Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3764: The Lord broke through!

Chapter 3764 The Holy Lord Breaks Through!


Under Shi Feng's fist, an extremely sad screaming sounded.

The sister the Tianhe ancestor found was directly bombarded by Shi Feng for crushing.

Shi Feng, who doesn't want this disgusting old lady, has a trace of it left in this world, tarnishing it.

"Ah!" Looking at the scene below, the Tianhe ancestor issued this exclamation.

It wasn't until now that he realized something, and his figure suddenly moved.

"Oh!" Shi Fengdun gave a chuckle when the Tianhe ancestor moved.

The ancestor of Tianhe moved, and he moved quietly.

Immediately, Tianhe's ancestor's figure was hidden in this large array of water.

It was just that when he had just disappeared, "Ah!" A painful cry screamed suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the two disappeared figures appeared simultaneously at the top.

The two are wearing black clothes, it is Shi Feng and Tianhe Ancestor!

It's just that the situation between the two is quite different now.

There was a light sneer on Shi Feng's face. The face of Tianhe Patriarch was covered with unwilling panic. His eyes were wide and his throat was already firmly pinched by a hand.

His mouth was moving, but because the hand holding his throat was too hard, he couldn't make a sound at all.

"Grab it! Eun Gong, grab this abominable Tianhe!"

"Yes! Yeah! Tianhe! Tianhe!"

"Haha, okay! Okay! Okay!"


Seeing the picture above, the evil spirits were immediately excited.

His face was very excited, and some showed his fierceness and cruelty, and some were trembling with excitement, and he laughed when he looked up.

The reason to follow this one down to the bottom of the river is to listen to that one and seek revenge on this vicious Tianhe.

Nowadays, Tianhe has been caught in this hand, the hatred for many years!

Over the years, this **** hatred is not common!






Immediately afterwards, evil spirits uttered a stern, ferocious cry.

The sharp voice is like a cold sword with a handle, which can pierce everything.

"Have you heard?" Shi Feng asked the Tianhe ancestor who was holding it.

When he said this, he grabbed the hand holding his throat and loosened it.

The ancestor of Tianhe's face was even worse at the moment, and said to Shi Feng: "Let ... let me go."

He even started begging for mercy.

"Oh." When he heard this, Shi Feng laughed coldly again, followed, pointed to the evil spirits below, and said:

"When they used to beg for mercy, can you let them go?"

What Shi Feng did not say is that those dying disciples, before they died, could this person let them go?

A white mark appeared on Shi Feng's palm, and then printed on the throat of this Tianhe ancestor.

All the strengths of the ancestors of Tianhe are sealed under this seal of the Nine Nether.

"No ... no ... don't ..." The power was sealed, and the people below howled.

This Tianhe ancestor already knew what he was going to do to himself.

Then begged Shi Feng for mercy.

Regarding his begging for mercy, Shi Feng was naturally indifferent. When he shook his right hand, he had already thrown the ancestor of the river down that day.

"Ah! No! Ah!" Tianhe Patriarch uttered a wailing wailing.

"Haha, Tianhe!"



"Tianhe, Tianhe, you have today! Haha, hahahaha."

"Howling! Howling! Howling!"

The evil spirits began to howl with excitement.

One by one, like a hungry beast, spreading its teeth and claws, and rushed towards the falling Tianhe.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Go away! Leave me away!"

"Go away!" Tianhe yelled fiercely, but he, who lost his strength, could only yell like this.

"Ah! Aah! Aah!" Immediately afterwards, this underwater world continued to echo the miserable and painful roar of the old ancestor of that day.

The evil spirits began to tear his body and began to bite fiercely.

The scene below has become extremely **** and cruel.


On that side, Shi Feng had ignored it, his figure flashed, and he returned to the bottom of the water where Lengao Yuetianhuang was all.

"Holy Ancestor!"

"Holy Ancestor!"

"Holy Ancestor!"


When Shi Feng came back, all of them shouted respectfully.

Shi Feng nodded slowly to them, and his eyes had fallen on Leng Aoyue.

Leng Aoyue sat cross-legged in the bottom of the river like this, motionless.

After this time, his breath had recovered almost.

But at this moment, Shi Feng felt a strange feeling from him.

"He, is this going to impact God King Yazhongtian?" Shi Feng secretly said.

