out that this little guy looks good too."

Suddenly, the old face changed again.


"Go!" Shi Feng drank this old thing, but it was really disgusting to him.

"Ji! Jie!" As the old lady sounded this laugh.

Suddenly, I saw in the river that there was a very cold wind.

Dao Yinfeng, like a cold knife, went straight to Shi Feng.

With the appearance of this overcast wind, the old lady beside Tianhe's ancestor gradually disappeared into the body and disappeared into the river.

"That's it?" Shi Feng said.

"No, that's not the case." Then Shi Feng said.

He soon saw that in this gust of wind, a thin and cold claw emerged, and each claw seemed to cut the space and everything in this world.

Suddenly, there were more and more breezes, and the claw shadows were filled, violently rushing towards the stone maple, as if to tear his whole person directly into pieces.

"Tianjin, Ertian." It seemed that he felt the power of this old lady to launch this blow.

"Broken!" At this moment, Shi Feng only whispered.

"Ah!" Under his shouts, there was an extremely old scream.

"Ah! How is it possible? How is this possible!" Then, there was a sound of extreme shock and surprise.

I saw a gust of wind and ghosts, and they all collapsed at this instant.

Among the destructive forces, that old ricket figure emerged, and it was the old lady.

At this moment, I saw the old old face covered with extreme panic.

She already realized that what her teachers and brothers provoke is not a **** and a god, but a god, she and him, can't provoke the existence!

"Why!" Not only the old woman, but also the Tianhe ancestor, his face changed a lot.

I found the old woman myself, and even promised her the conditions to benefit her, but did not expect that this old woman was so vulnerable?

It's not that she can't withstand a blow, but this person, really, is too powerful.

So powerful that even this old lady ...

"Ah! Ah! He, just drink it?"

"This one is so unbearable in front of him?"

"Grandpa, our gracious ..."


Then, the ghosts shouted again.

That panic-stricken content immediately changed again.

They really did not expect that all this happened so quickly, so suddenly.

Originally, I had expectations for this grace, but I didn't expect ...

"Disgusting things!" Shi Feng said disgustedly, looking at the old lady.

Then, a punch hit her directly ...

(End of this chapter)

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