After seeing it, Shi Feng did not call him, so he stood here and waited quietly.

Leng Aoyue, after coming to the Shenzhou Continent, lived a long time.

Only because of the peak in the continent is the pinnacle. The spirits of the continent cannot capture the power above the pinnacle.

Therefore, it has been hovering at the peak.

This is the same as the Tianheng Continent in those days. The Emperor Wu Realm is the limit.

However, Leng Aoyue has been at the peak for so many years, and the foundation has been extremely solid.

In the future, if you come into contact with deeper martial arts, you will surely be able to fly into the sky.

Then, Shi Feng's eyes turned away from Leng Aoyue, and he looked at the three-protection dharma fate of Tianhuang Holy Land, and asked him:

"Aren't you all here, Tianhuang? Are you dreaming?"

When Shi Feng arrived, he found out that Tianhuang Shengzi Younian was not here.

It's just ... when he dived before, he felt the jade jade he gave you.

What is going on here?

"Holy Ancestor, rest assured that the thought is only a serious injury, and now he is healing in the Holy Land of the Lord." Yuan Xiao returned to Shi Feng.

"Oh, that's good." Shi Feng nodded when he heard Yuan Xiao's words.

Rest assured.

Following this, Yuan Xiao said again: "Tianhuang disciples, who survived now, indeed, only us."

As far as Shi Feng knows, there were 100,000 people in Tianhuang Holy Land.

Today, there are only a few thousand people at the bottom of this river.

This catastrophe is indeed a catastrophe for the heavenly holy land.

However, all who can survive this time are the elites of the elite, and the roots of the heavenly holy land are still there!

"This time I return to God's War, I will do my best to end this catastrophe.

From now on, the Heavenly Waste Holy Land will surely be able to become the mainland of God of War, the true first force, ordering the entire God of War. Shi Feng said to Yuan Xiao.

When he heard Shi Feng's heroic words, a person all over his face, his face changed quietly.

If they are other people, they may feel like talking big.

But this one, that is the Nine Nine Saints Ancestor, the teacher of their Holy Lord.

But just now, one by one, but the strength that they were about to crush, was destroyed by his drink.

The man who had tortured them exhausted was now tortured by the evil spirits above because of this one.

Chapter two

"But it hasn't been seen in a few years, the change is so great.

How is this one repaired? "

On the other hand, Wu Fa, like a monk, dressed in white, said the second protector's words, looking at Shi Feng secretly.

In those days, when he was on the mainland of God of War, he had to guard himself in secret.

But now, it already has an absolute power far beyond its own.

It only takes two or three years to think about it.

It is really, unimaginable.

Perhaps this is the evil spirit among the evil spirits.

In fact, it is not just Yan Miu who has such thoughts, it is other people, such as Split Sky, Long Ping, Ling Yunzi ...

There are almost such thoughts.

"Under the guidance of your holy ancestors, your subordinates are convinced!" Yuan Xiao said very respectfully.

"Yue Yu, is there still no news?" Shi Feng looked at this figure, looking for the burly man.

Unfortunately, it was not found.

The angry war king Yuelu, was ordered to go to Dongyue Shenzhou, then pick himself up to the heavenly holy land.

Unexpectedly, he encountered an ambush of the Protoss strongman halfway and captured it.

After that, Shi Feng never saw him again.

This has become a big concern for myself.

If it wasn't Yue Yue at that time, I am afraid that I have already died in the joint killing of several strong men of Dongyue Shenzhou.

But did not expect ...

"After Yue Lu appeared once since the battlefield, he never saw it again.

After so many years, nowadays, I am afraid that there are already many evils. "

Yuan Xiao said to Shi Feng, shaking his head and sighing.

Yue Yu is a bold person, and Yuan Xiao has always had a deep friendship with him.

Not only fate, but after hearing the name of Yue Yu, several others were somewhat sad.

"At the end of the day, I still did not cultivate enough." Feeling Yue Yue, Shi Feng once again felt powerless and felt his own insignificance.

If you really have the power to pass through the sky, you will directly pass through the Protoss channel to the Protoss.

Yue Yu's life and death can be clearly understood.

However, now he is much stronger than before, but he has been fighting with the Protoss for many years, and he has even entered the Prosperity Channel several times. He is very clear that he is still too weak compared to the Protoss.

This protoss, from the endless years, began to battle the world.

Shi Feng is unimaginable. To what extent is the strongest of the Protoss?

How does it compare with You Tian Di, Sha Xi Ye, and Tian Yao?

And the enemies of Youtian Emperor and their few enemies, so that the existence of several of their pinnacles and strong men fell, will it be related to that Protoss?

Shi Feng didn't know that when he planned to return to Tianheng Continent, he would ask Master Huang Quan to try again.

I just don't know if that guy will tell himself.


As time slowly passed, the Tianhe ancestor above had also stopped crying.

That cruel guy has now been torn apart by the evil spirits.

Even his soul has been swallowed by these evil spirits.

These evil spirits avenged this revenge with their own hands, and even the grievances on their bodies were significantly weakened.

"Okay, go where you want to go in the future.

But I still say that, don't do evil things, otherwise if I am met, I will beat you all away. "

Shi Feng's voice echoed among the hundred evil spirits.

After hearing Shi Feng's voice, the evil spirits looked down again, and looked at the peerless figure.

"Eun Gong, please rest assured!"

"Please, Eun Gong, rest assured."

"Eun Gong rest assured."


Evil ghosts quickly responded to him.

Immediately afterwards, he saw ghosts and kneels down, bowing towards Shi Feng below.

"Thank you for the kindness and salvation of the public and the public. You must bear in mind."

Afterwards, one by one kowtowed to Shi Feng.

"Okay, let's go." Shi Feng looked at them and said.

At the same time, his right hand waved, and a soft madness waved out of him, rushing to the evil ghosts who bowed and bowed.

Under the soft madness, the evil spirits constantly flew up and disappeared.

With his power, Shi Feng sent these evil spirits out of this Tianhe, and they were all gone.

After doing this, Shi Feng started to wait.

Leng Aoyue is now at a critical moment, and he must protect himself beside him and protect him.

Who knows whether there will be any more accidents in this weird Tianhe, and whether there will be any weird existence again.

Nowadays, it's still not enough!

Gradually, Jian Tong held the Nine Nether Wraiths in his arms, and fell to the bottom of the river, beside Shi Feng.

Only the Skull Yan was suspended above him alone.

"Girl Jiantong, I haven't seen you for a long time." When seeing Jiantong, Yuan Xiao greeted her with a smile.

When Shi Feng left Jiantong in Tianhuang Holy Land for a period of time, they all took care of Yuanyuanxiao.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time, Yuan Xiao protects the law." Jian Tong also responded with a smile.

When Shi Feng was killed in Dongyue Shenzhou, she went to Tianhuang Holy Land alone to find a rescuer.

In order to save Shi Feng, she knelt for many days before the heavenly holy land.

Although, some disciples of the Heavenly Waste Holy Land, and this three-protection fate, also had some bad misunderstandings.

However, this misunderstanding, Jian Tong has long been worried.


Leng Aoyue sitting cross-legged, the breath has become more and more stable, and even more and more majestic.

As if his body was already full of power, even this power would burst out of his body violently.

This is not only the case with Leng Aoyue, but also with the other avatar.

Suddenly, the avatar flickered suddenly and disappeared in place.

When it appeared again, it already appeared on Leng Aoyue.

In the eyes of the two, I saw the two bodies, slowly overlapping together.

Two bodies, one body.

Suddenly, Leng Aoyue fluttered suddenly in his flesh, and the whole person swelled as if full of gas.

The bigger the drum, the bigger the drum.

"Ah!" Suddenly, with a roar, Suddenly rang out from Leng Aoyue's mouth.

All the rivers in this water area violently stirred up and surged again.

With this roar, it seemed that all the "qi" in the body was screamed by Leng Aoyue.

The flesh that had just bulged up for a short time, and quickly deflated back, until it returned to its usual appearance, then stopped.

A white light suddenly flashed from his body.

"The Lord broke through!"

"The Lord broke through!"

"The Lord broke through!"

"God of the Eighth Heaven, Holy Lord, has successfully broken through to the eighth of the Heavenly Lord!"


All the disciples in Tianhuang saw the white light flashing on Leng Aoyue and immediately shouted ...

(End of this chapter)

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